本實驗是以實際探勘的地質及泉水資料和文獻為基礎,對於幾個可能造成冷泉降溫的原因(岩石種類、泉水pH值、流通氣體之壓力、流速)進行實驗。我們製作了一個模擬地下泉水流動的實驗管路,此管路並可同時觀察紀錄氣壓、氣體流速,以及實驗前後模擬管路的溫度變化。透過對實驗管路的熱容量校正,我們可以找出各變因對泉水降溫的關係,以建立出一個模型,期望可套用於實際冷泉的狀況,進而推論出更多冷泉的性質。This experiment uses data and bibliography from real exploration as bases to find the possibilities of why the cool spring drops in temperature. (Mineral types, spring water's pH value, air flow pressure, and movement flow.) We created a model of underground spring water for the simulation. From this model, we could observe the air pressure, movement, and the spring's change of temperature before and after the tests. By adjusting the thermal capacity in the model, we could find the direct cause of the spring's temperature drop. And hopefully be able to adopt this model to the realistic problem, increase the effort of analyzing the natural cool spring's properties.
If we place a block in continuous, steadily flowing water, some periodic eddy currents will appear behind it. In my report, I would like to introduce a new way to explain how the periodical movement of eddy currents would help to triggering El Nino. According to my experiment, these eddy currents have a certain life cycle, and the eddy current give a force, which drag water form the area they just went by. It will cause water level became lowest for a period of time. These phenomena are also shown in the real data of “Sea Surface Height Anomaly”, it is a quiescence period, and then changes into the highest one it is interesting that highest one always follows by the starting of El Nino. Another important result from my experiment is that, in the same fluid, the frequency of eddy currents is controlled by 2 variables: Size of the block and velocity of the flow, From this result, then get the frequency of eddy current-occur every 3.2 years. It is just correspond with frequency of historical data the El Nino from the 70’s to the present.
本報告嘗試以南極繞極環流在南美洲南端產生週期性渦流脫離的現象來解釋聖嬰的發生根據水槽實驗的結果,水流在通過障礙物後渦流脫離瞬間,會形成一水位低的空區,之後在周圍的水大量湧入,水位突然升高,並有一段時間的振盪。另外,實驗結果也顯示,渦流形成和脫離頻率大致上和注水流速成正比,且和障礙物的大小成反比。根據此結果,對照實驗結果,我認為1993 年3-4 月,1996 年1-6 月及2001 年7-10 月三個「海平面高度異常」的最低值密集帶,此極可能是渦流脫離的時段。且對照「海平面高度異常」實際資料後,發現「海平面高度異常」的「最低值密集帶」後均伴隨水面「寧靜期」,接著就出現周圍暖水流大量湧入的「最高值密集帶」,此時南美洲東南側海水溫度驟增,接著馬上接續著聖嬰的到來。「海平面高度異常」分析的結果,指示渦流脫離的「最低值密集帶」和顯示著聖嬰到來的「最高密值密集帶」間約間隔半年左右。我們推算水的史托爾數約為1,以這個值代入實際南極繞極環流通過南美洲南端,得到渦流脫離的頻率約每3.2 年一次,和長期聖嬰發生的平均頻率非常接近。
本研究以模擬實驗探討波浪在斜坡海灘上的行為。實驗在長1.8公尺、寬0.75公尺的透明水波槽中進行,以長0.90公尺、寬0.60公尺的木板在深水區產生單峰波向淺水區前進,同時以數位錄影機錄影後進行分析。結果發現單峰波由深水進入淺水,波速會變慢,但當波高對水深的比值增加到一定值時,波速隨水深變淺而變快,波高也變高。當比值繼續增加,波前方的水面形成垂直的水牆,接著波就碎了。如果坡度較緩,碎波點會離水岸線較遠,水牆維持的時間也較長。有趣的是,水波槽中的單峰波移動時,有蠕動現象,波寬會伸縮,波高會起伏,波速也會些微地忽快忽慢。 ;This study simulates the behavior of the wave on a sloping beach. Experiments are performed in a sloping wave tank. A paddle wave maker at the deeper end generates single crest waves. To analyze the wave height, speed and breaking point, a digital camera is used. The results show that when the wave moves toward the coast, the shallower the water is, the slower the wave moves. But when the ratio (wave-height/water-depth) exceeds a critical value, it turns out that when the water is shallower, the wave speed becomes faster and the wave height, higher. As the ratio keeps on increasing, the front part of wave becomes a vertical water-wall, and then breaks. If the slope is gentler, the breaking point will be farther from the coast and the water-wall will keep for a longer time. An interesting phenomenon is also found that a single crest wave squirms with slightly undulated changing of width, height, and speed while it propagates in the sloping wave tank.
本研究比較2003~2005 年,冬季及夏季西經168 度之「海平面溫度異常」對「緯度」的分布圖,結果呈現在赤道附近的變動較小,在高緯度地區的變動較大,為更精確的描述此變動,將每日高緯度地區的變動以「標準差」及「最大振幅」數量化,發現在南、北半球不論2003、2004或2005 年,每7~12 天南、北半球的「冬夏季海平面溫度異常」的變動變大,上述變化在北半球較為明顯,在南半球較不規則。 與2005 年冬季1 月31 日~3月17 日的北半球地面天氣圖進行分析比對發現,溫度的變動和極地天氣系統的形成關係密切,推測原因和冬季時極地為永夜,地面空氣溫度受到兩個跟月球有關的熱源影響較大,其一為海流和極地間每日有接近2 次的潮汐交替運動,其二為月球反射日光後投射到極地時,極地大規模的冰對月光的反照,對極地微弱的加熱作用。 針對2005 年6 月1 日~7月22 日之地面天氣圖作分析,結果發現夏季緯度的溫度變異和高中低緯度天氣系統的改變關係密切,推測此時和月球對海水的吸引使地表(特別在海陸邊界)的溫度,週期性的重新分配,或對大氣應也會造成週期性的質量分配有關。 以農曆為主重製溫度的變動圖並進行比對發現,無論2003、2004或2005 年,在月相為朔及望時常出現低值。此分析結果顯示,接近朔望時,高緯度海平面溫度有較穩定且變動較小的情形。而從天氣圖、農曆標準差綜合,所得結論為地月運動應和地球上高緯度天氣系統存在某種相關性。 ;Our topic is about how the moon phase variation influences the high-latitude weather system. This study analyzes the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs), along 168°W in winters and summers from 2003 to 2005. The results show that the SSTAs varied relatively small around the equator and relatively large in high-latitude regions. So we next analyze the high-latitude SSTAs by the standard deviations, the maximum amplitudes, and the north surface weather graphs. After analyzing, the result shows that the SSTAs rise for every 7 to 12 days. Moreover, they relate to the winter high-latitude weather system very much while relating to the summer medium-and-low latitude weather system a lot. We think it’s because in winter eternal night, the sunlight won’t shine on the arctic zone easily. Other heat sources may become important: (1) the tidal movements between the ocean and the arctic zone. (2) The heat radiation of the moonlight and the moonlight reflection by the polar ice shields. But in summer, the moonlight effect becomes extremely small. The tidal force becomes the bigger influence factor: (1) the tidal attraction may distribute the temperature of the border between seas and land periodically. (2) It may cause the periodic atmosphere mass distribution. Additionally, after repeating the same experiment according to the Chinese lunar calendar, we found near full-moon and new-moon time, the SSTAs are more stable. Probably because of without the moonlight, the movements of rip-tides occur and help stabilize the polar weather conditions. In conclusion, the relative movement of the moon to Earth is likely providing a crucial heat source which will affect the high-latitude climate, and the heat source size probably influences the weather system cycle.
Ecloping Binary Stars:Statistical Analysis of Classification VS. Celestial Positioning
This research introduces a new, more efficient method of age determination for eclipsing Binary through use of celestial Positioning . Statistical Analysis of x-y plots of eclipsing Binary Stars within our, Milky Way Galaxy were conducted in order to find the standard deviation of each eclipsing binary star’s distance from the celestial equator. Before the standard deviations could be considered for comparison, the medians from each of the three s-y plots were examined. There medians had to show a value close to zero in order for the standard deviations to be relevant. A value close to zero indicates a proportional and symmetrical plot with an equal distribution of stars on each side of the plot. All three plots generated indicted a median no greater than 1/100 in distance from the celestial equator. A low standard deviation indicates young relative age. The statictical analysis calculated standard deviations of 2.41 for W Ursae Majoris, 1.77 for Algol, and 1.20 for Deta Lyrae. The statistical analyses were then compared to the previously made visual and mathematical analyses conducted in previous years’ studies. All analyses conducted conclude that W Ursae Majoris is the oldest type and Beta Lyrae is the youngest type of eclipsing binary star. This method can be implemented to greatly reduce time in studying the relative ages of individual objects and types of objects within our Milky Way Galaxy.
We study the effect of dark energy on the evolution of cosmic structure in a scenario where the dark energy is treated as free particles and thus can be localized. By theoretical derivation and numerical simulations, we found that:
1. The dark energy particles gain kinetic energy from a moving dark matter particle through gravitational interaction. Due to energy conservation, the dark matter particle will slow down with time
Ek(t) = Ek0 - 9 × 10-5[|1+3w|ρDE]1.92t where Ek(t) is the kinetic energy of the dark matter particle,Ek0 is its initial kinetic energy, w is the coefficient of equation of state for dark energy, ρDE is the mean energy density of dark energy, and t is the time.
2. The formation history and structure of galaxy clusters are different in the presence of localized dark energy. The more the localized dark energy, the earlier the formation of the cluster core. In addition, the kinetic energy Ek(R) as a function of R will be different if the ρDE is different. Thus we can compare the observed Ek(R) of clusters with our results to deduce the ρDE in our universe. The results here can be applied to the observations in the near future.
Ek(t) = Ek0 - 9 × 10-5[|1+3w|ρDE]1.92t
其中Ek(t) 為黑暗物質粒子的動能,Ek0 為其初始動能,w 為狀態方程式係數,ρDE 為黑暗能量的平均密度,t 為時間。
二、星系團的形成過程及結構,會因可局部叢集之黑暗能量的存在而改變。黑暗能量越多時,星系團的核心會越早形成。而且動能 Ek(R) 隨著至星系中心距離R 的變化,會因 ρDE 的不同而不同,因此可以將量測到的 Ek(R) 和這裡的結果比對,推導出宇宙中的 ρDE 。 這些研究成果將可直接應用在未來的觀測結果上。