




為觀察不同波長光對植物光合作用要素「葉綠素含量」的影響。實驗材料甘藹(蕹菜種、台農57號、台農64號)組織培養苗。正常光照三週,使其具備基本之根、莖、葉,再移入不同顏色雙層玻璃紙(藍光、綠光、紅光)所構成不同光質之光照環境。除觀察生長狀況外,亦利用分光光度計測定葉綠素a、葉綠素b及兩者總含量。結果顯示藍光和紅光為促進葉綠素合成之主要光譜。藍光組合成的量為對照組的 80.5%;紅光組合成的量為對照組的82.5%。更進一步利用氧氣電極測定光合作用速率。結果顯示以紅光組的光合作用最為旺盛。紅光組光合作用速率為對照組的68%。This is study dealt with how light of different wavelengths make a difference on the content of chlorophyll. The material was tissue-cultured sweet potato(Weng-tsay native variety, Ipomoea batatasL cv. Tainung 57 and Ipomoea batatas L cv. Tainung 64). For first three weeks, we exposed them under normal sunlight so that they would possess basic structure such as root, stem and leaves. Then we moved them into different illumination environments (blue, green and red light) made by double-layered glass plates. Besides inspecting their growth, we also measured the quantity of total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a, b with spectrophotometer, Hitachi U2000. The results indicated that blue and red light was the main spectrum to accelerate the content of chlorophyll. The plant grown in blue environment had content 80.5% chlorophyll of the control group; while 82.5% in red environment. Furthermore, we used oxygen electrode to inspect their rate of photosynthesis. The result showed that the red light treatment highest rate of photosynthesis among treatments, which was 68% of the control group.


我們製作了一個音準練習程式:使用者輸入聲音後,經由音頻辨識方法求出其頻譜中最高振幅之頻率,以之為音高,再將其與目標音高相較,得到其誤差率及走音程度。此外還可發出對應的鋼琴及正弦波的聲音,方便使用者校音。文中說明音頻辨識的方法,一些關於音樂的基本知識,微軟公司的wave 檔格式,及此系統之應用。我們使用FFT 辨識頻率,且將針對此部分演算法做簡單的說明,並探討如何達到所需之頻率準確度,及如何以較高效率辨識。目前誤差率已可達到1Hz 以下,判斷時間也在秒之內。儘管國內外也有一些具備相似功能之音樂編曲軟體,但其功能十分繁複,使用者常需花費數週時間學習,且價格常高至數千元,非一般使用者所能負荷。而這個程式不但使用方便,功能簡單,容易上手,且不需任何費用。We have developed a singing-practicing program: after input the sound, we judge its pitch from the corresponding spectrum; then we compare it with the selected one, and output the deviation, so that the users can see if they had been out of tune. Also, we provide the sound of the piano and the sine wave sound of the chosen pitch, which can help users get the right pitch. This report will briefly introduce the method of pitch recognition, some basics of music, and Microsoft's wave file format. In addition, we explain the application of this program. We use FFT to transform a sound wave into the spectrum, which are briefly explained in the article, too. Also we’ll discuss how to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the transformation. So far the deviation is less than one Hertz, and the recognition takes less than one second. Though there have been some commercial software with similar functions, they are often complicated to use, and cost a lot. This is not affordable to most users. On the contrary, our program is not only convenient and easy to use, but also has a simple user interface. What’s more, it costs no money!

冷熱生電-熱電效應之席貝克效應(Seebeck effect)

席貝克效應〈Seebeck effect〉是熱能與電能之間的一種固態能量轉換方式,當兩種不同性質的金屬導線之端點連接形成封閉迴路時,若兩接點間有溫差,則兩接點間可測得電壓,而因單位溫差所產生的電壓差稱為席貝克係數〈Seebeck coefficient〉。由本實驗的結果發現:溫差大小、導線特性〈熱電係數〉、導線表面有無氧化層是影響席貝克效應中電壓值及席貝克係數大小的原因。溫差越大,電壓值越大。鉑〈Pt〉與其他金屬的熱電偶導線組合之熱電轉換效能為Pt-Fe > Pt-C > Pt-Al > Pt-Sn;導線的表層若有氧化層,會造成電壓在上升過程中穩定性不佳,產生高低起伏的跳動溫壓曲線,但在較高溫差時,溫壓曲線趨於穩定上升狀態。The Seebeck effect is one of thermoelectric effect. A voltage existed between two ends of different metal wires when a temperature gradient existed between the two junctions. This means the conversion of temperature differences directly into electricity. The voltage induced was called electromotive force, EMF. The EMF generated was dependent on the properties of the wires, which formed the thermocouple and the temperature difference between the junctions. This paper was to study the effect of variety of wire combinations and geomtric properties of wires in thermocouple on the Seebeck coefficient generated. The results indicated that temperature difference, wire properties, and absence or presence of oxidative layer on the surface of wires were the factors to affect the magnitude of voltage and the Seebeck coefficient. As the temperature difference between the junctions was increased, the voltage increased. The combination effiency of conversion of temperature difference into electricity of platinum was following: Pt-Fe > Pt-C > Pt-Al > Pt-Sn. The presence of oxidative layer on the surface of wires caused instability during the process of voltage increase. It made the temperature-voltage curve up and down. On the contrary, when the temperature difference was big, the temperature-voltage curve became increased stably. The temperature-voltage curve was independent of geomtric properties of wires.


利用99%丙酮及95%酒精可以把硫酸銅晶體從實驗後的廢棄水溶液中取出來; 如同搾汁機一般,將硫酸銅結晶從水溶液中析出,其析出率可高達95.0%~90.0%。不需要外加能源,只需加入適量體積的丙酮、酒精溶劑靜置24小時不用攪拌,一顆顆漂亮的硫酸銅晶體就析出沉於底部。經過簡單的過濾及烘乾硫酸銅晶體就可以回收再利用,過濾的溶液經過簡易的蒸餾也可以回收丙酮及酒精,留在下次重複使用。如此便能解決化學實驗室硫酸銅廢液的儲存及處理。此種流程也可以用於,部分含有無機化合物的廢棄水溶液。簡易安全的操作,可回收再利用,減低衍生物的產生等,是綠色化學實驗的目標。By the use of 99% pure Acetone and 95% pure Alcohol can take the Copper Sulfate crystal out of the waste solution, as the way that juice press operates to separate the Copper Sulfate crystal from the solution. The rate or the separation can high up to 95.0%~90.0%.Without the need of extra energy, simply add proper mass of solvent like Acetone or Alcohol(refer to Result and Discussion) and place it 24 hours without stirring. Beautiful separated crystal can be recycled and ate capable to use again. By simple distillation, the filtered solution can recycle the added solvent such as Acetone or Alcohol which can also reuse next time. By doing so, the problem of storing and managing the waste solution of Copper Sulfate in laboratories of Chemistry will be solved. This procedure can also be used in parts of the waste solutions which contain inorganics. Simple and Sage operation, the capability of recycling and reusing and reducing derivatives etc., are the goals of Green Chemistry.


延續38 屆北市科展的研究主題繼續研究,針對實驗方法進行改良。用熱敏電阻、數位電錶、冰箱冷凍庫、不同水溫,測繪「冷卻曲線」探討彭巴效應。發現在80℃、60℃、40℃、20℃的不同水初溫中,初溫愈高的水,完成冷涷的時間愈短。由冷卻曲線觀察,發現初溫較冷的水比熱水有更明顯的過冷現象。由冷卻曲線觀察,彭巴效應非常明顯,並且可由曲線上準確量測結冰始末的時間。彭巴效應明顯,並可重覆實驗。這次的研究探討,有助於我未來在彭巴效應實驗的量測技術。可應用於一般家庭冷卻物品時,快速冷卻,節省時間。可找出結冰的經濟初溫範圍,提供往後各領域利用. Hot water freezes faster than cold water? It is surprising to most people, but it is true. It has been observed and studied in numerous experiments. I tried to set up an experiment to explore the so-called Mpemba effect. I use NTC, multi-meter and house refrigerator to construct cooling curve for water of various initial temperature. The Mpemba effect is discussed based on the cooling curve. I found that the benefit of using NTC is faster measurement, higher sensitivity and cooling process is not disturbed. By inspection of the cooling curve, the Mpemba effect is obvious and repeatable. The initial and final state of freezing process is easily determined. Cold water reveals super-cooling phenomena. Inspection of gas bubbles in freeze ice showed that cold water contains more gas than hot water.


This study evaluates the corrosive resistance of strong acid and base for laboratory desks including epoxy resin products, plywood, carbonate products and boards. From results,only the surface of expensive resin products can tolerate the exposure of strong acid and base. The surface of other commercial materials was destroyed with strong acid and base. The performance of laboratory-made desk surface for resistance corrosion of strong acid and base was studied. Coating with Teflon paint on the board could resistant the exposure of strong acid and base, but a drying long time was the major shortage. Some of the chitin added could improve and tolerate the scraping with knife. The results will offer to make a cheaper laboratory desk. 本研究主要是探討不同材質的實驗桌面,如環氧樹脂合成板、三合板、美耐板、一般木板等,其對強酸、鹼的抗腐蝕之極限濃度,進而研發自製經濟實用的耐強酸鹼實驗桌面。由實驗結果顯示,只有較高級昂貴的環氧樹脂合成桌面,才能夠耐高濃度的強酸、強鹼,普通的環氧樹脂桌面、三合板或美耐板其抗強酸、鹼性則不理想。若將一般木板塗以鐵氟龍漆,即可得抗強酸強鹼之桌面材質,但漆不容易乾燥,若添加適量的幾丁質於鐵氟龍漆中,則漆將極容易乾燥,可降低烘烤溫度,使木板不致因高溫烘烤而變形,此所得結果可作為製作價廉的抗強酸強鹼實驗桌面之參考。尤其本實驗所製作之板面以水果刀刮之,板面絲毫未受損,故值得我們廣為運用。


在研究水的降溫過程中,經由探討得知散熱速率與溫度有關,而根據理化課本第五章的觀念,熱量的傳遞共分為傳導、對流及輻射三種方式,因此我們根據原理歸納出,散熱速率和溫度的關係式為R(T) = K1T+K2T4-K0(詳見P.11)。接下來,我們從散熱速率對溫度的關係曲線,找出K1、K2及K0,以探討環境條件不同時,熱量傳遞方式所產生的變化。 從實驗結果我們發現,水量越少降溫速率越快,但實際上,水量少傳導和輻射的散熱面積也較小,傳導和輻射散熱的速率隨之降低,因此散熱速率反而較低。此外,我們根據降溫速率、散熱速率和溫度的關係圖及K1、K2 的變化,探討容器厚度、空氣流速、溶液與燒杯外壁顏色不同時,散熱速率的變化,並分析在不同的條件狀態下,熱量傳遞方式的改變。最後,藉由乙醇比熱之測量,進一步驗證所推導的公式。 In the research of cooling down in temperature of water, we realized that the speed of radiation relates to temperature. According to the concept in chapter 5 of Physics, the conveyance of thermal can be divided into three ways which are Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Therefore, we can conclude the relationship between radiation speed and temperature as R(T) = K1T+K2T4-K0 (see chapter 11). We can find K1, K2 and K0 from the relation curve of radiation speed and temperature to probe into the changes of different thermal conveyances under different environmental condition.


以微型實驗的方式用螯合劑:dithizone(diphenyl thiocarbazone)在四氯化碳中對金屬離子銅(Ⅱ)、鉛(Ⅱ)、鋅(Ⅱ)進行溶劑萃取與反萃取的平衡所得條件,以及由金屬離子與螯合劑結合時的莫耳數比與分離條件的探討得知,僅僅由控制溶液之pH值便可以使水溶液中的銅、鉛、鋅離子分離。於本研究中所使用之萃取光度分析法,對銅可以測至0-0.1ppm,鉛可以測至0-5.0ppm,鋅可以測至0-0.8ppm;莫耳吸光率分別為:Cu[HDz]2:4.50x104 L/moles‧cm(550nm)。Pb[HDz]2:6.85x104 L/moles‧cm(520nm)。Zn[HDz]2:9.50x104 L/moles‧cm(540nm)。其結果可做為重金屬離子廢水淨化效能之微型檢測指標。 The microscale experiment that the equilibrium of extraction and back extraction of Cu(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、and Zn(Ⅱ) with the extraction of chelate agent- diphenyl thiocarbazone(dithizone) in carbon tetrachloride were investigated. The conditions of extraction and back extraction of pH1/2 and the stability of these chelate compounds have the possibility to separate these Cu(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、and Zn(Ⅱ) mental ions in aqueous solution or in water sample mutually. The separation and determination of Cu(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)、and Zn(Ⅱ) up to 0~1ppm(Cu), 0~5ppm(Pb), 0~0.8ppm(Zn) with dithizone in CCl4 by extraction spectrophotometry has been established. The molar absorptivity expresssed in Lmol-1cm-1 was found to be 4.50x104(550nm)for Cu[HDz]2, 6.85x104(520nm) for Pb[HDz]2, 9.50x104(540nm) for Zn[HDz]2, respectively.


颱風是台灣地區常見的天然災害之一,而台灣地區複雜的地形變化,也為颱風路徑的變化投下一個變數。根據以往的資料顯示,颱風路徑受到地形影響往往是在登陸前六小時內,而颱風對台灣地區災害最嚴重的時候往往是登陸前後三小時,也就是說要是颱風路徑受到地形影響發生偏轉,則我們只有數小時的時間來進行防災的準備。本研究主要收集1987~2001年由台灣東部登陸的台風最佳路徑圖,分別統計其颱風路徑或颱風環流過山時的變化,並分類統計各種不同颱風要素(包括颱風強度、行進速度、移入角、登陸地段等)對颱風路徑變化的影響,以做為未來預報之參考。結果顯示,台灣地形的確對颱風路徑有所影響,並使颱風在接近時偏轉,偏轉角度大多在30度以內,且偏北較偏南略多。而當颱風已偏東北方向接近時(移入角小於60度)向南偏轉較多;以偏東南方向接近時(移入角大於161度)方向偏較多,顯然地形對颱風行進有阻礙作用;而正交颱風偏轉角度也比斜交颱風小。在颱風強度部分,越強的颱風路徑偏轉角也越小,颱風過山後路徑受到導引氣流影響回到原路徑的機率較低。而影響颱風移動速度最主要的因素是導引氣流的強弱,若導引氣流受到山脈阻擋時,會使颱風移動速度減慢。而台灣各地山脈高低不同,也會使某些地區出現較特殊的台風現象。例如花蓮南部及成功地區容易誘發副低壓造成分裂路徑;台東地區因颱風容易繞山而過因此偏南機率比其他地區高等。Typhoon is a natural hazard that often occurs in Taiwan. The complex terrain of Taiwan also adds to the uncertainty to typhoon tracks. Based on past data, typhoons often show changes in their tracks within six hours before making landfall, while they produce most of their damage within three hours of the landfall. In other words, if the track of a particular typhoon was to be affected by the terrain, people have only a few hours to prepare. The study collects best tracks of a total of 145 typhoons that made landfall from the east of Taiwan from 1987 to 2001. Their tracks and changes in circulation while they moved across the Central Mountain Range are recorded, and classified according to several different elements such as strength, traveling speed, incipient angle, and landfall area. The possible influence of these elements on typhoon tracks can be applied to forecasts in the future. Results indicate that the terrain of Taiwan does have an impact on typhoon tracks, and causes typhoons to turn when they approach from the east. Turning angle in most cases is within 30°, and cases turning northward are slightly more than those turning southward. When typhoons approach Taiwan from the northeast (incipient angle 160°) they favor turning north. Also, the turning angle tends to be smaller for typhoons that approach the terrain at a right angle, and the opposite is favored when the incipient angle is more acute. This suggests that the terrain of Taiwan had a blocking and deflecting effect to typhoon tracks. For results related to typhoon strength, stronger typhoons tend to exhibit smaller turning in their tracks, but they are also less likely to return to their original direction of motion under the influence of steering flow after they leave the terrain. The most relevant factor to moving speed of typhoon is the strength of steering flow, which is slowed down if blocked by the terrain. The difference in terrain elevation can also influence the motion of typhoon and cause some rather special phenomena. For instance, a secondary low is more likely to form and result in a discontinuous track if a typhoon made landfall over southern Hwa-Lien or Cheng-kung, while a typhoon has a higher possibility to be deflected southward if it made landfall over Tai-tung, the southernmost area.