


利用99%丙酮及95%酒精可以把硫酸銅晶體從實驗後的廢棄水溶液中取出來; 如同搾汁機一般,將硫酸銅結晶從水溶液中析出,其析出率可高達95.0%~90.0%。不需要外加能源,只需加入適量體積的丙酮、酒精溶劑靜置24小時不用攪拌,一顆顆漂亮的硫酸銅晶體就析出沉於底部。經過簡單的過濾及烘乾硫酸銅晶體就可以回收再利用,過濾的溶液經過簡易的蒸餾也可以回收丙酮及酒精,留在下次重複使用。如此便能解決化學實驗室硫酸銅廢液的儲存及處理。此種流程也可以用於,部分含有無機化合物的廢棄水溶液。簡易安全的操作,可回收再利用,減低衍生物的產生等,是綠色化學實驗的目標。By the use of 99% pure Acetone and 95% pure Alcohol can take the Copper Sulfate crystal out of the waste solution, as the way that juice press operates to separate the Copper Sulfate crystal from the solution. The rate or the separation can high up to 95.0%~90.0%.Without the need of extra energy, simply add proper mass of solvent like Acetone or Alcohol(refer to Result and Discussion) and place it 24 hours without stirring. Beautiful separated crystal can be recycled and ate capable to use again. By simple distillation, the filtered solution can recycle the added solvent such as Acetone or Alcohol which can also reuse next time. By doing so, the problem of storing and managing the waste solution of Copper Sulfate in laboratories of Chemistry will be solved. This procedure can also be used in parts of the waste solutions which contain inorganics. Simple and Sage operation, the capability of recycling and reusing and reducing derivatives etc., are the goals of Green Chemistry.


海水倒灌一直是台灣西南沿海地區居民揮之不去的夢靨,所以本研究的目的即根據資料了解西南沿海地區的地質、地勢、現況以及參考專家分析造成海水倒灌的可能因素後,因此設計了【模擬沿海地區海水倒灌的模型箱】,再進行【超抽地下水會導致地層下陷及海水入侵的實驗】、【了解地下水鹽化灌溉農作物的生長情形】,最後企圖找出農作物鹽化的即時處理及土壤鹽化恢復的方法,還有利用太陽能以低壓簡易蒸餾的方式模擬海水淡化的可行性,希望能解決海水倒灌的後遺症問題。Inwelling is a problem which has affected the inhabitants of the coastal regions of Southwest Taiwan for many years. This study examines the geological and topographical structure of the coastal regions of Southwest Taiwan, and considers experts’ views on the possible causes of inwelling. This information is used as the basis for designing a box for modeling inwelling in the coastal regions, experimentation to study land subsidence and inwelling caused by excessive extraction of groundwater, and examination of the impact on crop growth of irrigation using groundwater which has been affected by salinification. Finally, the study seeks to find methods for dealing promptly with the salinification of agricultural crops and for the remediation of salinified soil. In addition, solar energy is used (with a simple, low-pressure distillation method) to model the feasibility of desalinifying seawater in the region in question, in the hope that this will help to remedy some of the aftereffects of inwelling.

Ethidium Bromide 對p53 基因缺陷老鼠致癌影響

p53 蛋白是一種轉錄調控因子,其在抑制癌症的形成扮演很重要的角色。已知的報告顯示它能影響下游特定蛋白表現進而調控細胞週期或促使細胞進行凋亡作用。如此作用機制對於可能癌化的細胞在生物體造成傷害之前能被先行消滅,因此正常的p53 蛋白存在與否,對癌症的產生有很大的影響。 根據上述結果,我們想分析不同表現量的p53 是否對於致癌藥劑-EtBr所引發的癌化細胞有所影響。所以我們設計實驗,將具有正常表現量p53 蛋白的老鼠(p53+/+)與僅能表現少量p53 蛋白的老鼠(p53+/-),均塗以等劑量之致癌藥劑EtBr於其大腿皮膚上,觀察其致癌情形的差異。實驗結果發現 : 在塗EtBr 的14 隻p53+/-老鼠中,有3 隻出現了組織病變的症狀,包括脾臟腫大,淋巴組織長出腫瘤,而其他對照組(一)塗EtBr 的p53+/+老鼠,(二)不塗EtBr 的p53+/+老鼠或(三)不塗EtBr 的p53+/-老鼠都沒有產生異常的症狀。因此根據上述實驗結果進行推論,發現經EtBr 的刺激後,p53+/-的老鼠的確較其他的老鼠更容易得到癌化細胞。;p53 is a transcription factor that plays an important role in suppression of tumorgenesis. Previous reports showed it regulates cell cycle and enhances cell apoptosis by effecting specific proteins expression. By this way, the problematic tumor cell can be deleted to protect organism from tumor damage. According above conclusion, we are interested to know whether p53 plays a role involved the carcinogens-EtBr induced tumorgenesis. We compared the differences of tumorgenesis between mice express normal (p53+/+) or low (p53+/-) expression level of p53 proteins when they are smeared equal amount of EtBr on skin of thigh. In here, our results show three of fourteen p53+/- mice had pathological changes, containing spleen enlargement and lymphoma. However, other three comparisons, smear p53+/+ mice with EtBr (1), without EtBr (2) or p53+/- without EtBr(3), are normal. Therefore, We suggest that p53+/- mice are easily to obtain tumor than p53+/+ mice after EtBr treatment.


原產於西非的「神秘果」,嘗了之後,30~200 分內,所有酸苦的東西嘗起來都是甜的。在深入蒐集相關資料後,我們發現神秘果有多種特殊效果,僅擷取以下幾種感興趣之方向來研究。〈1〉使酸苦的感覺變甜〈2〉解酒〈3〉消除蚊蟲叮咬之腫、癢〈4〉抗氧化能力極強。用食鹽水可萃取出miraculin 這種醣蛋白,經由生化實驗,推測使酸味變甜為其cover 舌尖甜味味蕾之結果,分子量約為40000 左右;但在檢測過程中,發現對咖啡、黃連和肉桂,都沒有太顯著的效果,只有酸味有顯著的改變,和以往所閱讀的研究報告有出入,因此懷 疑有氧化還原等其他化學效果,將再做深一層研究。消除蚊蟲叮咬之腫癢的成分確定為小分子所致。經由Prolox 當量測定法檢測神秘果抗氧化能力數值高達4974g/nmol,比一般中草藥及蔬菜多3000 左右。使酸變甜的原因若深入研究對糖尿病患者和減肥者都是一大福音,塗抹蚊蟲叮咬藥膏也可用天然物質製作,而抗氧化能力高更對人體健康有所幫助。當台灣已大量栽植,相對於日本及美國因地寒而無法培育成功,神秘果研究可成為另一項產業發展契機。 "Miracle fruit” is a fruit from West Africa. Though it's not sweet itself, if you eat anything that is sour or bitter after eating miracle fruit, the taste will turn sweet. After researching further material, we discovered that there are many amazing functions in miracle fruit, and decided to pick up some of which to study. (1) Turning the sour and bitter tastes into sweetness (2) Relieving alcohol (3) Relieving the hurt from mosquitoes and bugs (4) An excellent antioxidant. We can extract the miraculin that changes the taste from NaCl (aq), and through the biological experiment, we guess that's because miraculin covers the sweet sensor. The molecular weight of miraculin is about 40000.According to the experiment, we found out that miraculin doesn't have a great effect on the taste other than sourness, such as the bitterness of black coffee, Coptis chinensis, and cinnamon. . It is much more different from the former report we read. So we doubt that there are some other reactions. The thing, which relieves the hurt from mosquitoes and bugs, are sure to be a simple molecule, not a protein. By the Prolox equivalent weight experiment, we found that the ability of antioxidation got to 4974g/nmol, which is much higher than the normal vegetables and fruits. The effect of taste changing is really good news for diabetics and weight reducers. And the medicine can also be made by natural material. The excellent antioxidation is helpful for our health, too. Since Japan and America cannot grow the miracle fruit because of the cold weather, developing the functions of miracle fruit seems to be another chance for Taiwan to stand out in the world.

AI 演化技術

此研究之重點在於如何建構一套人工智慧方法,人工智慧含多種進行方式,例如以類神經網路訓練近似於人腦之結構,而專家系統係於不同的科學領域內以自己之所知判斷。我們先以 John Holland 的 Genetic Algorithm (暫譯基因演算法,以下暫稱GA)的理論來實作出一套人工智慧系統之方法。Genetic Programming 係以GA為基礎之實作方法,主要的內容不出基本的演化定義;在這次的試驗中,首要為先定出程式欲演化成何種類型,在此我們先定義為排序型的演算法,經過分析實際程式之結構後定出適合基因元件的資料結構,分化為兩個部份進行,一為產生器,亦為突變,交配器,一為評審程式,亦為執行器,兩者使用相同之基本元件,再以不斷的交配和突變以達到全域最佳化。我們將兩種部份完成後,加上現有的PVM 分散運算函式庫來增加演算的速度。 Abstract The research mainly discusses AI. AI, involves in several types, for example, neural network(NN),which adopts human-like training method; Expert systems determine and make decision by what it has known. We will use John Koza's Genetic Programming theory to implement an AI system.Genetic Programming theory is based on GA. In our experiments, we have to define what kind of applications we want : a sorting application, which is divided into two parts - a producer (along with crossover and mutation operations) and an executor (along with judging operations), is an easyimplemented algorithm. Our program, also with PVM, will approaches global optimal after evolutions.


自從九二一集集大地震以後,中、小學對於防震教育是更加的重視,一次又一次的防震演習\r 還不夠,還讓學生到地震演練室去體會更逼真的地震實境。在地震演練室的下面就有一個六\r 軸動感平台,六軸動感平台的運作是各軸的伸縮長度不同而模擬地震的,而用彈簧製成的震\r 動台也可以達到模擬地震的效果,去做一些關於地震的研究實驗。地震有各種不同的震動方\r 式,多半是垂直的上下移動或是水平移動,不同的地震對於相同的建築物的影響也有所不同;\r 而地面上有各式各樣的建築物,有的高有的低,所以相同的地震對於不同的建築物的影響也\r 會有差別。\r Since the disastrous Earthquake 921 happened three years ago, the primary schools and junior high\r schools have stressed on the anti-earthquake education and training. Except for the anti-earthquake\r drills they take the students to an earthquake show room to experience more realistic earthquakes.\r Beneath the earthquake show room there’s a 6 degree of freedom Steward platform. The platform\r simulates the earthquakes by varying the length of the 6 axis. We also designed a platform by springs to\r simulate the earthquakes. There’re several types of earthquakes mostly horizontal or vertical .\r Different earthquakes have different effects on the same buildings. Earthquakes of the same amplitude\r will have different effects on different buildings.


高二上學期化學第一章,就討論到電子組態及原子光譜,雖然課本上有美麗的光譜插圖,但是觀念還是覺得十分抽象。所以老師為了提高我們學習的興趣,在實驗課中教我們自製簡易分光器,實際去觀賞各種光源及有色溶液的光譜,觀賞過程我們發現下列的問題:(1)為何一般離子是帶狀光譜,而MnO4- 光譜卻像線光譜?(2)MnO4- (深紫)和Mn2+(幾近無色),兩者顏色差異很大。是否與Mn 離子是否單獨存在有關係?(3)而另外CrO42- (黃)、Cr2O72- (橙)和Cr3+(深藍色),三者顏色差異,是否與MnO4- 和Mn2+原因類似?為了尋找這些答案,於是開始了這個題目研究的過程。這期間我們花了很多時間與方法,嘗試將肉眼觀察到的影像,在自設的簡單暗房中,將光柵卡在數位相機的鏡頭前,以腳架或翻拍架拍攝下來。另外我們也應用到高三上學期平衡常數測定實驗中比色法的觀念,以及物理學上單狹縫繞射的觀念,使課本中的理論與實驗研究相互結合!最後我們藉分光光譜儀測定各有色溶液的可見光吸收光譜,再去定量分析這些有色溶液的顏色深淺,並查閱相關的文獻資料。最後發現MnO4-應該是一種電荷傳遞的遷移,所引起特別深顏色的現象。 至於CrO42- 、Cr2O72- 和Cr3+三者顏色比較上是否和MnO4- 和Mn2+一樣的情形?我們推測應該也是如此!初見Cr3+有很深的顏色時,的確嚇了一跳,不過最後我們還是從它們的可見光吸收光譜中發現: CrO42- 、Cr2O72- 在λmax 的吸光度比Cr3+還要大!但是為何肉眼觀察到的Cr3+顏色會比較深?那是因為我們視覺上對藍綠色比較敏感的緣故!請參考表一。 We have discussed some electronic configurations and atomic spectrums in chemistry class. Although there were a few beautiful spectrums in textbook , but it’s difficult to understand. So we made a simple spectroscope by ourselves to observe spectrums of different light source and color solution . After some observation we have found some problems below : (1)Why the spectrum of color solution is band spectrum , but the spectrum of permanganate ion (MnO4- ) like line spectrum? (2)MnO4- (deep purple)and Mn2+(pink), their color are different very much. Is it because of the lone existence and binding with oxygen atom of manganese ion? (3)Additionally CrO42- (yellow)、Cr2O72- (orange)、Cr3+(deep blue),Are their color’s difference same as MnO4- and Mn2+? In order to solve it , we started to do the reasrech. We tested different methods much time to record . Finally , We found a good method . That’s placed a grating in front of the digital camera len to take single slit diffraction spectrum pictures in the dark space. Additionally we used spectrophotometer to measure the visible light absorption spectrum. We compared and matched with single slit diffraction spectrums and visible light absorption spectrums. Then we found the intense color of MnO4- due to charge transfer in reference book. How about color’s difference between CrO42- 、Cr2O72- 、Cr3+group and MnO4、 Mn2+ group? We guess they had the same result . We can find the λmax of CrO42- 、Cr2O72- is larger than Cr3+ from the absorption spectrum. But the observation from naked eyes was inverse . This is owing to our vision is more sensitive to blue color. Refer Table 1.


在我們的這主題中,以單擺為主要研究對象,利用數值方法寫成計算程式,並藉 以整理運用繪圖軟圖,描繪其運動的模式之物理意義,便是我們此主題的重點所在, 並且我們更深入於實際物理情況中,消耗力或摩擦力終將阻滯運動以迄振動不再發 生。我們一開始利用RK4 數值方法將單擺運動方程寫成Visual Basic 6.0 計算程式來解 其運動方程得到等時距之角度及角速度,再藉由Matlab5.3 繪出我們想要的圖形―角度 與時間,角速度與時間以及角速度和角度之相圖。所得的圖形中,也分為有或無阻尼, 每項中又有不同的討論,如:在已知的任何一個初始狀態下,其擺動的情況當然也有 互相之對照比較,最終得出精采的結果:且將單擺作了完整且一般性的分析。因為此 番分析研究是屬理論性,雖然實驗之佐證但我們藉由Easy Java Simulation(台灣師範大 學黃福坤教授在http://所提供免費下載)製作動畫來驗證了我們 所得的結果是十分正確無誤【它只能得到各初始條件下之單一圖形,而我們的方法可 以將各單一相圖統整成相平面及相空間並分類】


I’ve heard a report on the internet that there are mites on the face, even a clean face, and I took an interest in doing a research. First, I found that on the face is Demodex, which lives and depends on human beings; besides, nearly seventy percent of people have these mites on their faces. To know more about the habit of Demodex, I sampled forty people of both sexes and different ages. The analysis, not correlating with sex and times of face washing, showed that more mites are found on the forehead than on other parts of the face, and there is more probability to find Demodex on the face of those who are older, those who have oily skin, and those who suffer from acne. I also observed that these mites are photonegative, often gather together in the hair follicles, and feed on sebum. Moved from the human body, Demodex is livelier in sesame oil than in other kinds of oils, but its life ends in about eight to ten hours and dissolutes at last. In addition, I tried to devitalize Demodex by various kinds of medicine, cleansers and cosmetics, but only those containing sulfer, eau de parfum, and the essence of rosemary or lavender are efficacious. 網路傳聞乾淨的臉上也有蟲,引起我探索的興趣,查探後發現是和人類片利共生的毛囊 蠕形?和皮脂蠕形?,初步調查顯示近70%的人臉上都有蟲。為了更了解蟲的習性,以年齡 與性別區分共在40 人臉上採集樣本,統整結果得知,額頭比其他臉上部位多、年齡越大、膚 質油的發現機率較大,但不受面皰多寡、性別、洗臉次數等影響;觀察後發現蠕形?以人類 的皮脂為食,經常群聚在人體毛囊中,離開人體後在芝麻香油中活動力較佳,但約8~10 小時 後就死亡分解導致無法繼續觀察其生活史,對光有明顯的負趨光性,最後試著用各種藥品減 低蟲的生命力,以薰衣草、迷迭香精油、毒藥香水和蜜花沉澱硫等較有效。


從研究抑制乙烯的實驗中碰巧得到的靈感,讓我們找到了水果中一種不可思議的變化,水果在撞擊之後乙烯量會增加,因而帶動水果的糖度上升,甜度增加!! 我們利用水果內的逆境機制,使得水果在外界刺激之下(如:撞擊),出現加速成熟的效果。我們經由多次的實驗,在各種水果的數據中,分析變甜的原因,及與乙烯量增加、pH 值下降的相互關係。並且找出除了搖動外,其他可以使水果糖度增加的方式。有了這些方法,我們可以在家中自行加工水果,使未成熟的水果快速成熟、使已經成熟的水果更甜,再也不會因非產季而妨礙到吃的興致!! We get an inspiration form the experiment for controlling ethylene. We find an unimaginably different change of fruits. After ramming, the amount of ethylene in the fruit will increase. This makes the sweet degree of the fruit increase, and it tastes more sweetly!! With adversity system of fruit, we make fruit ripe quickly by external excitement.(ex: ram)Through many experiments and the data of all kinds of fruits, we can assay the reason for fruits’ becoming sweeter, and interrelation between increasing ethylene and decreasing pH value. And find other ways except for shaking to make sugar degree rise. With these ways, we can process fruits by ourselves at home. We can make unripe fruit mature quickly, make ripe fruit sweeter, and we will no longer be obstructed to eat fruit even if it won’t be produced in that season.