

Developing Swarm Intelligence with Flying Robots for Life Saving

Purpose of the research I had a bicycle accident eight months ago and I suffered an opened humeral fracture. I wasn’t able to get up on my feet, I had to suffer on the ground while a couple accidentally walked there, and they called the emergency services, I lost a lot of blood and the doctors had to cut a small piece of muscle out of my biceps. Now this shouldn’t have happened if there were a faster method on making first aid. Example an intelligent flying robot could easily handle this situation. Procedures There is a hexcopter and a quadcopter. Both of them has cameras with live image transmissions in Full HD and they also have GPS. They are equipped with a lot of sensors (image recognition with Raspberry Pi, 6 axis distance sensors, long range communication modules) and with these they are able to solve problems just a bird or a human does. These drones can communicate up to 1.8 kilometers, they communicate with the main server, they share their knowledge with each other and this way they can learn about the world and about the terrain that surrounds them. In a very basic way they are able to learn… Each time they make their flying techniques smoother and their database is growing. These drones can cooperate and save lives faster than humans do. They are also able to fly in non-accessible zones by themselves with no human help. For example with their sensors they can fly in and map buildings that are inaccessible for people. They can also do artificial farming with their object recognizing features, like recognizing plants and colors. (Right now they are calibrated to look for survivors alone in the mountains/forests.) They go to a given GPS coordinate then they are flying in a spiral form to find the injured people in less than a half hour. I really hope that one day these flying intelligent machines will save lives! Note: (I probably can only take one drone with myself to Taiwan, because of the traveling restrictions on planes.)

“Barriers to Using the Menstrual Cup among Schoolgirls”

Purpose: Many girls in South Africa miss school due to insufficient resources during menstruation. Although menstrual cups are cheaper and more environmentally friendly than pads or tampons, they are not widely known or used. This project investigates the awareness of the menstrual cup and barriers to using it among schoolgirls. Method: Girls in grades 8 and 11 at a local school were asked to complete a questionnaire before and after watching a video about the menstrual cup. Results: The results showed that 54% of younger girls and 92% of older girls had heard of the cup but in each group only 1 girl had used it. About 11% of younger girls and 40% of older girls would consider using the cup. Watching the video had both positive and negative effects on the girls’ opinions about using the cup. Conclusion: There are several barriers to using the menstrual cup among school girls. Overcoming these barriers requires more than just dissemination of factual information about the cup. Workshops with small group discussions would more than likely lead to more girls choosing the cup.


Hormesis是指不同劑量具相反效應的雙相劑量反應,在藥理學、毒物學和醫學等領域,為革命性的重要概念,使科學界重新檢視劑量效應的性質與相關應用。本研究探討酒精對蟑螂運動行為與生理作用的效應,發現攝入酒精後的蟑螂,於代謝、循環及免疫反應的各項指標出現Hormesis現象,其中耗氧速率與產二氧化碳速率呈現J型,其餘指標則呈現倒U型。我們也發現酒精會使蟑螂的移動範圍及路徑縮小、速度變慢,同時引起以下生理作用:非換氣期拉長,呼吸速率下降;耗氧速率下降,呼吸商上升;心跳率下降,但心搏量增加,心輸出量上升;促進包囊作用及脂肪體觸酶活性,同時步足的反射更加顯著。本研究所測量的各種生理指標中,除了呼吸運動外,酒精引發的各種生理效應與前人所發現之警告費洛蒙的生理效應有相同趨勢,皆出現「低調與供應(Quiet & Supply)」反應,是一種面對危機的預前準備。

Design and Implementation of a Spherical Induction Wheel Motor in Electric Vehicle

本研究提出以「球型感應馬達(Spherical Induction Motor) 」直接作為電動車球型輪胎的想法。四顆球型輪胎以三軸自由度旋轉的方式,將提供電動車更高的靈活性。 本研究聚焦在「球形感應馬達」原型機的開發。透過四個方法:等效電路理論、有限元素分析、實作與實驗,研究了球型感應馬達的四個面向:電機設計、電機實作、電機驅動與電機控制。以電機設計、電機實作證明了構想的可行性,並在建立了球型感應馬達完整的電機機械理論後,進行了電機驅動與電機控制。 最後,本研究實作出一架可運轉的球形感應馬達,並在建立完整的馬達數學模型後,以V/F控制法完成轉速與轉向的開迴路控制。本研究希望這部球型感應馬達,未來將能應用在以球型輪胎為動力裝置的電動載具上。


本研究以數學上的Burnside’s Lemma思維,利用排列組合結合化學領域中的群論概念,應用在計算取代基可被替換的化學結構,所具有的異構物數量。 研究中討論了環狀共振(例如苯環)、環烷、直烷、醇、醚、醛、酮、羧酸、酯、胺、醯胺等分子結構,推導出任意取代基種類與數量不同時,所對應的化學異構物數量公式與計算方法。 整理出公式與計算方法後,將CnHx中x個H的位置改成給定的取代基種類與數量時,然後系統化異構物數量的處理流程。最後再針對典型分子的化學點群,給出其對稱的數學排列群樣貌,作為各式計算的背景資料。


給定正n邊形,於內部區域新增對角線,使得對角線不交叉且內部區域皆為三角形,則將此圖形稱為正n邊形的一個『三角剖分』。考慮正n邊形的所有三角剖分,已知其數量為卡特蘭數Catalan(n-2)。在所有三角剖分的情形中,考慮旋轉與翻轉,將同構的情形視為相同,則將所有不同構的三角剖分總數記為Dn。本文對於正n邊形的不同構三角剖分進行研究,以三種面向進行探討,首先我們以不同構三角剖分的對稱性分類,發現其和化學式CnHn+2的同分異構物有相關性;再者,以相鄰三角形的最大數量進行分類,當相鄰三角形的最大數量為n-2、n-3、n-4與n-5時,得出不同構三角剖分的計算通式;最後,以三個相鄰頂點組成的外圍三角形進行分類,將『恰包含兩個外圍三角形的不同構三角剖分』、『圖論中的毛毛蟲圖(Caterpillar)』以及『化學結構相關的Losanitsch’s triangle』進行深入探討。

Anaerobic Respiration: A Novel Bioelectrochemical Copper Recovery System?

Increasing concentrations of copper in discharged effluents pose hazards to aquatic food chains. This project aimed to develop a self-sustained copper remediation system based on electrical and microbiological principles. The production of electrons during yeast fermentation was investigated to catalyze the reduction reaction of dissolved copper ions. An electrical circuit was designed to harness electrons produced from either a pure or mixed culture of yeast, and were compared for voltage outputs. This system utilized a combination of carbon cloth and copper wire as the electrodes, and a magnesium sulfate based electrolyte. The better-performing cell was subjected to copper reduction analysis, in which various initial concentrations of copper were examined. Further data analysis was carried out on the voltage outputs achieved with both the mixed and pure cultures of yeast, in which an average base line was established and voltage flunctuations were compared to that of the base line. In this way, it was possible to determine the amount and severity of each voltage flunctuation — thus demonstrating whether mixed or pure cultures of yeast produced more stable outputs. Throughout the experiment, self-constructed equipment, including arduino microcontroller moderated incubators and drip-feed systems were implemented to maintain an optimum yeast growth rate. It was found that mixed yeast cultures produced smoother electrical potential outputs in response to feeding and stress intervals. The copper recovery experiment was therefore conducted using the mixed culture. Through a series of conductivity measurements indicative of copper concentrations, metal recovery was successfully demonstrated. Trend line analysis indicated similar flunctuations between voltage output and copper recovery rates, demonstrating how copper was recovered as a result of electrons harnessed from the yeast culture. These findings can be applied to the development of an energy efficient and cost-effective copper remediation system for contaminated water effluents.


本研究主要針對造成輕微腦震盪 (Mild Traumatic Brian Injury, mTBI) 的現象及其物理量進行研究,以封閉式頭部工程旋轉加速度的撞擊模型 (Closed Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration, CHIMERA) 為基礎,結合目前常用於頭部碰撞量測的腦部受傷標準 (Head Injury Criterion, HIC),實現一套由加速度感應器和微處理機組成的可穿戴式輕微腦震盪警示系統。本研究利用此警示系統進行舞蹈和刺激性遊樂設施的實測,探討生活中容易被忽視卻對腦部造成傷害之危險動作。而研究中更提出多重衝擊模擬器的實現方法,此模擬器改善CHIMERA僅單次撞擊工程問題,並結合特徵檢測 (Feature Clarification) 及互相關 (Cross-Correlation) 的定性分析,提供更多元且更符合真實情況的資料,以達到輕微腦震盪警示之功用。最後再根據實驗結果提出警訊,以降低在日常生活中輕微腦震盪發生率。


新聞報導指出,澆灌牛奶的植株果實更加香甜,成為農產品銷售新噱頭。實地試驗發現番茄植株澆灌牛奶後枯黃葉子數量減少,更進一步發現澆灌牛奶之阿拉伯芥植株抗菌能力明顯提升,而牛奶中的脯胺酸(proline)應是協助抗菌的物質。在抗菌機制方面,牛奶和脯胺酸都能使氣孔在病原體分泌effector 之後再度打開的程度降低,並且使胼胝質(Callose)累積量上升,而分生方面也偵測到乙烯合成相關基因與模式免疫反應(PTI)相關基因(PR1, CYP81F2, FRK1, MKK1)表現量上升,顯示更多未知由脯胺酸促進免疫反應的可能。未來我們期待能夠找出更加廣泛深入由proline影響之免疫反應途徑,並對高經濟作物之抗病有所貢獻。

