


虎紋三角渦蟲(Girardia tigrina)是台灣本土常見的渦蟲,常用於再生之研究。然而其黏液功能與成分以及捕食蚊幼蟲機制皆尚未清楚。本研究中,從解剖顯微鏡觀察得知渦蟲爬行時分泌的黏液能將蚊幼蟲纏住,且發現渦蟲偏好從蚊幼蟲腹部末端及肛進行攻擊,並於體外行物理機制初步消化後,將蚊幼蟲組織以咽運動產生的負壓吸入體內,再行化學分解。以Congo Red、CBR250及PAS染色,發現渦蟲黏液中具有多醣、蛋白質及醣蛋白,以SDS-PAGE分離渦蟲黏液蛋白後,用銀染法分析發現渦蟲黏液包含多種蛋白質,主要為蛋白質單體15kDa,以蛋白質N端定序及LC MS/MS交叉比對分析得知渦蟲黏液中可能含有titin、calcium-binding protein等蛋白質,相關實驗還在進行中。我們也發現渦蟲在有無蚊幼蟲環境不影響其黏液蛋白分泌量,然而黏液蛋白成分組成是否有差異,需再繼續研究。本研究結果可能對應用生物防治法抑制病媒蚊有所助益。

A Novel Spectroscopic-Chemical Sensor Using Photonic Crystals

Detection of harmful chemicals used in industrial complexes is crucial in order to create a safer environment for the workers. Presently, most chemical detectors used in workplaces are expensive, inefficient, and cumbersome. In order to address these deficiencies, a novel sensor was fabricated to produce a unique spectroscopic fingerprint for various toxic chemicals. The sensor was fabricated by depositing several layers of silica spheres (diameter ~250 nm) on a glass substrate using evaporation-based self assembly. As the spheres assemble to form a photonic crystal, they also create void (i.e., air) spaces in between them. Once the spheres assemble as a photonic crystal, a spectrometer was used to monitor the reflectivity. The spectrum had a high reflectivity at a specific wavelength, which is governed by the average index of refraction between the spheres and the void spaces. As a foreign chemical infiltrates into the photonic crystal, it occupies the void space, which results in an increase of the average index of refraction of the structure. Consequently, the peak wavelength of the reflectivity spectrum red-shifts, which then confirms the presence of a foreign substance. While the as-grown photonic crystal is able to detect chemicals, it is unable to differentiate between chemicals that have similar indices of refraction, such as ethanol and methanol. In order to detect chemicals with similar indices of refraction, five pieces of a single photonic crystal (i.e. five pixel device) were exposed to different silanes, which changed the surface chemistry of the silica spheres in the photonic crystal. In turn, the five pixel device was able to produce a unique chemical fingerprint for several chemicals, which can be calibrated to detect toxins in the workplace.

Studies of Hydrogen Evolution Reactions from Aluminum Foil using Waste Materials and Their Reaction Mechanism

Nowadays, the most of waste materials are incinerated and generated the toxic gases in 日本. On the other hand, the Hydrogen gas (H2) has attracted attention as clean energy due to no emissions of toxic gases. In this work, we investigated that the new hydrogen evolution system using waste materials, such as aluminum (Al) foil and lime desiccant, and also investigated their reaction mechanism. The grinded desiccant was added to Erlenmeyer flask containing 300 mL of water. After dissolution the desiccant, the Al foil was added to the solution to begin the reaction. Generated gas was determined by water displacement method. The gas components are identified by gas chromatography. We found that the waste material reaction combined with waste lime desiccant and Al foil could be used for one of the hydrogen evolution system. This reaction is depended on solubility of lime desiccant, thus mean solubility of CaO in water. The Al foil is reacted with the desiccant more than 20 times of reaction stoichiometry. The calcium ion or calcium complex ions are involved with the excess reaction of Al foil.

Random number generators and their applications in Computer Science with the Monte Carlo Method

Monte Carlo methods are non-parametric algorithms that use random numbers and theorems of probability theory to approximate values that are not random. The purpose of my research was to approximate the surface of different geographical areas that can be easily approximated to polygons (e.g. lakes, glaciers, deserts) with Monte Carlo simulations starting from either Cartesian coordinates or pictures. Computer science would not exist without math, and this research project showed me the importance of a deep understanding of probability theory in the world of simulations and, more generally, the importance of developing new theorems and algorithms. The results of my research could be developed in different ways: it would be interesting to produce software that allows one to approximate areas from pictures taken from a smartphone; as well, the theorem I found has to be proven, and also Monte Carlo methods as a means of random number generation can always be improved. There are still many possibilities.




本研究作品主要在探討「平面上各種曲線內關於相鄰等角割線段的新的不變量」與「空間中特殊圓錐曲面的特殊等角割線段的新的不變量」。 若圓錐曲線、蚶線等曲線中有相鄰等角的 條割線段,則這n條割線段之m次方和為定值。在圓錐曲線中這些割線段的交點可以是焦點、曲線內任意點,在蚶線中則為基點。甚至經由反演,還能將此性質推廣至直線上。 研究最後擴及至空間,先考慮特殊橢圓、拋物、雙曲球面,其一焦點為F,將正N面體VN之重心G與F重合,使得VN以F為旋轉中心任意旋轉,此時由F對VN之各頂點做射線交圓錐曲面於 PN,則FPN之倒數m次方和為定值,其中u=1,...,n,N=4, 6, 8, 12, 20 。


本研究由近年來部分在登陸前產生雙眼牆(CE)結構的西行侵臺颱風發生實際路徑較預報路徑偏北的現象為發想。利用中央氣象局颱風資料庫,統計出發生北偏之西行颱風及其北偏幅度,並找出各種會影響颱風路徑的因素,將其一一量化後進行分析。 我們發現颱風之暴風圈半徑以及其是否有雙眼牆對颱風的北偏效應有顯著的影響,至於夫如數、背風渦旋強度等則有較小的影響力。 我們根據北偏效應,認為造成第四類路徑中產生雙眼牆結構者特別少的緣故,是因為許多原先為四類路徑的颱風因北偏轉至三類;我們也意外發現八、九類颱風完全沒有雙眼牆颱風,推測是南海空間及熱量問題。 我們也發現具有雙眼牆結構之颱風在登陸時,測站會測到兩個氣壓谷值,因此發現雙眼牆結構颱風在登陸時結構的不對稱性,未來可以此為依據量化雙眼牆結構。

The Polar Equation from Butterfly Sprinkler Heads

This project aims to create the polar equations from the relation of the points on the centre line of the water twisted from Butterfly sprinkler heads. The water path includes inner rim, outer rim and centre line laying in the middle of the water path is used Rhombus’s property. The diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other to create the centre line. Then we create the polar equation of the centre line of water that twists from 4 types of the Butterfly sprinkler heads: edge frame, curve frame, STL and STL rotary. The polar equation of outer rim and inner rim is created by adding and removing the “ f ” value ( ; is the distance between the outer rim and the centre line, and is the geometric sequence that is ) of the coefficient (a) of the polar equation respectively. The results show that the formal equation of the centre line is which can explain the different properties of Butterfly sprinkler heads. If “ f ” value is increasing the water path and the blade will be wider that affects droplets distributing thoroughtly. Furthermore the relationship between the volume of water and the radius of water distribution can be processed to find the least time that can increase the appropriate moisture level of soil.


有一數列從1開始,下一項為前一項個別數字乘以m,其中m為一正整數,2≦m≦10,將此定義為乘m數列,本文以兩大部分來架構出乘二數列及乘五數列的性質,討論數列的區塊結構,進而判斷數字是否為乘二數列或者乘五數列的其中一項。接著再進入針對位數規律的討論:依照乘m數列的規律,讓人聯想到可以透過其位數的有向圖D(directed graph)與鄰接矩陣A(Adjacency matrix)進行轉換,再利用矩陣計算來求證遞迴關係式,進而求出生成函數和特徵方程式,最終獲得乘二數列及乘五數列的位數估計函數,以解決原先獲知此種數列時伴隨之相關問題。研究的最後發展出乘二數列及乘五數列之間的連結,加入了與乘二、乘五、乘十的規則的關係。未來希望能研究其他乘m數列並發展出共通性。


因參加TYPT台灣青年物理辯論競賽,初步認識了此現象──當一個橫向放置的圓柱造波鼓在水面上垂直震盪時,引起的表面水流逆流。當造波鼓振動的最大加速度達到了臨界值,表面的粒子行進方向就會與波的傳播方向相反。我們查詢了有關此現象的文獻,驚訝的發現,此現象目前還沒有理論可解釋。於是我們便以自製的實驗設備,開始探討在不同的振動情形下,表面流會如何變化。 以目前所獲得的數據,我們推斷反向的流動與造波鼓排開水的體積及造波鼓前排列的波包有關,而回流只是補償流的性質,且水表循環之貢獻遠較水面的流動下顯著。根據為不同厚度的造波鼓有不同的回流臨界加速度,且縱向的水流循環強度遠較水表循環弱,前者速率大小約與後者相差一數量級。 我們也利用閃頻儀分析了不同條件下水波的波形,並利用Poincaré map將其分為兩類,分別對應到表面的出去流與回來流。