


本研究建立蟑螂(Periplaneta Americana)之包囊作用(encapsulation)的觀察與測量方法,探討二氧化碳麻醉、植入物表面蛋白分子結構、可逆性與性別等因子,對免疫反應程度的效應,並研究敵我辨識與免疫的記憶性等特性。我們發現當異體的觸角被植入時,蟑螂體內所產生的包囊作用較自體觸角強烈,顯示具有辨識敵我的能力,且不同的生物性與非生物性植入物,所引發之包囊作用的反應程度亦不同。若分別先植入少量自體或異體組織,三日後再比較自體與異體觸角所引發的包囊作用程度,發現自體與異體組織的記憶效應不盡相同,我們證實蟑螂不但具免疫記憶性,且記憶性質具有促進性與抑制性兩種。另外我們也發現,雌蟲的免疫反應會大於雄蟲。

A Novel Procedure to Identify Genes involved in Electron Transfer of Exoelectrogens

Purpose of research. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are bioelectrochemical systems that generate electrical energy by exploiting the extracellular electron transport (EET) capabilities of electrochemically active bacteria (EAB) (Logan 2009). This investigation aims to identify genes involved in driving bacterial EET with a new procedure that enables rapid screening of a side array of genes. These insights may lead to improved MFC performance through enhancing reactor design or genetic engineering EABs (Alfonta 2009). Procedures. MFC metagenomic analysis. Twelve MFCs incubated with four different bacterial samples were operated for approximately one year. The bacterial DNA from before and after incubation was extracted and the 16S rRNA regions were PCR amplified and sequenced. The bacterial community changes were analyzed using the QIIME program to identify bacteria that were being selected. Fosmid Clone Isolation. An E. coli fosmid library (Mewis et al. 2013) that contained genes from EAB inferred in the previous step was incubated in three MFCs. After a 48 hour enrichment period, biofilm samples from the MFCs were extracted and individual clones were isolated and screened in the MFCs individually. An E. coli DH5α strain with no insert DNA was incubated separately as the control. DNA sequencing. Fosmid insert DNA from high-performing clones were extracted, purified using gel electrophoresis, constructed into sequencing libraries and sequenced. Bioinformatics Analysis. The sequences were constructed into larger contigs using the Velvet algorithm package. The open reading frames (ORFs) were inferred and translated into amino acid sequences and annotated with proteins identified from the KEGG, and SEEDs databases using Metapathways 2.5. Results. The changes in bacterial communities from the metagenomic analysis revealed increases in relative abundance in numerous genera from Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. The MFCs incubated with the fosmid clones generated about 4 times more peak power than the MFCs incubated with the E. coli DH5α. Polarization curves generated for the MFCs demonstrated that the fosmid clones were able to sustain a higher current. Incubation of pure cultures of individual clones yielded four clones with significant performance improvements over the control strain. Protein data from Metapathways outputs reveled both novel and previously reported EET genes encoding for Type IV pilus structures, c-type cytochromes, soluble cytochromes, flavoproteins, and porins. Taxonomy inferences of the gene inserts by the Green Genes database reveal the genes most likely came from the same EABs that were inferred from the metagenomic analysis. Conclusions. The increased performance of the fosmid clone-powered MFCs suggest that the clones carried genes that enhanced their performance in the MFCs. This is further confirmed by polarization curves generated for the MFCs. The results of the taxonomy inferences suggest that the bacteria being selected for in the environmental samples carried genes that enhanced their performance in the MFCs, and that these genes were successfully identified in the subsequent steps. The results of this study demonstrate that using a gain of function approach to rapidly screen a wide array of genes in a gene library may be an efficient method to identify genes that enhance power generation of EABs in MFCs.


Purpose High-jump athletes are not always aware of the exact height they are jumping. They know that they are clearing the height set by the bar, but not their specific height, which may in fact be a record without them even knowing it. The purpose of this project is thus to design and make a device that will enable high-jump athletes to know exactly how high they are jumping. Procedure Background research was conducted and it was confirmed that no similar products are currently available. Possible types of sensors and micro-controllers were then investigated and then both a prototype and model were built to test the concept. Appropriate changes and adjustments were then made to the design until all func-tions were working accordingly. With the assistance of an experienced software de-veloper, a program was designed to communicate the data collected from the sen-sors into a graphical user interface. Results Many variables, contributing to the accuracy of the obtained results, had to be tak-en into consideration. These variables include interference with the sensors, which resulted in less accurate readings, as well as weather conditions. The latter was found not to have as drastic an effect on the results. Conclusion A device that enables athletes to measure the true height they are clearing was suc-cessfully designed and created. This device will thus be able to help motivate athletes by measuring their true capa-bilities.


臺灣家庭污水污染量占總水污染的68.8%,而其中油污更是主要成份。本研究目的為篩選可分解家庭廢水中油污之微生物,並探討其降解油污的能力以及生長情形。本實驗從有油污的環境分離出三種對於家庭廢水中油污具有降解效果的菌株,經過16S ribosomal RNA gene菌種分析鑑定,得知其可能為Ralstonia sp. TFD41、Pseudomonas putida strain II-B、Sphingomonas sp. NC110。研究三種嗜油菌的最佳的生長環境條件,發現Sphingomonas sp. NC110在所有不同種類的油當中成長情形都佳於另外兩種嗜油菌。而針對Sphingomonas sp. NC110進行相關的酸鹼值及溫度測試,發現最佳生長條件為pH7以及30℃。進一步將嗜油菌放入汙水中,發現Sphingomonas sp. NC110在污水中的生長菌數最多;Ralstonia sp. TFD41的生長菌數最少,Pseudomonas putida strain II-B的生長速度最快。將嗜油菌放入100 ppm油的培養基中,以Sphingomonas sp. NC110的降解油污的能力為最佳、Ralstonia sp. TFD41的速度最快。在家庭汙水中Ralstonia sp.TFD41 + Pseudomonas putida strain II-B的生長狀況最穩定,三種嗜油菌同時培養並沒有加乘效應。未來希望能培養嗜油菌,將其放入汙水中,降解汙水中的油,以減少油對於環境的汙染。

Filtered Light Frequencies versus Pigment Frequencies

Purpose of the research Experiments were performed to determine if the frequencies of the colours of pigment differ from the frequencies of the colours of filtered light. The third experiment was performed to determine whether the different colours of filtered light have an influence on plant growth. Procedures Experiments I and II were performed in sunlight and the temperatures of different colours of paper, as well as a white paper underneath different colours of transparencies, were measured by means of an infrared thermometer. The Stefan-Boltzmann equation was used for calculations. Experiment III was performed by placing ten spinach seedlings under each of the Code 40 red, green, blue and black/white shade nets. The control, 10 spinach seedlings, had no Code 40 shade net covering. All these spinach seedlings were grown under similar conditions and harvested after 4 weeks. Data In Experiment I the yellow paper was the only colour that did not perform according to the sequence of the white light spectrum (ROYGBIV). The temperature of the different colours of paper determined the amount of energy that was re-emitted. In Experiment II it was determined that the primary colours red, green and blue, as well as yellow of the filtered light, performed according to the white light spectrum. In Experiment III the spinach plants underneath the blue shade net have the highest average fresh mass (g), as well as the largest average leaf area (cm2), while the spinach plants underneath the red shade net have the lowest average fresh mass (g), as well as the smallest average leaf area (cm2). Conclusions In Experiment I the primary colours of the white light spectrum are red, green and blue. When red and green are combined, yellow is obtained. Therefore the temperature of the yellow paper was lower than expected, because only blue light was absorbed, while red, green and yellow light were reflected. In Experiment II all the colours of the transparencies performed according to ROYGBIV. By comparing the amount of energy of the colours of pigment to the colours of the filtered white light spectrum, it became apparent that there is a difference between the frequencies of the colours of pigment and the frequencies of the colours of filtered white light spectrum.


L-多巴在酪氨酸酶的作用下,可以轉換成多巴醌,多巴醌繼而自發轉變為黑色素,在此實驗當中,利用帶有青枯病菌的酪胺酸酶基因片段pBAD-518458-bbr的大腸桿菌(E. coli DH5α)將L-多巴轉換成黑色素,然後將微生物去除,只保留黑色素,以避免之後的實驗受到細菌的干擾。 分別將四種金屬離子,Au3+、Cu2+、Co2+、Pd2+ 以1.0 mM的濃度加入黑色素中,使黑色素將金屬離子還原成金屬奈米粒子,形成含有黑色素與金屬奈米粒子的混合溶液。將黑色素去除,避免之後測吸收時受到干擾。再以冷凍乾燥機抽乾乾燥,去除水分以利保存。 將對-硝基苯胺與已乾燥的金屬依照一定濃度加入96孔盤中,再加入硼氫化鈉當作還原劑,也是提供氫陰離子的來源,將對-硝基苯胺還原成對-苯二胺,用Multi-Mode Microplate Reader (BioTeK)測每隔10秒波長385 nm的吸收,再將數據整理成反應速率常數。在四種金屬當中,奈米金的催化速率最佳,所以選擇金屬金以濃度0.1、0.5、1.0 mM作濃度的探討。


本文主要在討論一個益智遊戲─瓶蓋問題,我們延伸本問題,觀察多個正交互影響的變數的變化規律,並了解在兌換中的特性,進而找出計算法則來求取可兌換到的瓶子總數。 我們的研究過程如下: 1. 對原始問題進行定義化並求出增減初始瓶數所得之飲料通解。 2. 改變瓶蓋、瓶身兌換所需數量並觀察總共可喝飲料與殘餘瓶蓋、瓶身數量的變化。 3. 以含有高斯符號的等式描述總體變化關係。 4. 求得上述的第2點,並求出演算法則。 5. 增減可用於兌換的事物數量(瓶蓋、瓶身),並觀察總共可喝飲料與殘餘瓶蓋、瓶身、‧‧‧(其他可用於兌換的事物)數量的變化。 6. 以含有高斯符號的等式描述總體變化關係。 7. 求得上述的第5點,並求出演算法則。 8. 擴張規則,引入m級的概念。 9. 以數團概念描述兌換過程。 10. 求得上述的第8點,並求出演算法則。 11. 調整研究的角度,納入銷售者與經濟學者觀點進行討論。


本研究從Brianchon定理「圓外切六邊形三條對角線共點」以及Pascal定理「圓內接六邊形三組對邊延長線交點共線」,這兩個對偶定理出發,試圖以雙心六邊形串連兩個定理,讓Pascal (1623–1662)及Brianchon (1785–1864)兩位法國數學家「相遇在21世紀」。本研究除了探討雙心六邊形的共點共線問題外,更進一步研究其共點共線圖形的軌跡。研究有更驚人的發現:雙心六邊形將各邊延長取交點,其所形成的新六邊形同時內接於一條圓錐曲線,外接於另一條圓錐曲線。



