


在這篇作品中,研究了在遵守反射定律的情況下,“光點”在x軸和“反射曲線”之間反射時,無限往前彈跳的可能性。 研究分成兩個階段,第一階段沿用了我過去作品中的基本結果,闡述了“入射光線”角度之間的遞迴關係,並用“反射切線”角度寫出第n個入射光線角度的封閉式。 第二階段運用函數值趨近於非零常數(為了研究簡潔,假設趨近於1)的情況下一般可用的“接觸點”估計方式,並使用此結果證明了在特定初始條件下,1+e^(-x)和1+1/x都是“無限反射曲線”,但一開始的接觸點估計方式只適用於反射曲線函數值趨近於非零正數的情況,所以我也針對函數值趨近於零的情況進行了思考,但發現了估計推導上的困難,這將是我未來繼續研究的方向。


本研究以功能性近紅外光頻譜儀,探討雙側主要運動皮質(M1)、前運動皮質(PMC)及聯合動作皮質(SMA)等動作相關腦區,以實際執行(ME)、動作心像(MI)、動作觀察(MO)及鏡像動作(MVF)等模式執行上肢功能性前伸動作(Arm reaching)時,腦部之活化情形。研究結果發現「實際執行」、「動作心像」與「鏡像動作」執行時,動作相關腦區皆顯著活化,包含M1、SMA及PMC。且可觀察到執行「動作心像」、「鏡像動作」時之大腦活化模式與「實際執行」呈現相同趨勢。此結果可應用於臨床復健訓練中,對於上肢偏癱患者(如中風患者),建議使用「鏡像動作」模式訓練,而對於雙側皆有動作障礙之患者(如頸部脊髓損傷),可使用「動作心像」作為替代治療。

引菁拒鹽 – 探討田菁較綠豆耐鹽的機制


塑膠發電– PLA降解之燃料電池研究



本研究利用在地取材的棋盤腳樹葉片經過高溫碳化後應用於鋰硫電池,並探討其電化學性能,並檢視其降低穿梭效應發生之成效。 利用三種不同碳化溫度探討溫度對棋盤腳樹葉結構的影響,由SEM圖中我們可以發現,隨著碳化溫度的升高,葉片表面呈現越光滑且越少雜質的樣貌,代表其碳化程度越高,導電性也隨著提升。電化學性能部分1000°C中間層在首圈0.2 C速率放電表現出1702.8 mA h g-1高電容量,而經過100圈0.2 C充放電循環後仍保有82.63%最高的電容保留率。在倍率性能部分,1000 °C中間層在1 C高電流密度下仍保有450.5 mA h g-1超高電容量,遠高於其他樣品。CV分析中可以看到1000°C中間層其還原峰重疊程度良好,且未發現較嚴重的偏移,代表其抑制穿梭效應能力較佳,且反應動力學良好。EIS分析中,1000 OC中間層具有最低的總阻抗,使鋰離子在高倍率時具有良好的導電性,是倍率性能提升的關鍵。

Using P.I.P. to strengthen roads: Plastic incinerated by plastic

People have become accustomed to single-use plastics. These are plastics that are used once only and are then thrown away or recycled. A piece of plastic can only be recycled 2-3 times before it is of bad quality and can no longer be of use. (Achyut K. Panda, 2019). Plastic waste fills up landfills and oceans, becoming hazardous and harmful to wildlife, while emitting greenhouse gasses. Alternatives, such as metal straws and paper bags have turned out inefficient and plastic is still a great need in society. Another way of getting rid of waste plastic is to burn it. Fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas are being utilised to burn plastic in industry. This causes many harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide released from burning the plastic. It results in more damage being done than just leaving the plastic in a landfill. These emissions can be cleaned before being released into the atmosphere. Plastic is made of petroleum, so when it is burned it is converted back into a fuel. Plastic can be burned under controlled conditions to create a fuel source that can be used, thereby utilising the waste plastic. The research conducted aims to investigate the use of plastic waste to burn other plastic to create a renewable fuel source and to eliminate plastic waste.


本研究以機電整合,發明了【曳引機迴轉犁偵測系統】,將大型農業機械智能化,並優化及整合工程技術,設計了六大系統,藉由量化評工程效益及作物的產量變化,觀察設計成效。 根據文獻,水稻管理使用「灌溉系統」+「雜草抑制蓆」+「生物肥料」的機制,可以增加產量[1,2]。因此我們優化這些機制,並設計「精準深耕」、「智慧噴桿」、「滴灌系統」形成六大系統。利用自創的【曳引機迴轉犁偵測系統】,犁耕時就可以在每一寸土地上,精確控制土壤深度在25cm的「精準深耕」。我們也發現,在這六大系統的協同效應下,不僅省下3~12倍的作業時間,同時在加乘效果的作用下,產量可以大幅提高至79%。 本實驗花二年時間,在台中清水地區1.2公頃的農地,實際建構這六大系統。並使用無人機偵測飛行高度的3D立體影像感測器、Arduino微控制器、燒入自行設計的Arduino C程式,成功發明【曳引機迴轉犁偵測系統】,並裝在大型曳引機,用來偵測迴轉耕耘機翻鬆土壤的深度,同步將該數據立即顯示在駕駛室的儀表板。 目前全球六大品牌大型曳引機,造價超過新台幣400萬元,尚無一款具有本研究自創的迴轉犁自動偵測功能。


In our experiment, we used traditional Chinese medicine to dye on cheap wood, in addition to avoiding the impact of chemical paint on human body; After dyeing, the color and texture quality of the wood are improved, which makes cheap wood have higher price and improves the value of wood; At the same time, it can reduce the felling of slow growing precious wood, which has the functions of environmental protection, earth love and carbon saving. The test material was pretreated with hydrogen peroxide and surfactant, and the bleaching effect was obvious. After dyed with different Chinese medicinal, soak in strong acid and alkali solution for 15 minutes, which shows that strong acid and acid treatment is not allowed. On the other hand, after 15 minutes of immersion in detergent, the color difference value is less than 2, and the rubbing fastness is above grade 4. In the bacteriostasis experiment, no fungus grew in the first 3 days, and it did not grow in the 12th day. In the anti-termite experiment, the mortality rate on the fifth day was 65% for Lithospermum and 83.8% for Wolfberry, and the other groups had a good effect of total elimination. While plastic products have a great impact on the environment, wood that is dyed or modified with natural colored dye, its environmental value far exceeds the human visual perception.

surgical masks and microplastics in our airways

The surgical mask has been our daily companion since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. The nonwovens (outer layers, not the filter membrane) from which the surgical mask is constructed consist of very long and thin polypropylene fibers. This leads to the question of whether microplastics are released during breathing through the surgical mask, which could enter the respiratory tract or the lungs. This would have a negative impact on our health, depending on the size of the detached fiber fragments - the smaller the worse because they can enter much deeper in our respiratory tract. In order to investigate the question of whether fiber fragments are released during breathing through a surgical mask, a filtration device was built. The filters were examined under an optical microscope after filtration. If fiber fragments would detach from the surgical mask, they would be found on the filter. Different surgical masks were tested, those that were not worn at all to surgical masks that were worn all day. It was found that fiber fragments were coming off the surgical masks. There were different fiber fragment types. Some fiber fragments were still undamaged (exhibited nice fractures), while others were frayed. Clump-like fragments occurred, but also smaller fine fiber fragments. All these different fiber fragments had a certain size, so that they could be called microplastics. The remarkable result of the whole study is that there is a direct correlation between the wearing time of the surgical mask and the number of detaching fiber fragments. In the case of the unworn surgical masks, 10 times fewer fiber fragments occurred during filtration than in the case of the surgical masks that were worn all day.


研究以自行研發之微小化電漿裝置,使用空氣作為主要背景氣體。電漿裝置內外電極的選用分別為不鏽鋼毛細管與銅線,並利用玻璃管作為裝置之介電質絕緣層,再以高壓產生器施加電壓至9.92 kV時,可於常壓環境產生穩定電漿。而後續探討電漿之UV光譜圖,與有機氣體通過時產生之變化,並利用FID與電漿裝置之層析圖比對,進而得出各樣品的滯留時間。本研究測試了空氣與氮氣兩種背景氣體,實驗裝置可達到1.5ng之偵測下限。研究進一步探究光觸媒與氣體之反應,發現可增強光強度訊號。電漿裝置具備微小化、價格低廉等特性,且可使用空氣作為載流氣體。