

Equipping, programming and testing a robot searching for an avalanche transceiver

1. Purpose of the research Because we live in a famous winter sport region in Switzerland, we have been confronted with the problematic of avalanches since we were born. In winter 2011/2012 alone, 179 people were involved in an avalanche accident, of whom 25 died. The most important device for searching and rescuing a buried person is the avalanche transceiver. It creates an electromagnetic field, which can be used to locate a buried person with another transceiver. The most important factor while searching is time: After 30 min. the chance of survival of a buried person has dropped to 40%. Considering the fact that people often make mistakes when they are put under such a big stress, valuable time gets lost. This is where our project comes into play. With an automation of the searching process a fast and reliable search should be achieved. The aim we agreed on for this paper is to develop a prototype of a robot that can find an avalanche transceiver automatically and reliably. To study and optimize the functionality of our robot more easily, our tests have only been performed on flat ground. 2. Procedures The components of an avalanche transceiver with only one transmitting antenna are used as a receiver. With the help of this receiver, the signal of a transmitting avalanche transceiver was analysed. Furthermore, the results were used to evaluate the most suitable search technique. Our robot is based on the “RP6” robot system, which is programmable in the C-language. The signal of the receiver is modified in a way which allows the robot to read it. Based on the results of the signal analysis, a search algorithm is developed. In the final tests the robot was examined as to its functionality and efficiency. Therefore, the robot was positioned at randomly chosen starting points to locate the transmitting device. 3. Data The transmitter could be located correctly in every test. The starting points were successfully located up to 11 m from the transmitter. The search ending points were found at a maximum range of 0.5 m from the correct position. 4. Conclusions In view of the results, the aim of developing an automatic localisation of an avalanche transceiver on flat ground as a prototype is seen as fulfilled. Outside the specified range, the transmitter can only be located unreliably. This is due to the fact that outside that range the signal differential in different directions is too small to be processed by the robot. Our prototype was tested under ideal conditions. Certainly, our robot is still some way from being ready for use in an actual avalanche. Many different questions have not been answered yet or have come up during this project, for example: ‘How should the robot should be applied on uneven terrain?’ or: ‘How should it deal with several buried people at once (multiple transmitted signals)?’ Two aspects of our prototype, the low weight and the low construction costs, however, are particularly favourable.

Random number generators and their applications in Computer Science with the Monte Carlo Method

Monte Carlo methods are non-parametric algorithms that use random numbers and theorems of probability theory to approximate values that are not random. The purpose of my research was to approximate the surface of different geographical areas that can be easily approximated to polygons (e.g. lakes, glaciers, deserts) with Monte Carlo simulations starting from either Cartesian coordinates or pictures. Computer science would not exist without math, and this research project showed me the importance of a deep understanding of probability theory in the world of simulations and, more generally, the importance of developing new theorems and algorithms. The results of my research could be developed in different ways: it would be interesting to produce software that allows one to approximate areas from pictures taken from a smartphone; as well, the theorem I found has to be proven, and also Monte Carlo methods as a means of random number generation can always be improved. There are still many possibilities.

"An automatic stabilisation of three degrees of freedom – the intelligence of the Quadcopter"

Quadcopters are incredible pieces of technology. Software on the flight controller is able to simultaneously stabilise the drone in three degrees of freedom, follow commands from the pilot and take pictures. 200 times per second the flight controller therefore measures the current position and RC signal, calculates a correction and sets the according engine speeds. This is a task that could never be done by a human being.

Development of a compact, self-stabilizing handheld camera mount

My purpose of the Research was build a small, compact device for the GoPro, which minimizes shocks that are typically caused by running and makes the video stable. The device must fit into a backpack and must be designed for the GoPro. This scenario raised two central questions for me: Which laws of physics are used for the stabilization of the camera? How can those laws of physics constructively be transformed into a working device? I have built four prototypes. To know which prototype was the best, I compared them and gained data into diagrams. The result with the last prototype was very impressive and encouraging, whether your are walking, running or skiing, the videos were no longer shaky. My final prototype consisted of a hollow tube which extended vertically. My conclusions: First the handheld camera mount mustn't be too light, as the inertia of the device is too low. Second it mustn't be too heavy, because you normally have to hold it over a certain time interval. Inertia as well as lever principal were essential to produce a smooth video. The most difficult part to build was the fully gimbaled suspension because it requires as little friction as possible and it must be precise and solid.

Androcopter, using smartphones as flightcontrollers for Quadrocopters

This project proposes that smartphones are capable of steering a quadcopter, doubling as a flight controller unit. This means that sensor results from the smartphone’s IMU (inertial measurement unit) are compared with steering commands from the pilot received over Wi-Fi or a RC-transmitter. The idea behind this project was to build a cheap flight control for a quadcopter. Smartphones seemed to be the perfect device because of their dominance in the market. The first step was constructing the quadcopter’s frame. I first designed the frame on AutoCAD and then built a prototype out of aluminium. My search for a possibility to connect the engines or low level peripherals to a smartphone led to the «IOIO-Board». After collecting sufficient information about sensor fusion and control theory I started working on my own controller. Due to the frame’s large size the quadcopter is very stable and best suited for aerial photography. Engine control by smartphone using an «IOIO-Board» is fast enough for flight. A smartphone possesses everything needed to control a quadcopter. The disadvantage of using a smartphone is that the processor has to calculate multiple applications simultaneously. This makes it more difficult to guarantee the correct timing of operations. Nevertheless, external influences such as phone calls do not influence the flight behavior of the quadcopter. As work in progress I have experimented with the implementation of GPS and an onboard camera.

The expansion of ticks in the valley of Poschiavo: a growing threat to the future?

In recent years, the ticks have reached the valley of Poschiavo and so far no study has been done to determine their diffusion. Recently, this presence has become a much discussed topic as these ticks can be carriers of pathogenes and represent a danger to humans. The goal of this work is to analyze the current situation in the valley of Poschiavo to understand in which areas the ticks are widespread, if they are carriers of pathogens and which factors could have an influence on their expansion. Several methods have been used for data collection. Ticks were found on ungulates killed during the high hunt in autumn 2016. In spring 2017, ticks were collected in various areas of the valley using the flag method that involves dragging a cotton cloth onto the ground. Some of the collected ticks were sent to a laboratory to identify the presence of the Borrelia burgdorferi, the pathogen responsible for Lyme borreliosis. To understand the evolution of the presence of ticks in the valley, the doctors and veterinarians were interviewed. Finally, to identify any climate changes related to the diffusion of ticks, the evolution of the tem-perature and relative humidity measured by two meteorological stations in the valley of Poschiavo since 1980 have been analyzed. Thanks to this study it was possible to highlight for the first time the presence in the valley of Poschiavo of ticks wich are bearer of the Borrelia burgdorferi. In fact, the bacterium was present in 26% of the analyzed ticks. Currently, the thicks populate the southern part of the valley, from the lake of Poschiavo to Campocologno, a small area in the central part of the valley and the area around Poschiavo and San Carlo. The interviews carried out showed that in recent years the ticks in the valley have increased and that the climate change could be a possible cause. In fact, since 1980 the temperature measured on the bottom of the valley has increased on average by 1.5 ° C and also the relative humidity has risen slightly. These changes could affect the diffusion of ticks in the valley of Poschiavo. In the future the temperatures will rise further and consequently the climate of the Poschiavo valley will most likely be more suited to the life of the ticks favoring their in-crease.

Beautiful Butterfly: The Physics Behind The Colors

Even as a child, I was fascinated by the colors in nature, such as rainbows, butterflies and flowers. This fascination developed into curiosity with age, and as my school studies developed, I became particularly interested in the scientific aspects of the origin and development of colors. I wanted to answer the question: How are the different colors of the butterfly wings related to the nanostructures of scales and pigments? The color on the butterfly wings results either from the pigmentation (chemical color) or from the structure (physical color) of the wing scales. Colors such as yellow, black, red and brown are mainly created by pigments. The interaction of light and structures in and on the surface of butterfly wings, often the size of the wavelength of the light, results in physical colors. These colors are usually bright and dependent on the viewing angle (unlike chemical pigments that spread light diffusely). The colors produced here are usually golden, green, purple and blue. But, where do these colors come from and why do certain species dazzle more than others? To get to the heart of the matter, I identified two key questions: • How are the different colors of the butterfly wings related to the nanostructures of scales and to the pigments? • Using the nanostructure, can you find out the wavelength of the reflected light? In this work, I focus on the structural colors of butterflies and study the physics behind them. This includes parachuting in areas such as diffraction gratings, scattering of light, interference in thin films, and multilayer interference. In order to experience the greatest possible diversity, I selected butterflies from different species for the measurements. Using the spectrometer, I measured the light reflected from butterflies. High-resolution microscopes such as the laser microscope and the scanning electron microscope gave me the opportunity to study the detailed nanostructures of the wing. In addition, I was able to analyze and evaluate my results using existing physical models and MATLAB simulations (Maxwell equations).

Development of a rotor blade with optimized aerodynamics to propel a quadcopter

Sustainable mobility concepts are playing an increasingly important part in today's social developments. As a promising mode of future transportation, quadcopters play a special role, and their further development and optimization is being advanced along many disciplines. Even in my hometown of Zurich this trend has not passed by without leaving its marks. Since 2019, the Swiss National Postal Service has been testing autonomous means of transport together with the Zurich University Hospital as part of a pilot project. However, quadcopters are not exclusively used for transportation purposes. Geologists use them for landscape modeling and the insurance industry utilizes them for damage assessment. Quadcopters have also become an integral part of photography and agriculture, where they are used for pest control, for example [2]. I first became intensively involved with quadcopters in 2017, when I received a hobby model for my birthday in the form of the Mavic Pro from the Chinese company Da-Jiang Innovations Science and Technology Co., Ltd (DJI). In October of the same year, I completed an internship in the biofluid mechanics department of the Institute for ImplantTechnology and Biomaterials e.V., where I studied the aerodynamics of airfoils. With my Mavic Pro in my backpack, I had the idea to develop and prototype my own functional rotor for my quadcopter as part of my upcoming Swiss Matura thesis paper. The rotor would be considered functional if it generates enough lift to keep the quadcopter hovering. The focus of this project was the investigation of aerodynamic properties. The influence of other factors, such as the material used, was not the primary focus of the work and therefore not investigated in detail.

Development of an Audio Modulated Tesla Coil

Originally, the Tesla transformer was developed to transmit energy and messages wirelessly. But it did not prove itself for either of these applications, so today it is only used for research purposes. Over time, the Tesla transformer has evolved and improved. Today it is possible with Tesla transformers to generate powerful and highly precise controlled discharges. During operation, impressive high-voltage discharges occur at the transformer. A tesla transformer is basically a high voltage generator that achieves a voltage boost by using two magnetically coupled LC series resonant circuits of the same resonant frequency. The Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil (DRSSTC) built in this work has a high power IGBT half bridge module to excite the primary resonant circuit at the resonant frequency. The IGBTs are driven in such a way that audible pressure waves, and therefore music, are generated by the electrical discharges at the high voltage electrode. Within the scope of this work were the following two questions: - How is a DRSSTC designed and built? The DRSSTC system realized in this work is about 80 cm high and reaches about one-meter-long discharges. The design, development, and construction of the transformer are documented in detail and extensively in this thesis. - How does one measure an electrical voltage of 200,000 V, which changes sign more than 100,000 times per second? Two approaches have been taken to measure the voltages. Derived from the energy balance of an ideal capacitor and an ideal coil, a secondary voltage of about 200 kV was calculated via secondary current measurement. The second approach uses a voltage measurement via an in-house developed measuring electrode and a calculated divider ratio between the measured voltage and the secondary voltage. A relatively unrealistic secondary voltage of about 750 kV was measured since the divider ratio depends on approximate values. Nevertheless, the measuring electrode can be used for investigations of the voltage curve, or the divider ratio can be calibrated via the secondary current measurement. The development of such a transformer laid the foundation for much further research and scientific analysis.

Development of an Audio Modulated Tesla Coil

Originally, the Tesla transformer was developed to transmit energy and messages wirelessly. But it did not prove itself for either of these applications, so today it is only used for research purposes. Over time, the Tesla transformer has evolved and improved. Today it is possible with Tesla transformers to generate powerful and highly precise controlled discharges. During operation, impressive high-voltage discharges occur at the transformer. A tesla transformer is basically a high voltage generator that achieves a voltage boost by using two magnetically coupled LC series resonant circuits of the same resonant frequency. The Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil (DRSSTC) built in this work has a high power IGBT half bridge module to excite the primary resonant circuit at the resonant frequency. The IGBTs are driven in such a way that audible pressure waves, and therefore music, are generated by the electrical discharges at the high voltage electrode. Within the scope of this work were the following two questions: - How is a DRSSTC designed and built? The DRSSTC system realized in this work is about 80 cm high and reaches about one-meter-long discharges. The design, development, and construction of the transformer are documented in detail and extensively in this thesis. - How does one measure an electrical voltage of 200,000 V, which changes sign more than 100,000 times per second? Two approaches have been taken to measure the voltages. Derived from the energy balance of an ideal capacitor and an ideal coil, a secondary voltage of about 200 kV was calculated via secondary current measurement. The second approach uses a voltage measurement via an in-house developed measuring electrode and a calculated divider ratio between the measured voltage and the secondary voltage. A relatively unrealistic secondary voltage of about 750 kV was measured since the divider ratio depends on approximate values. Nevertheless, the measuring electrode can be used for investigations of the voltage curve, or the divider ratio can be calibrated via the secondary current measurement. The development of such a transformer laid the foundation for much further research and scientific analysis.