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Rubik's Cube Solver

Aim: Over the years I became quite quick at solving the cube. I was keen to see if I could create a mechanical system that would do it in a similar time. Because of financial limitations and equipment I thought it impossible to achieve my usual times of around 1 minute and so settled on a target of 10 minutes. So my aim became; “To create a mechanical system that could solve the cube 100% reliably in less than 10 minutes” What I did: I started from the view that I wanted to get it to find a solution using the process that I usually use. The downside of this approach was that this approach meant that most internet research was irrelevant to my project. Also some methods I found were very sophisticated and expensive eg. the university professor who created a system to solve it in 6 seconds. I wrote software capable of solving the cube, printed out its results then testing the instruction steps by manually manipulating the cube. This was improved until 100% reliable. I then developed the user interface to input the colours on each face. The building of the hardware to manipulate the cube proved my most difficult challenge. To get the cube flipped and rotated accurately using the 5 servos. I modeled this using lego and popsicle sticks until the movements met the accuracy and reliability outcomes I needed. Surprisingly these materials held up to the challenge. Integrating the software and hardware functional models took a lot longer than anticipated to get the software instructions executed and coordinated. A great deal of fine tuning was required. Outcome: The system solves the cube 100% of the time. I was exceptionally pleased with this result in view of the lego and popsicle stick model. On reflection I have achieved a successful working model that university students have aspired to and this gives me great satisfaction. Conclusion: While the outcome is pleasing I envisaged achieving a much faster system with easier data input using camera and colour recognition software. Unfortunately time and my budget restrictions prevented this from being developed. However this is a step I am interested in implementing in the future. The speed could be improved by designing more efficient cube solving algorithms, implementing a camera with colour recognition, and possibly rethinking and redesigning my mechanical design. I would also like to Figure 1 illustrates how the air would flow through a fan, and get pushed underground in several short HDPE pipes. This tempered air would then be fed into a small, insulated air chamber built against the home that contains an air-sourced heat pump. The walls of this chamber would have small vents to balance air pressure, and an exit near the top for cooled exhaust air. When the temperature outdoors is in the coldest stage of winter (daily average of -3.0ºC), the tempered air being brought into the chamber would simulate an outdoor ambient temperature of about 10.0ºC, allowing a heat pump to operate with a COP of ~3.79 (based on data from Goodman Air Conditioning and Heating).² This means that for every unit of energy put into the heat pump, 3.79 units of energy are extracted. 4. Conclusions: In building an enclosed air chamber for around an air-sourced heat pump, it was found that it is possible to simulate a 10.0ºC climate in the coldest parts of winter through air tempering. This will allow the heat pump to run substantially more efficiently throughout the year. This system could be used effectively to heat a home in the winter, as well as cool a home in the summer.


源自於Thinking Mathematically這本書的一道題目, 關於正方形的切割問題:將一個正方形切成不重疊的正方形, 所得的個數就可被稱作NICE(好的), 問有哪些數是NICE數? 在平面的正方形切割的問題, 透過分割技巧, 我們得出了重要的結果:除了2、3、5以外的自然數都是NICE數, 並推導出:若k為NICE數, m為自然數, 則k+3m為NICE數。我們將問題推廣至立方體:將一個正方體切成不重疊的正方體, 所得的個數就可被稱作very NICE(非常好的), 問有哪些數是very NICE數?我們也得出重要的結果:大於47的自然數皆為very NICE數, 並推導出:若 是very NICE數, 且m是自然數, 則k+7m為very NICE數。


本研究將探討所合成的金屬硫化物製備於量子點敏化太陽能電池之光電極,並應用於水裂解反應,使之產生氫氣作為新型替代能源。以硝酸鋅、硝酸鎘、氧化硒及硫化鈉作為起始物,利用化學浸泡法(Chemical Bath Deposition, CBD) 於氧化錫參雜氟之導電玻璃(fluorine-doped tin oxide, FTO)表面上,製備不同層數量子點硫化物之光電極。當CBD循環層數為1、5及7時,運用紫外光-可見光吸收光譜儀與掃描式電子顯微鏡分別可觀察到光譜變化,與球狀、團簇狀,以及緞帶狀奈米材料之結構。另外以線性掃瞄伏安法測量光電流,在一個太陽光強度(100 mW cm-2)照射下,當電壓為1.3 V (vs. Hg/Hg2Cl2) 時, TiO2/(CdZnS)4/(CdZnSe)2/ZnS光電極之光電流可達 79.24 mA,可證明經CBD循環製成之量子點電極具有高電催化活性。此外將沉積不同量子點的光電極與硫化鈷反電極結合後製成不同的太陽能電池,在一個太陽光強度照射下測量其光電轉化效率,當使用的光電極為 TiO2/(CdZnS)4/(CdZnSe)2/ZnS 時,可得最大轉化效率η為 2.40 %。更進一步,以此光電極在定電壓下進行水裂解反應,由自製的氫氣收集器收集氫氣,可得其與白金對電極產氫率為 0.98 mmol/hr,以此可確定最佳化的光電極。


利用鐵離子(Fe3+)催化過氧化氫(H2O2)產生高活性自由基,並利用自由基降解汙染物的方法稱為Fenton法,然而傳統Fenton法中的鐵離子為液相催化劑,會隨降解後的汙水排放,環保署公告的廢水放流標準規定鐵離子濃度必須小於10 ppm ,為了符合標準,廢水必須加入凝集劑排除鐵離子,造成大量氫氧化鐵汙泥,造成氫氧化鐵汙泥的二度公害,且不符合綠色化學中充分利用原料及將耗損降低的主張。因上述缺點,本研究將傳統Fenton法中的液相催化劑,改利用聚丙烯酸(PPA)錯合鐵離子形成的固相催化劑,改善鐵離子會隨降解後汙水排放的缺點。實驗發現固相的鐵離子催化劑降解速率較液相鐵離子催化劑慢,但在降解後的汙水中,固相催化劑降解的汙水驗出微量鐵離子,較傳統Fenton法鐵離子會隨降解後汙水排放的現象,減少大量鐵離子耗損。


本次科展我們所探討的,是關於圓的分割問題,討論披薩被切出來的面積和及切痕的長度和等相關問題。 我們提出並且用較初等的數學方法證明了幾個與圓的分割有關的問題,包括披薩定理以及另外七個定理。 最後我們也利用GSP軟體驗證定理二、三、四分給2人時的對偶結果和定理二分給3人以上時的其他結果,並對於一般情形的推廣,作合理的猜測。



筆筒樹凋萎病防治法 -病原Ophiodiaporthe cyathease sp. nov.拮抗菌之篩選與應用

近在台灣新發現的筆筒樹萎凋病,造成大量筆筒樹(Cyathea lepifera)枯萎死亡,對於此疾病的防治已成亟需解決的問題。先前的研究中,已確認病原菌為新屬真菌並命名為Ophiodiaporthe cyatheae sp. nov.。本研究則在於以生物交互作用方式進行防治,尋找拮抗菌,針對特性實際應用。 研究中因實驗素材與操作方法的差異分為細菌與真菌類拮抗菌兩大主軸,且皆成功自土壤中各分離出數種有應用潛力的拮抗菌。細菌方面,尋獲並經鑑定為Burkholderia gladioli,對於病原菌有良好抑制效果,然由於此菌本身安全性有疑慮,實用上仍有待商榷。真菌方面,拮抗菌以超寄生方式與快速的生長能力制伏了病原菌,期待透過比較消除病原菌的速度,篩選出其中最強大適切的拮抗菌種,運用於實際田間病殘株處理。