

Geo Air

1. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to design a theoretical tempered-air system to be integrated into an existing heating system in a home equipped with an air-to-air heat pump. This was to overcome the cost and environmental challenges of heating in cold climates as well as provide an environmentally friendly air-conditioning system in the summer at little to no cost. 2. Procedure: In the winter of 2010 an underground high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe (10cm diameter, and 30.5m length) was buried 2.5m underground around the footings of a new residential project. A fan with a flow of 3.4m³/min was attached to the pipe outside, and used to push air underground through the pipe and into the house. The ambient and incoming air temperatures as well as the date and time were recorded daily using a temperature probe with an error margin of ±0.1ºC throughout the summer and winter seasons of 2011. This data was then plotted and analyzed. A number of options to best extract thermal energy for potential use for heating and cooling were examined. Design components were selected to create an air chamber for an air-to-air heat pump to increase its coefficient of performance (COP). 3. Data: Graph 1 Graph 2 Winter Graph (Graph 1): The blue line represents the outdoor ambient temperature and the orange line represents the temperature of the tempered air. These are both arranged chronologically. The grey lines represent one standard deviation on either side of the incoming temperatures. The ambient temperatures vary dramatically, while the incoming temperatures remain quite stable. The lowest recorded temperature was about -9.0ºC, at which point the temperature exiting from the underground pipe was about 10.5ºC. Summer Graph (Graph 2): With dramatically varying ambient temperatures, the temperature of the incoming air consistently stays between 11.1 and 16.2ºC. The highest recorded outdoor temperature was about 30.0ºC, while the incoming temperature at that point was about 15.5ºC. This cold air was used as air conditioning.



Microbial diversity in the Mediterranean hypersaline deep-sea lake Tyro

1. Purpose of the research Characterization of bacterial and viral diversity of brine Tyro using molecular methods of identification. 2. Procedures For bacteria: 1. Amplification or multiplication of 16S rRNA gene (one of the most conservative gene) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis and purification of PCR product 3. Ligation of purified PCR product into the vector pGEM-T 4. Transformation of plasmids containing an insert into competent cells E.coli XB1 5. Blue-white selection (we need white colonies, they contain the insert of interest) 6. Isolation of plasmids containing an insert of interest 7. Sequencing of inserts 8. Bioinformatics analysis: matching homologues from GeneBank database, construction of phylogenetic trees, statistical analysis. For viruses: The same methods were used for gp23 gene, which code a major head protein of T-even bacteriophages; to amplify gp23 gene a special set of primers was used, along with a standard cloning protocol described above. 3. Data 1) Two libraries of clones were obtained during analysis: lake Tyro (24 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), 10 classes) and sea water (6 OTUs, 2 classes of eubacteria). 2) The most abundant classes were: gamma-, delta-, epsilon- Proteobacteria, which is in agreement with previous reports about bacteria in brines of Mediterranean Sea. 3) The number of clones was not sufficient to obtain stable estimates of diversity, the analysis require additional data. 4) The diversity of bacteria was unexpectedly high in brine but not in the seawater, due to higher and more diverse ion composition. 5) Most of the detected bacteria in the deep-sea lake belonged to the previously undescribed (18,75%) bacteria or had unusual metabolism (43,75%). 4. Conclusions The analysis demonstrated unexpectedly high diversity of halophilic bacteria inhabiting Tyro lake. Most of bacteria presented in brine water had unique and uncommon characteristics based on information about its closest relatives. Therefore, the deep-sea hypersaline lakes of Mediterranean Sea have great potential for further investigations. Preliminary results of diversity of viruses of Tyro lake were obtained during analysis, more complete description is coming soon.


Steel slag, is received from iron and steel production facilities in Turkey, and is up to 25-30% from steel production. These couldn’t have been reclamation for any field of use and free stored in nature. When the structure of this slag examined, it was contained metallic formation (Fe2O3, Al2O3, MnO2, MgO2 etc.) and oxide compositions (SiO2, CaO2 etc.). The aim of this project is investigate metallic content of steel slag used as fertilizer in plants. For this purpose, slag is used to determine the physical and chemical characterization. Then, it is separated from metallic content by using shaking table and multi gravity separative (MGS) method. After these procedures, there are determinate 6 groups with different densities and different grit size. Element analysis was made of these groups by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and ICP-OES system. In addition, mineral analysis was determined by XRD device. Thus, within each group minerals have been identified. Slag-soil mixture was prepared for determination the highest yield of using six different slag groups as fertilizer in the plant. Thus, corn crops were grown in different combinations. Then harvested corn plants and done soil analysis of the plants. As a result of experiments, percentage of the most effective slag-soil composition for corn was determined. The highest yield in the slag pot was determined the rate of %12.5 and coarse-grained. Ideally, the slag content found to be chinerals such as merwinite (3CaO-MgO-2SiO2), akermanite (2CaO-MgO-2SiO2), gehlenite (2CaO-Al2O3-SiO2). Thus, it was detected the steel slags can be used as feed material for plants. Hence by maintaining the ecological balance economic contribution to the country was achieved.

Injector Taster with Timing

1. Purpose of the research Implement injector tester and timer button in mechanical, electrical for Correct Use Hypothesis: if humans contribute to the contamination of unconsciously by technological convenience. Give solution with the same! 2. Procedures Needed human and material resources. Besides a ventilated area with excellent ventilation. Having basic knowledge of electricity and automobile electrical systems. 3. Data This device is intended total replacement bulbs and multimeters tests relating to auto injectors of this system is important since in automotive history have been looking for improvements, part of technological development and of necessity, be have been implemented in complex systems such as electronic fuel injection, but what if our system does not work properly? Humans would contribute to contamination of the ozone layer, this natural process accelerate global warming. Hey there a social problem today becomes a global problem. Here we can see that, sophisticated equipment, are of little technical solution with a higher cost. Not to mention that the technician who works on the vehicle: save time in making a diagnosis which will be successful. 4. Conclusions The solution: provide the necessary equipment that is available to countries that do not have low resource enough. Through a reliable and safe product for the sole purpose of showing that young researchers are able to provide improved technology in the automotive industry with no expectation of this project. You should use this factor as important in society: it is the technology for the environment thereby demonstrates the certainty of our hypothesis.



ORGANIC AND NON ORGANIC CEREALS The experimental pattern that marks the difference

1. Purpose of the research The purpose of this research is to make a suitable experimental pattern to distinguish, by scientific method, organic cereals from non organic cereals. The reference ideas consider cereals (rice, barley and maize) as a complex system that possesses its own chemical–physical properties. These cereals are able to maintain traces of the cultivation process. In non organic cereal grains foreign molecules, from synthesis substances used during their cultivation and/or in their final processing, can be found. These kinds of molecules would be absent in organic cereals. The effect of these foreign molecules traces on the principal components (glucides, proteins, lipids) of cereals is investigated by Infrared Spectroscopy (IR). 2. Procedures The spectra of a small quantity of cereal meal are recorded by the ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) sampling method. The meal is obtained from selected grains of rice and barley, that are grated near the germ. On the contrary, the maize grains, are cut lengthwise and the two halves are grated on the interior surface. This procedure of preparing samples, withdraws that part of the non organic cereal grains where foreign molecules are more abundant. The meal mass amounts to only a few milligrams; so in this way the dilution effect caused by starchy and proteinic parts onto the lipid part, is reduced. The cereal packaging has to be intact, well preserved and the expiry date has to be far–off. The organic packaging has the European Certification symbol and that of the authorizing agency. The cereals used in this research, have been labelled with symbols. The experimental data are processed by the NMC (Nearest Means Classification: J.Chem. Educ. 2003, 80, 542) method, adapted to cereals. 3. Data The NMC method is based on the individuation of suitable absorption bands of the IR spectrum and, for each of them, the calculation of the following quantities: the average value of the wave number (); the (Σ) value; the |diff.|=|(ῡ–)| value and the Σ|diff.| value. At the end the sum of the Σ|diff.| for all selected bands is computed in order to obtain the Σ(Σ|diff.|). Then a graph is plotted using (Σ) and Σ(Σ|diff.|) variables. The graph has a gap between the organic cereals and the non organic ones; in other words the organic cereals are found in a particular area, whilst the non organic cereals are found in another area. The boundary between the two areas is a particular value of the Σ(Σ|diff.|). This is the pattern that distinguishes organic cereals from non organic ones. 4. Conclusions For some cereals, the gap is bigger than others; but in any case the position of the cereals on one side of the boundary line or on the other, is clear. An experimental scientific pattern that marks the difference between organic cereals and non organic ones, can be useful to organic farms, authorizing agencies and consumers. This research has planned a route to find such a pattern.

A Zero Pollution Process That Convert Non-Biodegradable Plastic Waste Into Hydrocarbon Fuel

Non-biodegradable waste materials like discarded polybags, rubber bottles, broken buckets and sachet water bags constitute a serious environmental problem all over the world. Several steps have been taken to eliminate these waste materials. Burning of these non-biodegradable waste in an incineration only constitute environmental pollution as poisonous gases are release to the environment which are hazardous to lives. The purpose of developing this catalytic conversion of non-biodegradable waste material into fuel is to remove the problem non-biodegradable waste materials poses in its disposal as well as obtaining a precious end product that will supplement fuel supply. Dump side lands that would have been used for dumping waste is also reclaimed. The procedure and chemistry is from the fact that Non-biodegradable waste materials are composes of long chain hydrocarbon. Some are made of polymeric units like polythene. The materials are heated in a closed vessel with coal and a catalyst. Heating is done progressively until condensate from gaseous product is obtained. This condensate is wide range of liquid fuel (Diesel and petrol) including LPG ranges. Further separation processing will give pure product of the different fuel liquids. The Apparatus consist of a cylindrical cooking vessel heated by coal furnace or other heat source like LPG, the vessel is made of steal. The upper side of the vessel provide an outlet vent to connect condensing section/condenser which is required for the conversion of gaseous form of product into liquid state. The fuel produce can find it application in the following areas; Heating of kiln in the cement company, Heating of boilers and Domestic lighting.


我們從校園生態池吳郭魚的腸內挑選出二十二個菌落,並透過含1%碳酸鈣的MRS培養基篩出五株可產酸的細菌,藉由基因體定序並比對序列,我們確定篩到了四種不同的乳酸菌。分別為Streptococcus anginous MD1, Lactobacillus casei MD10, Lactococcus lactis MD14 和Enterococcus raffinosus MD18。經由培養基上的拮抗圈實驗,證實了此四株乳酸菌皆具有拮抗嗜水性產氣單胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila) 的能力。實際將乳酸菌和嗜水性產氣單胞菌投餵到斑馬魚幼魚時,則以Streptococcus anginous MD1與Enterococcus raffinosus MD18有明顯的拮抗效果,其中Streptococcus anginous MD1對斑馬魚幼魚生長影響最小且拮抗效果最久。所以,我們認為Enterococcus raffinosus MD18在未來最有發展成生物製劑的潛力,可運用於魚苗存活率的提升,代替抗生素來對抗嗜水性產氣單胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)。


觀察逐時雷達迴波圖之後,我們發現冬末春初時節,從傍晚到凌晨這段時間,在宜蘭外海是一條狀雨帶的「好發期」,這條狀雨帶並非由鋒面或其他已知的天氣系統引起,故我們想研究這條狀雨帶強度與其氣候環境間的關係。前人的研究中,並沒有研究宜蘭外海的條狀雨帶,不過,從其他研究類似的條狀雨帶的參考資料中,我們發現大部分的研究認定條狀雨帶的成因,都是由風場輻合所引起,因此,我們想研究是否還有其他促使條狀雨帶形成的原因。先定義出條狀雨帶常出現的範圍,挑出有出現條狀雨帶的時數,並利用軟體Extract Color擷取每ㄧ張圖片中條狀雨帶的像素,藉此將範圍中的回波訊號量化。整理向中央氣象局收集來的氣象資料(風向、風速、氣溫、海溫),與回波訊號的量化數據做對照。結果我們發現,以風的輻合輻散來看,當風的輻合量愈大時,此雨帶也愈明顯;以溫差來看,海溫與氣溫的溫差愈大,此雨帶愈明顯。