




This research mainly discusses an antibubble the interesting physical phenomenon that isn’t generally noticed .We use digital video cameras to obtain the experimental results, and pick up and analyze them with the computer. The experimental result as follow: (1) The formation of an antibubble mainly relates with the surfactant ingredients.The washing liquid, which has the surfactant characteristics the thinner its concentration; the lower the success rate of the antibubble. (2) The size scope of an antibubble is situated between 0.35 cm to 0.6 cm, and the size of the antibubbles produced by different densities of washing liquids are not obviously different. (3) The interior radius of an antibubble is approximately 3/4 times of the outer radius. (4) The survival time of an antibubble is mostly within 70 seconds, some minority surpasses for 100 seconds. Its average survival time is 40.65 seconds. (5) When the temperature of water the underneath liquid is between 20℃ to 90 ℃, the higher its temperature; the lower the success rate of the antibubble. After the temperature reaches 80 ℃, the success rate of the antibubble turns into 0. Besides, the higher the temperature of water; the shorter survival time of the antibubble. (6) Antibubble die by itself can be induced two kinds of types. One is centralism death, and another one is vibration death. Vibration death is less common and rare. Its dead process lasts longer time than the general antibubble, and also has 2 to 3 times back and forth vibration. 本研究主要要探討「反泡泡」(antibubble)這個一般不被注意到的有趣物理現象。我們用數位攝影機進行實驗結果的取得,並以電腦進行擷取與分析。實驗結果為:一、 反泡泡的生成主要與界面活性劑的性質有關。洗碗精這樣具界面活性劑特性的物質濃度越稀薄,反泡泡的成功越低。二、 反泡泡的大小範圍介於0.35cm 至0.6cm,不同濃度所產生的反泡泡大小並無明顯之差異。三、 反泡泡的內半徑約為外半徑之3/4。四、 反泡泡存活時間大多在70 秒之內,僅有少數超過100 秒,平均存活時間為:40.65 秒。五、 承接液體在20℃至90℃的範圍中,隨著溫度的增加反泡泡生成成功率越下降,在80℃之後,成功率降至0。且溫度增加會使反泡泡存活的平均時間下降。六、 反泡泡自行破滅可以歸納出兩大種類型。其一為:「集中破滅」;另一為「震盪破滅」。「震盪破滅」情形較為特殊少見,其破滅過程較一般反泡泡來得更久,且有2 至3 次的來回震盪。


共生性倒立水母(Cassiopeia andromeda)之光生物學研究

倒立水母(Cassiopea andromeda)為一種體內含有共生性蟲黃藻的缽水母類,其傘部收縮運動可引發水流,為水母帶來獵物,同時也是與外界物質交換的重要途徑。共生藻則以自水母體獲得的物質與光能行光合作用,以供應自身與宿主水母之需。本實驗首先探究各種光環境因子(光強度、日週律、不同波長色光)與倒立水母個體大小、飢餓狀態及有無共生藻等因子,對其傘部收縮頻率的影響,進而研究倒立水母異營性攝靪與個體耗氧率等基本能量代謝特徵。研究結果顯示:正常的碟狀體具有明顯的光趨性行為,伽無共生藻的個體則否。水母傘部收縮頻率隨體型的增大而降低,在自然光照與餵靪的條件下,其收縮頻率則有明顯增加的趨勢;反之,黑暗與持續的飢餓狀態,會使其收縮頻率明顯下降。自然光照組的水母個體,其24小時內的收縮頻率呈明顯的日週律變化,伽黑暗組則未見此一現象。以不同色光照射的各組水母,其傘部收縮頻率未見明顯變化,伽各組無共生藻的個體則明顯低於正常的個體。此外,體型較大的個體,其水體過濾作用與清除率(異營性攝靪能力)皆明顯高於小型個體,而且無共生藻個體的清除率高於相同體型的正常個體,暗示其異營性攝靪能力的增加與能量獲得策略的改變。在黑暗中的耗氧率(基礎代謝率),則以正常的個體較高,而且無論正常的個體或無共生藻的個體,其個體單位體重耗氧率皆隨體型的增大而減少,呈現明顯的尺度效應。綜合上述結果可知:光環境因子能明顯影響倒立水母傘部收縮頻率,且可能係透過共生藻的光合作用等相關生理機制進行,進而影響其異營性攝靪與光環境選擇能力。


近年來,水污染成為全球性重大議題,被指出可能為造成生物疾病與死亡的主要因素。因此發展環境感測動物,用來偵測環境汙染,以提供足夠應變時間相當重要。本研究利用斑馬魚作為模式動物。研究結果指出,當斑馬魚胚胎經過逆境(stress)處理,如熱休克、酒精與thapsigargin (ER stress inducing drug)時,ER stress相關基因如PERK、chop、Bip、ATF3 mRNA和CHOP蛋白質均大量表現,顯示斑馬魚有潛力作為in vivo研究ER stress的模式動物。之後,我們利用轉殖品系Tg(KY43-3)(帶有人類uORFchop-GFP報導基因)證明人類uORFchop片段抑制下游轉譯的特性在不同物種中具有高度保守性。而當Tg(KY43-3)胚胎受高低溫、缺氧、重金屬、農藥等汙染逆境刺激後,其綠螢光被誘發表現;此外Tg(KY43-3)胚胎可在胚胎死亡前反應逆境造成的傷害而表現綠螢光,故我們可由觀察綠螢光表現判斷環境汙染物是否對生物造成傷害。綜合以上,Tg(KY43-3)可作為研究或偵測各種環境污染逆境的環境監測動物。



估算土棲螞蟻聚落的新方法----以黑巨蟻(Camponotus friedae)為例

Estimated colony size is a basic work to count population of social insect up. It is not easy to measure any natural population accurately, in this respect, social insects here some advantages and some disadvantages over non-social ones. Previous studies have focused largely on the experimental colony of ants, such as Lasius niger, Myrmica sabuleti and Formica rufa, in the artificial nest. Furthermore, base on the division of labor, traditional Mark-Recapured Methods can not be used to measure complete colony of ant correcty. Here, we show that new method has be set up to calculate the colony of the ground black-giant ant, Camponotus fruedae,with a new indicator, ant hill. Predictions about the division of labor introduced to amend the formula of estimated population are discussed.本實驗探討黑巨蟻的蟻丘之形狀和生物意義,並分析利用何種方法能估算最準確的聚落大小。利用幾何圖形證明黑巨蟻會築似圓的蟻丘,並利用標識捕捉法的Petersen method(又稱為Lincoln index)、Schnabel method 和蟻丘大小重量,來推算黑巨蟻聚落之大小。發現黑巨蟻會築似圓度90%的蟻丘,而且標識捕捉法的Petersen method(又稱為Lincoln index)、Schnabel method 並不能精確的推算出黑巨蟻之聚落大小;應使用黑巨蟻之蟻丘的重量當作參數來推算,才不會忽略幼蟲的存在。


本研究主要探討水漂彈跳的物理現象,在研究中我們以實驗配合理論,藉由分析不同變因的影響,找出水漂彈跳的最佳模式。在實驗中,我們自行設計並改良發射器,並改變水漂發射的各項變因:包含初速、轉速、及發射仰角,另外也針對不同錐度的水漂進行實驗。同時,自行開發近景攝影及相片分析的技術,以進行測量及分析。\r 我們由實驗得知水漂在擁有較大的初速及轉速時,可有較大的彈跳次數。另外,在相同速度時,發射仰角越靠近20度~25度之間越容易彈跳,且有最低的最低彈跳速率。此外,我們發現使用錐度5度的錐形水漂時可增加彈跳次數,並會產生明顯的滑行現象。\r 在理論分析中,我們針對水漂與水面接觸瞬間的受力進行探究,並根據實驗發展出一套在給訂初始條件時可推算出彈跳次數的方法,適用於我們所用的水漂。


伏打電池中,若兩極的電極種類及溶液種類均相同,僅是兩極的溶液濃度或溶液溫度不同,兩極間就有電位差,稱為濃差電池及溫差電池。典型的濃差電池中 ( 電極為電解液正離子的金屬片 ),濃度大的一端電位較高,電池電壓與兩杯溶液濃度比值的對數值成正比,且在相同濃度比值時,硝酸銀濃差電池的電壓最大,其次為硝酸銅、硫酸銅,硫酸鋅濃差電池的電壓最小。硫酸銅溫差電池,若電極為銅片,則電池電壓與兩杯溶液溫度差成正比,且溫度高的一端電位較高。 我們將硫酸銅溫差電池製成太陽能電池,在太陽下曝曬3 小時,電壓可達 13.6mV, 電流可達0.76mA,因此只要串聯數個電池以提高電壓,再對鉛蓄電池充電,就可以達到方便、實用與重複使用的目的。 In a voltaic cell, if the kinds of both electrodes and electrolytes are the same, but the molality or the temperature of the solutions are different, there will be potential difference between the two electrodes. We can them molality-difference cells and temperature-difference cells. In a typical molality-difference cells-its electrode is a piece of metal which is the same kind of metal with the cation electrolyte.-the electrode with the higher molality has the higher potential, and the potential and the log of the fraction of the molality of the two glasses of solution are directly proportional, and when the fraction is the same, AgNO3 has the highest potential and then Cu(NO3)2 and CuSO4, and ZnSO4 has the lowest potential. In a CuSO4 temperature-difference cell, if its electrode is a piece of cuprum, then the potential and the temperature- difference of the two glasses of electarolytes are directly proportional, and the electrode with the higher temperature has higher potential. We use CuSO4 temperature cell to make a solar cell, and put it under the sun for 3 hours, the potential can be 13.6 m V, and the current can be 0.76m A. Therefore we can make several of them series to get higher potential and charge a lead storage battery. By this way, we can make a convenient, practical and recycled battery.

