本實驗的目的在於探討凌日時的黑滴效應。實驗以投影機在螢幕上投射出亮區模擬太陽,以保麗龍球模擬內行星橫越太陽表面,以相機作為觀測記錄器材,結果發現在內行星與太陽的第二及第三次接觸時會有黑滴現象。黑滴效應在光源顏色越接近紅色、拍攝相機的光圈值越小越明顯、相機對焦比實際值越小越明顯;光源的明亮度對黑滴效應沒有顯著影響。金星大氣、地球大氣不是造成黑滴現象的主因,而影響黑滴效應的因素與光的繞射相同。實驗結果發現,黑滴效應的成因主要發生在觀測紀錄的器材上面。This study is conducted to explain the black drop effect for the transit of a planet. A video projector projects a bright square on the screen to simulate the Sun. A ball simulated the planet crossing the sun’s disk. And a digital camera takes the images of transit. The Black-drop Coefficient is defined and a computer program is designed to analyze the image of black drop. The results show that the resolving power of the observation instrument is the main factor in the effect. The atmosphere and the solar limb darkening do not directly respond to it.