ELVES (Emissions of Light and VLF perturbation due to EMP Sources) is a transient luminous phenomenon of ionosphere induced by the electromagnetic pulse of lightning. In this report, we use the data of ISUAL science payload of FORMOSAT-2 to investigate the luminosities and the stepped-leader signals of the different kinds of ELVES.淘氣精靈全名Emissions of Light and VLF perturbation due to EMP Sources簡稱ELVES,為閃電的電磁脈衝波引發電離層短暫發光的現象,本研究是分析福爾摩沙衛星二號上科學酬載ISUAL的光度資料,以探討淘氣精靈類型與光度訊號強度以及閃電前導訊號的關係。