三軸向六自由度動感平台(六軸平台)或稱史都華平台,最常見的用途是做為訓練用途的飛行模擬器或是娛樂用途的動感電影院。然而較鮮為人知的也被用於模擬地震來作為防震研究。六軸平台利用六支線性致動器的伸縮來控制平台姿態與加速度以製造出地震模擬波動來模擬地震。地震研究和人類生活最直接關係的就是房子的耐震研究。耐震取決於建築結構形狀及所使用之材料;結構決定了整個房子吸收或消除震盪能量的方式。本專題即是利用平台模擬集集地震和阪神地震來測試各種材料相同但結構不同之建築結構拓樸,以控制變因法來分析討論各種結構拓樸的耐震能力,把結構所能承受的最大相對振幅為數據做分析。本專題之部份研究亦參與2004年國家地震研究中心所舉辦之抗震盃競賽。 Three Axis Six Degree Of Freedom Motion Platforms, also named the Stewart Platform, are usually used for flight simulator in training purpose or for motion- theater in entertainment. Yet, the use of motion platform in earthquake simulation is rarely known in public. The motion platform uses 6 linear actuators to control position and acceleration to simulate earthquake. The direct connection between human life and earthquake research is to study quake-resistance of buildings. The quake-resistance depends on the structure and the material of the buildings. The structure decides how the building absorbs and/or eliminates the shaking energy. This project studies how different structure topologies stand in the simulated earthquake generated by a motion platform. Controlling factors method is utilized to discuss the quake-resistance of different structures. Data of the maximal resisted acceleration are also analyzed. A part of this research also participates in “IDEERS” contest held by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE).