本實驗是以實際探勘的地質及泉水資料和文獻為基礎,對於幾個可能造成冷泉降溫的原因(岩石種類、泉水pH值、流通氣體之壓力、流速)進行實驗。我們製作了一個模擬地下泉水流動的實驗管路,此管路並可同時觀察紀錄氣壓、氣體流速,以及實驗前後模擬管路的溫度變化。透過對實驗管路的熱容量校正,我們可以找出各變因對泉水降溫的關係,以建立出一個模型,期望可套用於實際冷泉的狀況,進而推論出更多冷泉的性質。This experiment uses data and bibliography from real exploration as bases to find the possibilities of why the cool spring drops in temperature. (Mineral types, spring water's pH value, air flow pressure, and movement flow.) We created a model of underground spring water for the simulation. From this model, we could observe the air pressure, movement, and the spring's change of temperature before and after the tests. By adjusting the thermal capacity in the model, we could find the direct cause of the spring's temperature drop. And hopefully be able to adopt this model to the realistic problem, increase the effort of analyzing the natural cool spring's properties.