


現今逐漸有許多科學家研究出一些能夠進行預測事件的方法,諸如天氣預報、價格變化的幅度等等。在眾多生活常見的問題中,我們選定違規停車為例,作為研究主題,而我們推測違規停車是一種具有週期性的問題,有多樣的潛在變因存在,於是我們跳脫以往多以心理層面、法規制度與地理熱點等的視角去看待違規停車,以資訊科學及數學的方法,建立一套分析的模式加以進行研究。 本文以連續小波變換CWT、最大重複離散小波轉換MODWT、差分整合移動平均自迴歸模型ARIMA、混合MODWT+ARIMA模型及混合Harr離散小波變換DWT+ARIMA模型,對臺南市三個不同特性的行政里的共五個聚類點,進行預測。原始的資料以週為單位,分成全日(allDay,0~24時)及白天(Day, 08~16時)兩種型態,並以連續46週的資料預測接下來4週。結果採用方均根誤差RMSE相對平均值、標準差、最大值的比值,進行預測品質的比較。

Removal of Nutrients by Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae in Bandar Abbas Municipal Wastewater

The entry of nutrients into the environment can cause the creation of eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems. One of the methods of removing nutrients from effluents is the use of algae. Algal purification is a new and inexpensive technology for this purpose. The present study investigated the rate of cell growth and nutrient removal of urban wastewater in Bandar Abbas in winter 2020 by the Chlorella vulgaris microalgae in the phycolab of Fisheries Research. Treatments with different dilutions (0%, 25%, 50% and 75%) were prepared; in addition, specific growth rate, cell density and removal efficiency of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite were examined during a 14 day period with initial constant density (1×10⁶ cells / ml ) of microalgae. The results indicated that 0% and 75% dilution had the highest and lowest cell densities (8.675×10⁶ and 56.633×10⁶), respectively; moreover, they had the specific growth rate (0.166 and 0.311). Furthermore, there was a significant difference between them (P≥ 0.05). The highest nitrate and nitrite removal efficiencies were -40.75 and -79.84 in effluent dilution of 50%; in addition, the lowest were 1.26 and -40.26 in dilution of 75% and 25% respectively. Phosphate had the highest removal efficiency at 0% dilution with a mean of -79.65 that showed a significant difference with the lowest at 25% dilution (P≥ 0.05). Therefore, high or low levels of nutrients can affect the removal efficiency and growth rate of microalgae.

The Waves Fish Controller

Our oceans, coasts, and estuaries are home to diverse living things. These organisms take many forms, from the tiniest single-celled plankton to the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale. Understanding the life cycles, habits, habitats, and inter-relationships of marine life contributes to our understanding of the planet as a whole. Human influence and reliance on these species, as well as changing environmental conditions, will determine the future health of these marine inhabitants Humans influence the whole environment even if they don’t notice , the growth of men and our increasing reproduction over the years results to an over consumption of nutritious products , which makes us exploit the wildlife more and more and in the same time take parts of its habitats for us to life in and throwing our non-needed materials in what’s left of the world. And that’s a big problem because the Eco-System was just fine before we started over exploiting it in a greedy and unreasonable manner, and since the ecosystem’s parts are related altogether in an ongoing circle , the absence or the destruction of one part of It may lead to the unbalance and even destruction of the whole organized system. And that’s why as humans, it is our first duty to take care of nature generally and both fauna and flora specifically, not because of a moral code of some kind; but to protect Humanity from ourselves, and to preserve the human kind from destruction and extinction. And that’s the main goal of our project, that’s to help us organize our fishing exploitative activities with how much can the environment handle from it.


我們的研究是利用空氣盒子設計出一個裝置,用以觀察環境中懸浮微粒潮解膨脹現象。 我們觀察了由硝酸銨與硫酸銨各自以及不同比例與混合模式組成的懸浮微粒。純硝酸銨的潮解點不明顯,純硫酸銨有明顯的潮解點。內混合懸浮微粒有一個潮解點,並且出現3種類型的潮解行為,分別是偏向硝酸銨或硫酸銨以及過渡型,後者粒徑成長的比例會比前兩者來得高。外混合懸浮微粒有兩個潮解點,保留兩種成分各自的特性。 我們利用雨水觀察環境中懸浮微粒的潮解膨脹現象,將其與內混合懸浮微粒的潮解點與潮解行為做比較,來推估其成分與來源。確定我們的裝置能推估出主要的污染成分及來源。


象棋的馬與西洋棋的騎士走法有異曲同工之妙且棋子的走法似乎有些特殊的規律,兩者的走法我們稱為同構,因此我們針對這個現象進行研究。 (圖一) 馬步與騎士 我們得到下面四個結論: 一、定理甲:動點P可經由馬步從原點(0,0)走到棋盤上的任意格子點。 二、定理乙:平面棋盤的馬步路徑皆可找到起點、終點在同一象限(含軸),且步數相同的路徑。 三、定理丙:每一個最少步數K≥5,K所對應的總格子數f(K),數列為公差7的等差數列。 四、定理丁:給定第一象限(含軸)任意點P(X,Y),可求得最少步數K。

New Approach to Food Packaging: Antimicrobial and Edible Materials

In addition to adequate and balanced nutrition in the protection of human health, the reliability of consumed foods is also of great importance. When foods contact with the environment, they are undergoing many microbiological, physical and chemical changes such as moisture loss, aroma exchange, oxidation and contamination with microorganisms. So this changes reduce quality and shorten the shelf life. During cutting and processing of chicken meat, especially contamination on the surface causes deterioration of the meat starting from the surface and thus short shelf life. Though contamination of chicken meat surface is inevitable, growth of contaminant microorganisms can be inhibited and microorganisms can be killed. In recent years, increased risks of infection due to antibiotic-resistant microorganisms have forced the discovery of new and natural antibacterial materials. It is a new and advantageous approach to avoid environmental pollution caused by the use of food packaging and safety of food, prolongation of product shelf life by natural, edible, antibacterial biomolecules in packaging products. In the scope of the project, in order to produce an edible alginate gel containing the antimicrobial peptide nisin, which has an antibacterial property to prevent microbial growth on the surface of chicken meat, following steps was done;  Synthesis of calcium alginate and nisin immobilized calcium alginate beads  Optimization of immobilizing nisin in calcium alginate beads,  Characterization of nisin immobilized calcium alginate beads by ATR-FTIR Spectrum and SEM Analysis,  Determination of the antimicrobial activity of white meat product chicken which is coated by nisin immobilizing calcium alginate gel.




軟骨修復目前仍是臨床治療上的挑戰,組織工程扮演著可行性的解決方案。軟骨修復中,軟骨支架是關鍵的要素。本研究使用天然高分子水膠透過溶劑鑄造鹽洗法製備軟骨支架,去探討造孔劑粒徑大小(大粒徑:170;小粒徑:250)與添加量(低量:2克;高量4克)是否會影響製成軟骨支架的物化性質,以及會影響前驅骨母細胞分化的能力。透過觀察所製成的四種軟骨支架顯微結構,分別測試其吸水量、降解性、抗壓強度與交聯度,並測試其生物相容性與促進前驅骨母細胞增生及分化之能力。結果發現,造孔劑粒徑大且高添加量的軟骨支架 (170-4組別),雖抗壓強度僅 0.0177 MPa,每克支架吸水量達 14.72 mL ,浸泡於試劑 30 天後,支架不會明顯降解,且不具細胞毒性,促進前驅骨母細胞增生與分化的能力最佳,因此可作為適用於軟骨缺損修復之組織工程支架,提高軟骨修復之成效。




台灣藜為原生種作物,本實驗探討其抗逆的可能原因,並發現囊狀細胞的不同功能。台灣藜種子發芽率與幼苗生長,隨鹽度及乾旱程度上升,受到很大抑制;發展至第一對葉,台灣藜才展現較好抗逆能力。不論子葉或第一對葉,鹽度越高或越乾旱,花青素與類黃酮含量均較高。但POD與CAT活性,子葉時活性變化不大;生長至第一對葉時,POD在2%鹽處理組及乾旱w40%組,活性分別上升10.8及3.6倍,而CAT在2%鹽處理組及乾旱w40%組,活性上升5.2及3.8倍,酵素活性上升的結果與抗逆關鍵時期相符。刷除囊狀細胞後,發現台灣藜在鹽逆境下生長較差;2%鹽處理後,刷除囊狀細胞的葉片,其CAT活性下降約64%。收集囊狀細胞,進行CAT活性分析,囊狀細胞組及其去除活性組(加入去除CAT活性的Stop solution),兩者間的OD值相差達7.9倍。顯示台灣藜的囊狀細胞不僅有儲鹽的能力,還具有抗氧化酵素協助抗逆。