Removal of Nutrients by Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae in Bandar Abbas Municipal Wastewater
The entry of nutrients into the environment can cause the creation of eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems. One of the methods of removing nutrients from effluents is the use of algae. Algal purification is a new and inexpensive technology for this purpose. The present study investigated the rate of cell growth and nutrient removal of urban wastewater in Bandar Abbas in winter 2020 by the Chlorella vulgaris microalgae in the phycolab of Fisheries Research. Treatments with different dilutions (0%, 25%, 50% and 75%) were prepared; in addition, specific growth rate, cell density and removal efficiency of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite were examined during a 14 day period with initial constant density (1×10⁶ cells / ml ) of microalgae. The results indicated that 0% and 75% dilution had the highest and lowest cell densities (8.675×10⁶ and 56.633×10⁶), respectively; moreover, they had the specific growth rate (0.166 and 0.311). Furthermore, there was a significant difference between them (P≥ 0.05). The highest nitrate and nitrite removal efficiencies were -40.75 and -79.84 in effluent dilution of 50%; in addition, the lowest were 1.26 and -40.26 in dilution of 75% and 25% respectively. Phosphate had the highest removal efficiency at 0% dilution with a mean of -79.65 that showed a significant difference with the lowest at 25% dilution (P≥ 0.05). Therefore, high or low levels of nutrients can affect the removal efficiency and growth rate of microalgae.
The Waves Fish Controller
Our oceans, coasts, and estuaries are home to diverse living things. These organisms take many forms, from the tiniest single-celled plankton to the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale. Understanding the life cycles, habits, habitats, and inter-relationships of marine life contributes to our understanding of the planet as a whole. Human influence and reliance on these species, as well as changing environmental conditions, will determine the future health of these marine inhabitants Humans influence the whole environment even if they don’t notice , the growth of men and our increasing reproduction over the years results to an over consumption of nutritious products , which makes us exploit the wildlife more and more and in the same time take parts of its habitats for us to life in and throwing our non-needed materials in what’s left of the world. And that’s a big problem because the Eco-System was just fine before we started over exploiting it in a greedy and unreasonable manner, and since the ecosystem’s parts are related altogether in an ongoing circle , the absence or the destruction of one part of It may lead to the unbalance and even destruction of the whole organized system. And that’s why as humans, it is our first duty to take care of nature generally and both fauna and flora specifically, not because of a moral code of some kind; but to protect Humanity from ourselves, and to preserve the human kind from destruction and extinction. And that’s the main goal of our project, that’s to help us organize our fishing exploitative activities with how much can the environment handle from it.
New Approach to Food Packaging: Antimicrobial and Edible Materials
In addition to adequate and balanced nutrition in the protection of human health, the reliability of consumed foods is also of great importance. When foods contact with the environment, they are undergoing many microbiological, physical and chemical changes such as moisture loss, aroma exchange, oxidation and contamination with microorganisms. So this changes reduce quality and shorten the shelf life. During cutting and processing of chicken meat, especially contamination on the surface causes deterioration of the meat starting from the surface and thus short shelf life. Though contamination of chicken meat surface is inevitable, growth of contaminant microorganisms can be inhibited and microorganisms can be killed. In recent years, increased risks of infection due to antibiotic-resistant microorganisms have forced the discovery of new and natural antibacterial materials. It is a new and advantageous approach to avoid environmental pollution caused by the use of food packaging and safety of food, prolongation of product shelf life by natural, edible, antibacterial biomolecules in packaging products. In the scope of the project, in order to produce an edible alginate gel containing the antimicrobial peptide nisin, which has an antibacterial property to prevent microbial growth on the surface of chicken meat, following steps was done; Synthesis of calcium alginate and nisin immobilized calcium alginate beads Optimization of immobilizing nisin in calcium alginate beads, Characterization of nisin immobilized calcium alginate beads by ATR-FTIR Spectrum and SEM Analysis, Determination of the antimicrobial activity of white meat product chicken which is coated by nisin immobilizing calcium alginate gel.