Utilizing Computer Vision And Machine Learning Algorithms To Control Smart Systems Helping Physically Disabled People.
About 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability, of whom 2-4% experience significant difficulties in functioning. The global disability prevalence is higher than previous WHO estimates, which date from the 1970s and suggested a figure of around 10%. This global estimate for disability is on the rise due to population ageing and the rapid spread of chronic diseases, as well as improvements in the methodologies used to measure disability. This research deals specifically with the physically disabled and often people with physical disabilities feel frustrated because they cannot do activities such as: playing sports and doing exercise. Having a physical disability also changes the way a person lives their life. They may find their life changes and activities they had previously included as part of their daily routine such as brushing their teeth, washing and doing household chores suddenly become a huge effort and many people require another person's help to carry out these activities. Also, they suffer from three basic challenges like; education, economic and, communication. Firstly, Education: The results of the investigation revealed that the physically handicapped. They face a lot of problems while studying they can't learn as the normal ones and they needs someone to help in learning. Secondly, Economic: they can't work and achieve income to help in his practical life. And finally Communication: they can't communicate with others because of his disability.
Considering Fukushima’s contaminated water treatment system using algae ~ To protect the oceans from radioactive emissions
Nine years ago, the Great East 日本 Earthquake caused the spread of a large amount of radioactive materials. Even now, the amount of contaminated water is increasing at a rate of 180 tons per day, and it is said that the storage tanks for the contaminated water will run out of space in the next two years (Fig. 1). If the contaminated water is discharged into the ocean, it will cause reputational damage to the fishing industry, and the environmental pollution. We are conducting to research to prevent it from happening. In the wake of the nuclear accident, the senior started water quality surveys at Chaya Marsh near the school. During the survey, they found (Chara braunii, Fig. 2), (Nitella axilliformis, Fig. 3), Closterium moniliferum (Fig. 4), and (Nostoc commune, Fig. 5).
Sustainable G-Polymer From Industrial Waste
This study focuses on the pre-treatment of paper sludge ash (PSA) as a by-product of paper milling industry that contains high amount of calcium, yet low in silica. The presence of high calcium content in geopolymer system will accelerate the setting time of fresh geopolymer and may disrupt the development of its mechanical strength. Therefore, in this study, the refinement of PSA properties was conducted by treating raw PSA in hydrochloric acid solution with different molarities of 0.5 M, 1.0 M and 2.0 M. The pre-treatment process was mainly purposed to decrease the amount of calcium and other impurities through leaching mechanism. Based on the experimental results, 2.0 M hydrochloric acid solution (HCl) was determined as the optimum concentration due to its ability in removing higher amount of calcium from the ash, yet still able to increase the amount of silica. Compression test on the hardened properties of geopolymer specimen also showed the deceleration of fresh fly ash based geopolymer and produced a more workable fresh geopolymer.