
Utilizing Computer Vision And Machine Learning Algorithms To Control Smart Systems Helping Physically Disabled People.

About 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability, of whom 2-4% experience significant difficulties in functioning. The global disability prevalence is higher than previous WHO estimates, which date from the 1970s and suggested a figure of around 10%. This global estimate for disability is on the rise due to population ageing and the rapid spread of chronic diseases, as well as improvements in the methodologies used to measure disability. This research deals specifically with the physically disabled and often people with physical disabilities feel frustrated because they cannot do activities such as: playing sports and doing exercise. Having a physical disability also changes the way a person lives their life. They may find their life changes and activities they had previously included as part of their daily routine such as brushing their teeth, washing and doing household chores suddenly become a huge effort and many people require another person's help to carry out these activities. Also, they suffer from three basic challenges like; education, economic and, communication. Firstly, Education: The results of the investigation revealed that the physically handicapped. They face a lot of problems while studying they can't learn as the normal ones and they needs someone to help in learning. Secondly, Economic: they can't work and achieve income to help in his practical life. And finally Communication: they can't communicate with others because of his disability.


本研究以AI虛擬試衣系統(Virtual Try-on)為主題,透過深度學習技術,並結合幾何匹配模型,開發出試衣系統,可將使用者上傳的照片,模擬成穿著新衣的模樣。 首先,以深度學習模型將人物原始圖片取出骨架節點,並生成人體遮罩以及保留人物頭部,再結合以上三種資訊合成為高維特徵圖。接著將目標替換衣物生成出依照人體姿態扭曲後的衣物圖片。最後於Virtual Try-on模型中將人體高維特徵圖與扭曲衣物作為輸入,並經過深度學習網路合成出穿著目標衣物之人體圖像。本研究結果發現,人物站姿單純,且雙手緊貼身側,以及拍攝角度為正面、衣服款式為短袖、背景色彩對比度較高與衣服圖案單純的原始圖片,可得到較好的合成結果。


小分子團水(water cluster)的製備及應用一直是科學界的挑戰。本實驗利用熱蒸鍍法,加熱金屬塊材成原子蒸氣,在氬氣環境配合液態氮溫度下冷凝收集,成功製備了平均粒徑10nm金、20nm銀、54nm銦、71nm錫、14nm鎳奈米顆粒。將定量的奈米顆粒滲入去離子水中,以超聲波分散顆粒團聚,再以波長530奈米的綠光照射,讀取拉曼散射譜圖,判定來自小分子團水的振盪強度,探討5種奈米顆粒對形成小分子團水的功效。我們驚訝的發現奈米銦藉表面電漿共振(surface plasma resonance)及表面電子氧化還原功效,弱化水分子團簇成大分子團的功效為奈米金的16倍,奈米錫為12倍,也均高效於奈米銀及奈米鎳。以奈米銦及奈米錫增益小分子團水後,對將癌細胞藥物、養分帶入細胞的功效明顯提升。


幹細胞會進行不對稱分裂以維持組織恆定,一個子細胞分化為有特定功能的細胞,而另一個則維持其細胞潛能。粒線體能進行分裂和融合並維持動平衡。現今的研究已經了解,誘導型多能幹細胞(iPSC)的粒線體動平衡變化會促使其直接分化 (Seo BJ, et al., 2018)。然而,果蠅卵巢生殖幹細胞(GSC)內粒線體動平衡與幹細胞分化的關聯仍不清楚。本研究利用容易辨認的果蠅卵巢生殖幹細胞來探討這個問題,並使用Gal4-UAS系統與RNAi操縱粒線體動平衡,並發現粒線體融合蛋白被抑制會導致油滴堆積及幹細胞損失。另外,使用左旋肉鹼(L-carnatine)增進脂肪酸代謝,發現增進代謝會導致油滴減少及幹細胞回復。本研究著重於探討粒線體動平衡對GSC維持與脂肪酸代謝的影響,並對粒線體脂肪酸代謝與幹細胞分化的潛在關係提出觀點與佐證,盼未來能有更進一步的研究與醫療方面的應用。


全球貧血人口普遍,然許多人並不了解自身是否罹患貧血;長期患有貧血的病人,亦需定期抽血檢驗追蹤是否有貧血惡化達到需接受輸血的程度。研究顯示,結膜之顏色與貧血有絕對關係,結膜越白則貧血越嚴重,醫師也常使用結膜顏色推測是否有貧血情形。若能設計手機軟體自動分割結膜影像並分析其顏色,將有機會推測受試者是否罹患貧血。本研究收集22位無貧血者及8位貧血病人,並獲得其近期血紅素數值。以手機取得受試者之眼睛影像後,成功設計程式以深度學習完成結膜自動影像分割,對於分割影像以面積大小進行後期處理後,依其取得下眼瞼結膜之三原色平均,再利用kNN與SVM演算法判斷預測出該受試者是否具有貧血之症狀。本研究主要分為兩階段,其一為進行下眼瞼結膜分割模型訓練;其二為製作有無貧血之判斷模型。整合上述眼瞼分割模型(IoU=89.8%±0.02%)與貧血判斷模型(SVM以polynomial核函數測出 準確值93.3%±24.3%)後,可得貧血診斷準確率為80%。此結果代表AI技術有機會透過結膜影像,判斷被拍攝者是否有貧血情形,未來若能增加研究人數,將可設計網頁版或手機APP加以推測血紅素值,供大眾居家篩檢。

Designing Multifunctional Intelligent Autonomous Underwater Remote Operating Vehicle to perform “Search and Rescue” in the event of extreme weather flooding condition

This underwater remote operating vehicle (ROV) is designed with and without tethered operation. The operator can control the ROV from the real time first-person view in graphical user interface combined with sonar and object detection function when the tether is attached to perform search and rescue. The control tether with fiber optic lighting cable establishes a guided link medium between the possible search victim location and the rescue team. When the tether is detached, rapid deployment by a predefined set of instruction to achieve further operation range. The intelligent technologies of signal processing were used for object recognition, collision detection and sonar scanning data to enhance underwater operation. Autonomous driving is based on software development with limited capability to run in unrestricted open areas. We have achieved the design intent and confirmed the performance data in the laboratory boundary conditions.

同「鋅」協力 —— 以醇解法探討金屬鋅催化解聚 PET之反應

聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯 (PET) 是一種常見的合成高分子材料,其被應用的範圍相當廣泛,如產品包裝、手提袋等,然而隨著人類的過度使用,越來越多的 PET 產品被發現有回收不當的現象。 文獻指出,醇解法為一具有反應條件簡單、反應過程溫和及較不會產生多餘副產物的解聚 PET 方法,且醇解法能使用非均相觸媒,具有易於分離觸媒的優勢,具工業化潛力。本研究嘗試利用廢電池中的鋅作為催化劑用以解聚 PET 成單體對苯二甲酸乙二酯(BHET),並深入討論影響反應進行的因素與發展應用。利用廢電池中的鋅作為催化劑不但成本低廉,也更能符合本研究的核心「綠色化學」。 本研究已透過最適化條件搜尋,發現能在催化劑使用量為 0.2 克、反應時間 4 小時、反應溫度 180 度時,解聚 5 克的 PET,有最佳效果之 BHET 產率 75.8% 和 PET 轉化率 93.2%。根據最適化反應條件,並比較不同種的鋅化合物做為催化劑,發現廢電池中的鋅作為催化劑催化反應,具有較佳的轉化率與產率。

Considering Fukushima’s contaminated water treatment system using algae ~ To protect the oceans from radioactive emissions

Nine years ago, the Great East 日本 Earthquake caused the spread of a large amount of radioactive materials. Even now, the amount of contaminated water is increasing at a rate of 180 tons per day, and it is said that the storage tanks for the contaminated water will run out of space in the next two years (Fig. 1). If the contaminated water is discharged into the ocean, it will cause reputational damage to the fishing industry, and the environmental pollution. We are conducting to research to prevent it from happening. In the wake of the nuclear accident, the senior started water quality surveys at Chaya Marsh near the school. During the survey, they found (Chara braunii, Fig. 2), (Nitella axilliformis, Fig. 3), Closterium moniliferum (Fig. 4), and (Nostoc commune, Fig. 5).

Sustainable G-Polymer From Industrial Waste

This study focuses on the pre-treatment of paper sludge ash (PSA) as a by-product of paper milling industry that contains high amount of calcium, yet low in silica. The presence of high calcium content in geopolymer system will accelerate the setting time of fresh geopolymer and may disrupt the development of its mechanical strength. Therefore, in this study, the refinement of PSA properties was conducted by treating raw PSA in hydrochloric acid solution with different molarities of 0.5 M, 1.0 M and 2.0 M. The pre-treatment process was mainly purposed to decrease the amount of calcium and other impurities through leaching mechanism. Based on the experimental results, 2.0 M hydrochloric acid solution (HCl) was determined as the optimum concentration due to its ability in removing higher amount of calcium from the ash, yet still able to increase the amount of silica. Compression test on the hardened properties of geopolymer specimen also showed the deceleration of fresh fly ash based geopolymer and produced a more workable fresh geopolymer.


第五代行動通訊(5th generation mobile networks)是現今科技發展的趨勢,新技術的出現也衍生出很多新的問題,在基地台點對點傳輸時,需要精確角度的天線才足以準確地接收高頻波短的毫米波,雖然現今已經有精密儀器能測量精確的方位角,但價格較高且使用方法複雜,面對數量龐大的5G基地台時,維修成本過高。本研究利用手機拍照得到天線與目標物相對角度,結合預先得知目標物的方位角,再經過數學運算即可得到精確的天線指向。本研究希望以隨手可得的手機,配合簡單的方法,可得到精確的天線指向,解決第五代行動通訊可能面臨的問題。