


過去,螢光的使用只局限於釣魚、登山等無法使用電燈或火把時使用的一種較為安全的冷光。而今,我們使用這種化學發光的機會也越來越多,也再成了更多的汙染,所以我們想藉此去研討有關螢光棒之化學反應與其反應之改良。在這一篇報告當中,我們討論與研究有關Luminol發光之反應與催化劑對其反應之影響;比較在380nm~480nm範圍內不同波長所產生之光度及比較各種不同催化劑在相同波長的發光度隨反應時間的變化。我們發現在此反應之中,以k3Fe(CN)6可以產生出最大的亮度,且由實驗的結果得知Luminol的發光無法維持兩分鐘,發光時間較為短暫。映之催化效果是同時被金屬離子和根離子影響。具有明顯催化效果(最大光度超過2.5)的鹽類濃度以稀薄為佳,約10-3M。在此反應中以k3Fe(CN)6為其催化劑,可以產生一種穩定且明亮的發光,是一種較佳的催化劑在此化學發光反應之中。In the past, fluorescence was limited in being used in fishing or hiking, in which light or a torch was not available. Fluorescence is much safer because of its feature of luminescence. Today, the opportunities we use this fluorescence become more and more. The more people will use fluorescence. The more environment pollution will be caused, that is the reason we would like to study the chemical reaction of fluorescence and its solution to reduce pollution. In this paper, chemical reactions between the Luminol and different catalysis agents are studied, the comparisons between the reaction condition of the catalysis agents and the Luminol, to measure the light intensity variation in 350-500nm light wavelength range. And to measure the light intensity variation following the time of the chemical reactions between the Luminol and different catalysis. We found out that the chemical reactions between the Luminol and k3Fe(CN)6 being the catalysis agents can produce the maximum light strength. But the time of the chemical reactions is much shorter, it only can keep this chemical reactions operating in two minutes. The chemical reaction’s catalysis agent is affected by metallic ion and SO4(2-) , NO3(1-),Cl(1-), when the catalysis agent’s concentration is sparely, this luminous reaction is more obvious( the maximum light strength is over 2.5) .It can produce a fluorescence which is steady and luminous, and it is better to become the catalysis agent material of the fluorescent chemical reactions.


植物依靠向光性爭取最多的光線,以進行光合作用,製造食物供給所有生物。雖然在十九世紀時植物的向光性就已經被發現,並且參與植物向光性的主要荷爾蒙為植物生長素也已經熟知,但是主要是植物的哪一個組織接受光訊息以誘導向光性,以及細胞內的哪些分子參與訊息傳遞,則都不清楚。因此這個研究,以可以發射特殊波長的發光二極體為光源照射綠豆小苗以研究向光性,結果顯示藍光和綠光而不是紅和黃光可以誘導向光性。就向光性訊息傳導的組織層面的研究而言,將豆苗的葉、葉柄、生長點、子葉分別除去後,再側面照光,發現向光性要產生必須要有生長點或葉柄,並且發現莖可以誘導向光性,而葉子不能誘導向光性,因此莖是主要接受光訊息以誘導向光性的組織。就向光性訊息傳導的分子層面的研究而言,植物以鈣離子的螯合劑和鈣離子通道阻斷劑處理後發現,細胞質內鈣離子濃度的增加是藍光和綠光誘導的向光性所需要的過程,有趣的是藍光誘導向光性的訊息傳導過程中,除了經由細胞內的鈣離子濃度的增加外,還有其它鈣離子不參與的訊息傳導途徑。此外,以蛋白質磷酸?抑制劑和蛋白質去磷酸?抑制劑處理植物後發現,藍光和綠光所誘導的向光性訊息傳導,都包含蛋白質去磷酸?第1 和2a 型在細胞內的作用。因此植物的向光性需要有生長素才會表現,生長素由生長點製造後由生長點和葉柄儲存,在光刺激之下會誘導莖產生傳遞訊息,此訊息會傳遞到含有生長素的生長點和葉柄,使得生長素流向照光組織細胞,並且使得細胞內鈣離子濃度增加,活化蛋白質去磷酸?第1 和2a 型,進而造成植物的向光性。Phototropism allows plants to receive the most amount of light to perform photosynthesis, which produces food and energy for all organisms. The phenomenon of phototropism has been known since the 19th century, and auxin has been identified to be the main hormone involving in phototropism. However, the major plant tissue responsible for receiving light signal is not fully understood, and the signal transduction pathway within cells after light activation is not clear. Therefore, the phototropism of mungbean seedlings is examined by Light Emitting Diodes (LED) which produce the specific wavelength of light in this study. Results point out that blue and green lights rather than red and yellow lights induce phototropism of moonbeam. The phototropism of mungbean seedlings is further studied by plants whose leaves, petioles, apical meristem, or cotyledons were removed, showing that the presence of either apical meristem or petioles is needed for inducing phototropism. Also, stem ,not leaves, is the major tissue that receives light activation, and induces phototropism. The signal transduction of phototropism was further analyzed in the presence of calcium ion chelator and channel blockers. The signal transduction of phototropism induced by blue or green light contains the increasing concentration of calcium ion within cytosol. Interestingly, there is a calcium-independent tansduction pathway for blue light only to induce phototropism. Additionally, staurosporine (STA), a protein kinase inhibitor and okadaic acid (OKA), a protein phosphatase inhibitor, were used to study the signal transduction pathway of phototropism, and results indicated that protein phosphatase 1 and 2a is needed for both blue and green lights to induce phototropism. Conclusively, the phototropism is triggered by the reception of light by stem, and the light signal is transferred to apical meristem and petioles that reserve auxin produced from apical meristem. Auxin is then transferred to the cells that is illuminated, increases the concentration of calcium ion and activates protein phosphatase 1 and 2a in cells, and finally phototropism occurs.


本研究報告針對單淘汰制賽程中存在的迷思,提出方法並加以討論。單淘汰制賽程規則為每場比賽皆有勝負(即沒有和局),負方即失去奪得冠軍的機會,且不得出現於另一場賽程。全文分別對影響選手勝率的因素──選手實力與賽程安排,提出方法與概念討論。\r 第一部分討論選手實力變化對勝率的影響。利用「假想選手」的概念,討論選手於各場賽程中,所有可能遇上的對手所造成的威脅。並透過「威脅門檻」判斷對手實力的變化對自己勝率的利弊。藉由「勝率一般式」計算選手於賽程中奪冠的機率,並以各種角度觀看賽程,判斷個體與群體的實力。\r 第二部分討論位置安排對勝率造成的影響。由「勝率實力比」討論賽程安排對選手的公平性,並定義「賽程表現率」討論選手因賽程安排對勝率所造成的影響。\r 文中並以實際數據範例,希望閱讀以後的你(妳),能認識並喜歡上淘汰賽的世界。


畢氏定理(a²+b²=c²)歷經25世紀,發現了數百種的幾何論證法;而畢氏定理演繹出的正三角形 ( (/4) a²+(/4) b²=(/4) c² )幾何分割研究,卻一直沒有人研究。因此,承襲著之前處理幾何問題的經驗,決定挑戰畢氏定理演譯的正三角形分割研究。本文研究兩正三角形,經切割後拼成另一大正三角形;期間以GSP及AutoCAD繪製分析幾何圖形,並建立了4種分割模式,得到了3段式「最佳分割模式」及準「通用分割模式」,提供這方面問題一個可應用於所有條件之完善解決方案。本研究成果豐碩,補足了相關領域的空檔,且可製成益智又富挑戰性之拼圖系列,不管用做教具或遊戲,對建立意至己和相關資料有莫大貢獻! Twenty five centuries after its discovery, hundreds of proofs have been given for the Pythagorean Theorem (a²+b²=c²). But, research about regular triangle dissection extending from Pythagorean Theorem has always been lacking. So, based on previous experience with geometric dissection problems, I have decided to do a research on regular triangle dissection extending from Pythagorean theorem. This research dissects two regular triangles and assembles them into a large regular triangle. Using GSP and AutoCAD to draw and analyze geometric shapes, four dissection models and nine dissection methods are constructed. The extreme values under all conditions are also discussed, as are the best and generic dissection models. There is a Three-section type “best dissection model” and a semi “generic dissection model.” offering a perfect solution to this kind of problem that can be used under all conditions. This study yields numerous results as well as filling in blanks in similar fields. It can also be made into challenging jigsaw puzzles for educational or entertainment purposes.

Thelytokous Parthenogenesis by egg-laying workers in the Black Ant, Ochetellus glaber. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

孤雌產雌(Thelytokous Parthenogenesis) 是一種雌性個體未經過交配,自行產出擁有雙套染色體之雌性子代的生殖行為。目前在其他已發表的文獻中,僅有四種亞科的十一種螞蟻採取此種生殖方式,並依照其形式的不同,區分成三種孤雌產雌的類型。本研究主要針對光滑管琉璃蟻工蟻的孤雌產雌行為進行探討,證實未與雄蟻交配過的工蟻,能自行產下具有雙倍體的後代。統計結果指出,超過87%的大型聚落是由產卵工蟻領導,形成缺后聚落,而每一個蟻巢至少會有80%以上的工蟻轉變為產卵工蟻。\r 研究中也發現,產卵工蟻的產卵速率明顯高於蟻后、其子代發育週期亦較蟻后短,顯示出光滑管琉璃蟻缺后聚落以孤雌產雌擴張的優勢。大多數的產卵工蟻在外型上較一般工蟻長,我們能夠在其腹間膜膨大時觀察腹部內加以區分二者。當蟻巢位處於休眠狀態產卵工蟻的表面碳氫化合物與內部腺體的組成成分與一般工蟻有別,而解剖後可在其微卵管中發現卵。此外,兩者在分工上,產卵工蟻除了確保聚落的繁衍,還需照顧其手足;一般工蟻則負責巢外的覓食與警戒等工作。\r 本研究首次記錄了琉璃蟻亞科行孤雌產雌的行為,而這種對於孤雌產雌與有性生殖並行之蟻種的探討,也?孤雌產雌創立了一個新的研究方向。


隨著迅速的工業化,重金屬汙染已是嚴重的環境問題。在植物中,當植物體內累積過量的重金屬,對於植物根部、葉部等器官的生長與發育有嚴重的影響或傷害。銅離子為植物生長所必須之重金屬,但是過量銅離子會導致細胞死亡,生長受到抑制。本實驗以大豆( Glycine max )及田菁( Sesbania roxburghii )為植物材料,藉由Evans blue 染色法、螢光染色、西方墨點法、反轉錄聚合?鏈鎖反應等,觀察過量銅離子影響植物根部生長、細胞死亡和細胞訊息傳遞物質變化之情形,並探討過量銅離子影響大豆根部細胞死亡的訊息傳遞路徑。過量銅離子會限制植物根部的生長及造成根部細胞死亡。以螢光染色觀察根尖(ROS, reactive oxygen species)、Ca2+累積情形,根尖細胞Ca2+、ROS 累積隨處理銅濃度的增加而上升,可能影響細胞死亡程度。以Ca2+螯合劑EGTA 和W-7(CDPK(calcium-dependent protein kinase)、Calmodulin 抑制劑)前處理發現可以降低過量銅離子對大豆根部的細胞死亡程度,推測Ca2+、CDPK 參與銅引發大豆根部細胞死亡的途徑。為檢驗MAPK 參與根部細胞死亡的途徑,以西方墨點法偵測根部細胞MAPK 的TEY 或TDY 磷酸化,實驗結果發現,隨著過量銅離子濃度的升高,田菁、大豆根部42-kDa MAPK磷酸化情形有上升之趨勢。以RT-PCR 分析大豆MAPK1 及MAPK2 基因之表現量,發現在銅處理時大豆之MAPK1 和MAPK2 基因的轉錄情形增加。大豆( Glycine max )及田菁( Sesbania roxburghii )皆屬於豆科植物,可作為綠肥植物。探討銅影響大豆、田菁細胞死亡之訊息傳遞路徑,希望進而控制生物體所受的毒害情形及訊息傳遞途徑,加強生物體對重金屬的防禦機制,未來可以以基因轉殖等基因工程技術,轉入抗重金屬基因或增強植物體對抗重金屬的能力等,作為綠肥植物、抗重金屬植物吸 附重金屬來復育土地達綠色淨化等用途。 Many heavy metals are necessary for plants, but excessive quantities directly affect plant growth and survival of organisms, cause cell death, or even affect human life indirectly. Cu (copper ion) is a heavy metal, which is one of micronutrients essential for normal growth and development of plants. The purpose of this experiment is to study the effect of excessive copper on Glycine max and Sesbania roxburghii root tips. I conducted some experiments by means of Evans blue staining (analysis of cell death), western blot analyses, and fluorescence microscope in order to examine the way copper results in plant death. Measurement of root length and analysis of cell death showed that excessive copper could bring about the inhibition of plant growth as well as cell death. With fluorescence microscope, I found that excessive copper might increase the level of copper-caused reactive oxygen species (ROS) in both the root tips of Glycine max and Sesbania roxburghii. In addition, I used Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 so as to assess the accumulation of calcium ions in root tips and found that the exposure of root tips to excessive copper results in the accumulation of calcium ions. To investigate whether calcium ions and calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) play a role in the cell death caused by excessive copper, I tested W-7, calmodulin and CDPK inhibitors, and EGTA, Ca2+ chelating agents, before copper treatment – immersing copper in CuCl2. In this way, plant cells would be effectively prevented from copper-caused death. Besides, to find out whether copper activates MAPKs in plant cells, I took advantage of western blot analysis with Phosphor-Map kinase Antibody and Map kinase Antibody. The results revealed that excessive copper might lead to TEY or TDY motif phosphorylation of approximate 42- and 64-kDa MAPKs in the cells of Glycine max root-tip and approximate 42-kDa MAPKs in the cells of Sesbania roxburghii root-tip. Furthermore, with RT-PCR, I found that the transcription of Glycine max MAPK1 and MAPK2 mRNA happens more frequently in root cells after copper treatment. In addition, this study suggested that the MAPK cascade CDPK pathway may function in the heavy-metal-signaling pathway in plant, and that calcium ions and ROS might get involved in the copper-caused death of plant cells. By studying signal transduction against heavy-metal toxicity in the plants, we can know how the organisms protect themselves. Sesbania roxburghiivv (or Glycine max), as green manure, could be used for metal-hyper-accumulator with the help of genetic engineering in the future.


傳統表面張力的測量儀器多屬較為貴重、攜帶不便的精密儀器,不利於一般生活或教學上使用。我們發現開口不等高的連通管水面溢出低管口端時,高管口端水位比較高,於是試圖利用此液面高度差來測量表面張力。我們探討了連通管的高度、內徑大小及材質對於液面高度差的影響,並利用此原理測量已知表面張力的液體,將液面高度差所造成的壓力與標準值做比較。結果發現液面高度差確實可以用來測量表面張力,但是低管口端要用疏水性材質的細管,測量會較準確。如果使用內徑0.5mm 的鐵氟龍管,測量出來的液面高度差(h)×液體比重(ρ)的值,與標準表面張力(T)之間呈線性關係【T(dyne/cm)=10.6(h×ρ)+6.51】,相關係數高達0.9996 (p


海水倒灌一直是台灣西南沿海地區居民揮之不去的夢靨,所以本研究的目的即根據資料了解西南沿海地區的地質、地勢、現況以及參考專家分析造成海水倒灌的可能因素後,因此設計了【模擬沿海地區海水倒灌的模型箱】,再進行【超抽地下水會導致地層下陷及海水入侵的實驗】、【了解地下水鹽化灌溉農作物的生長情形】,最後企圖找出農作物鹽化的即時處理及土壤鹽化恢復的方法,還有利用太陽能以低壓簡易蒸餾的方式模擬海水淡化的可行性,希望能解決海水倒灌的後遺症問題。Inwelling is a problem which has affected the inhabitants of the coastal regions of Southwest Taiwan for many years. This study examines the geological and topographical structure of the coastal regions of Southwest Taiwan, and considers experts’ views on the possible causes of inwelling. This information is used as the basis for designing a box for modeling inwelling in the coastal regions, experimentation to study land subsidence and inwelling caused by excessive extraction of groundwater, and examination of the impact on crop growth of irrigation using groundwater which has been affected by salinification. Finally, the study seeks to find methods for dealing promptly with the salinification of agricultural crops and for the remediation of salinified soil. In addition, solar energy is used (with a simple, low-pressure distillation method) to model the feasibility of desalinifying seawater in the region in question, in the hope that this will help to remedy some of the aftereffects of inwelling.


近年來在熱聲效應方面的研究產生了許多新發明,如冰淇淋冰箱與太空梭溫控系統等。然而,將熱能轉換成聲能的熱聲引擎,在散熱方面的效用只有被提起而從未被實際應用。本研究參考美國賓州大學「聲學雷射」裝置來研究熱聲引擎的特性,並提出一個以熱聲效應改善微電子器材散熱的裝置。它的優點是由電子裝置產生的熱即可啟動熱聲效應,而熱聲效應所加強的熱對流可降低該電子零件的溫度。實驗中發現透過熱聲效應的強烈散熱,可以大為降溫,由200℃降為50℃左右,這正是當代電腦內中央處理器(CPU)的工作溫度範圍。未來的研究可以針對陣列式的熱聲散熱裝置進行測試。In this project, the characteristics of the thermoacoustic engine were first studied using the “Acoustic Laser” concept. A passive thermoacoustically enhanced convection engine capable of improving the cooling effect of microelectronic devices was then proposed. This design has the advantage that no additional energy input is required, a contrast to the usage of mini-fans in today’s computers. A testbed combining a heated NiCr wire with a glass tube was used to examine the overall cooling effect. In order to evaluate its performance, we measured the following parameters: radiation, convection, conduction, and acoustic radiation. We found that the heat caused by today’s microelectronic devices is sufficiently high to trigger the thermoacoustic effect. Based on this finding, we designed a new configuration to utilize this thermoacoustically enhanced convection to significantly lower the temperature. Our approach has a potential application to tackle the heat problems caused by the rapidly advancing microelectronic devices.


台灣過去40 年來,許多牛乳廠商會因牛乳供應量不足摻雜奶粉以增加利潤,為了解決這問題,本實驗提供一種快速且準確的免疫呈色法檢測牛乳中有無摻雜奶粉。因奶粉的加工過程中加熱是必須的,所以本實驗是利用單株抗體只與牛乳中因加熱而變性的蛋白質反應。實驗步驟非常簡單,首先,用一支玻棒沾附待測鮮乳,經過簡短的清洗及化學處理後,玻棒尖端會與經特殊製備的單株抗體反應。最後,將玻棒放入已製備好的溶劑中呈色。當溶液呈現綠色,表示待測乳中摻有奶粉。整個實驗流程只需短短八分鐘。據我所知,該方法是相當具有新穎性且從來未被應用過。這是個令人興奮的發現,足以解決多年來酪農業中牛乳摻雜奶粉的問題。For the last 40-years, owing to the limited supply of commercial raw milk, the industry sometimes would mix the dry milk into the raw milk to increase their profit. To detect whether or not the milk on the market contains the poor quality’s dry milk, I invented a rapid and sensitive colorimetric immunoassay. The assay essentially utilizes a monoclonal antibody that only reacted with the thermal denatured protein presented in the dry milk. First, a glass tip-stick was dipped in to the milk to be tested. Second, following a brief wash and chemical treatment, the glass tip was reacted with the monoclonal antibody that has been specifically produced. Finally, the glass tip was dipped into a reagent containing developer. When the solution develops a color in green, it indicates the milk definitely contains dry milk. The entire procedure only takes 8 minutes to finish. To the best of my knowledge, this method is novel and has never been shown before. It represents an exciting discovery that solves the malpractice of mixing dry and raw milk in our dairy industry.