台灣過去40 年來,許多牛乳廠商會因牛乳供應量不足摻雜奶粉以增加利潤,為了解決這問題,本實驗提供一種快速且準確的免疫呈色法檢測牛乳中有無摻雜奶粉。因奶粉的加工過程中加熱是必須的,所以本實驗是利用單株抗體只與牛乳中因加熱而變性的蛋白質反應。實驗步驟非常簡單,首先,用一支玻棒沾附待測鮮乳,經過簡短的清洗及化學處理後,玻棒尖端會與經特殊製備的單株抗體反應。最後,將玻棒放入已製備好的溶劑中呈色。當溶液呈現綠色,表示待測乳中摻有奶粉。整個實驗流程只需短短八分鐘。據我所知,該方法是相當具有新穎性且從來未被應用過。這是個令人興奮的發現,足以解決多年來酪農業中牛乳摻雜奶粉的問題。For the last 40-years, owing to the limited supply of commercial raw milk, the industry sometimes would mix the dry milk into the raw milk to increase their profit. To detect whether or not the milk on the market contains the poor quality’s dry milk, I invented a rapid and sensitive colorimetric immunoassay. The assay essentially utilizes a monoclonal antibody that only reacted with the thermal denatured protein presented in the dry milk. First, a glass tip-stick was dipped in to the milk to be tested. Second, following a brief wash and chemical treatment, the glass tip was reacted with the monoclonal antibody that has been specifically produced. Finally, the glass tip was dipped into a reagent containing developer. When the solution develops a color in green, it indicates the milk definitely contains dry milk. The entire procedure only takes 8 minutes to finish. To the best of my knowledge, this method is novel and has never been shown before. It represents an exciting discovery that solves the malpractice of mixing dry and raw milk in our dairy industry.