近年來在熱聲效應方面的研究產生了許多新發明,如冰淇淋冰箱與太空梭溫控系統等。然而,將熱能轉換成聲能的熱聲引擎,在散熱方面的效用只有被提起而從未被實際應用。本研究參考美國賓州大學「聲學雷射」裝置來研究熱聲引擎的特性,並提出一個以熱聲效應改善微電子器材散熱的裝置。它的優點是由電子裝置產生的熱即可啟動熱聲效應,而熱聲效應所加強的熱對流可降低該電子零件的溫度。實驗中發現透過熱聲效應的強烈散熱,可以大為降溫,由200℃降為50℃左右,這正是當代電腦內中央處理器(CPU)的工作溫度範圍。未來的研究可以針對陣列式的熱聲散熱裝置進行測試。In this project, the characteristics of the thermoacoustic engine were first studied using the “Acoustic Laser” concept. A passive thermoacoustically enhanced convection engine capable of improving the cooling effect of microelectronic devices was then proposed. This design has the advantage that no additional energy input is required, a contrast to the usage of mini-fans in today’s computers. A testbed combining a heated NiCr wire with a glass tube was used to examine the overall cooling effect. In order to evaluate its performance, we measured the following parameters: radiation, convection, conduction, and acoustic radiation. We found that the heat caused by today’s microelectronic devices is sufficiently high to trigger the thermoacoustic effect. Based on this finding, we designed a new configuration to utilize this thermoacoustically enhanced convection to significantly lower the temperature. Our approach has a potential application to tackle the heat problems caused by the rapidly advancing microelectronic devices.