




在m×n的街道方格上,甲從左下到右上,乙從右上到左下,沿格線走捷徑前進,探討兩人相遇機率。 依相遇點型態不同,相遇機率分為m+n為偶數與奇數兩種形式。當分岔口選擇路徑之機率均等時,發現偶數時的機率大於奇數的機率,並證明若固定n值,則相遇機率隨m增加有鋸齒狀的下降趨勢。另外,在m+n為大於5的定值時,街道方格越接近正方形,相遇機率越大。 當選擇路徑之機率不均等時,m+n為偶數時的相遇機率不必然大於奇數的機率,並且當選擇路徑之機率的比值接近m/n時,可得最大的相遇機率。同時分析了相遇機率圖形的上升、下降趨勢與鋸齒狀等多種樣貌的形成條件。




根據西方文獻造成狐臭的原因之一是因為Staphylococcus 將汗液中的白胺酸(leucine)代謝產生異戊酸(isovaleric),散發出臭味,但台灣人的狐臭菌是否與西方人類似則較少被探討。 本研究透過好氧和厭氧的篩選方式篩出的優勢腋下菌種以Staphylococcus epidermidis、Staphylococcus haemolyticus、Staphylococcus lugdunensis、Micrococcus luteus、Staphylococcus aureu 為主,與國外研究結果略有不同。在Gas Chromatography (GC,氣相層析儀) 檢測結果發現以上菌種中能將白胺酸轉換成異戊酸,效果最好的菌是Staphylococcus lugdunensis,推測Staphylococcus lugdunensis為造成狐臭主因。 由結果推測,異戊酸只是臭味的一部分,未來可以藉由分析汗液成分與腋下菌的產物來找出導致狐臭的其他原因,找出更完整的腋下作用機制及更好改善狐臭的方法。

「心心」照我「心」-從Pascal's theorem、Brianchon's theorem到雙心多邊形的共點共線性質探討

本研究靈感來自對Brianchon定理「圓外切六邊形的相對頂點的三條對角線共點」及Pascal定理「圓內接六邊形的三組對邊延長線交點共線」這兩個對偶定理的性質探討,進一步研究其在雙心六邊形共點共線的可能情形。研究結果有許多驚人的發現,特別是其三條對角線以及三條對邊切點連線,有六線共點,此點為定點,且與其外接圓圓心、內切圓圓心三點共線,且此線與Pascal Line垂直。據此,更進一步對雙心六邊形退化與延伸情形作深入探討。

Ancient Medicine- Modern Approach

The apricot kernel is believed to have a great medicinal value in many cultures. However, literature and research indicates that this belief still remains extremely controversial and conclusions regarding the medicinal value are ambiguous due to the presence of cyanide in the kernel. The focus of this research was to evaluate two objectives through the use of several integrated technologies and modified methods: (a) To successfully remove the cyanide from the apricot kernel using an adapted method; (b) To determine the effects of the cyanide free apricot kernel extracts on Helicobacter pylori and Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. Procedures The apricot kernels were removed from the pits and then ground using a food processor. The kernels were then tested for cyanide using a cyanide test kit and Cyantesmo test tape. These tests indicated that cyanide was present. A novel approach was devised to remove the cyanide and when retested, the kernels tested negative for cyanide. This result was confirmed with Infrared Spectroscopy. The cyanide free kernels were then extracted using a Soxhlet Extractor with methanol for 24 hours. In addition to the methanol extraction, three other techniques were used to obtain kernel extracts: (a) Celite filtration, (b) Infusion Method A, (c) Infusion Method B. The Kirby Bauer method was modified for the microbiology aspect of this project. The Helicobacter pylori and Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria were plated using a 0.5 McFarland Standard. Paper filter discs containing 20µL of each extract were placed onto the inoculated plates in replicates of nine. After 48 hours of incubation, the zones of inhibition were read for each plate. Data The results were extremely encouraging and therefore to ensure the accuracy and preciseness of the data collected, four statistical analyses were completed. These include Confidence Intervals (CI), Standard Deviation (STDEV), T-Tests, and Chi Tests. The methanol extract was significantly different from the control in all trials. The Chi test also yielded a Chi Square value of 223, which was significantly greater than the critical value of 15.507, indicating that the results observed were not due to coincidence. Conclusion Literature evidence has indicated that the apricot kernel has been and is still used for medicinal purposes. Studies have shown that the presence of cyanide and the risks associated with this compound outweigh any benefits gained from the kernel. It has also been suggested that previous bacterial testing resulting in positive inhibition may have been due to the presence of cyanide. However, in this study, I was able to remove the cyanide through an innovative method to prove that the biological activity observed was highly unlikely to be due to cyanide. This indicates that there are other compound(s) in the apricot kernel that have specific antibacterial properties. The potential to improve the quality of life through the application of the apricot kernel appears to be supported, and further studies justified at this time.


胚胎幹細胞是一種高度未分化細胞,因具有分化成許多組織構造的能力,所以可用來治療疾病。但在移植胚胎幹細胞至人體時,經常無法順利增生和移動到目標組織。而先前的研究發現間質幹細胞條件培養基可促進皮膚細胞移動,所以我們假設間質幹細胞條件培養液能增進胚胎幹細胞的移動與增生,並且有潛力應用於臨床上。 本研究中,我們發現間質幹細胞條件培養基能促進胚胎幹細胞的移動,而在細胞增生方面僅能維持基本生存。未來我們將進行動物實驗,以了解間質幹細胞條件培養基對於細胞分裂與移動是否有幫助及是否具臨床上的應用性。


The study aimed to compare the electricity generated from the fruit extracts of calamansi, camias and starfruit. Unripe fruits were extracted and varied percentage compositions of each extract were prepared.Wires wereconnected to a multi-tester (voltmeter or ammeter) to measure voltage or current that passes through. Results revealed, that amount of voltage and electric current generated are its lowest reading at 25% and are its highest reading at 100%. Nonetheless, of the three fruit extracts, it’s the calamansi that has the highest amount of voltage generated of0.97 volt while camias has the highest amount of electric current generated of 13.98 mA. Using ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance on the amount of voltage generated among varied percentage compositions of three extracts. However, there’s a significant difference on the amount of electric generated among varied percentage compositions. Results of ANOVA statistically signify that the three different extracts could either be used as a source of voltage and that camias extract should be preferably used over the other two fruit extracts in generating electric current. In all compositions, produced voltage is between 0.88 and 0.97 volts and current is between 3.28 and 13.98 mA. These currents produced are not enough to turn on a small light bulb having a smallest voltage capacity of 1.2 volt, but can be able to turn on a light-emitting diode (LED) that require such amount of current.


外來入侵種小花蔓澤蘭繁殖速度太快,使台灣本土生態系受到嚴重破壞。我們研究發現,小花蔓澤蘭葉和根莖具有保護自由基誘發劑AAPH誘導紅血球溶血及清除DPPH自由基的能力。小花蔓澤蘭葉和根莖總多酚含量可達51.6及20.9 mg/g,推測其所含多酚化合物可能是抗氧化活性的來源。抗癌研究發現,小花蔓澤蘭葉和根莖會誘導人類急性骨髓血癌(HL-60)細胞毒性(24小時IC50為129及203 μg/mL)。顯微鏡觀察下,血癌細胞有減少和皺縮現象; TUNEL試驗法發現,血癌細胞DNA斷裂; 西方墨點法發現,Caspase-3蛋白增加、Bcl-2蛋白減少、Bax蛋白增加及PARP蛋白裂解; 推論小花蔓澤蘭可能誘發血癌細胞凋亡。裸鼠移植腫瘤模式證實,小花蔓澤蘭確實具有抑制活體血癌腫瘤及誘導血癌細胞凋亡之功效。總結,小花蔓澤蘭具抗氧化及抗血癌功效,可開發成為預防自由基疾病及抗癌的保健食品。

