Reactions of Bis(oxy)enamines with O-Nucleophiles in the Presence of Metal Salts
NO donors are an emerging class of pharmaceutical compounds, with many important functions in the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. With great therapeutic potential, the development of new NO donor compounds would be of great medicinal value, potentially opening a whole class of drugs to be used to treat various ailments. This project studies a specific class of compounds, substituted cyclic oxime ethers, which have proven to be useful intermediates in fields such as medicine and biochemistry. The cyclic structure along with a determinable substitutable group at the C3 position is highly valuable, as it allows the oxime ether to act as a convenient precursor for a variety of useful products, playing key components in many drugs. And with a substituted nitrate group, which is an O-nucleophile, the oxime ether has the potential to become an NO-donor, and hence become a possible intermediate in a wide array of NO donor drugs. Co(NO)3 was used in the synthesis of the cyclic oxime ether, directly from a phenyl substituted bis(oxy)enamine intermediate, producing an entirely new compound: α-hydroxyoxime nitrates, the oxime ether being substituted with a nitrate group. This new reaction of the synthesis of α-hydroxyoxime nitrates was further studied for optimization purposes, in order to open a new class of NO donor precursors. In addition, other nucleophiles were also explored in this class of reactions, forming important bonds such as C-N and C-S bonds, with key structures for other types of synthesis intermediates and precursors. Different metal nitrates, or various other nucleophiles in place of the nitrates, were used in reaction with bis(oxy)enamine, and the yield and structure of the final products were determined by NMR spectra. Successful optimization of the synthesis of α-hydroxyoxime nitrates has been achieved, where the conditions for optimum synthesis involve using Cr(NO3)3•9H2O which achieved a high yield of 76%, dissolved in THF with the bis(oxy)enamine starting compound. It has been determined that the metal in the salt affects the reaction pathway, as the nature of the metal cation affects its efficiency to cleave the N-O bond in the starting compound (with d-block elements being the best performing), and H+ ions can promote the reaction as well. Also, the reaction proceeds with different types of bis(oxy)enamines, meaning the substrate scope can be expanded to give a variety of products. The reaction can also proceed to form other products with different nucleophiles other than the nitrate group, where the C-N and C-S bonds were successfully formed in the reactions from bis(oxy)enamine to oxime ether. Thus, this class of reaction in converting the bis(oxy)enamine to a cyclic oxime ether has potentially opened a new class of NO donor compounds, and further possesses the potential to form a wide variety of products to be used in other important synthesis procedures.
What really attracts boys to girls
The purpose of this research was to challenge misconceptions about what attracts teenaged boys to girls. It has been observed that some teenaged girls hold stereotypes about boys and believe boys are only attracted to superficial qualities like beautiful hair. The aim is to investigate differences between what girls believe boys find attractive about them and what boys actually find attractive about girls. Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between what teenaged boys find attractive in girls and what teenaged girls think boys find attractive. Procedure Background reading was done to discover which characteristics are commonly used to measure attractiveness among teenagers. A survey questionnaire was used for gathering data. To gather information for the construction of the questionnaire, 4 focus groups were interviewed. The groups were asked to determine indicators of attraction and repulsion. Two separate questionnaires were designed (one for boys and one for girls), based on focus group information, with similar questions which could be used to compare results. Questions were related to personality and looks. The research was representative as 399 teenagers participated in the final survey. Results were collated in Excel tables. Percentages were calculated by using a scientific calculator and Excel. A bivariate analysis was created to examine the main question: ranking qualities that attract boys to girls. A comparison was made between boys’ and girls’ opinions from different age categories. Mean averages were calculated for this question. Other questions were analysed using mode averages translated into percentage of each gender. Graphs were designed using the values calculated. Observations/Data/Results 72% of boys prefer a girl with average looks and an awesome personality but only 37% of girls believed that to be true. The average boys from 12-14, 15-17 and 18-20 year old categories agree that confidence, humour, a nice body, politeness and intelligence are the five most attractive qualities in a girl they would consider dating. The order of these five change across the age groups but are constantly the top five, however confidence and humour always trump a “nice body”. The average 12-14 and 15-17 year old girl overrates a nice body and underrates politeness and intelligence but confidence and humour feature in their top five. The average 18-20 year old girl agrees with the boys priorities. When defining what makes a girl beautiful, 68% of boys highlight personality traits and 59% of boys mentioned physical features. When noting what repulses boys about pretty girls, more than 50% of both sexes agree that smelling bad was most off putting. 52% of boys mentioned taking drugs as unattractive yet only 23% of girls recognized this as repulsive. Conclusions The data supports the hypothesis. Confidence and humour are more important to the average boy than a nice body across all age groups. The younger the girl, the less she understands what attracts boys. 63% of teenaged girls believe that looks are more important to boys than personality. This is clearly not true. 72% of boys value a great personality more highly than good looks.
本研究一開始在六邊形的六個頂點各填入一個數字後,作連續操作:擦去一個數,寫上其相鄰兩數之差的絕對值。從這些數字在環狀排列的設定條件下,探討其守恆的狀態或使之全數歸零的模式研究。在初步研究過程中我們建構了研究模型以及操作架構,找尋n邊形在「|x-y|型操作」下相對應的「理想k值」。在初始推廣階段,特別運用到了奇偶數的特性。 在延伸的變化形式探討上,則朝向同餘性守恆的方向發展,並給出了三種建構同餘守恆狀態的方法,對於「x-y型操作」與「x-2y型操作」的「同餘守恆數」與「同餘守恆模式」有深入的探究,並發現到跟盧卡斯數列與梅森數列有密切的相關。 我們目前已得到以下結果: 1.在|x-y|型操作下: (1)當3 ∤ n時,則n邊形的「理想k值」為任意正整數。 (2)當3│n時,則n邊形的「理想k值」為所有的奇數和小於 的偶數。 2.在x-y型操作下: (1)同餘守恆數: (2)同餘守恆模式: 若n和φn皆為質數,則將所有基態列出後,恰好數字1~φn-1各出現一次。 3.在x-2y型操作下: (1)同餘守恆數: (2)同餘守恆模式: a.若n和φn皆為質數,則將所有基態列出後,恰好數字1~φn-1各出現一次。 b.若n和φn皆為奇數,且n個數照逆時針方向依序記為a1,a2,…,an,則有: ak+1≡2ak(mod φn) 其中k=1,2,…,n且an+1=a1。