

Reactions of Bis(oxy)enamines with O-Nucleophiles in the Presence of Metal Salts

NO donors are an emerging class of pharmaceutical compounds, with many important functions in the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. With great therapeutic potential, the development of new NO donor compounds would be of great medicinal value, potentially opening a whole class of drugs to be used to treat various ailments. This project studies a specific class of compounds, substituted cyclic oxime ethers, which have proven to be useful intermediates in fields such as medicine and biochemistry. The cyclic structure along with a determinable substitutable group at the C3 position is highly valuable, as it allows the oxime ether to act as a convenient precursor for a variety of useful products, playing key components in many drugs. And with a substituted nitrate group, which is an O-nucleophile, the oxime ether has the potential to become an NO-donor, and hence become a possible intermediate in a wide array of NO donor drugs. Co(NO)3 was used in the synthesis of the cyclic oxime ether, directly from a phenyl substituted bis(oxy)enamine intermediate, producing an entirely new compound: α-hydroxyoxime nitrates, the oxime ether being substituted with a nitrate group. This new reaction of the synthesis of α-hydroxyoxime nitrates was further studied for optimization purposes, in order to open a new class of NO donor precursors. In addition, other nucleophiles were also explored in this class of reactions, forming important bonds such as C-N and C-S bonds, with key structures for other types of synthesis intermediates and precursors. Different metal nitrates, or various other nucleophiles in place of the nitrates, were used in reaction with bis(oxy)enamine, and the yield and structure of the final products were determined by NMR spectra. Successful optimization of the synthesis of α-hydroxyoxime nitrates has been achieved, where the conditions for optimum synthesis involve using Cr(NO3)3•9H2O which achieved a high yield of 76%, dissolved in THF with the bis(oxy)enamine starting compound. It has been determined that the metal in the salt affects the reaction pathway, as the nature of the metal cation affects its efficiency to cleave the N-O bond in the starting compound (with d-block elements being the best performing), and H+ ions can promote the reaction as well. Also, the reaction proceeds with different types of bis(oxy)enamines, meaning the substrate scope can be expanded to give a variety of products. The reaction can also proceed to form other products with different nucleophiles other than the nitrate group, where the C-N and C-S bonds were successfully formed in the reactions from bis(oxy)enamine to oxime ether. Thus, this class of reaction in converting the bis(oxy)enamine to a cyclic oxime ether has potentially opened a new class of NO donor compounds, and further possesses the potential to form a wide variety of products to be used in other important synthesis procedures.


根據參考資料,在平面上移動P點,P點重心n邊形形狀皆全等且原n邊形的相隔對角線為P點重心n邊形相對應邊的3倍。 由P點重心n邊形反推作原n邊形,探討P點重心n邊形的存在性及唯一性;進一步作P點重心n邊形的P點重心n邊形,重複疊作至無限,作各層的重心G1、G2…Gk (k∈N),發現P點與各重心共線,且當k→∞時,lim(k→∞)Gk=P。 在空間中作P點質心多面體,原多面體與P點質心多面體有線段比性質。作P點質心四面體,再用P點質心四面體反推得原四面體並探討其存在性及唯一性;重複疊作P點質心四面體至無限,有線段比與極限性質。


我們使用福爾摩沙衛星三號在冰島艾雅法拉火山2010年爆發期間(2010年3月5日~4月29日)測得的大氣資料,討論火山爆發對大氣對流層溫度變化的影響。初步獲得以下結論: 火山噴發能量大小與大氣層對流層頂降溫溫差成正比;火山噴發能量小,對流層溫度變化的影響多發生在低空處、火山噴發能量大,對大氣溫度影響高度偏高;以及火山噴發持續時間對溫度的影響也成正比關係。此外還討論了火山灰雲的分布影響溫度的變化情形:在迎風處火山灰雲聚集,其聚集處陽光被遮擋了,無法照射到地表,因此溫度較低。

What really attracts boys to girls

The purpose of this research was to challenge misconceptions about what attracts teenaged boys to girls. It has been observed that some teenaged girls hold stereotypes about boys and believe boys are only attracted to superficial qualities like beautiful hair. The aim is to investigate differences between what girls believe boys find attractive about them and what boys actually find attractive about girls. Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between what teenaged boys find attractive in girls and what teenaged girls think boys find attractive. Procedure Background reading was done to discover which characteristics are commonly used to measure attractiveness among teenagers. A survey questionnaire was used for gathering data. To gather information for the construction of the questionnaire, 4 focus groups were interviewed. The groups were asked to determine indicators of attraction and repulsion. Two separate questionnaires were designed (one for boys and one for girls), based on focus group information, with similar questions which could be used to compare results. Questions were related to personality and looks. The research was representative as 399 teenagers participated in the final survey. Results were collated in Excel tables. Percentages were calculated by using a scientific calculator and Excel. A bivariate analysis was created to examine the main question: ranking qualities that attract boys to girls. A comparison was made between boys’ and girls’ opinions from different age categories. Mean averages were calculated for this question. Other questions were analysed using mode averages translated into percentage of each gender. Graphs were designed using the values calculated. Observations/Data/Results 72% of boys prefer a girl with average looks and an awesome personality but only 37% of girls believed that to be true. The average boys from 12-14, 15-17 and 18-20 year old categories agree that confidence, humour, a nice body, politeness and intelligence are the five most attractive qualities in a girl they would consider dating. The order of these five change across the age groups but are constantly the top five, however confidence and humour always trump a “nice body”. The average 12-14 and 15-17 year old girl overrates a nice body and underrates politeness and intelligence but confidence and humour feature in their top five. The average 18-20 year old girl agrees with the boys priorities. When defining what makes a girl beautiful, 68% of boys highlight personality traits and 59% of boys mentioned physical features. When noting what repulses boys about pretty girls, more than 50% of both sexes agree that smelling bad was most off putting. 52% of boys mentioned taking drugs as unattractive yet only 23% of girls recognized this as repulsive. Conclusions The data supports the hypothesis. Confidence and humour are more important to the average boy than a nice body across all age groups. The younger the girl, the less she understands what attracts boys. 63% of teenaged girls believe that looks are more important to boys than personality. This is clearly not true. 72% of boys value a great personality more highly than good looks.


我媽媽體重只有38公斤,每次她在牽機車一直在抱怨車子好重,媽媽因為個子很矮,只有150公分,而且她每次又喜歡穿高跟鞋,所以每次在騎機車、牽機車,而且她又怕車子cc數太小容易被風吹倒,自己又喜歡騎150cc的機車(機車重量一般為70kg~250kg),每次牽機車時自己還常常牽到跌倒,跌倒曾經有一次跌到骨折住院(技術真差!),或每天在喊著關節痛、腰酸背痛,我對我媽媽的行為都感到很辛苦,機車有那麼重嗎?結果我自己牽才知道有那麼重,所以我一直在想,在媽媽的抱怨,體重38公斤、身高150公分這麼瘦弱的女孩子,又騎著150cc的機車,說真的機車的腳架對她來講受力實在太大,所以我一直在想怎麼去設計一個機車腳架,可以讓媽媽不再那麼痛苦、不再有那麼多的抱怨!甚至穿高跟鞋也很好用,所以我一直在想機車腳架怎麼去使用它,直到機械科二年級我上了機件原理裡面有解說機構,我想所有的機車駐車架都是用力矩原理,那為什麼我們不在力矩原理再加上使用肘節機構(Toggle mechanism),因為機件原理講肘節機構是最省力,肘節機構當它形成一直線的時候力量最大,所以我利用高職所學的所有的東西來設計肘節機構設計一個省力的機車腳架,使媽媽不再痛苦、讓媽媽很輕易的就把機車立起來,這就是我的設計---- 肘節式(Toggle mechanism)駐車架。


為了解決能源不足及造成環境污染等問題,各國積極開發綠色能源 ,其中以太陽能最具發展潛力,本實驗是以二氧化鈦做為光觸媒,來進行光電轉換,進而擴增其所吸收的可見光範圍,使產氫的速率提高。此實驗共分成四個步驟,分別為FTO的處理及清洗、長二氧化鈦奈米柱、吸附上硫化鉛、及覆上硫化鋅保護層,接著便可利用電化學分析儀分析其所產生的電流密度為何並繪製成圖表,由實驗結果可以發現,二氧化鈦奈米柱確實能達到光電轉換,且若使用硫化鉛改變其顏色與性質,可使轉換效率大為提升,證明了此項材料確實提高了光電水產氫效率。


本研究以不同濃度各種溶液作為嗅覺與味覺刺激,探討人體與蜚蠊的辨識率與口器反應,發現蜚蠊口器的嗅覺受器極為敏感,大致呈現劑量效應(dose response)趨勢,且可偵測人體無法辨識之揮發性極低的物質,且具熱量之營養物質可增強口器的反射行為。此外,利用記錄組織電位變化的方式,我們發現餵食蔗糖溶液時,蜚蠊唾腺放電反應減弱,推測蔗糖會抑制唾腺分泌水樣唾液,避免稀釋酵素濃度影響消化分解;餵食麩胺酸及醋酸溶液時,唾腺放電反應增強,推測其會引發唾腺分泌水樣唾液,稀釋過高濃度的溶液。而餵食蔗糖溶液時,蜚蠊砂囊放電反應減弱,推測蔗糖會抑制砂囊肌肉收縮;餵食麩胺酸溶液時,蜚蠊砂囊放電則增加,推測麩胺酸會增加砂囊肌肉收縮,以利磨碎食物。




近年來新的仿生物酵素奈米材料,尤其是雙金屬奈米粒子或混合奈米材料如許多貴金屬奈米粒子,包括金鉍、金鉑、金汞、金鉛、銀金和銀鉑雙金屬合金奈米粒子表現出高的催化活性。金奈米粒子的仿生物酵素活性(氧化酶、過氧化酶和過氧化氫酶)可以經由與不同的金屬離子反應進行調整,例如金奈米粒子分別加入鉍離子、銀離子和汞離子後,在粒子表面分別會形成金鉍、金銀和金汞奈米層,表現出過氧化酶、氧化酶以及過氧化氫酶活性。 本研究藉由加入不同金屬離子誘導出13 nm球狀銀奈米粒子的仿生物酵素活性(氧化酶、過氧化酶)。銀奈米粒子與金離子於pH 9.0的環境中反應後會誘導出氧化酶活性。銀奈米粒子和鉍離子於pH 9.0的環境中反應後會誘導出過氧化酶活性。我們用葡萄糖氧化酶作為模型酶催化葡萄糖以產生過氧化氫 (H2O2),其與Amplex red(AR)在鉍/銀奈米粒子催化劑存在下反應形成螢光產物。由於AR產物-試鹵靈的螢光強度與葡萄糖濃度呈正比。未來期望能將金/銀奈米粒子用於抑菌實驗,鉍/銀奈米粒子結合葡萄糖氧化酶可用於血糖偵測。


本研究一開始在六邊形的六個頂點各填入一個數字後,作連續操作:擦去一個數,寫上其相鄰兩數之差的絕對值。從這些數字在環狀排列的設定條件下,探討其守恆的狀態或使之全數歸零的模式研究。在初步研究過程中我們建構了研究模型以及操作架構,找尋n邊形在「|x-y|型操作」下相對應的「理想k值」。在初始推廣階段,特別運用到了奇偶數的特性。 在延伸的變化形式探討上,則朝向同餘性守恆的方向發展,並給出了三種建構同餘守恆狀態的方法,對於「x-y型操作」與「x-2y型操作」的「同餘守恆數」與「同餘守恆模式」有深入的探究,並發現到跟盧卡斯數列與梅森數列有密切的相關。 我們目前已得到以下結果: 1.在|x-y|型操作下: (1)當3 ∤ n時,則n邊形的「理想k值」為任意正整數。 (2)當3│n時,則n邊形的「理想k值」為所有的奇數和小於 的偶數。 2.在x-y型操作下: (1)同餘守恆數: (2)同餘守恆模式: 若n和φn皆為質數,則將所有基態列出後,恰好數字1~φn-1各出現一次。 3.在x-2y型操作下: (1)同餘守恆數: (2)同餘守恆模式: a.若n和φn皆為質數,則將所有基態列出後,恰好數字1~φn-1各出現一次。 b.若n和φn皆為奇數,且n個數照逆時針方向依序記為a1,a2,…,an,則有: ak+1≡2ak(mod φn) 其中k=1,2,…,n且an+1=a1。