





新興汙染物銦對阿拉伯芥生長之影響 Physiological and Molecular Response of Arabidopsis thaliana to Indium Exposure

銦之化合物常被應用於半導體產業當中,隨著使用量的增加也提高銦污染流佈於環境的風險,若此污染物流布至土壤並累積於植物體內,則可能通過食物鏈而影響人體的健康。現今國內外鮮少有銦對植物影響的相關研究,因此本研究以培養基試驗,探討銦對模式植物阿拉伯芥生長之影響。結果顯示,當銦處理濃度為500 µM時,其生質量以及根長會受到抑制。MDA含量的增加,顯示銦會對阿拉伯芥造成氧化逆境,而穀胱甘肽與金屬螯合素並非阿拉伯芥在銦逆境下主要的抗氧化機制。本研究亦發現銦處理下會影響對錳、鉀、鈉、磷、鐵、錳、銅以及鋅的吸收。此外,X光吸收光譜分析顯示根部以及地上部中銦物種有明顯組成上的差異。於根部有42.9%的銦是以吸附於細胞壁的形式存在,這可視為植物對重金屬所採取「隔離」策略的防禦方式之一。


本研究源自三角形的重心及其外接圓所構作的線段比值的古老幾何性質,我們不但推廣原命題,還創造新命題:給定△ABC與其外接錐線Γ,令直線AG, BG, CG分別交Γ 於 A', B', C' 點,再取任意k值,探討P點集合的性質。 Γ3, k={P|AA'/PA' + BB'/PB' +CC'/PC'=k} (1)Γ3,k為二次曲線系,其橢圓、拋物線、雙曲線之形態不因k值而改變,而是被外接錐線Γ所決定。 (2)發現△ABC重心 G、Γ中心O、Γ3,k 中心O3,k 的共線性及比例常數。 (3)完整劃分 Γ3,k的非退化與退化型態,並發現只有Γ3,k 為橢圓時,k 值有跳躍現象。 (4) 發現錐線Γ上取相異六點而生成兩個錐線Γ3,k、Π3,k重合的充分條件。 最後,我們以「錐線 Γ 上取一點、兩點到多點」的線性組合手法,推廣多邊形與其外接錐線的生成錐線Γn,k之性質。

The Locus of Mid-Tangent Points of Planar Curves

In this project, we defined a mid-tangent point with respect to a fixed point X and a tangent at a point Y on a planar curve C as a point on the tangent that is equidistant from X and Y. We studied the locus of mid-tangent points of conic sections. We found that the locus of mid-tangent points of most conic sections are non-linear curves. However, we observed and proved by using Euclidean geometry that the locus of mid-tangent points of circles are straight lines. The mapping defined by mid-tangent points was studied further. The similarity between a mid-tangent mapping and a stereographic projection was displayed as a one – to – one correspondence function. We also extended the concept of mid-tangent points to three dimensional space and found that the similarity with the stereographic projection was retained in higher dimensions. Finally, we studied the locus of mid-tangent points of a sphere to create a mapping of the sphere to a plane.


本研究以不同水解纖維素的方法,包括傳統酸水解、微波及臭氧法,完成效果比較,並以各方法最優勢理論組成最快速且產醣量最高的水解程序。再以麴菌發酵將醣轉為生質酒精,以止逆閥自製簡易即時取樣發酵裝置並研究效率最佳的麴菌酒精發酵,其中速發酵母平均一天酒精生成率高達約90.5%。 藉由基礎水解及發酵研究成功設計一套「低耗能、低成本、低汙染、高效率」自製可攜式簡易水解發酵膠囊進行纖維素水解,轉化為醣後又可在同一膠囊中加入麴菌進行酒精發酵,效果極佳,提升轉換率達63.8%。本研究進一步透過此自製膠囊推廣到廢棄稻草桿、甘蔗渣、甘蔗皮等,皆可得到極佳效果。

Investigating the Effect of Coloured Light on the Behaviour and Learning of Lymnae stagnalis

Lymnae stagnalis (pond snail) is emerging as a preferable invertebrate model in understanding neurological mechanisms because of its simple nervous system. A three-cell network mediates behaviours such as aerial respiration and research has shown that small, subtle changes occurring across the network might result in a disruption of natural behaviour (Lukowiak et al. 1995). It is also known that Lymnae features a more developed eye than other molluscs and studies have shown that various wavelengths of light can activate photoreceptors producing distinct electrophysiological responses (Sakakibara et al. 2004). However, no studies have looked beyond the electrophysiological response. The purpose of this project was to determine if coloured light would firstly, elicit a behavioural response as observed in its movement and secondly, affect learning and memory through the operant conditioning of its aerial respiration.

How to spill your coffee

We all do it – walk along with a cup in hand, and carelessly spill it. While it’s usually more annoying than anything else, it happens to affect almost all of us, and little is done to minimise the likelihood of it occurring. So my aim was to explain the physics behind why we spill drinks when we walk, and to investigate how we can minimise the likelihood of this occurring. I broke this investigation into two distinct parts, explaining the system of the cup, and explaining the effect of walking. From initial observations, it was clear that the cup was a resonating system. Like any resonating system, the cup has a natural frequency. When the cup is oscillated – moved back and forth – at near this frequency, the size of the liquid oscillations is very large. This is because the acceleration is in phase with the motion of the liquid, so in each cycle maximum energy is input into the system. In my investigation I experimentally measured this natural frequency, and created a mathematical model to explain this frequency. It was also found that as the size of liquid oscillations in the cup increases, so does distortion of the fluid surface, possibly enabling spilling. To systematically analyse the effect of walking, I had subjects walk on a treadmill, so walking surface and speed were controlled. However, I also needed an accurate way of measuring the motion of a carried cup. Firstly, I tried to use video analysis; however I found this far too imprecise for measuring small changes in velocity of a cup. In the end I used a smartphone to record the acceleration of a carried cup, as acceleration is what causes the movement of liquid in a cup. This allowed surprisingly accurate measurements to be made, and allowed both the size and frequency of the acceleration to be recorded. In order to relate the system of the cup and the oscillation provided whilst walking I conducted a qualitative experiment into the effect of stride frequency on the likelihood of spilling. When stride frequency was very close to the natural frequency of the cup, spilling occurred almost instantly, while it did not occur if stride frequency was much higher or lower. In the end, my research showed that to minimise the likelihood of spilling your drink walk slowly, use a narrow cup, focus on walking smoothly, and fill the cup well below the rim. Despite this, some people happen to be much smoother cup carriers than others, likely due to their individual biomechanics. And, if you really don’t want to spill your drink, you can always use a lid.

The impact of climate variability on infectious disease

Diarrhoea is an infectious disease that claims many lives (particularly among infants) and is known among many other infectious diseases, to have a relationship with climate. This projects quantifies this relationship by comparing health insurance treatment claims for diarrhoea and anti-diarrheal drug sales data from the private health sector with temperature and rainfall data provided by the South African Weather Service. The data were then analysed and show that incidence is highly seasonal and varies among regions with different seasonal climates. The results show that climate variability can explain 73% of diarrhea incidence variation with rainfall explaining 8% and minimum temperature explain the other 65 %. Preliminary predictions of future monthly percentage increases in incidence were then made for a series of time ranges. This project demonstrates that with predicted climate data one can predict future variations of diarrhoea allowing the health sector to be adequately prepared.


量子計算的效率相較傳統計算有指數級成長。然而此領域中多數研究皆專注於量子計算的性質本身,鮮少討論如何將傳統環境中的既有資訊轉換至量子環境下。一旦量子電腦實現,受量子效應限制,傳統資料多半不能相容於量子環境中。因此,本研究的目的是發想出一種系統性的演算法以確實跨越量子資訊與傳統資訊之間資料結構的藩籬。我們選擇的計算機模型是確定有限狀態自動機(Deterministic Finite Automaton,簡稱DFA)。 本研究由自動機的轉移矩陣(Transition Matrix)及量子環境要求的可逆性(Reversibility)出發,自傳統DFA一步步轉換至量子有限狀態自動機(Quantum Finite Automaton,簡稱QFA)並進行優化。最終,我們定義出一種新的QFA模型(QDFA)能在量子環境下運行,具有增大的字母表(Alphabet Set)但功能完全等價於DFA(能辨認正則語言)。本研究獨創的演算法的時間複雜度為O(C×N2)。