


給定一個簡單圖G(simple graph ),令V(G)、E(G)分別為G的頂點與邊所形成的集合。對於兩個不同的頂點u, v∈V(G),若存在一條邊連結頂點u, v,則將此邊記為uv,以uv∈E(G)表示。給定函數f: V(G)→ℕ,若對任意的邊uv∈E(G),函數f皆滿足f(u)≠f(v),則稱函數f為圖G的一個著色函數(proper coloring)。對於圖G,任意給定每個頂點v∈V(G)一個可用的顏色清單L(v)⊂ℕ,其中清單內各有四個可用顏色(|L(v)|=4 ,每個頂點的顏色清單可以不相同),若總是存在一個著色函數f,滿足∀v∈V(G),f(v)∈L(v),則稱圖G為『可四元列表著色(4-choosable )』。對於平面圖( plane graph),針對長度較小的圈(cycle)進行限制,我們設計充分條件,使得滿足條件的平面圖為可四元列表著色。



幾丁寡醣對藍光LED造成視網膜色素上皮細胞傷害的保護作用 The protective effect of chitosan oligosaccharide on blue light LED induced retinal pigment epithelial cell damage

3C產品及LED燈多以藍光照明,長期照射易導致視網膜黃斑部病變。其作用機轉是藍光引起視網膜細胞過氧化物質 (ROS)增加,造成細胞的氧化壓力進而引發細胞凋亡。幾丁寡醣 (Chitosan oligosaccharides, COS) 藉由減少自由基產生和抑制轉錄因子NF-κB傳導路徑而有抗氧化及抗凋亡的作用。 本研究以ARPE-19細胞株,在添加不同濃度的COS下,經照射LED藍光處理後,分析色素上皮細胞活性、ROS表現量及細胞凋亡情形,並透過PCR、西方墨點法、JC-1及免疫螢光染色分析作用機轉。實驗證實COS能抑制過氧化物質 (ROS)的產生,減少視網膜色素上皮細胞因藍光所造成的細胞凋亡。PCR和西方墨點法的結果顯示COS可以抑制發炎介質HO-1、iNOS、Caspase-3、Bcl-2、ERK,及基因iNOS、MCP-1的產生。免疫螢光染色顯示COS能抑制NF-kB核易位。總結來說,COS能藉由抑制NF-kB的活性,減少其下游基因的表現量,降低細胞氧化壓力和發炎反應來避免視網膜色素上皮細胞損傷。COS在臨床上有潛力成為一種預防LED藍光造成視網膜傷害的有效保健食品。


治療癌症通常以化學治療為大宗,但化療會帶來副作用,因此目前研究以溫和草藥來取代化療。在治療癌症時,癌症轉移會使病人存活率下降,因此如果找到能抑制癌症轉移的藥物,就能提高病人的存活率,而在癌症轉移機制中,癌細胞要轉移時會分泌蛋白酶,降解基底膜和細胞外間質,使癌細胞轉移出原位組織。本研究聚焦於魚腥草是否能抑制攝護腺癌細胞及胰臟癌細胞侵襲其他組織、降低基質金屬蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinase;以下簡稱MMP)的基因量及活性及降低細胞中尿激酶型纖溶酶原激活劑(urokinase plasminogen activator ;以下簡稱uPA)表現量。根據實驗結果,魚腥草可能藉由降低MMP的基因量以抑制攝護腺癌細胞的侵襲能力及遷移能力,但抑制胰臟癌細胞MMP的活性不是藉由降低MMP的基因量,且魚腥草並不會降低兩種癌細胞的uPA表現量,但由於先前加了HCE的癌細胞轉移能力下降,因此我們認為魚腥草在不影響癌細胞的生長下,仍然可抑制兩種癌細胞的轉移能力。

除油利器,天然的最好 -- 環境中具降解油汙能力之微生物研究

目前研究的嗜油菌主要是分解石油(碳氫化合物),不過從生活中所排出的油(三酸甘油酯),也是一大污染源。本研究目的為篩選可分解三酸甘油酯之微生物,並探討其特性及降解油污的能力。從有油污的環境分離出三種對於日常生活中的油污具降解效果的菌株,利用16S ribosomal RNA gene進行菌種分析鑑定為Ralstonia sp.TFD41、Pseudomonas putida strain II-B、Sphingomonas sp.NC110。Ralstonia sp.TFD41較佳的生長環境為30℃、pH8,偏鹼,革蘭氏陰性菌;Pseudomonas putida strain II-B較佳的生長環境為30℃、pH6-10,偏鹼,革蘭氏陰性菌;Sphingomonas sp. NC110最佳生長環境為30℃、pH4-8,偏酸,革蘭氏陰性菌。而菌種在炸時越長的油中生長情形越差。而在家庭污水中的生長菌數最多的為Sphingomonas sp.NC110M。放入1000ppm油的培養基中,以Sphingomonas sp.NC110的降解油污的能力為最佳、Ralstonia sp.TFD41的降解速度最快。在家庭汙水中Ralstonia sp.TFD41 + Pseudomonas putida strain II-B的生長狀況最穩定。未來預期能培養嗜油菌,將其放回環境中,降解環境中的油汙,以減少油汙對於環境的汙染,還給生物乾淨的生活環境。



Artificial Photosynthesis -Formic Acid Generated from Carbon Dioxide by Using Photocatalyst-

Reduction of carbon dioxide is desired as an environmental problem of global warming. The study of generation of formic acid from carbon dioxide was performed under irradiation of ultra violet to photocatalyst. Ta2O5 could reduce carbon dioxide, but the band gap of Ta2O5 was 4.0 voltage. In this research, it was found that tantalum oxide / tantalum plate responds to visible radiation. Therefore, the reason of visible light response was examined. It was studied to make efficient tantalum oxide / tantalum plate.


將氮、氧、二氧化碳等三種氣體,分別注入水中成為飽和水溶液,將氣體水溶液分裝入塑膠試管中,用超音波洗淨儀以42kHz的頻率振動,可形成奈米氣泡水溶液。利用奈米粒徑及界面電位量測儀測量氣泡的尺寸以及界面電位後,作實驗探討不同尺寸的奈米氣泡對水溶液的磁性、表面張力、折射率、黏滯係數、以及擴散係數等物理性質的影響。 實驗得知:(1)氮和二氧化碳的奈米氣泡的尺寸愈小,水溶液受到的磁力愈大,氧氣則相反。(2)三種氣體水溶液的表面張力都是奈米氣泡尺寸愈小,表面張力愈小。(3)三種氣體水溶液的折射率都是奈米氣泡尺寸愈小,折射率愈大。(4)三種氣體水溶液的黏滯係數都是奈米氣泡尺寸愈小,黏滯係數愈小,110nm的二氧化碳奈米氣泡使水的黏滯係數降低38.8%。(5)三種氣體水溶液都會阻止甘油在水中的擴散,使其擴散係數變小。

Investigation of the Role of Mammalian Siderophore 2,5-DHBA in Neurodegeneration

Lipocalin 2 (LCN2), a 25-kDa secreted protein that belongs to the lipocalin family, is known to bind to a class of bacterial Fe-binding molecules known as siderophores. Iron is essential for bacterial growth. To obtain iron from host cells, bacteria produce siderophores, such as Enterochelin (Ent), to bind and transport host iron into the bacterial cell. In response, the host produces LCN2 to bind the iron-laden enterochelin, forming the tricomplex, LCN2: Ent: Fe3+. This inhibits bacterial growth as iron has been sequestered by LCN2. Devireddy et.al. 2005, proposed the binding of the tricomplex, LCN2: Ent: Fe3+ with the LCN2 receptor (LCN2R). This resulted in the internalisation of the complex, releasing the bound iron into the cell. The increase of intracellular iron was reported to cause cell mortality. Recent publications postulated 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,5-DHBA) to be an endogenous mammalian siderophore homologue in mouse in vivo and in vitro studies, which could sequester LCN2 and iron. High iron concentrations in the brain have been consistently observed in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Accumulation of intracellular iron is known to be toxic to neurons, resulting in neurodegeneration. Hence, this study aims to determine the role of 2,5-DHBA as the mammalian siderophore in a cell culture model of neurodegeneration. We hypothesise that addition of 2,5-DHBA to cells exposed to LCN2 will result in increased iron uptake into neuronal cells, reducing cell viability. SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma) cell line was used in our study. To determine if SH-SY5Y is a suitable cell line, endogenous levels of LCN2 and LCN2R mRNA and protein expression were determined using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western Blot analysis respectively. Preliminary results showed presence of both the LCN2R mRNA and protein but absence of LCN2 mRNA. This could be due to the low expression of LCN2 when not exposed to stress. Hence, to simulate conditions of neurodegeneration (by inducing high expression of LCN2), SH-SY5Y was treated with Kainic Acid (KA). After KA, LCN2 mRNA and protein expression levels will be detected again. With the successful upregulation of LCN2 gene expression, SH-SY5Y will be treated with 2,5-DHBA with KA treatment to determine cell viability using the MTS cell proliferation assay. A decreased cell viability or increased expression of pro-apoptotic genes would support the function of 2,5-DHBA as a mammalian siderophore in the brain. Furthermore, KA treatment can also be applied to microglial or astrocyte cell lines, which are known to secrete high levels of LCN2 when treated with KA. Co-culturing these cells with SH-SY5Y can allow us to study the downstream effects of secreted LCN2 from glial cells binding to the LCN2R receptors on SH-SY5Y neuronal cells. This study will help to further understanding of the relationship between 2,5-DHBA and cellular iron transport. If 2,5-DHBA is able to bind LCN2 and iron to increase intracellular iron levels in the neuronal cells, the formation of the tricomplex, LCN2: 2,5-DHBA: Fe3+, could be targeted for therapeutic interventions in neurodegenerative diseases by reducing intracellular iron levels to help ameliorate the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.


本研究提出一可用於機器人空間探勘與辨識的仿生機器學習系統。本系統模仿生物大腦的層級性結構,各層級間透過雙向連結進行搜尋辨識與提示,並記憶空間中的感官、場景和位置資訊,分別由以下部分構成: 1. 感官細胞:辨識特定感官輸入類別。 2. 場景基模細胞:組合具方向性的感官細胞數據。 3. 網格細胞:接收移動數據的內在座標系統。 4. 位置細胞:整合感官數據與空間數據、建立拓樸空間認知地圖。 經模擬實驗證明,本系統能在第一次探勘時建立空間認知地圖,並於再次造訪時成功匹配位置細胞進行定位。本系統有異地探勘、在複雜空間中進行路徑與任務規劃等廣泛應用。