

A.N.T.s: Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System in Automated Warehouses

According to CNN Indonesia 2020, the demand for e-Commerce in Indonesia has nearly doubled during this pandemic. This surge in demand calls for a time-efficient method for warehouse order-picking. One approach to achieve that goal is by incorporating automation in their warehouse systems. Globally, the market of warehouse robotics is expected to reach 12.6 billion USD by 2027 (Data Bridge Market Research, 2020). In this research, the warehouse system studied would utilize AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) to lift and deliver movable shelf units to the packing station where workers are at. This research designed a heuristic algorithm called A.N.T.s (Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System) to conduct task assigning and pathfinding for AMR in the automated warehouse. The warehouse layout was drawn as a two-dimensional map in grids. When an order is placed, A.N.T.s would assign the task to a robot that would require the least amount of time to reach the target shelf. A.N.T.s then conducted pathfinding heuristically using Manhattan Distance. A.N.T.s would help the robot to navigate its way to the target shelf unit, lift the shelf and bring it to the designated packing station. A.N.T.s algorithm was tested in various warehouse layouts and with a varying number of AMRs. Comparison against the commonly used Djikstra’s algorithm was also conducted (Shaikh and Dhale, 2013). Results show that the proposed A.N.T.s algorithm could execute 100 orders in a 27x23 layout with five robots 9.96 times faster than Dijkstra with no collisions. The algorithm is also shown to be able to help assign tasks to robots and help them find short paths to navigate their ways to the shelf units and packing stations. A.N.T.s could navigate traffic to avoid deadlocks and collisions in the warehouse with the aid of lanes and directions.



HOPE WASTE (House Processor Waste) with IoT (Internet of Things) as a Laundry Liquid Waste Treatment Household Environment

Washing is one of the things that must be done by every household. Rural and urban communities have to wash clothes every day, to get clean clothes so they can be reused. But it turns out that with many households doing this activity, it will cause side effects that are not good. The impact will worsen the quality of the surrounding water because this activity is not equipped with a waste treatment process, but instead is dumped directly into the nearest ditch or river. As a result, this waste causes water pollution. The chemical compositions contained in detergents are grouped into 3, namely surface active substances ranging from 20-30%, reinforcing agents are the largest detergent components ranging from 70-80% and other ingredients around 2-8%, where surfactants are the main ingredients. cleaning agent in detergent. If not managed properly, it will cause environmental problems in the future. This research was carried out for 4 months at MAN Sidoarjo and Brawijaya University. The research method used was research and development and experiment methods, and data collection techniques using the observation method. From these problems, we offer a solution by making an internet of things-based device which we call HOPE WASTE (House Processor Waste) with IoT (Internet of Things) as the processing of household laundry liquid waste. HOPE Waste is a house-shaped device that functions to treat Laundry Liquid Waste which combines electrocoagulation methods and utilizes Biosorbents, namely Barringtonia Asiatica and Activated Charcoal which are made into powder. Where the Biosorbent content can bind chemicals in laundry liquid waste so that we can combine them using environmentally friendly IoT-based electrocoagulation methods.


本研究選用Aspergillus tubingensis、Aspergillus oryzae、Aspergillus japonicus 三種真菌作為研究對象,將實驗分為兩個部分,一為三種真菌是否能降解PU、PE、PLA三種塑膠,結果發現Aspergillus tubingensis在黑暗中皆能降解塑膠而效果為PU、PE>PLA,Aspergillus oryzae 與Aspergillus japonicus則有降解PU與PLA之能力。二為探討Aspergillus tubingensis在不同色光及不同pH值下降解塑膠的效果,結果發現Aspergillus tubingensis 在相同色光不同瓦數情況下,降解PLA的能力為3W>1W,降解PU則是1W>3W;相同瓦數的情況,降解PU能力為白光>紅光>藍光,降解PLA能力為紅光>白光>藍光;在pH=4及pH=9環境中皆無明顯降解塑膠之能力。






本研究主要成果爲: 一、 利用本分析法成功驗證颶風Bill (2009) 侵襲美國東岸期間沿著棚裂形成的“stormquakes” 現象(下文稱爲「風暴震」)。 二、 探討並確認近十年間10個中、強颱通過臺灣附近水域時,臺灣的地震測站沒有記錄到風暴震產生的訊號。 我們透過頻譜分析發現,0.01 ~ 0.05 Hz頻段的地震波形數據在我們研究的多數西太平洋颱風通過期間有顯著的能量增加,卻沒有產生來自海域的點源訊號。不過在2009年莫拉克颱風與2013年天兔颱風期間,波形記錄到了數十起來自陸地的振動訊號(經判定爲山崩)。我們發展了一種定位方法,成功定位颶風Bill與上述兩颱風期間的訊號;並且對比了20次已知震央的構造地震,確認定位方法的可行度。


組蛋白脫乙醯基酶 (HDAC) 會調節染色體結構,提升基因表現。除了調控基因表現以外,HDAC基因家族中的 I 類已知有調節細胞週期的功能,但 II 類調節細胞週期之研究甚少。而癌症臨床用藥HDAC抑制劑會同時阻斷 I 和 II 類之功能而產生副作用。因此本研究以釀酒酵母為對象,分析 I 類的RPD3、 II 類的HDA1基因對細胞週期之影響,以及HDAC基因剔除菌株在面臨DNA複製壓力時的變化。結果顯示同時失去 RPD3 、HDA1 基因的菌株 S 期檢查點功能損壞、細胞滯留於 G2/M 期,且在DNA複製壓力環境下死亡。爲釐清此菌株死亡的原因,實驗剔除在S期和G2/M期皆具調節功能的 MAD2 基因。得知 HDAC 基因和 MAD2 在S期的DNA複製起步期分別調控不同路徑;在DNA複製衝刺期則調控同一路徑。也發現RPD3 基因在維持細胞S期檢查點正常作用扮演較重之角色,而 HDA1 則扮輔助的功能。


本研究探討L-硒代胱氨酸(L-Selenocystine; SeC)是否能抑制肝癌細胞(HepG2)生長與毒性機制。以細胞存活率分析得知10 µM SeC可抑制HepG2細胞生長,但對正常肝臟細胞(L-02)無明顯毒性影響。以彗星試驗發現,同樣濃度SeC對HepG2具基因毒性,會造成DNA損傷。再以西方墨點法得知SeC會使HepG2的抗氧化酵素表現量減少。透過同源重組活性測試證實SeC會抑制HepG2的DNA修復。與單獨使用臨床常用抗癌藥物Cisplatin比較,混合10 µM SeC與較低劑量的10 µM Cisplatin對HepG2有更明顯的毒殺效果。 10 µM SeC預期可用於輔助臨床抗癌藥物的療效,其抗癌細胞機制至少有兩種: 一為降低抗氧化酵素表現量,導致活性氧化物質(ROS)累積,造成DNA損傷;二為降低DNA同源互換修補活性,最後造成細胞凋亡。


透過文獻探討已知高血壓會引起腦發炎,導致腦功能受損。研究結果也顯示運動能增進腦部功能。因此,在此實驗中,我們想要探討高血壓引起的腦發炎和功能退化等問題能否透過運動改善。將鼠分為 2K1C 手術誘發高血壓組(2K1C)及沒有高血壓(Sham)的對照組,並再各分為運動組(Sham-EX、2K1C-Ex)和不運動組(Sham、2K1C)。小鼠腦部切片中微小膠細胞數量顯示 2K1C 的小鼠組別腦發炎最為嚴重,且 HE 染色發現一樣為 2K1C 小鼠組別的神經細胞數目最少。接著我們以莫里斯水迷宮測試小鼠學習、記憶功能,結果 Sham-Ex 及 2K1C- Ex 尋獲平台時間皆有減少趨勢,而 2K1C 尋獲平台花費最長時間,顯示運動確實可以減緩高血壓造成的腦功能受損。