


本研究從餐廳截油槽中採菌,並以含Tween80及Ca2+培養基篩選出具lipase的五種菌。進一步在大豆沙拉油與豬油中培養,發現一號菌及二號菌有較佳的分解能力,二號菌最佳,且二號菌在分解沙拉油(6.0%)的能力大於豬油(4.9%)。將此兩種菌進行深入探討,發現二號菌在處理截油槽中的廢油效能上優於一號菌,且當一、二號菌混合時更佳;於不同油脂Nutrient Broth 培養基的生長情況,二號菌表現比一號菌好。經定序後比對序列後,推斷一號菌接近Serratia marcescens,二號菌較接近Serratia grimesii。總結一、二號菌是具備油脂分解潛力的菌種。 未來規劃,將菌加入自行設計的油脂分解截油槽,比較計算其分解能力,運用於含油脂的廢水處理,減少環境汙染。




塑膠對環境危害甚深,雖已有研究證實部分昆蟲可降解塑膠類的聚苯乙烯(PS),但關於聚丙烯(PP)的生物降解研究很少,也沒有進一步透過腸道菌相分析,鑑定出負責降解的菌種。因此我們希望利用麵包蟲生物降解PP,透過16S rRNA定序分析找出可降解PP的潛力菌種,解決塑膠垃圾對環境造成的傷害。我們的實驗結果顯示,麵包蟲能攝食PP並生長,且加入濕料及利用糞便移植腸道菌相能增加麵包蟲對PP的消耗量,證明麵包蟲能攝食PP與腸道菌相有關。利用次世代基因定序分析腸道菌相,麵包蟲攝食PP後腸道菌相有極為顯著的變化,其中腸道菌Pseudomonas stutzeri顯著增多,經實驗證實此菌可降解PP,且在37oC、中性環境的降解效果較佳,一星期約降解3.4 %的PP。我們所使用的方法可快速篩選出能降解PP的菌種。


本實驗利用竹片導熱性差的天然特性,將奈米金屬顆粒以高壓蒸氣及低壓吸入法嵌入竹片的維管束中,並將NaCl蒸煮滲入竹片組織,形成導電通道,以提升修飾後竹片的電導率。量測實驗發現以氯化鈉及銀奈米顆粒修飾後的竹片,電導率提升達11880倍,而熱導率僅提升10%,可成為常溫範圍熱電材料。NaCl在解離成Na+與Cl-導電率可提升103倍。我們將修飾後的竹片,密封在含水蒸氣的電絕緣小盒中,製作成竹片熱電裝置。LED燈泡發光度實驗,當竹片兩端溫差為45度時,燈泡發光度提升40%,為一熱電流增益放大器。串聯竹片熱電裝置在普魯士藍二次電池充電線路中,以0.015 mA電流充電,發現當竹片兩端溫差為45度時,充電電流提升到0.025 mA,飽和充電時間從原本的12小時,縮短到7小時。

Introduction of Omed-Omedan Tradition Through Augmented Reality-Based Card Games To Increase The Love of Local Culture

This research is motivated by the differences in the people's perceptions, mainly youth about the omed-omedan tradition. The difference is that many people think that the omed-omedan tradition violates the norms of decency and is also called the pornography tradition. The purpose of this study is to, 1) describe the mechanism of applying omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games, 2) analyz the impact resulting from the application of omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games, and 3) analyze about the feasibility of application resulting from the application of omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games. This research is a type of R&D research conducted at Bali Mandara State High School from July 1-September 6, 2021. The subjects of this study were the teenagers of Kaja Sesetan Indigenous Village and the object of this study was the omed-omedan tradition through augmented reality-based card games. The data collection method used is the literature studies, questionnaires, interviews, and validation questionnaires. Data is processed based on qualitative descriptive approach and quantitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the mechanism of implementing the omed-omedan tradition originated from the download of assistive devices, namely android studios and applications from AR, the impact of augmented reality-based card games was seen as very helpful in the introduction of the omed-omedan tradition and was seen as able to help increase the love of local culture, besides that the media used was also very popular by players because it was seen as interesting and very helpful. Based on the feasibility tests that have been calculated, this game is considered very feasible to implement and researchers hope that the innovations that have been created can effectively provide understanding to help out the local community about omed-omedan tradition.


本研究結合奈米合成技術及生物醫學應用,以牛血清蛋白(BSA)為載體,裝載具化學動力療法的金屬氧化物(CuFe2O4, CFO)及具光治療功能的光敏劑(IR780),製備CFO@BSA-IR780多功能奈米複合材料。 材料鑑定方面由TEM、DLS與UV-Vis等儀器進行組成及光學性質分析。特性方面,CuFe2O4在腫瘤環境由芬頓反應,促使H2O2產生活性極高的氫氧自由基(•OH)。並且IR780在近紅外光照射下同時具光熱與光動力治療特性,可殺死癌細胞。同時CuFe2O4中的Fe3+ 和Cu2+ 進行氧化還原將腫瘤部位的穀胱甘肽(GSH)轉化成氧化型穀胱甘肽,強化化學動力療法及光動力治療效果。 最後,本研究將CFO@BSA-IR780奈米材料實際運用於细胞毒性測試與細胞螢光顯影,確認其效果及低毒性。成功發展出同時具備化學動力療法、光動力治療、光熱治療及細胞螢光顯影之多功能奈米複合材料,期許在醫學治療提供一項新興藥物材料。


X染色體關聯性視網膜裂損症患者,在青少年時期會逐漸喪失視力,主要是因為RS1基因突變造成視網膜剝離,目前並沒有藥物達到有效的治療效果,即使最新研發的病毒載體基因療法也沒有效果,雖然在動物模型中具有良好的表現,但是在人體試驗中卻沒有獲得任何顯著的改善成果,推測是實驗模型不夠完善,在本實驗中,我們將會採用幹細胞分化成為視網膜類器官,並搭配上超分子奈米粒子運輸基因編輯材料送入,期許達到治療效果。本研究中以超分子奈米粒子(SMNP)將CRISPR/Cas9基因編輯系統及正常RS1基因共同運輸進入細胞來達成基因敲入的效果。我們篩選出兩個具有最佳傳遞性之超分子奈米粒子載體(Cas9/sgRNA-plasmidÌSMNPs及Donor-RS1/GFP-plasmidÌSMNPs)並將其應用於細胞中,於其安全編輯位點(AAVS1 locus)實施基因敲入,接著以PCR及Sanger sequence檢測敲入基因的正確性,並施以免疫螢光法分析RS1蛋白表現。結果顯示在細胞當中,RS1/GFP基因成功敲入AAVS1位點中並能有效進行表現,因此我們進而測試該方法是否能應用於iPSC分化而成的人類視網膜類器官中,其也成功表現RS1/GFP 質體引發的綠色螢光蛋白(GFP),效果也持續接近40天。總而言之,我們希望目前的研究結果可以作為未來開發遺傳性疾病基因治療法的藍圖,造福受疾病所困擾的病患。

Introduction of Omed-Omedan Tradition Through Augmented Reality-Based Card Games To Increase The Love of Local Culture

This research is motivated by the differences in the people's perceptions, mainly youth about the omed-omedan tradition. The difference is that many people think that the omed-omedan tradition violates the norms of decency and is also called the pornography tradition. The purpose of this study is to, 1) describe the mechanism of applying omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games, 2) analyz the impact resulting from the application of omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games, and 3) analyze about the feasibility of application resulting from the application of omed-omedan tradition recognition attitudes through augmented reality-based card games. This research is a type of R&D research conducted at Bali Mandara State High School from July 1-September 6, 2021. The subjects of this study were the teenagers of Kaja Sesetan Indigenous Village and the object of this study was the omed-omedan tradition through augmented reality-based card games. The data collection method used is the literature studies, questionnaires, interviews, and validation questionnaires. Data is processed based on qualitative descriptive approach and quantitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the mechanism of implementing the omed-omedan tradition originated from the download of assistive devices, namely android studios and applications from AR, the impact of augmented reality-based card games was seen as very helpful in the introduction of the omed-omedan tradition and was seen as able to help increase the love of local culture, besides that the media used was also very popular by players because it was seen as interesting and very helpful. Based on the feasibility tests that have been calculated, this game is considered very feasible to implement and researchers hope that the innovations that have been created can effectively provide understanding to help out the local community about omed-omedan tradition.


多重抗藥性(MDR)細菌已經在全世界的範圍內成為了一個重大威脅,而像是多重抗藥性的綠膿桿菌就是其中一種對大多數療法有抵抗力的病原體。在目前的治療方案無效之前,有必要開發出一種新型機制的抗生素能夠作為對抗的手段。我們通過電腦虛擬篩選的方式,並用一個脂多糖脂質A (LipidA)生合成路徑的關鍵蛋白,LpxC,作為篩選的對象。在我們的第一次預測中,ZINC000001587011 (brequinar) 具有較低的結合能和較高的生物利用度。但由於其較高的cLogP值,使我們對其進行了官能團修飾,以期能有所改善。最後,我們在所有衍生物中找到了N11,有最大的潛力能做為抗綠膿桿菌的藥物前驅物。

