

Line Following Waiter Robot

Technology is erratic. We never know what could be the next big thing. Nowadays, IoT (the internet of things) has taken over the market. Every technology created nowadays is somehow related to IoT. You should manage to connect the IoT technology with a robust area of hospitality. Catering customers' needs during peak hours at any restaurant or cafe could get overwhelmed with hectic tasks such as taking orders, fetching water, and ordering meals. We created a raw model to accommodate the limitations of the human mind. The technology-based IoT (Internet of things) can come in handy during hectic sessions. A Robot waiter is built from scratch using materials like Arduino (2), Gear DC motor (2), L298N motor driver (1), Ultrasonic sensor (2), IR sensor (2), Servo motor (4) HC-05 Bluetooth module. Desired orders are sent on a wireless network through the menu bar to the kitchen. Then, the robots transfer the food from the kitchen to the customers. The floor will be all white, while there will be a strip of black line to connect every sitting and the kitchen. For instance, if table number three is to be served, we click the number three in the app, which renders an obstacle in table 3. The motor barricades the robot, and the ultrasonic sensors sense it, and it stops. If anyone picks the plate, the ultrasonic sensor senses it, the blockage is removed, and the robot paces in the designated path. People visited the place more often to experience such stimuli. Using the robots attracted more customers and made the work very quick.


本研究首先設計一5公斤級之聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯—氣態氧混合式火箭引擎,搭載軸向注入器(axial injector)進行水平推力測試,控制氧化劑流量,改變燃燒時間,量測氧化劑截面通量與燃料耗蝕率,探討其燃燒特性、推力、比衝值與各項引擎參數,並評估該引擎作為混合式火箭推進系統之可行性。引擎成功研製後,本研究設計兩種渦漩注入器(swirling injector),幾何渦漩係數(SNg)分別為3、5,將推力目標提升至10公斤,並進行地面推力測試,探討幾何渦漩係數改變對於混合式火箭混和效率與引擎表現之影響。經實驗後證實渦漩注入器能有效提高引擎推力,且引擎推力及燃料耗蝕率會隨幾何渦漩係數提高而上升。未來希望能以本引擎為基礎,將推進系統放大後,將其裝載於小型火箭之上,進行探空及技術驗證之任務。

IoT based automatic water temperature adjustor

This paper represents IOT Based Automatic Water Temperature Adjustor. IoT (Internet of Things) refers to the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. This system is for adjusting water temperature according to the possible surroundings such as home temperature, atmosphere temperature, etc. To solve problems like high water temperature while using, time-consuming waiting for water to heat and cool, high power consumption, and not satisfying water temperature this system offers the feature for automatically adjusting the temperature. Arduino, DHT11 (Temperature-Humidity Sensor), Bread Board, DS18B20 (Water Temperature Sensor), Jumper Wires, Resistor, I2C OLED, Water Heating Coil, Relay and LED are used for operating this system. The application of this system is very vast as it can be implemented in power plants, hospitals, mountain regions, local homes, and lodges. This system is time-saving, cost-efficient, easy to implement, provide automatic features, less power consumption, safety, and many more. Compared to other water geyser systems it has the feature of automatically detecting the environmental temperature and adjusting the temperature of the water accordingly. This system is still in its developing phase.


旋葉之細部結構跟泵浦效率有密切的關連[1,2],本研究專注探討不同幾何形狀旋葉構型之效應,我們先利用3D列印快速成形之技術優勢,做出50種不同的旋葉,分別有圓弧形、橢圓弧形及直立形進行實驗測試,並計算其總效率找出最高值的旋葉,編碼為A2-ea281-ia279-8。 將最高值旋葉,套入田口法進行優化,目標是望大。經過信噪比及均值分析後,發現影響總效率之最大參數是旋葉數,其次是出口角,最後是入口角,田口法中得出,重新設計的更細部參數的最佳旋葉是A2-ea28-ia23-8,同時利用機器學習建立迴歸函數模型,透過訓練的模型,預測出效率值,最後經過COMSOL Multiphysics軟體模擬檢測出A2-ea28-ia23-8依然保持最佳的內部流場狀況,並運用自行設計之簡易透明泵浦,進行測試與印證。

Line Following Waiter Robot

Technology is erratic. We never know what could be the next big thing. Nowadays, IoT (the internet of things) has taken over the market. Every technology created nowadays is somehow related to IoT. You should manage to connect the IoT technology with a robust area of hospitality. Catering customers' needs during peak hours at any restaurant or cafe could get overwhelmed with hectic tasks such as taking orders, fetching water, and ordering meals. We created a raw model to accommodate the limitations of the human mind. The technology-based IoT (Internet of things) can come in handy during hectic sessions. A Robot waiter is built from scratch using materials like Arduino (2), Gear DC motor (2), L298N motor driver (1), Ultrasonic sensor (2), IR sensor (2), Servo motor (4) HC-05 Bluetooth module. Desired orders are sent on a wireless network through the menu bar to the kitchen. Then, the robots transfer the food from the kitchen to the customers. The floor will be all white, while there will be a strip of black line to connect every sitting and the kitchen. For instance, if table number three is to be served, we click the number three in the app, which renders an obstacle in table 3. The motor barricades the robot, and the ultrasonic sensors sense it, and it stops. If anyone picks the plate, the ultrasonic sensor senses it, the blockage is removed, and the robot paces in the designated path. People visited the place more often to experience such stimuli. Using the robots attracted more customers and made the work very quick.

Susanito, autonomous robot body temperature meter: support to reduce infections in rows

A variant of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV or COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019, spreading rapidly around the world. Owing to a plan to reactivate the economy, the Mexican government, requested to implement protective measures to enter establishments with confined spaces: wear a mask, provide alcohol-based hand rub and the measurement of body temperature, allowing problem when not have a fever; however, these measures cause long waiting lines, causing contagion risk. To support this problem, applied and experimental research was used, generating as a result, the creation of a robot that moves autonomously thanks to a line follower sensor. Dispenses alcohol-based hand rub and determines the temperature by means of an infrared sensor, checking that the distance is adequate, with an ultrasonic sensor, using a buzzer that emits a sound of half a second when it performs a normal detection, but, if it is equal to or greater os 38 ° C, emits a sound for 10 seconds asking the person to leave the line and go to a medical service, helping to reduce problems infections in lines

IoT based automatic water temperature adjustor

This paper represents IOT Based Automatic Water Temperature Adjustor. IoT (Internet of Things) refers to the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. This system is for adjusting water temperature according to the possible surroundings such as home temperature, atmosphere temperature, etc. To solve problems like high water temperature while using, time-consuming waiting for water to heat and cool, high power consumption, and not satisfying water temperature this system offers the feature for automatically adjusting the temperature. Arduino, DHT11 (Temperature-Humidity Sensor), Bread Board, DS18B20 (Water Temperature Sensor), Jumper Wires, Resistor, I2C OLED, Water Heating Coil, Relay and LED are used for operating this system. The application of this system is very vast as it can be implemented in power plants, hospitals, mountain regions, local homes, and lodges. This system is time-saving, cost-efficient, easy to implement, provide automatic features, less power consumption, safety, and many more. Compared to other water geyser systems it has the feature of automatically detecting the environmental temperature and adjusting the temperature of the water accordingly. This system is still in its developing phase.




1.手機及筆電已成不可或缺生活用品。但,若其充電器如果充電時間太久,可能會因為本身過熱而造成充電完畢要取回時,造成手部的燙傷。因為有此生活經驗,想改善充電器等高溫設備的散熱。 2.本研究探討電腦CPU上如果加上致冷晶片,如何加速散熱,增加使用安全外也進而提高電腦效能。 3.以電腦主機為實驗的操作器材,探究研發該散熱系統,並做為以後其他需要散熱的結構基礎,作為加速散熱的要件。目前致冷晶片在兩面溫差超越20°C時,可以使致冷晶片產生電能,接上微型馬達後,得以驅動,並產生對流散熱。 4.目前有關致冷晶片的實驗中,多數是使用致冷晶片和帕爾帖效應的關係,以通入電能使晶片兩面產生溫差。而本研究將採賽貝克效應做基礎,來探討新式散熱解決方案,使CPU產生的熱轉換成可以驅動微型馬達的電能。


本研究實現一個真空中操作的小型磁浮軸承飛輪儲能系統,並探討其特性。為了延長能量保持時間、提高效率,我們分析了導致旋轉動能損失的因素。在自然減速測試中,於大氣環境操作的飛輪其阻力力矩隨轉速呈二次方增加;在真空環境中,阻力力矩隨著轉速的增加緩慢,約為線性關係。我們並發現馬達與發電機組導線中的渦電流損耗是真空中飛輪減速的主要因素。以多芯線圈取代單芯線圈後,待機時間延長為3 倍,自然減速至停止的時間在 8 小時以上,可以持續20分鐘供電1.3瓦。這項研究的結果可應用在電網中儲存能量的全尺寸飛輪。