

An Analysis and Optimization of Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism

Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism (DPLM) is a compact and stable lifting mechanism with a large extension range widely adopted in robot designs. Rubber bands and springs are often installed on the DPLM to lighten the motors' load and maintain its height, yet the installation positions are often obtained through trial and error. This project aims at finding the optimal rubber band installation positions for DPLM using modeling and optimization techniques. A mathematical model which describes the forces and moments acting on all the linkages of DPLM was derived based on the conditions for the static equilibrium and verified with a 3D simulation software. A genetic algorithm (GA) was implemented to optimize rubber band installation positions, which managed to find solutions with the overall root-mean-square- error (RMSE) of the net moment less than 2 for 2 to 6 rubber bands. A further statistical analysis of 50000 random rubber band samples showed that installing rubber bands in triangles is the best solution with the overall lowest RMSE. A test was conducted with a prototype of the DPLM and the results were consistent with our model and optimization. This project derived and verified a mathematical model for the DPLM, and found the optimal way and positions to install rubber bands. The results of this project provides a theoretical basis for controlling DPLM with rubber bands, allowing it to be further adopted in industrial robots that require repetitive lifting and lowering such as inspection robots and aerial work platforms.



風驅電「極」- 陣列式無扇葉風力發電機

「無扇葉風力發電」是一種新型的能量擷取研究,透過渦流引起的震動將風能轉換成電能。傳統渦輪式風力發電利用風推動扇葉旋轉發電,受限於風向、成本、噪音及體積等問題無法在內陸得到普遍。先前已有外國公司發表初步的機構設計與發想概念,但目前仍只能針對單一風向進行發電。本研究提出新型機構設計,有效的運用了多方向風源,降低了風能的浪費。為了瞭解渦激振動與各項變因之間的關係,我們設計了多項實驗,藉由影像分析軟體Tracker,得出不同風速下桅杆晃動振幅與頻率之關係,並利用實驗分析採集器LabQuest 2,精確的得出單位時間內的平均流速與電壓變化,獲得流速與電壓頻率特性。 根據實驗結果,隨著風速的增長,電機產生的峰值電壓會有2次方的增長,且桅杆晃動頻率與風速和支點位置並無直接關係。

Development of an Audio Modulated Tesla Coil

Originally, the Tesla transformer was developed to transmit energy and messages wirelessly. But it did not prove itself for either of these applications, so today it is only used for research purposes. Over time, the Tesla transformer has evolved and improved. Today it is possible with Tesla transformers to generate powerful and highly precise controlled discharges. During operation, impressive high-voltage discharges occur at the transformer. A tesla transformer is basically a high voltage generator that achieves a voltage boost by using two magnetically coupled LC series resonant circuits of the same resonant frequency. The Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil (DRSSTC) built in this work has a high power IGBT half bridge module to excite the primary resonant circuit at the resonant frequency. The IGBTs are driven in such a way that audible pressure waves, and therefore music, are generated by the electrical discharges at the high voltage electrode. Within the scope of this work were the following two questions: - How is a DRSSTC designed and built? The DRSSTC system realized in this work is about 80 cm high and reaches about one-meter-long discharges. The design, development, and construction of the transformer are documented in detail and extensively in this thesis. - How does one measure an electrical voltage of 200,000 V, which changes sign more than 100,000 times per second? Two approaches have been taken to measure the voltages. Derived from the energy balance of an ideal capacitor and an ideal coil, a secondary voltage of about 200 kV was calculated via secondary current measurement. The second approach uses a voltage measurement via an in-house developed measuring electrode and a calculated divider ratio between the measured voltage and the secondary voltage. A relatively unrealistic secondary voltage of about 750 kV was measured since the divider ratio depends on approximate values. Nevertheless, the measuring electrode can be used for investigations of the voltage curve, or the divider ratio can be calibrated via the secondary current measurement. The development of such a transformer laid the foundation for much further research and scientific analysis.

Development of an Audio Modulated Tesla Coil

Originally, the Tesla transformer was developed to transmit energy and messages wirelessly. But it did not prove itself for either of these applications, so today it is only used for research purposes. Over time, the Tesla transformer has evolved and improved. Today it is possible with Tesla transformers to generate powerful and highly precise controlled discharges. During operation, impressive high-voltage discharges occur at the transformer. A tesla transformer is basically a high voltage generator that achieves a voltage boost by using two magnetically coupled LC series resonant circuits of the same resonant frequency. The Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil (DRSSTC) built in this work has a high power IGBT half bridge module to excite the primary resonant circuit at the resonant frequency. The IGBTs are driven in such a way that audible pressure waves, and therefore music, are generated by the electrical discharges at the high voltage electrode. Within the scope of this work were the following two questions: - How is a DRSSTC designed and built? The DRSSTC system realized in this work is about 80 cm high and reaches about one-meter-long discharges. The design, development, and construction of the transformer are documented in detail and extensively in this thesis. - How does one measure an electrical voltage of 200,000 V, which changes sign more than 100,000 times per second? Two approaches have been taken to measure the voltages. Derived from the energy balance of an ideal capacitor and an ideal coil, a secondary voltage of about 200 kV was calculated via secondary current measurement. The second approach uses a voltage measurement via an in-house developed measuring electrode and a calculated divider ratio between the measured voltage and the secondary voltage. A relatively unrealistic secondary voltage of about 750 kV was measured since the divider ratio depends on approximate values. Nevertheless, the measuring electrode can be used for investigations of the voltage curve, or the divider ratio can be calibrated via the secondary current measurement. The development of such a transformer laid the foundation for much further research and scientific analysis.


傳統控制器都以一次方線性模式調整系統的比例、積分、微分等三參數減少誤差。為發展更佳誤差控制模式, 本研究嘗試加入誤差變數的次方運算。我們先以程式模擬一受固定阻力的線性系統,測試誤差變數次方的可行性,利用倒立擺系統進行模擬,並使倒立擺追蹤正弦波,以印證次方模式的控制效果。 經程式模擬後,我們認為不論目標值的大小,修改誤差參數的次方模式皆可使系統響應更快,控制效果更好。後續將利用倒立擺實測確認調整誤差次方可行性,並調整倒立擺的質量分布來模擬不同情況。相較於傳統的PID控制器,本研究拓增比例參數次方,建立PID三參數的次方模式,確認具更佳控制效果的可能性。希望未來可持續強化模式,將同步PID各參數次方模式,實際應用在機器手臂、溫度控制、建築防震等工程與工業。


由於台灣汽、機車數量逐年攀升,且人口密度高、道路窄小和停車位不足,使得人、車爭道和兩車併排等現象層出不窮,導致汽車駕駛人或乘客在開啟車門時,未注意後方來車造成碰撞的傷亡事故屢屢發生。有鑑於開啟車門不當事故頻繁,本研究提出一個基於達靈頓電路(Darlington Circuit)的快速且成本低之車門開啟預警系統,當汽車駕駛人或乘客碰觸車門內把手內側的軟式觸控薄膜開關時,系統即會啟動欲開啟車門側的門外警示燈和車後方向燈光閃爍,以提早預警行人或機車騎士,同時,汽車A柱內的警示燈、蜂鳴器會同步閃爍和鳴響,以提醒汽車駕駛人或乘客注意後方車輛避免碰撞,保障用路人安全。

An Analysis and Optimization of Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism

Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism (DPLM) is a compact and stable lifting mechanism with a large extension range widely adopted in robot designs. Rubber bands and springs are often installed on the DPLM to lighten the motors' load and maintain its height, yet the installation positions are often obtained through trial and error. This project aims at finding the optimal rubber band installation positions for DPLM using modeling and optimization techniques. A mathematical model which describes the forces and moments acting on all the linkages of DPLM was derived based on the conditions for the static equilibrium and verified with a 3D simulation software. A genetic algorithm (GA) was implemented to optimize rubber band installation positions, which managed to find solutions with the overall root-mean-square- error (RMSE) of the net moment less than 2 for 2 to 6 rubber bands. A further statistical analysis of 50000 random rubber band samples showed that installing rubber bands in triangles is the best solution with the overall lowest RMSE. A test was conducted with a prototype of the DPLM and the results were consistent with our model and optimization. This project derived and verified a mathematical model for the DPLM, and found the optimal way and positions to install rubber bands. The results of this project provides a theoretical basis for controlling DPLM with rubber bands, allowing it to be further adopted in industrial robots that require repetitive lifting and lowering such as inspection robots and aerial work platforms.


本研究為開發可適用於染整廠去除有機偶氮染料使用的自動化淨水設備,於設計設備前先探討奈米零價鐵(NZVI)去除化學染料效率,並針對不同操縱變因進行實驗,了解其化學反應性質。 在淨水設備的設計上,運用區域網路間Webduino Smart開發板、行動裝置、Webduino Blockly進行串聯,進行手動同步操作或自動化控制,使染整廠不僅降低人事成本及環境負擔,也避免染料外洩產生不可逆的環境嚴重汙染,同時節省染整過程使用的水資源。 操作部分選用Webduino Blockly來直接操控Webduino,使設備能在短時間內作動,避免第三方平台問題,也可提升設備的適地性。為了使染整廠能夠以最低成本達到類實驗室環境來處理廢水,特將模組與超音波清洗機調整成物聯網模式,以公式將光照度轉換為染料濃度,進而控制NZVI投加量並上傳雲端資料留存;超音波清洗機用以模擬超音波震盪機,使NZVI投加前均勻分散,發揮最佳降解效果。 本研究亦切合聯合國17項永續發展目標(SDGs)第六項:清潔飲水及衛生設施、第十二項:確保永續消費和生產模式。


本研究利用水熱法合成 C-SnS2光觸媒,再藉由化學水浴沈澱法(CBP)將 Ag3PO4 奈米顆粒還原在 C-SnS2 表面,得到複合半導體 Ag3PO4@C-SnS2。接著再分別以 C-SnS2 和 Ag3PO4@C-SnS2 進行人工光合作用,將二氧化碳還原為可用能源,並探討兩者之差異。藉由電子顯微鏡、 X 光繞射儀、紫外-可見光光譜儀、傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀、 X 光光電子能譜儀和氣相層析儀,分析樣品的晶體結構、能隙、吸光範圍和二氧化碳還原反應的氣體產物。最後,我們發現複合物 Ag3PO4@C-SnS2 的光化學量子效率較純的 C-SnS2 高,也就是此複合物能有效的提升二氧化碳還原效率。