

Prismalla: Mist water collector

The lack of drinking water in human settlements triggers a series of problems that are linked and affect the development of humanity: health problems, lack of water security for companies, lack of jobs, insecurity, among others. We observe this problem in the communities of the municipality of Las Vigas de Ramírez, Veracruz, where there is a great problem with the water supply, although there is a high presence of mist. Faced with this situation, we undertook the task of investigating a water harvesting method that is easy to implement, operate and maintain. We investigated and analyzed the methods of mist condensation through physical barriers, finding that the polyethylene shadow mesh was the means to achieve this, because it allows the passage of the wind, it is very light, easy to manipulate and above all that it presents the phenomenon of percolation that allows water droplets of various diameters to be accommodated therein. We designed a device that allows to present a mist catchment area through a prismatic structure enabled with meshes and condensed water receivers, portable, easy to use and maintenance and very economical with a performance of 20 liters per day. To achieve our project, factors such as air humidity, dew point, wind speed and direction, height, temperatures and available spaces must be considered.

A Person Re-identification based Misidentification-proof Person Following Service Robot

Two years ago, I attended a robot contest, in which one of the missions required the robot to follow the pedestrian to complete the task. At that time, I used their demo program to complete the task. Not long after, I found two main issues: 1. The program follows the closest point read by the depth camera, which if I walk close to a wall next to, the robot may likely ‘follow’ the wall. 2. Not to mention if another pedestrian crosses between the robot and the target. Regarding these two issues, I decided to improve it. We’ve designed a procedure of using YOLO Object Detection and Person re-identification to re-identify the target for continuous following.

Locus of the Points on Circumference of the n-th Circle that Formed by Moving the Center of any Radius Circles on the Outermost Circumference of Preceding set of Circles

This project aimed to study the motion which occurred from the end point on the circumference of the outermost circle by moving the center on the circumference of a preceding circle and the center of an innermost circle at origin. According to the study, when angular velocity was changed, it caused the different of loci. Based on the above information, finding the locus of the point on circumference of n-th circle that formed by moving the center of any radius circles on circumference of preceding set of circles was studied to get general equation. A set of circle and locus were created with GSP program. First, set the same radius circles on the X-axis with the first circle at origin, then found the relationship that occurred from the characteristics of locus. The result showed that if the ratios of angular velocity are 1:1:1, 2:2:2, 3:3:3, ..., …, n:n:n or 1:2:3, 2:4:6, 3:6:9, …,nw1:nw2:nw3, the characteristics of locus will be the same, while the others will be different. Finally, the equation of locus was found as follow: (x,y) = { ..........see in abstract...........} when .........see in abstract........... Where ri is the radius of i-th circle, zeta i is an angle between the radius of i-th circle and X-axis, wi is the angular velocity, t is elapsed time and alpha i is a starting angle between the radius of i-th circle and X-axis.

搶救生命大作戰 - AI姿態辨識在智慧型高品質CPR訓練引導式教學輔具系統設計之研究

本研究以CPR訓練模型輔具做為研究對象,根據專家說明CPR動作要正確純熟,除了依賴良好的教學輔具系統引導外,其功能上更需要有按壓姿勢的正確判斷,因此本研究藉助科技AI輔助,設計AI姿態辨識的智慧型高品質CPR訓練引導式教學輔具系統,經研究證實系統能逹到: 一、協助學習者熟練CPR的操作流程並解決訓練模型設計問題。 二、成功運用邊際運算功能提高AI辨識的速度。 三、拍肩反應、判斷按壓位置、深度更可利用壓力感測器及超音波感應器進行偵測。 四、能應用AI代替人類專家判斷按壓姿勢之正確性。 五、具專家模式且可獨立操作的CPR引導式教學輔具系統。 期望人人都能學到CPR正確操作技巧及爭取黃金復甦時間,搶救寶貴生命。


先前論文指出高鹽飲食會造成果蠅睡眠間斷(Jiayu Xie et al., 2019)、減短果蠅壽命(Deng-Tai Wen et al., 2020)。而另一篇論文則以小鼠作為實驗對象,發現高鹽飲食會影響小鼠記憶和學習能力(Giuseppe Faraco et al., 2018)。根據上述,高鹽飲食在不同生物中可能影響神經系統的功能,但果蠅學習與記憶能力的影響還未被探討。因此,筆者以果蠅作為模式生物,研究高鹽飲食對其學習與記憶功能是否障礙及實驗其可能的細胞與分子機制。在將野生型果蠅進行測試後,選擇了Canton-S做後續實驗,並發現餵食Canton-S 四天的高鹽食物後學習及短期記憶表現下降,而進行實驗確認是由高鹽飲食導致此障礙,再研究了一系列相關研究。 本次實驗中,首次以餵食高鹽食物對果蠅學習與記憶障礙方面進行研究,並了解到高鹽飲食也會讓果蠅產生學習與短期記憶能力障礙。目前為了找出真正的細胞與分子機制提出可使用的方法,在實驗其他可能的機制。


QR Code是由黑白模組組成的二維數位條碼,掃描後可讀取儲存的訊息。受限於設計原理,QR Code使用二進位制儲存資料。增加模組數目可增加資料量,但若在條碼內塞進太多模組時,尺寸太小的模組將無法被掃描器讀取。此外,目前QR Code掃描器僅支援單張掃描,並無法應付同時多張條碼掃描的實務需求。 如能克服顏色辨識,理論上彩色二維條碼將能克服現行QR Code的限制,但市面上並無相關產品可供測試。因此本專題設計了一款10×10、具8顏色的"Colour Matrix",並利用Raspberry Pi開發Colour Matrix在手持裝置上運作的軟硬體來進行實驗。此實驗成功利用機器學習演算法在Raspberry Pi上進行的顏色辨識。開發的程式在單張掃描上效能與使用pyzbar辨識QR Code相當;在多張掃描方面,使用pyzbar辨識QR Code的解碼成功率為3.1%,而本專題的方法將成功率提升至92.4%,擴增數位條碼的使用範圍,具商用價值。

Expectations for extension of cell life and next generation anticancer drugs by using secondary metabolites of actinomycetes

Inhibitory effects of the secondary metabolite of actinomycete were examined on cell cycle of the yeasts of S. pombe and S. cerevisiae. The secondary metabolite was obtained from cultivation of the actinomycete isolated from the soil of Owakudani in Hakone, Japan. The fifth fraction of the secondary metabolite by ODS column separation (HK-T5), which was soluble to pure methanol, was used in the present experiments. The HK-T5 brought about the delay of forming colonies of S. pombe for about 11 days compared to that cultivated without the HK-T5. The delay of the colony formation was longer for the S. pombe cultivated with more amount of the HK-T5. The cultivation with HK-T5 also brought about the extension of the lifespan of the S. pombe for more than 10 weeks in a liquidus medium. The cell life recovered the ordinary manner by removal of the HK-T5, meaning that the activities of the HK-T5 is reversible. These facts confirm the suppression of cell cycle, and the delay of cell growth by the HK-T5. These phenomena were similarly observed for S. cerevisiae. Comparison of the action of HK-T5 with hydroxyurea, which is an anticancer drug inhibiting the cell cycle at S phase, clarified that the inhibitory action of HK-T5 worked at the phase earlier than S phase. The combined effects of HK-T5 on the cell cycle were evaluated with triamcinolone acetonide (TA), or aspirin, the former of which is a drug synchronizing cancer cells in S phase, and the latter keeping human cells in G1/G0 phases. The combined use of HK-T5 with TA synchronized the cells at the phase slightly proceeding from G1 to S phase without toxicity. On the other hand, the combined use with aspirin made the inhibitory effect of HK-T5 inactive. Hence, the HK-T5 is attractive as a drug for the extension of cell lifespan, and anticancer therapy.


本研究以二氯化鐵和三氯化鐵所合成之磁性奈米粒子為基底,包覆上以蝦紅素為模板修飾的二氧化矽,製作出具有蝦紅素專一性的磁性奈米粒子,應用於萃取福壽螺卵中之蝦紅素。 利用干擾物證明磁性奈米萃取粒子具有蝦紅素的專一性,再探討奈米粒子合成及萃取條件的影響。福壽螺卵經過打碎離心後,依序加入0.2 M氫氧化鈉及1 mM十二烷基硫酸鈉,使蝦紅素水解並去脫去蛋白質轉換為游離態。當模板濃度為0.059 mg/mL、TEOS濃度為1.892 mg/mL和蝦紅素的濃度為0.07 mg/mL時,會有最佳的萃取率達60.7 %。此磁性奈米粒子在萃取步驟後,再以丙酮進行脫附,至少重複使用3次。此技術可減少福壽螺的農害,也極具經濟價值,很值得研究。

Method of prosthetic vision

This work is devoted to solving the problem of orientation in the space of visually impaired people. Working on the project, a new way of transmitting visual information through an acoustic channel was invented. In addition, was developed the device, which uses distance sensors to analyze the situation around a user. Thanks to the invented algorithm of transformation of the information about the position of the obstacle into the sound of a certain tone and intensity, this device allows the user to transmit subject-spatial information in real time. Currently, the device should use a facette locator made of 36 ultrasonic locators grouped in 12 sectors by the azimuth and 3 spatial cones by the angle. Data obtained in such a way is converted into its own note according to the following pattern : the angle of the place corresponds to octave, the azimuth corresponds to the note and the distance corresponds to the volume. The choice of the notes is not unambiguous. However, we used them for the reason that over the centuries, notes have had a felicitous way of layout on the frequency range and on the logarithmic scale. Therefore, the appearance of a new note in the total signal will not be muffled by a combination of other notes. Consequently, a blind person, moving around the room with the help of the tone and volume of the sound signals, will be able to assess the presence and location of all dangerous obstacles. After theoretical substantiation of the hypothesis and analysis of the available information, we started the production of prototypes of the devices that would implement the idea of transmitting information via the acoustic channel.

An Analysis and Optimization of Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism

Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism (DPLM) is a compact and stable lifting mechanism with a large extension range widely adopted in robot designs. Rubber bands and springs are often installed on the DPLM to lighten the motors' load and maintain its height, yet the installation positions are often obtained through trial and error. This project aims at finding the optimal rubber band installation positions for DPLM using modeling and optimization techniques. A mathematical model which describes the forces and moments acting on all the linkages of DPLM was derived based on the conditions for the static equilibrium and verified with a 3D simulation software. A genetic algorithm (GA) was implemented to optimize rubber band installation positions, which managed to find solutions with the overall root-mean-square- error (RMSE) of the net moment less than 2 for 2 to 6 rubber bands. A further statistical analysis of 50000 random rubber band samples showed that installing rubber bands in triangles is the best solution with the overall lowest RMSE. A test was conducted with a prototype of the DPLM and the results were consistent with our model and optimization. This project derived and verified a mathematical model for the DPLM, and found the optimal way and positions to install rubber bands. The results of this project provides a theoretical basis for controlling DPLM with rubber bands, allowing it to be further adopted in industrial robots that require repetitive lifting and lowering such as inspection robots and aerial work platforms.