


前人研究發現聖嬰南方震盪(El Niño–Southern Oscillation, ENSO)和淘氣精靈(Elves)兩者間有顯著關係,顯示淘氣精靈的變化受太平洋上ENSO影響,因此我們想探討淘氣精靈與印度洋震盪(Indian Ocean Dipole, IOD)間是否也存在相似的關聯性。一般以DMI(Dipole Mode Index)代表IOD的發生情形,研究中我們挑出2005年6月2015年11月IOD正負事件時的海溫、雨量、閃電及淘氣精靈進行比較。研究結果顯示淘氣精靈在印度洋上也有震盪的現象,且其趨勢與海溫相同,再將其與雨量變化做比較後,我們推論IOD造成的海溫變化影響了大氣,進一步影響淘氣精靈的發生。

Migration Data-Driven Mathematical Model for New City Growth

The growth of a city and the population movement has many correlations. However, the complex interaction causes difficulties in developing a mathematical model needed for analyzing the growth factor of a city and the movement factor of population. The model involving traditional equations cannot explain many phenomenon. The newly introduced data-science suggests possibilities to overcome these difficulties. Particularly, the abundant amount of accumulated data proposes a new solution for the problem we have. Throughout these steps, data-utilizing methodology, such as machine learning for artificial intelligence, are researched and developed with attention. In this research, data about accumulated for previous population movement and city growth are collected, and a mathematical science model based on data is developed to explain population movement and city growth by utilizing data analyzing methods such as machine learning. Especially, artificial neural network and stratified advance learning(deep learning) proves possibilities in solving many problems. This research aims to construct an artificial neural network appropriate for population movement and consequently use it in developing population movement model. Using this model, growth of many existing cities can be explained and furthermore, examining the population movement factor of a city and social factor necessary for city growth become possible. This model is expected to become the tool for resolving overpopulation and predicting and deciding factors needed for a new future city. In spite of decreasing population, it is still important to develop a model for population movement that well explains city growth and environment change.

Construction of an Emergency Portable Dynamo Mobile Phone Charging Station by Means of a Hand-Crank Gear Mechanism/ Solar Panels

The researchers aim to construct an emergency mobile phone charging station that runs on renewable energy and will serve as a cost-efficient alternative to more traditional power banks. Circuit components include a 20V / 6W solar panel supplemented by a hand-crank gear mechanism integrated with a 6V / 1A lead-acid battery, a usb output and an adjustable switch-mode power supply (SMPS) to convert excess voltage into current. Initial voltage and current outputs were measured under varying resistances. It was determined that the set-up satisfied the minimum voltage and current requirement for charging a mobile phone (5V / 1A). A subsequent phone charging test was executed using a Samsung Galaxy J2 (3.85V Li-ion battery 7.70W, Charge Voltage: 4.4V / 2000mAh) wherein it charged on an average of 0.277% per minute for the solar panel and an average of 0.263% per minute for the hand crank gear mechanism. A Mann-Whitney U statistical test was conducted to determine if the charging rate of the charging station had a significant difference from a commercially available power bank’s. The calculated UA: (4) from the test was below the lower limit and the UB: (217) was above the upper limit which indicated that there was a significant difference between the charging rates. While the efficiency was lower than the commercial power bank’s, it can still be used as an alternative charging method especially during emergencies and disasters.

NoDistort: Drawing Distortion Recovery System for Shaky Screens

在這個智慧型裝置普及的時代,觸控螢幕已經深入人們的生活。隨著手寫輸入法、滑行輸入法等筆跡輸入系統的完善,其也成為人們與裝置互動最重要的工具,卻也常因為搖晃造成輸入的筆跡變形。為了改善人們在不穩定環境下的輸入體驗,本研究提出了“筆跡變形修正系統”。 通過結合內置感應器的資訊,系統估計裝置的運動軌跡,並以提出的屏幕-手指互動模型恢復失真的筆跡。 研究中使用了一種不需要額外儀器的校準方法校正感應器誤差,再套用本研究所開發之變形修正演算法,成功在生活中恢復失真筆跡並證明了其有效性及必要性。經過數代的改進與實驗參數優化,修正效果已大幅提升。

Understanding the Modern Diagnoses of Protein C Deficiency "Pcd" with Unknown Gene Plays a Critical Role in the Inherited Thrombophilia

Protein C deficiency (PCD) is found in 1 out of 200 to 500 persons in the general global population which is also one of the common conditions of Inherited thrombophilia, it’s characterized by an increased tendency of blood to clot in human blood vessels. It is caused by several factors including mutations in the genes involved in thrombin binding, protein c activation and numerous clotting factors. This includes F5 (Factor 5 Leiden) gene on chromosome 1q24.2, F7 (Prothrombin) gene on chromosome 13q34, SERPINC1 (serpin peptidase inhibitor C) on chromosome 1q25.2, SERPIND1 (serpin peptidase inhibitor D) on chromosome 22q11.21, HRG (Histidine Rich Glycoprotein) on chromosome 3q27.3, PLAT (Plasminogen Activator) on chromosome 8q11.21 and THBD (Thrombomodulin) gene on chromosome 20p11.21. In the current study, a three Saudi families with inherited thrombophilia has been recruited to identify the underlying cause of this special condition. Whole exome sequencing, targeting all coding exons of the human genome, was performed using Illumina Nextera library preparation kits followed by paired-end sequencing on Illumina NextSeq500 instrument. Reads quality control was performed and reads were aligned to the reference genome using BWA software. Variants calling and annotation was performed using GATK. All known genes involved in causing inherited thrombophilia All known genes involved in causing PCD were excluded by whole exome sequencing. The genes that were previously reported to be involved in inherited thrombophilia were checked for any causative variant. No mutation has been identified in known genes. identifying a novel gene underlying PCD. The Result of this study will hopefully pave the way to better understanding the disease pathophysiology and help in developing DNA based diagnosis, carrier screening and somatic gene therapy.

Reactivity of styrylmalonates as synthetic equivalents of Donor–acceptor cyclopropanes with aldehydes in the presence of BF3•Et2O

Donor–acceptor cyclopropanes (DACs), which can act as sources of 1,2- and 1,3-zwitterions in the presence of Lewis acids, are widely used in organic synthesis for the preparation of various carbo- and heterocyclic compounds, including natural compounds and their analogues. To date, many types of DACs reactivity have been identified. However, the chemistry of styrylmalonates (isomers of DACs, which can be easily generated from DACs) is almost undescribed and has a powerful synthetic potential. The use of styrylmalonates as synthetic equivalents of DACs allows us cardinally change the known reaction pathways of DACs. In this work, a new strategy for cascade assembly of substituted pyrenes based on the reactions of styrylmalonates with aldehydes in the presence of BF3•Et2O has been developed. Generation of formal 1,2-zwitterionic intermediates owing to complexation of dicarboxylate groups with BF3•Et2O is the driving force of the reaction discovered. This method makes it possible to assemble pyrenes or 5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-ones in one synthetic stage from readily available starting compounds with high regio- and diastereoselectivity, and use these pyrenes in futher reactions. We’ve optimized conditions of the reaction and synthesized a number of various substituted pyrenes. Moreover, the reaction shows good results with various aromatic and heteroaromatic substituents. Pyrenes can be easily purified by crystallization. Every product was obtained selectively and determined by full set of physical-chemical methods, including X-ray analysis. 5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one skeleton is found in various natural compounds demonstrating a broad spectrum of biological activity, such as antiviral and antineoplastic.




近幾年已進入太陽模組退役的高峰期,比較現行主要回收方法,在乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯(EVA)處理過程中會產生危害環境物質,因此研究低毒性、易處理的EVA移除技術,減低環境負擔,是值得開發的技術。研究以上層利用高溫燒斷交聯鍵結,失去交聯的EVA再以二甲苯溶解;下層使用鹽酸輔助水分子與EVA碰撞,破壞聚合單體間的鍵結。水解的過程中產生的溶液,則根據離子特性以沉澱、氧化還原鑑定,以利規劃完整回收再利用。 破壞上層交聯結構所需鍛燒兩次各200℃、1.5小時,再置入二甲苯中震盪2小時,同時可去除背板。水解最佳條件為90℃、10M的鹽酸,在裂隙越多的模組效果越快。使用後的鹽酸中,必定有鋁、鎳離子釋出,導線破損還會溶出銅。依模組狀態分為較完整與破碎,破碎模組水解下層,輔助歐盟回收法;較完整的模組先破壞上層。水解時,產生的鹽酸溶液則利用離子交換樹脂處理,回收並減少二次傷害環境。

SeedBot: Low-Cost Seeding Robot for Agricultural Applications

This paper presents a semi-autonomous seeding robot which is based on both electrical and mechanical platforms that perform advance agriculture process. SeedBot composed of four components: drilling mechanism, body of robot, seed container and paving mechanism. Other than those components the sensor system and the control system are also discussed. The aim of this study is designing and building a low-cost robotic system to automate and optimize process during farming especially for personal usage. This study demonstrates that semi-autonomous farming has crucial advantages over conventional farming. In addition to that, SeedBot provides safer, requires less manpower and precise farming than usual methods that we have so far.

