

公益是否有價?── 論消費者背景變項與公益商品之關聯

消費者對於公益商品的訂價看法為何?利他行為會不會有價差?本研究採取隨機分派之問卷研究法,調查板橋車站內受試者所認為的合理公益餅乾售價。問卷分為兩個模組,分別為公益餅乾與非公益餅乾,消費者填答自己所認為的合理價格,並同時填寫性別、年齡、教育程度等等基本資料。 研究者將600份問卷排除遺漏值後,以584份數據資料進行迴歸分析。分析結果指出,年齡介於21到30歲之間的青年,最不願意為公益理念付出金錢,同時,教育程度越高以及感情狀態處於單身者也不願意為公益理念付出價差,而整體來說,受試者公益與非公益模組間的價差大約為平均價格的百分之十。研究者對此四項主要發現進行推論與探討,並期望日後有更多相關方面的研究。

Application of molecular templates on magnetic particles for adsorption and desorption of heavy metals

This study investigated the production of novel molecular templates, and analyze their adsorption effect on four heavy metal ions (Cu+2, Pb+2, Zn+2, Mn+2), which commonly exist in Taiwan's rivers. Different operating conditions (such as competitive adsorption, pH value and other factors) were explored to compare their adsorption effect of heavy metal ions by using the synthesized template molecules. The molecular templates were found to be specific towards their target metal ions with a high adsorption effect. Then combined with the idea of magnetic particles to produce magnetic molecule templates, a maximum amount of adsorption of heavy metal ions up to 95% through the molecular template was achieved while the effect of heavy metals desorption of up to 83% could be also successfully obtained. Experimental results showed that the magnetic molecule templates did not affect the adsorption of heavy metal ions. Not only can they speed up the recovery time of adsorption but the template molecules can also be collected more efficiently. We also proposed three different applications for the developed molecular templates. The development of magnetic molecular template may provide an affordable, highly-efficient way for dealing with heavy metal pollutions.


經基因重組技術純化的口蹄疫病毒鞘蛋白rVP1被證實在癌細胞內會經由Integrin路徑對癌細胞的轉移及凋亡產生影響。本研究所探討的是rVP1對肺癌幹細胞H1299及肺癌細胞A549中Integrin路徑與Wnt/β-catenin路徑的作用機制,目的除了要了解兩路徑在肺癌細胞中的影響,也希望能找出兩路徑的交互作用機制。 本研究發現肺癌幹細胞H1299中β-catenin會因加入rVP1而表現量下降,與肺癌細胞不同;肺癌細胞A549中Wnt/β-catenin路徑上游的膜上受體Frizzled-8因rVP1作用而表現量下降;而不論在肺癌幹細胞H1299及肺癌細胞A549中Grb2都不會因rVP1作用而表現量有所改變;Wnt/β-catenin路徑下游產物MIG-7則會因加入Wnt3aligand而表現量下降。 由實驗結果推測癌症幹細胞本身與癌細胞特性不同,可能使得Wnt/β-catenin路徑產生的效果不同;Grb2的變化量則需要更多實驗求證。Integrin路徑會影響到Wnt/β-catenin路徑的上游生成,兩者確實有相互影響。


本研究目的主要是設計一套數學模式以探討臺灣地區選民投票抉擇的穩定與變遷,以及媒體的選前民調的準確度分析。研究中以馬克夫鏈分析臺灣地區選民投票抉擇的穩定與變遷,經研究發現臺灣地區選民投票抉擇乃屬於不穩定狀態。 為避免選民因接收到不準確的資訊而改變自身投票抉擇,致影響選舉結果,本研究以科學性方法探討分析了臺灣地區主流媒體公布的民調結果。研究中使用總統選舉的選前民調,透過本研究所提出之「擬馬克夫鏈方法」預測選舉結果,再將此結果與中選會公布的實際選舉結果進行交叉比對以評估其準確度。 本研究希望可以提出有效工具透過逆向工程方法來適時監督媒體,降低可能影響選民投票抉擇的人為操作,讓民調對於選民的投票抉擇有正向幫助;而透過較精準的民調以使未來選舉結果可以更進一步貼近民意,讓臺灣能邁向更好的未來。


本研究在探討過原點且通過特定格子區域格子點的直線數;先討論正方形的區域,發現這樣的直線數與法里序列及歐拉函數有關,並使用這些結果得到三角形區域中的直線數。 接下來,我們將上述問題從正方形區域推廣至高維度的(超)立方體區域,得到欲求的直線數,並介紹四個歐拉函數的推廣形式,其中一種是約當囿互質函數,使用這些函數不僅能簡化計算,更能拓寬歐拉函數的視野。 最後,我們也計算單體區域,即高維度中廣義三角形區域中的直線數,這些結果成為法里序列的推廣形式,而我們所獲得的公式可以藉由第一類斯特林數表示。

內皮素對稻田魚(Oryzias latipes)胚胎適應酸環境之調節

哺乳類的內皮素(endothelin-1 ; EDN1)與其受體endothelin receptor B己知可共同參與腎臟排酸功能之調節,在魚類的表現上,亦有研究指出EDN1會影響到斑馬魚的排酸。本研究中以廣鹽性魚種稻田魚(Oryzias latipes)仔魚為實驗對象,經6小時以上時間酸處理後其體表排酸量皆顯著增強,且經6小時酸處理後,仔魚rhcg1及內皮素受體EDNRA2的基因表現量也顯著增加,並發現當弱化(knockdown)仔魚的endothelin-1基因後,其體表排酸量顯著下降,證實endothelin-1對仔魚排酸作用有直接的影響。而當仔魚endothelin-1的基因表現被抑制後,其離子細胞密度以及離子通道蛋白基因表現不受影響,推測內皮素並非以增加離子細胞的方式影響排酸,而是藉由轉譯後調控途徑,使其排酸功能增強。另外本研究中再將6小時及7天酸處理實驗結果比對後,推測當稻田魚仔魚面臨短期或長期酸環境刺激時,內皮素調節機制亦略有不同。

Extracting Water from Humid Air Using Solar Energy in Humid Areas

The study aims to evaluate the technique of extracting water from humid air using solar energy through greenhouses in local areas. This technique is believed to provide limited amount of water in areas where potable water is not accessible or abundant. To solve this problem a pyramid-shaped device was designed, it is made of glass panels ad equipped with glass doors, fans operated by solar energy, and multiple shelves covered with fabric to act as Absorbent Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) with a 30% concentration. The doors are open during the night for absorption and closed during the day for energy-generating. Humidity, temperature, and atmospheric pressure are measured every two hours. The amount of water extracted in this area in one full day was around 3.0 liters a day for every square meter. Perhaps the limited amount of water is due to low level of humidity in the area: an average of 50% and temperature of F10 Celsius at night. However, the device itself is independent, does not need power sources, water sources, or infrastructure, can be installed in various places depending on humidity level as well as having the possibility of increasing number or size of device. This makes the device a promising, alternative and environmental friendly solution to produce water. Cost-effective and lighter material can be used to make the device, which will produce an easy-to-use and affordable devices. It is an area in need for further research to improve and further develop it.

EmerApp+: An innovative application for personal security

EmerApp+ is software designed for intelligent devices as a personal security database manager. In case of emergencies, it is an application which integrates location, tracking, and communication tools. It is triangulated between a database to a communication server as well as a second which is NASA server that offers climate and seismic information for Mexico. This application has two sources of communication, SMS messages and a newly created social network. In case of natural disasters, an extension for drones has been developed for this application, enabling rescue teams to delimit the land boundary where the disaster struck. In order to speed up the search and rescue operations a triangulation of network-drone- smartphone is completed.


中藥一直存有重金屬汙染的疑慮,而目前檢驗這些可疑重金屬的儀器與技術皆需耗費大量金錢與時間,因此研發出簡便快速的偵測工具極為迫切。本研究目的是利用基因轉殖的大腸桿菌,偵測出中草藥內的重金屬。 實驗結果顯示,利用含有銅離子基因轉殖的大腸桿菌,偵測7種常見的中藥材浸膏,除了黃岑之外,其他6種中藥材內可偵測到銅離子,並且具有定量的螢光表現。其中,研究發現由於黃岑本身會有吸附銅離子的現象,因此利用螯合劑EDTA來解決此問題。結果顯示,螯合劑不會影響大腸桿菌的正常代謝,但能成功地將銅離子搶出並誘導細菌產生螢光。最後利用螢光顯微鏡觀察,發現深色的中藥並不會影響大腸桿菌的螢光表現。 未來期望可將本研究初步成果,做更進一步的研究,除了能合成更多不同基因的大腸桿菌,以偵測不同種類的重金屬外,還製成便宜且方便使用的重金屬生物感測器產品,方便民眾檢驗手中的中草藥材,確保所使用的中草藥之安全性。


假設G為簡單圖,令V(G)、E(G)分別為G的頂點與邊所形成的集合,|V(G)|與|E(G)|分別代表G的頂點集合與邊集合的元素個數。若u, v∈V(G)且u, v有邊相連,則將此邊記為uv∈E(G)。對於給定的填單圖G,若存在函數f: V(G)∪E(G)→{1, 2, 3,…, m},其中m=|V(G)|+|E(G)|且函數f滿足下列兩個條件: (1)f為1-1且映成函數: (2)對於每個邊uv∈E(G),f(u)+f(v)+f(uv)恆為定值T, 則稱函數f為圖G的一個『魔函數』,G為一個具有『魔和』為T的『魔圖』。 在此次研究中,我們證明了下列的結果: 1.任意圈Cn為具有魔和[(5n+4)/2]或[(7n+3)/2]的魔圖; 2.長度為奇數n的圈Cn,其中n≠5,為具有魔和(5n+5)/2的魔圖; 3.長度為n=4t+2(t≧1)的偶圈Cn,為具有魔和(5n+6)/2的魔圖; 4.長度為奇數n的圈Cn外加兩個相鄰的懸掛邊所成為的圖為一個魔圖; 5.三個具有共同端點的n-路徑所形成的圖為一個魔圖。