


By comparing eight different epoch images of the crab nebula taken through 1942 to 2004, we have calculated the expansion velocity of 27 optical bubble features and 60 filaments. The mean expansion velocity of bubble features and filaments is 0.173 arcsec/yr and 0.15 arcsec/yr, respectively. We also estimated the maximum radial velocity of the expansion by analyzing the emission spectrum of the nebula. The maximum radial velocity is 1385.5 km/s. Combining these measurements indicates that the crab nebular is approximately 5870 light year away. In addition, if we assume that the nebula has been expanding at a constant rate, our expansion velocity projected backward indicates the mean date of the supernova event as A.D 1124, more than 70 yrs later than the accepted date of 1054. The result confirms the well-known acceleration in the crab's expansion. Although we have analyzed eight images with a 62 yr baseline, the acceleration still can't be derived from this study. 透過量測由1942年到2004年之間八張不同年代的蟹狀星雲中爆炸後殘骸的位置變化,可以計算出蟹狀星雲爆發的擴張速度。本研究選定了27個包狀物和60個纖狀物,計算出的擴張速度分別為0.173 arcsec/yr.和0.150 arcsec/yr。再透過分析蟹狀星雲的光譜所計算出的徑向速度(radial velocity)為1385.5 km/yr,進而推得蟹狀星雲的距離分別為5430光年和6370光年,平均值為5870光年。 另外,如果假設擴張速度是等速運動,那麼把求得的擴張速度倒推出的爆發日期是在西元1124年,這比中國紀錄中超新星爆發的1054年晚了70年。這顯示出蟹狀星雲的確非等速擴張而是有加速度的狀態,才會造成以等速倒推發生日期時,晚了70年。雖然本研究中分析了相差62年之久的八張影像,仍然無法分析出星雲的擴張的加速度情形。


臺灣家庭污水污染量占總水污染的68.8%,而其中油污更是主要成份。本研究目的為篩選可分解家庭廢水中油污之微生物,並探討其降解油污的能力以及生長情形。本實驗從有油污的環境分離出三種對於家庭廢水中油污具有降解效果的菌株,經過16S ribosomal RNA gene菌種分析鑑定,得知其可能為Ralstonia sp. TFD41、Pseudomonas putida strain II-B、Sphingomonas sp. NC110。研究三種嗜油菌的最佳的生長環境條件,發現Sphingomonas sp. NC110在所有不同種類的油當中成長情形都佳於另外兩種嗜油菌。而針對Sphingomonas sp. NC110進行相關的酸鹼值及溫度測試,發現最佳生長條件為pH7以及30℃。進一步將嗜油菌放入汙水中,發現Sphingomonas sp. NC110在污水中的生長菌數最多;Ralstonia sp. TFD41的生長菌數最少,Pseudomonas putida strain II-B的生長速度最快。將嗜油菌放入100 ppm油的培養基中,以Sphingomonas sp. NC110的降解油污的能力為最佳、Ralstonia sp. TFD41的速度最快。在家庭汙水中Ralstonia sp.TFD41 + Pseudomonas putida strain II-B的生長狀況最穩定,三種嗜油菌同時培養並沒有加乘效應。未來希望能培養嗜油菌,將其放入汙水中,降解汙水中的油,以減少油對於環境的汙染。


In recent years, sandstorms have seriously attacked Taiwan day by day. Combining with the observations of Central Weather Bureau and the satellite images of NASA, the study has been collected the data of suspension grain in decades. And the study hopes the sandstorms’ information could be observed in early period. Still it hopes to find out the possible transmission paths in the atmosphere. Then we know how to cope with sandstorms in early time. Sandstorms attack Taiwan frequently in spring, the end of the autumn and the beginning of the winter. Compared with the charts of sandstorms and the satellite images, we could broadly aware that the moving paths of sandstorms are related to the currents and the characteristics of the atmosphere. When El Nino happens, the times of sandstorms attacking Taiwan decrease, and that increase when La Lina happens. According to the results of spectrum analysis, there might be high peaks of a year and six months short period varieties. And low peaks of 2.2 years and 7 months period, tell us that the short period aerosol varieties should be relative with season changes, the long period aerosol varieties may be relative with the El Nino and La Lina period. 近年來,大陸沙塵暴侵襲台灣的情況日趨嚴重影響。本研究中收集了近十年來懸浮顆粒資料,配合環保署空氣品質監測站、中央氣象局所觀測的資料與美國太空總署的衛星影像資料及NASA航空資源實驗室的氣流軌跡回推圖,希望能夠在早期觀測時發現大陸地區沙塵暴訊息,和沙塵暴所帶至大氣中的懸浮顆粒可能傳輸路徑。發生沙塵暴侵臺事件的季節,主要在春季及秋冬兩季交替期間發生的次數為最多。由地面天氣圖表、氣流軌跡回推圖及美國太空總署的衛星影像進行綜合比對之後,可大致瞭解大陸沙塵可能的移動路徑與大氣環流特徵有關。 聖嬰現象(El Nino)發生時,侵襲臺灣的沙塵暴次數會減少。在「反聖嬰現象」(La Lina)發生時,侵襲臺灣的次數相對增加。經由頻譜分析中得知,懸浮顆粒高峰期的變化有1年期及6個月變化趨勢,懸浮顆粒低峰期的週期變化有2.2年與7個月的變化趨勢,顯示短週期大氣懸浮顆粒變化應與季節變化有關,長期性變化或許與聖嬰反聖嬰週期有關連。

Anaerobic Respiration: A Novel Bioelectrochemical Copper Recovery System?

Increasing concentrations of copper in discharged effluents pose hazards to aquatic food chains. This project aimed to develop a self-sustained copper remediation system based on electrical and microbiological principles. The production of electrons during yeast fermentation was investigated to catalyze the reduction reaction of dissolved copper ions. An electrical circuit was designed to harness electrons produced from either a pure or mixed culture of yeast, and were compared for voltage outputs. This system utilized a combination of carbon cloth and copper wire as the electrodes, and a magnesium sulfate based electrolyte. The better-performing cell was subjected to copper reduction analysis, in which various initial concentrations of copper were examined. Further data analysis was carried out on the voltage outputs achieved with both the mixed and pure cultures of yeast, in which an average base line was established and voltage flunctuations were compared to that of the base line. In this way, it was possible to determine the amount and severity of each voltage flunctuation — thus demonstrating whether mixed or pure cultures of yeast produced more stable outputs. Throughout the experiment, self-constructed equipment, including arduino microcontroller moderated incubators and drip-feed systems were implemented to maintain an optimum yeast growth rate. It was found that mixed yeast cultures produced smoother electrical potential outputs in response to feeding and stress intervals. The copper recovery experiment was therefore conducted using the mixed culture. Through a series of conductivity measurements indicative of copper concentrations, metal recovery was successfully demonstrated. Trend line analysis indicated similar flunctuations between voltage output and copper recovery rates, demonstrating how copper was recovered as a result of electrons harnessed from the yeast culture. These findings can be applied to the development of an energy efficient and cost-effective copper remediation system for contaminated water effluents.


The heavy rain fall brought by Typhoon Mindulle in 2004 caused debris flows in the mountains of Taiwan. The most serious debris flows took place in the areas along the East-West Expressway. The area from Mt. Li to Tien Leng, namely, from the upper course to the middle course of River Da Chia. There was plenty of debris flowing to the courses of the rivers from the hot spring area in Ku Kuan to the starting place of East-West Expressway, Tien Leng. This situation caused the sedimentation of the river courses. According to the data issued by The Soil and Water Conservation Bureau of the R.O.C, on July 2nd debris flows erupted in the First and the Second branches of the river in Sung Ho Village and caused 1 death and 2 injuries, besides, the disaster destroyed 8 major roads causing transportation breakdown. On August 24th, the Typhoon Aere caused the heavy flow of the river which destroyed Po I Elementary School and Chun Chin Bridge. The researchers employed research reviews and field investigations as the research methodology with the research scope of Sung HoVillage in middle Taiwan and disaster of debris flow. The First and the Second branches of Sung Ho River belong to the category of high potentiality of danger of debris flows. The Chichi Earthquake had accumulated sufficient sedimentation of soil and stone. 2004 年敏督利颱風豐沛的雨量,引起台灣山區發生土石流,中橫公路沿線尤其嚴重。從 大甲溪上游的梨山到中游的天冷都有災情;谷關溫泉區至新中橫起點的天冷,大量土石,流 入溪中,造成河道淤積。據水土保持局的資料顯示,7 月2 日松鶴一、二溪爆發土石流,傷 亡各1 人,2 人失蹤,對外聯絡道路台8 省道崩塌中斷。8 月24 日艾莉颱風來襲,溪水暴漲, 沖毀博愛國小、長青橋及民房7 戶【1】。 本文以松鶴為試區,土石流災害為對象,使用文獻探討及現場調查的方法,進行研究。 結果顯示,松鶴一、二溪,均屬於土石流高危險潛勢溪流;肇因於九二一地震的崩塌地,提 供充足的土石堆積物。

雪山姑 翡翠嫂 順姑情 逆嫂意? 雪山隧道之地質環評與工程建設的恩怨情仇

實驗初期以膠體水晶模擬岩層,模擬雪山隧道水平傾斜約 1°,製作壓克力模型(實驗一),證明是否如賈儀平教授所言《雪山隧道=水脈改道》註3,同時此模型也證明隧道防水襯墊完工後,和隧道開挖時水力梯度的明顯變化。再加上訪問坪林到宜蘭圓通寺一帶居民結論是:1. 雪山隧道對翡翠水庫的影響不大,但對宜蘭方面影響很大2. 模型的數據證明『隧道剛開挖因為出水嚴重出現明顯梯度外,其餘二組都不再有特定梯度,即使隧道處也沒有明顯變化』。證明隧道的水平角度對水也沒有太大導引作用。因為隧道的比例對一座山而言相當小,不會有太大的影響。3. 證明隧道防水襯墊完工後,和施工前(隧道未開挖)是同一狀況。釐清對翡翠水庫影響不大後,重心改為宜蘭。此時我們綜合中興工程資料及地調所資料理出“交錯正斷層的破碎岩體”應是大漏水的原凶!1. 於是用實驗一模型加入“破碎岩體” (實驗二)證明破碎岩體水力梯度的明顯變化。2. 再加上訪問頭城附近社區,了解居民因應大漏水後改變取水層的應變措施。3. 於是再設計模型(實驗三)證明不同不透水層的相互關係。實驗末期再度訪問頭城附近社區,赫然發現水稻已開始種植(去年還荒蕪,居民抱怨連連)看到綠意盎然的稻田和笑逐顏開的居民,我們的照片和實驗數據願為雪山隧道工程做個平反!The experiment began by using gel-crystal model to simulate rock strata and the acrylic model to simulate the dip angle of 1° of the Syue Mountain Tunnel. The experiment aimed to prove if the building of the Syue Mountain tunnel will change the water tunnel as Professor Yi-Ping Jia has indicated. The model also shows the obvious change brought by the membrane lining layed on the Tunnel and the dip angle of the water power gradient when the Tunnel was built. The conclusion of our interiew with residents in the Ping-lin and Yuan-Tong Temple in I-lan is as following: 1. The building of the Syue Mountain Tunnel has more impact on the I-lan than Fei-Tsui Reservoir. 2. The statistics of the model proved that Syue Mountain only showed gradient in the beginning when it was built. The Tunnel itself did not show any obious change. The dip angle of Syue Mountain Tunnel did not draw water due to it is small in size compared to the Syue Mountain. 3. The Syue Mountain Tunnel remained unchanged after the membrane lining was layed. After we can clarify that the Syue Mountain Tunnel has less impact on the Fei-Tsui Reservoir, we turned our attention to I-lan. We combined the information provided by Zhong-Xing Construction and the Central Geological Survey, and found that the cross-normal fault if the cause of the leakage. 1. The second experiement was conducted by adding fractured stones to the previous model and proved these stones will cause the obvious change to the water power gradient. 2. We have conducted another to the communities around Tou-cheng and realized that residents have changed the water supply strata in response to the leakage. 3. Finally, we built another model in 3rd experiment to prove the relationship of 3 water proof stratas. At the end of our experiment, we returned to Tou-Cheng and found that residents have started to grow rice and started to have simle on their face. Our experiment and statistics can do Syue Mountain Tunnel justice.




本實驗利用喇叭、鍍鉑黑電極、波型產生器、鎖相放大器、及sciworkshope750 介面卡組合一套系統,此系統可使偵測精密度大幅提升,使得花蓮港模型尺度變小(120×60×4cm),因此可節省實驗的成本與時間。本實驗希望藉由模型的建立,感測系統的整合,傅立葉分析,使研究者可在各種模型條件下,獲得水波傳遞的相關物理量。鑒於花蓮港喇叭狀港池經實驗後證明容易造成港內共振,且不同的入射波頻率不同,所造成的共振現象及共振位置相當複?。本實驗為縮小模型,但卻可測出的共振頻率、衰退時間及振幅且非常明顯(精密度達3.0×10-4cm/mV)。首要課題是要在港內消除反射的波,在模型實驗中,測量有無加消波線及加不同材質 的線時波衰退時間的長短,得到衰退時間牽線消波者比實驗組減少為0.2-0.6 之間;振幅減少為0.03-0.89 之間,且越鬆散、分支越多、孔隙越大的物質消波狀況越佳,所以毛線效果最佳,棉線次之而尼龍繩最差。 This study utilizes the loudspeaker, the platinum-plated electrode, Sweep Function Generators, DSP Lock-in Amplifier, and the sciworkshope750 interface to construct our system. The system will enhance the great precision of detection, which diminishes the Hualien Harbor model yardstick to 120*60*4(cm). Thus we can save the cost and time of the experiments. We combine the setting-up of the model, the integration of the sensors and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) system so that the researchers can obtain the physics-related data when the water transmits ripples in various kinds of conditions. Seeing that the bell-shaped Hualien Harbor is apt to cause resonance in its basin, which is confirmed by our experiments later, our primary goal is to find a way to diminish the waves reflected in the harbor. With the diverse frequencies of incident waves, resultant resonance phenomena and positions are rather complicated. Our experiments are based on a miniature model, but the resonance frequency, the time of wave declining and the wave amplitude are easily measured, with the precision up to 3.0×10-4cm/mV. In another experiment, we add strings made of different materials that can subdue waves. Compared with the records without strings, the strings can reduce the time of wave declining by 0.2-0.6 and can reduce the amplitude by 0.03- 0.89. We have come to the conclusion that strings made of looser, more-branching and bigger-interstice material perform better in diminishing waves. Hence, the knitting wool has the best results, followed by the cotton threads and then the nylon ropes.


我們使用福爾摩沙衛星三號在冰島艾雅法拉火山2010年爆發期間(2010年3月5日~4月29日)測得的大氣資料,討論火山爆發對大氣對流層溫度變化的影響。初步獲得以下結論: 火山噴發能量大小與大氣層對流層頂降溫溫差成正比;火山噴發能量小,對流層溫度變化的影響多發生在低空處、火山噴發能量大,對大氣溫度影響高度偏高;以及火山噴發持續時間對溫度的影響也成正比關係。此外還討論了火山灰雲的分布影響溫度的變化情形:在迎風處火山灰雲聚集,其聚集處陽光被遮擋了,無法照射到地表,因此溫度較低。

