In recent years, sandstorms have seriously attacked Taiwan day by day. Combining with the observations of Central Weather Bureau and the satellite images of NASA, the study has been collected the data of suspension grain in decades. And the study hopes the sandstorms’ information could be observed in early period. Still it hopes to find out the possible transmission paths in the atmosphere. Then we know how to cope with sandstorms in early time. Sandstorms attack Taiwan frequently in alternation of the spring, the autumn, and the winter. Compared with thecharts of sandstorms and the satellite images, we could broadly aware hat the moving paths of sandstorms are related to the currents and the characteristics of the atmosphere. When El Nino happens, the times of sandstorms attacking Taiwan decrease, and that
increase when La Lina happens. From the observation data of acid rain, when sandstorms attack Taiwan, acid rain would diminish. Combining actual Measures and satellite data in the future, maybe we can establish a prediction mechanism of sandstorms.近年來,大陸沙塵暴侵襲台灣的情況日趨嚴重影響。本研究中收集了近十年來懸浮顆粒資料,配合中央氣象局所觀測的資料與美國太空總署的衛星影像資料,希望能夠在早期觀測發現大陸地區沙塵暴訊息,和沙塵暴所帶至大氣中的懸浮顆粒可能傳輸的路徑期能早期應映。發生沙塵暴侵臺事件的季節,主要在秋冬及冬春兩季交替期間發生的次數為最多。由沙塵暴監測氣候圖表及美國太空總署的衛星影像進行綜合比對之後,可大致瞭解大陸沙塵可能的移動路徑與大氣環流及特徵有關。聖嬰現象(El Nino)發生時,侵襲臺灣的沙塵暴次數會減少。在「反聖嬰現象」(La Lina)發生時,侵襲臺灣的次數相對增加。由酸雨中得知大陸沙