

Microfossil association of the Štíty locality

My thesis focuses on studying Cretaceous microfossil specimens from the excavation of former brickworks in Štíty, especially foraminifera. In the theoretical part, I have covered the structure of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin area, especially Bystřice Lithofacial Development. I have also processed previous paleontological researches from the locality. Emphasis was placed on field research and subsequently on laboratory research of the site. I have examined the present state of the location and gathered samples of silt clay containing a wide variety of fossils. I have acquired the microfossils, determined them, and ordered them systematically. The most important part of the thesis is the systematic and palaeoecological processing of the collection of microfossils from the locality. The thesis continues the research of the last year of SOČ, where I have gathered a collection of fossil macrofauna, flora, and ichnofauna. My collection is supplemented mainly by benthic and planktonic foraminifers. I have confirmed that the specimens found are typical representatives of marine fauna belonging to the Upper Cretaceous Coniacian. The paleoecological characteristics of the locality correspond to a nutrient-rich shallow-water environment, occasionally disturbed by storm waves.


本研究利用海冰覆蓋面積的變化、北極震盪指數(Arctic Oscillation index, AOI)和南方震盪指數(Southern Oscillation index, SOI)的相關性,希望可以探討與聖嬰現象的關聯。 取用1950年到2020年的海冰覆蓋面積資料及195!年到2020年的SOI及AOI資料。我們將AOI和SOI做折線圖、X-Y圖,數據分成平常年、聖嬰前、聖嬰時、聖嬰後、反聖嬰前、反聖嬰時、反聖嬰後,試圖找出一些規則。利用區間分析來觀察區間範圍大小及上下界的數值隨不同事件發生的次序,探討各個事件的特徵。 聖嬰年時,區間縮小,反聖嬰年則區間略為放大且數值上升。最後將1997年聖嬰年的數據和區間做疊圖,並以2018年底到2020年的聖嬰轉反聖嬰來做驗證。若AOI的區間縮小、或海冰覆蓋面積下降後上升,表示可能是聖嬰現象要來的前兆。此外,本研究也發現,無法單獨區隔聖嬰年和反聖嬰年,兩者間會相互影響,應該要把聖嬰跟反聖嬰合併為一個氣候變化週期,才能做準確的預測。

護「灘」神「扇」— 風扇擾流應用於延緩突堤效應


The Use of Brine Shrimp to Test for Water Pollutants

The use of brine shrimp nauplii to test for the overall toxicity of sediment samples is proposed. Brine shrimp nauplii were cultured with different concentrations of heavy metals, including chromium (III), copper (II), nickel, lead and zinc, and organic pollutants, including triclosan, oxybenzone, octinoxate and bisphenol A. The brine shrimp nauplii were observed under a dissection microscope to determine the death rate. Results showed that brine shrimp nauplii are more sensitive to copper, cadmium, bisphenol A and oxybenzone. The LC50 (24h) are 55.5, 24.9, 5.6 and 2.7 ppm respectively. Zinc is likely to have synergistic toxic effect with nickel or lead. The synergistic toxic effects of other heavy metals and organic pollutants should be confirmed with further investigations. Brine shrimp nauplii were treated with extracts from sediment samples collected from the oyster culture zone of the Deep Bay, namely Pak Nei, Sha Kiu Tsuen and Hang Hau Tsuen. The sediment samples were extracted with neutral sodium acetate to dissolve the exchangeable heavy metal ions and some organic pollutants. The death rate of brine shrimp nauplii treated with the sediment extract of Hang Hau Tsuen was similar to 1 ppm PBA. It was also about 10 to 20% higher than that of the other two sites (Pak Nei and Sha Kiu Tsuen). Since Hang Hau Tsuen is closer to the residential area and Lau Fau Shan Seafood Market than the other two sites, its sediment sample is likely to have a higher level of environmental pollutants. The results suggest that brine shrimp nauplii may be used as a biomarker to monitor the environmental changes in the overall level of pollutants in sediment samples.


本研究使用NOAA NECP Reanalysis Data 2000年~2020年冬季之緯向風、重力位高度場及其距平變化,探討北極震盪指數(AOI)、極地渦旋對北半球區域極端寒冷事件之關係。AOI與對流層300hPa北緯50~65度緯向平均之緯向風速變動關係較顯著,而與平流層(50hPa)極地渦旋的緯向風速變動僅呈現中度正相關。在太平洋區中,極端寒冷事件發生在AO負相位的比例最高,不過,極端寒冷事件不必然僅發生在AO負相位的大氣條件下,而是與極區的重力位高度場變動有關,且可能發生延遲影響。當極區平流層(50hPa~100hPa)或極區對流層(300hPa~500hPa)的週平均重力位高度距平值明顯上升,代表極地渦旋發生變化,大多有伴隨有極端寒冷事件的出現,即使處於AO正相位的情況亦然,本文對於區域極端寒冷天氣事件之重力位高度場特徵做歸納與說明。


本研究區域為蘭陽溪口溼地與五十二甲溼地,各選擇5和6個採樣點,檢測水體中的溶氧度、pH值、導電度、總固體溶解量(TDS)、水溫以及濁度並記錄當時氣溫。 在蘭陽溪口溼地中我們發現越靠近出海口,導電度、TDS越高。採樣點4濁度為最高,猜想可能與位置有關。五十二甲溼地中則以採樣點6的導電度、TDS為最高,濁度、pH值及溶氧量則是採樣點3最高。我們還藉由五十二甲濕地分區使用圖,比較人為因素對水質的影響。採樣點3為遊客休憩區,測得的濁度、pH值皆較高,採樣點6為生態區,測值相對較小,推測人為因素與水質有關聯。最後,在10月10日的數據中,發現蘭陽溪口溼地的導電度特別高,推測潮汐現象為可能造成此現象的因素,也是未來研究的方向。

The Use of Brine Shrimp to Test for Water Pollutants

The use of brine shrimp nauplii to test for the overall toxicity of sediment samples is proposed. Brine shrimp nauplii were cultured with different concentrations of heavy metals, including chromium (III), copper (II), nickel, lead and zinc, and organic pollutants, including triclosan, oxybenzone, octinoxate and bisphenol A. The brine shrimp nauplii were observed under a dissection microscope to determine the death rate. Results showed that brine shrimp nauplii are more sensitive to copper, cadmium, bisphenol A and oxybenzone. The LC50 (24h) are 55.5, 24.9, 5.6 and 2.7 ppm respectively. Zinc is likely to have synergistic toxic effect with nickel or lead. The synergistic toxic effects of other heavy metals and organic pollutants should be confirmed with further investigations. Brine shrimp nauplii were treated with extracts from sediment samples collected from the oyster culture zone of the Deep Bay, namely Pak Nei, Sha Kiu Tsuen and Hang Hau Tsuen. The sediment samples were extracted with neutral sodium acetate to dissolve the exchangeable heavy metal ions and some organic pollutants. The death rate of brine shrimp nauplii treated with the sediment extract of Hang Hau Tsuen was similar to 1 ppm PBA. It was also about 10 to 20% higher than that of the other two sites (Pak Nei and Sha Kiu Tsuen). Since Hang Hau Tsuen is closer to the residential area and Lau Fau Shan Seafood Market than the other two sites, its sediment sample is likely to have a higher level of environmental pollutants. The results suggest that brine shrimp nauplii may be used as a biomarker to monitor the environmental changes in the overall level of pollutants in sediment samples.


本報告研究台灣地區閃電與雷達回波強度的關係,期望了解雷達回波資訊成為閃電多寡代言人的可能,以及是否存在閃電活躍區及寧靜區。方法為將台灣附近區域分別以不同空間尺度 0.125 度、 0.25 度及 0.5 度、 1 小時的時間視窗將閃電及雷達資料分割。再利用 R 程式將雷達回波圖的不同像素轉化為強度數值,分析不同時間及空間下,第 95 百分位的回波強度和閃電個數對數資料的關係。 我們選取2019 及 2020 年中 8 個閃電個數高的氣象事件進行分析,發現相同時間移動視窗下及固定 空間網格點內的雷達回波強度較小時,閃電個數的對數值偏低 相反的,當雷達回波強度增加,除可能發生較少閃電個數的情況,會出現較多的閃電個數。當我們將各雷達回波強度階層對應到閃電個數對 數值大約的最高 門檻,進行線性迴歸分析,結果呈現三種不同空間尺度的網格得到的判定係數均接近 1 ,斜率稍有不同,但都約為 0.1 ,顯示此關係 可以利用雷達 回波強度進行閃電在空間時間分布的估計。 以上述經驗公式為基準,將各雷達回波 強度階層所對應到的閃電可能個數以 25% 分為低標及高標,繪出閃電寧靜區及活躍區比較,發現台灣西南部及其海域為活躍區,本島為中間區,而寧靜區的分布較不規則,但多在台灣西南、東北海域。


本研究以水質對於藻礁的影響以及設計協助保育藻礁之無人機作為研究目標,藻礁是重要的地球資產,目前全世界藻礁數量岌岌可危,了解藻礁所適合的環境與水質指標,有助於保育以及維護藻礁生態,因此我們使用AI人工智慧技術,製作出AI視覺辨識飛行藻礁監測無人機,經過研究以及實驗,我們發現: 一、藻礁的生態環境以及藻礁對於海洋生物以及人類的重要性 二、石灰藻類對於海水水質變化的影響 同時實驗與測試也證明了我們的AI系統可以達到: 一、確實幫助人們觀察與研究藻礁 二、能夠有定期紀錄藻礁以便研究 三、對藻礁破壞與否進行辨識和提供預警 期望本研究能讓更多人一起關注並認識藻礁,並且增加AI技術的用途,讓這個海洋的紅寶石生生不息。

Bio-Circular-Green Superabsorber

As the world has become concerned about the global waste crisis and global warming, there has been a surge of research within materials science to find materials that would replace plastic, such as bioplastics or biodegradable materials, in order to reduce environmental pollution. Plastics generates the microplastics that allowed them to become cross contamination enter the ocean through land, sea and river. Science research found (Lusher et al. (2017)) over 220 species of marine animals ingested microplastic, half of them are considered relevant for commercial purpose and increasing the risk of human consumption as it can induce immune response, oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, alter membrane integrity and cause differential expression of genes. Thailand is also experiencing such a challenge, as seen by the overabundance of plastic waste that might take centuries to decompose. For example, around 1680 million personal hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and tampons are used each year. This study highlights the use of naturally accessible absorbent fibers from malva nut (Scaphium scaphigerum) (G. Don) Guib & Planch.), which is widely available and biodegradable in nature and has a low carbon footprint. This study also aimed to develop natural absorbent pads using compostable spun, external layers, and biodegradable glue. A prototype sanitary napkin with biodegradable absorbent pads was developed and evaluated for absorption ability, absorption rate, pH, and biodegradability. The absorbent material absorbed up to 19 times its weight in 2 minutes and 33 times its weight in 2 hours, which is enough for an average of 80-150 mL of menstrual blood. The prototype napkin deteriorated within 99 days, based on naked eye observation. Some signs of degradation and microorganisms growing on the prototype were also observed from scanning electron microscopic images. According to the findings, natural absorbent pads made from malva nut have the potential to be converted into sanitary napkins. Furthermore, it is proposed that the components, which include superabsorbent renewable materials, spinning compostable layer, external compostable layer and biodegradable glue, may be used in a variety of goods, including adult diaper pants, incontinence pads, and laboratory bench mats.