


台灣溫泉資源豐富,不同的溫泉泉質適合不同的溫泉藻類生長。溫泉藻屬於極端生物,其應用資源極待研究開發。本研究根據細胞型態、藻膽蛋白種類分析以及rbcL 基因定序等結果推測北投溫泉藻屬於一種溫泉紅藻,其種類近似於Galdieria sp. (Rhodophyta)。此外,本研究利用葉綠素螢光分析儀於野外實測北投溫泉紅藻於不同光強度下,光合作用能力的差異,發現適應於不同光強度的溫泉紅藻,其電子傳遞速率並無顯著的差異。推測其原因可能與北投溫泉紅藻的phycocyanin 含量會隨著光量有所調整,藉此達到最佳的光合作用能力有關。另外,本研究發現隨著光強度的上升,溫泉藻的NPQ 值有上升的趨勢,然而低光區的溫泉藻有較高的NPQ 值,此與一般理論不符。利用HPLC 分析北投溫泉紅藻的類胡蘿蔔素種類組成,其種類分別為Lutein、α-carotein、β-carotein 與Zeaxanthin,未發現Violanxanthin 與Antheraxanthin,北投溫泉紅藻並不俱有葉黃素迴圈。因此根據研究結果,我們認為NPQ 值與色素的關係仍有討論的空間Taiwan is resourceful in hot springs. Various hot spring algae are adapted to different types of hot springs. Hot spring algae applications are still under developing. In this work, based upon the morphology, analysis of phycobiliproteins, and rbcL sequences, the hot spring algae of Peitou is found to be Galdieria maxima (Rhodophyta). In addition, the dependence of the photosynthesis of Galdieria maxima on the light intensity was measured by Diving-PAM. The results show that the light energy availability efficiency of Galdieria maxima adapting to different light intensity exhibited different, although the electron circulate rate differed insignificantly. This suggests that the concentration of phycocyanin in Galdieria maxima may vary to attain optimal photosynthesis. Furthermore, the NPQ of Galdieria maxima increase with the light intensity. However, contradict to the theory; even under the same light intensity, the NPQ of Galdieria maxima was higher at low light zone. The carotene composition of Galdieria maxima was analyzed using HPLC and found lutein, α-carotene, β-carotene, and zeaxanthin. Violaxanthin and antheraxanthin were not present. Therefore, Galdieria maxima do not exhibit xanthophyll. Based on the results of this study, the correlation between NPQ and pigment still needs to be investigated.


本研究以攝影紀錄的方式,透過電腦進行影像分析,記錄不同刺激下美洲蜚蠊(Periplaneta americana)的觸角擺動模式,計算出各項觸角運動的參數,以瞭解光線(光刺激或光適應)、震動刺激、喝水與進食對其觸角行為的影響。我們發現在不同因子的刺激下,觸角擺動的模式具有差異,若兩種不同的刺激同時發生,蜚蠊觸角的行為亦具整合性的反應。蜚蠊於不同狀態下(如喝水或進食),對相同的刺激有不同的反應,證明蜚蠊觸角的行為模式,受環境因子與個體狀態調節。透過掃瞄式電子顯微鏡的觀察,也發現觸角具多種感覺毛,且雌雄的感覺毛的分佈與數量具有差異。綜合以上發現,證明觸角除了為敏感的受器,亦為能反映出生理與環境狀態的動器,同時也適合進行發展檢測器的仿生學應用,用來檢測環境中物理及化學因子。The aim of this study is to investigate the different swing motion modes of antennae of American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) by computer-aided Imaging Analysis. The parameters of each swing movement were calculated in order to analyze how light (including light stimulation or light adaptation), vibration, food and drinking water may affect the antennae behavior of American cockroach. It was found that the antennae swing motion modes were significantly different under different types of stimulus. If two different types of stimulus occurred at the same time, the reactions of antennae motion may become conformable. Under different environmental conditions (such as food or water), same stimulus may result in different reactions. The antennae behavior has shown to be significantly affected by environmental conditions and individual physiological status. Through the observation with scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was found that the antennae has many types of sensilla; and the distribution and quantity of these sensilla are significant different between sexes. In conclusion, not only the antennae are considered as the sensitive receptors, but also they are the important effectors to reflect physiological status and environmental conditions. The current model is suitable for the development of specific detectors in the applications of Bionics to detect the physical and chemical factors in certain environments.


超音波應用於臨床已行之有年,而以穿透式超音波打入腦部的想法也已提出,本實驗目的即為測試低強度間歇性超音波達到腦部受傷後治療的可能。本實驗採用星狀細胞培養模式來探討,首先以腫瘤壞死因子α(Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, TNF-α)模擬中風缺氧的狀態,並利用低強度間歇性超音波刺激星狀細胞,然後檢測其培養液中一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)的濃度變化,以及大腦衍生神經營養因子(Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor, BDNF)、神經膠質衍生神經營養因子(Glial-derived Neurotrophic Factor, GDNF)之mRNA 表現的情形。由實驗結果顯示,在TNF-α存在狀況下則能使NO 濃度上升,施打低強度間歇性超音波可促使NO 增加,並提升上述BDNF、GDNF 兩種蛋白質之mRNA 表現,BDNF 可幫助支持神經元生存,促使新神經元和突觸的發展及分化;GDNF 可有效提昇許多類型神經元生存率;而適當之NO 濃度可以調節神經傳遞物質釋放和腦血流,乃至於影響到記憶的產生。我們初步的結果也顯示在TNF-α存在下,超音波可以增加BDNF 及GDNF 蛋白之產生,因此本研究成果顯示低強度間歇性超音波可提供有利於神經元的環境。The ultrasound technology has been widely applied in the clinical practice for many years, such as monitoring of fetus, lithotripsy, rehabilitation after fracture, as well as the ultrasound stimulation of brain tissue, etc. The purpose of this study is to investigate the therapeutic effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the injured brain. In this study, we adopted the in vitro model of astrocyte cultures. The tumor necrosis factor- α (TNF-α) was used to simulate the condition of ischemic stroke. We used LIPUS to stimulate the cultured astrocytes, then we ssessed the concentration of nitric oride (NO) in the culture medium. We also assessed the expression of messenger RNA (mRNA) of both brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The results showed that NO increased after the addition of TNF- α. In addition, treatment of LIPUS increased the expression of NO, as well as the mRNA of both BDNF and GDNF. The BDNF is able to support the survival of neuron, as well as stimulate differentiation of neurons and synapses. GDNF can also increase the survival of various kinds of neurons. Furthermore, NO may regulate the secretion of neurotransmitters, increase the blood flow in the brain, as well as enhance the processing of memory. Our preliminary results also demonstrated that both BDNF and GDNF protein increased in response to LIPUS in the presence of TNF-α. Therefore, treatment with LIPUS implicated an environment favoring the protection of neurons.


南投溪頭米堤飯店在2001 年因土石流受創,產險公司以「土石流即是山崩」為由拒絕理賠。歷經5 年的訴訟後,2007 年1 月台灣高等法院認定,土石流屬保險契約中所規範的「洪水」,並非「山崩」,判決產險公司應給付賠償金。土石流究竟是洪水?是山崩?主要因素便是土石流發生的水文因子。本文藉由博愛村的現場調查及文獻探討先作初步資料分析(preliminary analysis),了解到地文因子(physiographical factor)是土石流發生的充分條件,非必要條件;一般僅考慮雨量因子,把地文因子看作常數(忽略地文因子受水文因子歷程(course)影響),簡單易懂,但在安全與經濟考量上有待討論。使用類神經網路對已發生過的土石流事件計算土石流發生臨界曲線,並使用模糊理論計算松鶴地區其受水文因子影響的土石流發生臨界曲線,這樣的模式,考慮似乎比較周到。由「米堤飯店」的例證,更說明土石流發生的水文因子的必要性。Lemidi hotel, Xitou, Nantou because mudflows and landslides and was wounded in 2001. The Insurance Company refused to settle a claim on the position on “A landside is a debris flow”. After the lawsuit which was going through 5 years. In January, 2007, the High Court of Taiwan asserted that the adversity in the 2001 belongs to “the flood” in the norm of the insurance agreement. As the norm of the insurance agreement said, the debris flows in the land is the flood, not the “landslide”. The High Court of Taiwan judged that the Insurance Company should compensate the Lemidi Hotel. Is debris low a landslide or a flood? The main cause is the Hydrology in the happening of a debris flow. We did preliminary analysis of forms by on-the-spot investigation on Song-Ho Village and reference discussing. We realized that physiographical factor is an abundant condition for a happening of a debris flow, not the essential condition. Generally, people only consider rainfall factor. And they consider physiographical factor as not as constant (neglect the influence of hydrology factor to physiographical factor). We can understand easily in that way. Therefore, in the aspect of security and economy, there is much doubt that is needed to be discussed. People who use neural network method to calculate the curve of the debris flow happening , and used fuzzy theory to calculate the curve of the debris flow happening which is influenced by the hydrology in Song-Ho Village. In that way, we may consider more thoughtful. From the example of the Lemidi Hotel in Nantou, we can prove that how necessary the hydrology factor in the debris flow is.


Astrocytes provide energy to neuron mainly with lactate, which is transported through monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). Among 14 isoforms of MCTs reported in mammals, only MCT1, 2 and 4 are expressed in brain and the three isoforms are found to differentially expressed in neuron and astrocyte, respectively. Based on these, “astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle” has been proposed. However, no in vivo evidence was available so far to support this hypothesis. In the present study, zebrafish was used as a model to provide in vivo molecular physiological evidence for the involvements of MCTs in the development and functioning of central nervous system (CNS). Full-length cDNAs of the zebrafish MCT1-4 were cloned from zebrafish. Based on RT-PCR results, zMCT1 and zGLUT4 expressed in brain were chosen for further experiment. Morpholino knockdown experiments provided for the 1st time the in vivo evidence to indicate that the zMCT1 and zMCT4 may be involved in energy translocation and functioning of the developing CNS. 於前人預備實驗中,發現斑馬魚胚胎時期肝醣訊號會於腦部與中樞神經系統區位出現。因此,醣類的分布與在細胞間的傳遞應可視為腦部發育的重要指標。我們以基因體資料庫為工具,研究斑馬魚腦部相關基因異構型分布。目前,我們選殖到數個葡萄糖運輸 (GLUT)、鈉離子/葡萄糖協同運輸(SGLT)與單羧基運輸(MCT)通道在斑馬魚腦部表現,其表現是否與胚胎初期中樞神經系統的發育相關仍未知。經過初步基因分析後,我們決定以MCT 中第一和四異構型作為研究對象,並用Anti-Hu,與PCNA 做神經觀測,將施打反股寡核?酸進行突變操作的斑馬魚,與對照組進行免疫染色分析,以螢光顯微鏡觀察發現:抑制MCT 表現,確實影響胚胎時期中樞神經細胞發育及鰓部細胞分裂;亦可能造成畸形出現。


本研究(超音波霧化降溫研究)由二實驗組成。實驗一主要針對超音波霧化器(以下簡稱霧化器)之造霧性能進行探討;實驗二則為霧化器之降溫應用。實驗一以改良傳統造霧方式,進而維持最佳造霧效果為主。由於先前的霧化方式是直接放置霧化器於水面,致使最佳霧化水深因霧氣蒸散、水位下降而無法維持;所以在實驗一裡,我們針對霧化器的使用設計一套「漂浮造霧法」:本法運用浮體使霧化器懸於水面,和水面等起伏,使霧化器底部距水面高度不變,藉以維持最佳造霧水深、造霧效果。實驗二乃霧化降溫之探討。本實驗在相同的霧化量下,操縱風速和接觸表面積的差異;利用霧、氣接觸面積與蒸散速率呈正向關係的原理,找出最佳的降溫條件。同時,也期待在兼顧環保的前提下,將之應用於未來開放空間的降溫。The research(Heat Control by Supersonic Vaporization)includes two experiments. One is focused on atomized effect of Supersonic Vaporization(so-called Atomizer); the other is about applying atomizer to temperature decrease. Exp.1 adapts formal way of atomization. Since previous way of atomization is to put atomizer directly on the water, making the change of atomizer’s distance from water as water evaporates, Exp.1 creates a way called “Floating”. In Floating, atomizer is suspended in a float; constantly keeps the bottom of atomizer from same distance from surface of water. Thus, no matter how much volume of water is evaporated, the best depth of water for atomization and also, the best atomized condition, could stay. Exp2 inquires in relation between atomization and temperature decrease. In Exp2, the atomized volume is fixed, while wind speed and air-contact area are mastered elements. By the theory that, “the wider contact area is, the more efficiently water evaporates,” we could manage out the best condition in temperature decrease. In that way, with the theory practiced, this research, considering environmental case, is supposed to be applied to open-air area one day.


We investigate the machinery producing successive Simpson’s paradoxical reverse. Taking advantage of algebraic and geometric techniques, we obtain the following results. Take playing baseball for example. In our study, we find that Simpson’s paradox only occurs when the hitter’s hits over 3 times in one game. Set n equal to the times I will hit in one game. If my batting average in each game is at least(n ?1)/2 times higher than the others’; then I am sure that my total batting average would not be invert by the others. In order to find how many the lattice points in the triangle, we use Pick’s formula. But sometimes, the Pick’s formula is not appropriate to triangles whose vertex are not all lattice points. So we develop New Pick’s formula to estimate the number of lattice points in such kind of triangles. Besides, we also find an iterative algorithm to produce successive “Simpson reverse” phenomenon by using C++ language, and we can therefore produce as many “Simpson’s set of four sequences” terms as we like(not beyond the computers’ upper limit).Moreover, if both sequences of ratios converge, then they must have the same limit.我們探討了一般人乍看之下顯得頗弔詭的辛普森詭論。我們配合GSP 作圖,用解析幾何、設立直角座標系和C++ 程式的運算,找出在特殊情況下或一般情況下所產生的辛普森數列組和特殊的性質,並且以棒球場上的打擊率為例子來做印證。通常一場棒球賽中,每個人平均上場3 次~4 次,經過我們的討論,發現要發生逆轉的機會只有在上場達到4 次或以上時才會發生。?了求出在直角座標系中可以滿足的格子點個數,我們用了Pick公式,但?了更準確的估計,我們引進了虛點的概念,重新推導出了新Pick 公式。另外,我們還發現,假設兩個人上場比賽,若打了2 場,且每場最多上場打擊K 次,其中的一個人的打擊率只要是另一個人的(k-1)/2倍以上就保證不會被逆轉。我們又找到了連續產生辛普森逆轉的演算法,利用C++ 寫出程式,經由演算法和遞迴式,製造出項數可任意多(只要電腦能夠承受)的辛普森數列組,且我們發現若兩個比值數列接收斂,則極限趨近於同一個數值。

Crying Babies

a. PURPOSE: Do babies between 0 – 3 months have certain sound reflexes that can be interpreted as a language? Can parents be helped to understand their newborn babies better? Are parents aware of infantile speech patterns and language acquisition in babies? b. PROCEDURES: 70 Babies of different cultures were tested to determine if the 5 crying-sounds can be an indication of the baby's need. Questionnaires and information were given out at hospitals and clinics. Doctors, paediatricians, sisters and parents were involved in my project. DVD's were made to show and explain the different sounds. c. DATA: I obtained my data from the questionnaires, interviews with parents, doctors, paediatricians and the staff working in the labour-wards. 70 Babies were tested (68 responded) and I listened to every cryingsound to make sure that there are only 5 different sounds. I made a DVD from all the sounds of the babies that I've tested. Data were also gathered from science. d. CONCLUSIONS: According to all the research and sources, I can positively say that a person can identify the reason why babies (0-3 months) are crying. Babies of any culture, have universal sounds that indicate their needs. The different sounds are: EH – upper gas, EAIRH – lower gas, HEH – discomfort, OWH –tired, NEH – hungry.


In this research, we investigated the interactions between goldfish’ (Carassius auratus) sensory experiences (electric shock, high osmotic pressure and colors). We separated the sensory experiences into two parts. One of them, we used different kinds of environmental color-models to analyze goldfish’s environmental preference behavior and different kinds of stress experience(electric shock and high osmotic pressure) to build the animal model of environmental preference behavior. We found that goldfish prefer brown-colored environment (compared with white) and different stress has different effects on fish’s environmental preference behavior. It proves that fish has the ability to learn and memorize the stress experience and shows that there are complicated interactions among environmental stimulus, memories of stress and behaviors caused by different kinds of stress. Also, we investigated the interactions between spatial memory and color distinction. We measured the duration of goldfish getting through the color-marked barriers driven by regular electric shock. We found that goldfish spend less time to get through color-marked barriers than those unmarked. It shows that there are some interactions between spatial memory and color distinction. In conclusion, the research proves that different sensory experiences can affect goldfish’s behaviors.本實驗利用感官經驗(電擊、高滲透壓、色彩),探討與朱文錦(Carassius auratus)行為調控的交互作用。我們將感官經驗分成兩模式:利用環境色彩特徵的差異,探討不同逆境刺激經驗(施予電擊或高滲透壓環境),與魚類環境偏好行為的交互作用,建立朱文錦環境偏好行為之動物模式。我們發現朱文錦偏好土色環境(相對於白色環境),而不同性質的逆境經驗,對魚類的環境偏好行為具有不同的影響,顯示魚類具有記憶逆境環境的學習能力,且證明「環境刺激—經驗(記憶)—行為表現」三者之間具複雜的交互作用。另外,我們亦探討空間記憶與色彩辨識的交互作用,利用規律的電擊刺激使朱文錦通過有色彩標示的關卡,以研究色彩差異與空間變化對朱文錦通過關卡能力的影響。我們發現色彩的標示可降低通過關卡的時間,且不同的色彩具不同程度的效果,顯示空間記憶與色彩辨識具交互作用。本實驗證明了不同的感官經驗或刺激,對朱文錦的行為調控具質與量的差異。

Remote Activated Chip-Based Drug Release System Using Nanoparticles as an Anti-Cancer Therapeutic

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly searching for methods that allow drugs to be delivered as a direct response to a specific stimulus, in which the locus of delivery is in the vicinity of required region. A unique thermo?reversible hydrogel,F127 modified with dimethacrylate (DMA), that can deliver drugs at physiological temperatures was synthesized. Nanoparticles which are specific for targeting human body cancer cell were absorbed by this hydrogel. The toxicity of nanoparticles with different diameters and coating was measured using the MTT assay. It was found that nanoparticles with smaller diameters and folate coating were most toxic to the cancer cells. The release rate of the nanoparticles from the hydrogel was measured as a function of temperature with the hydrogel releasing approximately 3 L nanoparticles per hour. Exposing this drug delivery system to cancer cells would effectively inhibit MCF7 cell proliferation. By grafting this nanoparticle?loaded hydrogel onto a thermoelectric module, the release of the drug would be controlled. Thus, a successful temperature sensitive hydrogel was synthesized that releases cancer?targeting nanoparticles which inhibit cancer cell proliferation, thereby engineering a controlled drug delivery system.