


The paper is to research the method how to prevent the torque down under the higher rotation of the single cylinder with two stroke’s engine and increasing the engine’s torque oppositely. By the process of adjusting (1)changing the weight and the position of the balance block(2) adjusting the exhausting time of the outlet valve(3)to decrease the weight and structure of the crank itself adequately. it is find that the engine’s torque was increased at the situation of higher rotational engine. After the adjusting of the process we have the following result:(1)at the higher revolution zone of the engine. the torque can be maintained and increased(2)the higher revolute efficiently value can be obtained by the correct adjusting of the exhaust time of the outlet valve without increasing the fuel.本研究主要是探討單汽缸二行程高轉速引擎在高轉速時扭力能延遲下降,使扭力增加。我們是利用二行程引擎高效率的結構和現有空間來提升引擎效能。經(1)改變曲軸配重塊之重量及位子移動 (2)調整引擎排氣時間 (3)適度減輕曲軸重量及結構等三項,改良後證明,確定能使扭力提升,和延伸到較高的轉速區。經過調整程序,可獲下列重要結果:(1)在引擎高轉速時,可增加較大的扭力值 (2)藉由適當的排氣時間調整,在不增加燃油供給條件下,可獲得較高的迴轉效率。


在眾多的蝴蝶中有不少是具有眼斑。傳統上認為眼斑的功能是驚嚇天敵或欺騙天敵。有關眼斑本身結構的瞭解很少。我們利用臺灣及馬祖產的蝴蝶,分別記錄圖鑑上峽蝶、眼蝶及灰蝶合計 60 種以上,以及鳳蝶幼蟲七種的眼斑特性。記錄的眼斑特性包括數目、組成的色彩結構,以及記錄眼斑在翅的腹面或背面明顯。進一步測暈孔雀峽蝶、台灣波眼蝶、蘇鐵小灰蝶等三種蝴蝶的眼斑和翅面積。眼斑在腹面及背面都有,但以腹面明顯者佔多數,而眼斑數 l 一 7 個都有,在後翅者佔多數。眼斑慕本是由數個同心圓組成,分別為輪廓、眼白、虹彩及障孔。在峽蝶及眼蝶的結構都相當完整,輪廓為褐或深褐,眼白為黃色為主,虹彩都為黑色或深褐色,障孔為白色或淡藍色。在灰蝶的眼斑較不完整,大都輪廓不清晰,眼白的黃色或橙色部份比例高,但都缺少障孔。幼蟲有眼斑成蟲不一定有。鳳蝶的幼蟲( 8 種)都為綠色,其眼斑輪廓黑色,眼白為白色及紅色但明顯比上述成蟲的眼斑之眼白部位要小,而黑色的虹彩都很大。幼蟲的障孔為白色的細線形,我們認為這和立體形狀的幼蟲及成蟲平面翅的差異所造成,在文中也討論到水棲蝶魚的眼斑和蝴蝶眼斑的差異。眼斑和翅面積的相關分析結果變異很大,在統計上正相關及負相關都有。眼斑數目的不定及和翅面積並沒有一定關係,我們討論到蝴蝶的眼斑在不同種類有些可能有求偶生殖上的功能。這方面值得科學家大量投入研究。Quite a few species of butterflies have colorful eyespots on their wings. The main functions of these eyespots were considered to startle or deceive predators by most scientific researchers. In fact, only limited literatures dealt with the basic structure and color patterns of butterfly eyespots. The purpose of this study is to study the basic structure and color patterns of these eyespots. We measured the surface area of eyespots v.s. wings from specimens. From the color plates of Taiwan and Matsu butterfly field guide, we recorded the eyespots either on ventral or dorsal side of wings, and the color patterns for more than 60 species. \r The number of eyespots on wings varies from I to 7 among individuals we checked. Majority of eyespots were found on ventral side of wings. The basic structure of eyespots were formed by I to 3 concentric circles, i.e., outboundary, cornea, iris and pupil . Pupil was not found in certain species. The color in cornea section is yellow and in iris is black or dark brown. The contrast in these two areas is quite prominent just as the contrast showed in warning coloration of after animals. The pupil is either white of light blue. Caterpillars with eyespots were found in Papilionidae, their adult stage were without this character. We checked 8 species of caterpillars, their basic structure of eyespots were similar to other butterflies, with cornea, iris and pupil. The cornea is either red or white color, and the iris is black in colors. The ratio(iris/cornea) is much higher in caterpillar than in butterfly. The pupil is a thin thread shape instead of a tiny spot like the one in butterfly wings. We discussed the difference of pupil between juveniles and adults from the aspect of dimension structure of a subject. In the paper we also discussed the difference of eyespots between butterfly and butterfly fish in the coral reef. Base on the no significant relationship between the surface area of eyespots and wings. We suspect that butterfly eyespots may have another function, such as intersexual selection between males and females beside startling and deceiving predators.\r


我們藉由電腦模擬來研究宇宙微波背景輻射中之Sunyaev-Zel’dovich 效應,以探討星系團及宇宙的一些根本性質。重要的發現有: 以上的結果,將可在短期的未來直接應用在許多期待中的觀測結果上,以揭開星團的總質量、質量密度、以及宇宙中的黑暗能量等神祕面紗。 We study the important properties of the galaxy clusters and our universe by using numerical simulations for the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect in the Cosmic Microwave Background. We found that: These results can be applied to the observations in the near future, in order to reveal the total mass of clusters, their mass density profile, and the dark energy of our universe.


本研究主要的目的是在開發二氧化碳製造、過濾與循環的整合型水族養殖系統。二氧化碳的產製是以基於發酵原理,並搭配具有純化二氧化碳作用的水濾裝置,發酵環境溫度以水族箱內的水來維持,循環過程中並搭配外部過濾器,所有容器均由保特瓶改裝完成,整合成一套價廉、環保且具有高效率的水族養殖系統。由實驗結果可得知,二砂糖發酵對於二氧化碳產生率而言,其最佳發酵環境溫度範圍25℃~35℃,一般水族箱的水溫即可保持在此一溫度範圍。過濾系統則使用光電比色計與一般市售過濾器相比較,亦有令人滿意的效果。本實驗除了研究以二砂糖發酵之外,還希望更進一步地朝向廚餘減量方面開發其他發酵材料,希望能為環保盡一份心力。;The purpose of this study is to develop an integrated system of aquatic breeding with the functions of producing carbon dioxide, filtering and circulating, where carbon dioxide is produced based on fermentative theorem and purified by the water filtering; the environmental temperature of fermentation is maintained by the water in the aquarium and circulating is through an external filter. All the containers are made of PET bottles and thus integrated a cheap, environmentally friendly and high efficient system of aquatic breeding. According to the experimental result, for the producing rate of carbon dioxide, the best fermentative temperature of NO.2 granulated sugar is 25℃~35℃. With a photocell colorimeter to compare the function of the self-made filter with that of the filters on the market, one can find it’s comparable. In addition to the fermentation of NO.2 granulated sugar, the study is also expected to develop other fermentative materials to reduce kitchen waste for environmental protection.

High Speed Size-exclusion Chromatography (SEC) Using Spherical Meso-structured Cellular Foam (MCF)

Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is often used to determine the molecular weights of and separate polymers and proteins. The porous packing of the SEC column effects the separation of molecules, with larger molecules eluting earlier. Interest in high-speed SEC for larger molecules has been building, especially for combinatorial polymerization reactions and online SEC-MS applications. Mechanical stability of the packing, which siliceous materials have more of than polymeric ones, therefore needs to be improved. Several silicas have been explored but limited pore sizes and pore volumes have restricted their usage to separating small molecules. Siliceous MCF templated using oil-in-water microemulsions has good potential for SEC packing because it has ultralarge pore size (20-50 nm), high porosity and sturdy skeleton. However conventional MCF consists of highly irregular particles and hence cannot be used as packing.


在先備知識中,我們知道在缺少營養鹽及紫外線傷害下,浮游藻類的葉綠體會因為過氧化物(R.O.S.)的增加而受到破壞,進而影響光合作用的進行,甚至導致死亡。所以確實了解常見浮游藻類生理狀態和環境的影響,以期待未來可利用大幅度提高浮游藻類生產力的方式有效降低溫室效應的影響為本實驗的主要目的。故實驗設計針對兩種常見的海洋種浮游藻類(Tetra、Ske),在不同紫外線光譜(UVAB、UVC)的照射下,觀察R.O.S.的產生量和T-T dimer的表現狀況,並對照兩者之間的關係。結果我們發現:綠藻(Tetra)和矽藻(Ske)在UVAB、UVC 的照射下皆會產生R.O.S.,且綠藻產生的量較少;但在UVC 照射下皆有DNA 損傷(產生T-T dimer)。故推估並不是綠藻(Tetra)擁有紫外線的特殊防禦機制,而是能較有效地代謝R.O.S.。As we know, under the condition of unorganized salt’s shortage and the harm of the ultraviolet ray, the phytoplankton’s chloroplast will be destroyed because of the increasing peroxide (R.O.S.). Furthermore, the ultraviolet ray will have an effect on the process of photosynthesis, and even result in the death of phytoplankton. So, we intend to promote the production of phytoplankton in order to lower the influence of greenhouse effect by probing into the environmental influence on the physiology of phytoplankton. The experimental is designed to observe two common marine phytoplankton: Tetra and Ske. By close observing Tetra and Ske exposed to different wavelength of ultraviolet way (UVAB and UVC ), we contrast the production of R.O.S. with the appearing of T-T dimer. We observe that both Tetra and Ske will produce R.O.S. after being exposed to UVAB and UVC , but Tetra produce less than Ske, and that UVC will do harm to both the DNA of Tetra and Ske (producing T-T dimer). Based on the result of the experiment we estimate that Tetra can catobolize R.O.S. efficiently instead of having a unique defensive mechanism against ultraviolet ray (UVAB and UVC under discussion in this experiment.)


本實驗利用喇叭、薄膜電極、波型產生器、鎖相放大器、及750 介面卡組合一套系統,此系統可使偵測精密度大幅提升(±4*10-5cm),使得水槽及地表模型尺度變小(40*22*35cm),因此可節省實驗的成本與時間我們在坡度實驗中,發現坡度在3 度左右,淺化係數都超過3. 對照台灣沿岸發生海嘯的歷史記載,確實在台灣東北角及西南沿岸等坡度為三度之地區都發生較明顯的海嘯危害. 反之,坡度在四度以上的東岸其海嘯波高都非常低.最後再藉著硬體系統及電腦2D 動畫模擬的整合,使我們可方便掌握波浪在不同坡度及位置,其波長及波高變化比,如此有助於預估及說明海嘯隨地形變化的狀況.By using the horn, membranous electrodes, function generator, phase-locked amplifier, and Science Workshop 750, we plan to assemble a tsunami simulation system in which the precision can be getting increased (±4*10-5cm) .Because of the improvement of its precision, the size of the tank and of the surface models will become smaller .As a result, the money and time spent on the experiment will be spare. When experimenting on the influence of inclination of the landforms, we observed that when the inclination reaches about 3 degrees, the shoaling coefficient exceeded 3 .The result of our experiment can provide an explanation to the tsunami on the northeast and southwest coast of Taiwan .According to the historical records, the disastrous tsunami happens frequently on the northeast and southwest coast of Taiwan where its inclination is also about 3 degrees as well .On the other hand, on the eastern coast, the wave height is lower and its inclination exceeds 4 degrees .Apparently, our experimenting result is correspond to the natural phenomena in Taiwan’s coast . Besides, with the help of hardware system and computer 2D animation simulation, we can easily measure the wavelength and wave height scale of the wave in different inclinations and positions. Therefore, this tsunami simulation system can provide a great help to estimate and explain the phenomena of tsunami which may change its condition in different landforms.


本研究利用麥克風與相關電腦設備,結合成自製頻譜儀用以觀測多種情況下蜜蜂的聲音頻率。若將蜜蜂的翅膀加以修剪,可測得有不同的頻率,解析頻率發現「翅膀為主要發聲點,但去除翅膀仍有高頻的發聲,且有三種不同的頻率。」將蜜蜂置於不同溫度下,解析頻率得知「一定溫度範圍內,溫度越高蜜蜂發聲頻率越高,反之亦然。」幼期在胸部塗顏料使絨毛無法生長,去除雙翅後,仍有頻率相近的發聲,得知「胸部絨毛不是造成高頻的原因。」靜置5分鐘,待蜜蜂停止發聲後,剪去腳、挑弄蜜蜂會發出高頻,得知「情緒是引起高頻的原因。」將蜜蜂的翅膀加以修剪,分別放回蜂窩口,發現「同一族群蜜蜂可用發聲頻率來辨別同伴。」比較義大利蜂及中華蜜蜂,得知「在多種情況下中華蜜蜂發聲頻率皆較義大利蜂高約70Hz。」因此本實驗之結論並不受蜂種影響。The study, capitalizing on a hand-made frequency divider, the microphone and computerized equipment, observes a variety of frequency of sound given off by bees. We read different frequencies from the apparatus when the bee’s wings were trimmed. Analyzing it, we discover that the bee’s winds are major source of its sound, but it still gives out high-frequency sound when the wings were completely cut off.” After analyzing the frequency, we discover that within a certain temperature range the higher the temperature is, the higher the frequency is, and vice versa. In one experiment, we painted the thorax at its pupal stage to stop the bee from growing fine hairs. Even though the wings had been removed, it still gave out high-frequency sound. We, therefore, conclude that fine hairs on the thorax have nothing to do with the making of the sound. In another experiment, bees were placed in an undisturbed environment until they are completely silent. Then, some of the bee’s legs were cut off, while others were provoked. And all the bees make high-frequency sound in the process. We make a hypothesis that emotion could be the cause of bees’ sound-making. The bees with different trimmed wings were put back to the beehive; the bees can still recognize one another by the different sound frequencies. If we compare A. m. ligustica with A. c. cerana under different conditions, we find that the frequency from the latter is about 70 Hz higher than that form the former.


In our daily life, objects and the contacts between objects they will have mutually affect each other, some initially chaotic systems after a sufficient amount of time will mutually correct each other, and finally achieve synchronization (example: the speed of bird and fish migration, market prices, infantry…), although some are unable to achieve this. We will illustrate and explain the synchronization system, its process and discover the conditions for synchronization. Using linking concepts, we will integrate the coupled map lattices with global coupling and coupled map lattices with intermediate-range models into a synchronization mode in order to simulate a synchronization system. We first used a small system of n≦50 to obtain results that will demonstrate the linking concepts: 1. The more chaotic a system, a longer period of time is required for synchronization. 2. An increase in the number of individual objects requires an increase in the range of concepts and the amount of time in order to achieve an in depth synchronization. 3. Initial concept values which randomly effect synchronization critical point conditions are not obvious in a mathematically incorrect graph. In a closer look, when we increased the synchronization to n≦400 and the number of times to t-->100,000 we discovered:1. Using the function G(x) we hoped the results from the graph after apply the function and correction able to overlap and test with “Scaling and Universality in Transition to Synchronous Chaos with Local-Global Interactions”, but the part which overlapped the measurements was not identical: 2. We can use the significance of the critical point and the Interactive Process to find the approximate value of the critical value up to 4 digits following the decimal point. 3. We can also use the approximate value to find out the range for the simultaneous conditions and the various points on the system itself, as well as obtain a negative correlation between them, and then it can be similarly expressed with using a curve. A computer can calculate values with this kind of enumerating method, even without any special resolution capabilities to quickly obtain large amounts of approximate values of simultaneous conditions, this is especially true when calculating unfamiliar systems. 日常生活中,物件與物件的接觸,彼此會互相影響,有些原本雜亂的系統再經過充裕時間的互相修正後,最後竟能達成同步(例如:鳥群、魚群遷徙的速度、市場價格、行軍步伐…),有些則不能。因此,我們試著利用描述同步系統的模型,觀察系統同步的過程,並且找出同步的條件。由連結的觀點,我們將Coupled map lattices with global coupling 和Coupled map lattices with intermediate-range 模型的優點整合成Synchronization mode 去模擬同步系統。我們先用小系統(n≦50)得到能印證連結觀點的結果:(一)、系統越雜亂,就需要稍長的時間同步;(二)、個體數越多時,各點需要更大範圍的點數去影響於每單位時間內以及更深的影響才能同步;(三)、起始值隨機影響同步臨界條件並不明顯,在誤差範圍內。更進一步,我們將系統推向n≦400 點,t→100,000 次,我們發現:(一)、在”G(x)”我們希望能將圖形經過函數修正之後能疊和,驗證”Scaling and Universality In Transition to Synchronous Chaos with Local-Global Interactions ”中的結果,但只有部分疊和,尺度不相同;(二)、可以直接利用臨界點的意義用十分逼近法求出臨界值的近似值到小數後四位;(三)、我們用近似值也能發現同步條件與系統各點本身可跳躍的數值範圍是負相關,可用曲線去近似。這種窮舉方式,交由電腦運算,不需要特別的解析能力就能夠快速且大量求得同步條件的近似值,尤其在運算不熟悉的系統時。


瓦斯熱水爐使用大火時廢氣的CO 濃度非常高是導致一氧化碳中毒事件的關鍵原因,要解決這個問題觸媒轉化是一種可行的方式。影響觸媒性能的因素中以活性中心的種類最為重要,我們發現對轉化一氧化碳為二氧化碳的反應而言鈷有最好的催化效果,其次分別為:鎳、銅、鐵。最好的載體是三氧化二鋁,鈷的含量使用10%,煅燒溫度使用300℃可兼顧性能與成本。 本研究中所研發的 Co/Al2O3 觸媒具備有實用的潛力,可以在空間速度高達1000min-1 的情況下將濃度14,632ppm 的CO 百分之百轉化為CO2,而僅需233℃的反應溫度。因此,應該可以應用在瓦斯熱水爐上以降低一氧化碳中毒的風險。 The incorrect usage of a natural gas powered water heater always generates high carbon monoxide concentration in a closed environment. The dangerous CO gas can be fatal to the careless user of the water heater. Catalytic conversion of CO to CO2 can be a convenient method to solve this problem. The effect of the support, the supported metal, loading of the metal, reaction temperature, gas concentration, and reactants flow rate on the performance of the CO oxidation catalysts have been investigated. X-ray diffraction, gas adsorption and Infrared spectroscopy were applied to study the characteristics of catalysts. A 100% conversion of CO to CO2 can be achieved when 1.46% CO/6% oxygen/N2 reactants was catalyzed by a 10% Co/Al2O3 catalyst at 233℃ with a space velocity of 1000min-1 . This reaction condition is sufficient to remove the entire CO generated by a family-sized natural gas water heater.