This study of health diagnosis based on using computer signal analysis technology. In order to make health management more perfect. The main points of this study are wrist pulse and body temperature information, remit to the database of the computer, analyze with the computer. With the internet network , transmit it to the medical center in order to carry and control, seek medical advice, prevent infective disease from spreading, defending healthy purposes of people, this research system includes the following six functions:(1) Automation measured: Can prevent popular disease from spreading , and ensure the medical personnel to avoid being infected.(2) The heart and lungs function warning system:When the pulse beats too fast or slowly, computer will send out warning signal immediately .(3) The body temperature is unusually warning system: When the body temperature is too high or too low, will send out warning signal immediately.(4) Pathology analyzed: Will pick and fetch the pulse wave form, which use the computer procedure to carry on frequency spectrum in order to analyze, then compared with database, with the purpose of analyze pathology. (5) The health managed: Remit the physiological information that quantity examines to the database of computer, offer pathology analysis, carry on the prevention of the disease. (6) Analysis results of the human exercise: With the operation of the database, we can analyze and obtain the effect that all previous sports accumulate .本研究係運用電腦訊號分析科技、資料庫軟體,使健康管理更為完善。研究重點為擷取人體手腕脈象、體溫生理訊息,匯入電腦資料庫,以電腦進行分析。藉由網際網路,傳輸至醫療單位,達到遠端監控、緊急就醫、防止傳染性疾病蔓延,守護國民健康之目的,本研究系統包含下列六大功能:(1) 自動化檢測:可防止流行疾病蔓延,並保障醫護人員避免遭受感染。(2) 心肺功能異常警示:脈搏跳動過快或過慢,立即發出警示。(3) 體溫異常警示:當體溫過高或過低,會發出警示。(4) 病理分析:將擷取脈搏波形,運用電腦程式進行頻譜分析,與資料庫比對,藉以分析病理。(5) 健康管理:將量測之生理訊息匯入電腦資料庫,提供病理分析,進行疾病之預防。(6) 運動成效分析:藉由資料庫之運作,可解析獲得歷次運動累積之成效。
當輕敲啤酒杯時,會發覺酒杯發出之聲調隨氣泡漸漸消失而有所改變。為了解氣泡是如何影響頻率,我測試了幾種含氣泡之飲料,以探討當氣泡漸漸消失時,杯子發聲頻率之變化。實驗發現杯子內飲料之氣泡漸漸消失時,裝啤酒與可樂杯子的發聲頻率逐漸增高,然而裝沙士杯子的頻率卻逐漸降低。為解開此相互矛盾的現象,我設計了將液面上之泡沫及液面下之氣泡分開檢驗的實驗。實驗結果發現,液體中氣泡的存在會使杯子發聲頻率變高。而當液體表面受到擾動時,會降低杯子的發聲頻率。若液面上存在泡沫時,杯子的發聲頻率也會變低。這表示裝盛含氣泡飲料杯子音律之變化,須同時考量液內含泡量與液體表面之效應。此結果可以成功的解釋為何啤酒、可樂與沙士於氣泡漸漸消失時,杯子頻率會變高或變低的現象。Tapping the side of a glass of beer as the bubbles escape, one can find that the pitch will change. In order to know how the bubbles would influence the frequency, I survey the pitches of a wine glass with various drinks that would generate bubbles. As bubbles getting away from the glass, my experimental data shows that the frequencies of the tone did get higher when the glass contains beer and coke. However, I surprisingly find a different result when the same glass contains sarsaparilla. Hence I design a series of experiments to understand the possible mechanism. The data suggests that when the drinks contain bubbles in it, the frequencies of the tones will be higher. When the liquid surfaces were disturbed, the frequencies of the tones will become lower. If there were foams above the liquid surfaces, the frequencies of the tones will also be lower. This finding proposes that people needs to consider both the bubble bulk status and surface effects. The consequences of the competitions between these two effects can successfully explain how the tones are changed in the cases of beer or sarsaparilla or coke.