在先備知識中,我們知道在缺少營養鹽及紫外線傷害下,浮游藻類的葉綠體會因為過氧化物(R.O.S.)的增加而受到破壞,進而影響光合作用的進行,甚至導致死亡。所以確實了解常見浮游藻類生理狀態和環境的影響,以期待未來可利用大幅度提高浮游藻類生產力的方式有效降低溫室效應的影響為本實驗的主要目的。故實驗設計針對兩種常見的海洋種浮游藻類(Tetra、Ske),在不同紫外線光譜(UVAB、UVC)的照射下,觀察R.O.S.的產生量和T-T dimer的表現狀況,並對照兩者之間的關係。結果我們發現:綠藻(Tetra)和矽藻(Ske)在UVAB、UVC 的照射下皆會產生R.O.S.,且綠藻產生的量較少;但在UVC 照射下皆有DNA 損傷(產生T-T dimer)。故推估並不是綠藻(Tetra)擁有紫外線的特殊防禦機制,而是能較有效地代謝R.O.S.。As we know, under the condition of unorganized salt’s shortage and the harm of the ultraviolet ray, the phytoplankton’s chloroplast will be destroyed because of the increasing peroxide (R.O.S.). Furthermore, the ultraviolet ray will have an effect on the process of photosynthesis, and even result in the death of phytoplankton. So, we intend to promote the production of phytoplankton in order to lower the influence of greenhouse effect by probing into the environmental influence on the physiology of phytoplankton. The experimental is designed to observe two common marine phytoplankton: Tetra and Ske. By close observing Tetra and Ske exposed to different wavelength of ultraviolet way (UVAB and UVC ), we contrast the production of R.O.S. with the appearing of T-T dimer. We observe that both Tetra and Ske will produce R.O.S. after being exposed to UVAB and UVC , but Tetra produce less than Ske, and that UVC will do harm to both the DNA of Tetra and Ske (producing T-T dimer). Based on the result of the experiment we estimate that Tetra can catobolize R.O.S. efficiently instead of having a unique defensive mechanism against ultraviolet ray (UVAB and UVC under discussion in this experiment.)