

Geo-engineering CO2 Scrubber

On account of the rapid development of human activities, much more fossil fuel is burnt and thus a greater amount of greenhouse gases are emitted to the atmosphere including carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2, is considered as the major cause of the exacerbating global warming. “Geo-engineering”, literally, means the options that would involve large-scale engineering of our environment in order to combat or counteract the effects of changes in our atmosphere. As a carbon neutral CO2 scrubber is proposed to be a large-scale scheme to fix carbon globally through reducing the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere and our ultimate goal is to implement the CO2 scrubber scheme to the whole globe, that is, a large-scale scheme to our environment, it is a project of geo-engineering. The procedures of the project are as the following: (a)Investigating on the absorption of CO2 produced by calcium carbonate (CaCO3), using different basic substances at different temperatures (b)Investigating the absorption of CO2 in car exhaust produced by combustion of petrol in car engine using basic solid (c)Feasibility of using a prototype of CO2 scrubber in exhaust pipe of car (d)Feasibility of fixing carbon by turning CO2 into dry ice and stored in deep water (e)Feasibility of growing plant in used basic solution Results: 1.The CO2 scrubber prototype had an average CO2 removal ability over 50%, which was considered to be efficient. The concentration of CO2 (561ppm) was even lower than that in the ambient air (CO2 612ppm). During the experiment, the prototype was closely attached to the exhaust pipe and did not fall down. Thus, a CO2 scrubber was feasible to be used in the vehicles. Besides, our prototype was more energy efficient than LM2500 PE simple cycle gas turbine (consumed 21MW electricity) though our prototype had a lower CO2 removal efficiency. The cost of our prototype would be much lower than membrane technology as the production cost of the membrane was high. 2.Unlike existing CO2 scrubber prototype installed in open area (with electric fan installed), our CO2 scrubbers installed in the chimneys of power stations and exhaust pipes of cars are carbon neutral as exhaust gas has high kinetic energy and would pass into the scrubber. 3.dry ice would not evolve carbon dioxide gas at high water pressure such as at the bottom of the ocean. 4.Plants grew well in alkaline environment, it was feasible to grow plants in basic solution. Conclusion: CO2 scrubber is a suitable choice in combating the climate change through absorbing the excess carbon dioxide, with the utilization of the carbonates produced in the reaction, it is hoped that the climate change can be relieved using an environmentally-friendly device.


在機械系統中,物件表面常產生磨損,但重要物件的磨損將會危及系統的操作及安全。本研究建立了表面磨損自動偵測警告系統,該系統包含監測系統、無線射頻資料讀取器、被動式無線射頻識別標籤(tag)、及電磁波隔離層等,並採”故障觸發”之方式運作。亦即在物件之表面下特定深度埋設有被動式無線射頻識別標籤,但該標籤外層覆有一層隔離層可隔絕該射頻資料讀取器之電磁波。 當物件表面尚未被磨損到特定深度前,讀取器之電波無法穿透電磁波隔離層而激發無線射頻識別標籤,因此無法讀到識別標籤之信息,系統將判定物件磨損狀況良好。等該物件過度磨損時,會把該電磁波隔離層磨除掉,使讀取器之電波可激發無線射頻識別標籤,而讀取到識別標籤內含之信息,系統因此可判別哪一個物件已有嚴重磨損之狀況,而自動提出警告信號。由於使用被動式識別標籤及故障觸發方法,本系統具有體積小、免電池、免維護、成本低、誤判率低等優點。測試結果以車輛輪胎的磨損為對象,證實本系統可以即時有效的偵測到車胎之過度磨損,保障行車之安全。

The fruiting body extracts of Antrodia cinnamomea exert significant anti-breast cancer cell activities

牛樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea)是台灣特有的原生藥用真菌,長期被民間認為具有治療癌症、腹瀉、高血壓或保肝的效果。本研究的目的是探討牛樟芝子實體乙醇萃取物對人類乳癌細胞的抑制效用,乳癌是全世界女性最常見的癌症之一,我們透過比較不同培養時期三個月(AC-3)、六個月(AC-6)及九個月(AC-9)子實體之化學指紋圖譜,並測試它們抑乳癌細胞活性之差異。結果顯示,培養三個月的牛樟芝子實體AC-3抽出成份對乳癌細胞的生長抑制作用最佳;而利用西方墨點法探討牛樟芝對細胞週期或凋亡相關蛋白質的變化,推測AC-3可影響乳癌細胞的細胞週期調控,並誘發細胞凋亡。未來我們將進一步深入研究牛樟芝子實體AC-3之抗癌作用機制,並研究對乳癌細胞轉移作用的影響,找出牛樟芝子實體中主要的抗乳癌活性成分。


前饋(feed-forward)是一種於生理反應發生之前,所進行的調節機制,為即將發生的生理作用進行準備。前人對於蟑螂消化道的前饋作用,大多著墨在酵素分泌的調節作用。本研究以美洲蟑螂作為實驗動物,觀察蟑螂消化道中前腸的組織型態,並以肌肉電位圖(electromyography, EMG)的記錄方式,探討探討味覺刺激對蟑螂嗉囊與砂囊肌肉活動的調節作用。我們發現蟑螂的消化道由橫紋肌所構成,有別於人類消化道主要由平滑肌所構成。由EMG的紀錄得知,餵食葡萄糖溶液時,可增加蟑螂嗉囊肌肉的放電幅度;而餵食味精(麩胺酸)溶液時,可增加砂囊肌肉放電幅度,推測葡萄糖與麩胺酸各可引發嗉囊與砂囊肌肉的收縮活動,皆屬於前饋機制的例子;若以清水清洗口器時,亦會引發前腸肌肉的放電行為,推測為清洗口器時引發吞嚥反射所致。




Purpose Although Body Mass Index (BMI) is accepted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the standard method of measuring a person’s obesity or lack thereof, it is restriction to the two measurements of height and weight. This makes its accuracy questionable. By using other easily obtainable body measurements, a better way of evaluating Body Mass Index is possible. The purpose of this project was to show that the BMI formula is only accurate to a certain degree and that its validity varies depending on certain factors used in my project. Procedure 50 Adolescent female aged 16-20 and 50 women aged 40-56 none of whom were noticeably obese or underweight volunteered. Using a simple questionnaire, several measurements were taken – age in months, caliper measurement of tricep and hip bone, shoe size, height in metres, hip waist and wrist measurements (cm), exercise per week, heart rate and body type. Results were tabulated and graphs drawn using EXCEL. BAI (Body Adiposity Index) measurements were calculated for all volunteers. Results The girls and women with pear and hourglass figures were classified by BMI as overweight or obese. The girls and women who exercised a lot were also unfairly classified by their BMI readings. Many of the graphs show that BMI is not accurate, however, others show that there is merit to the formula. Conclusions The results while interesting require a larger sample group to be conclusive. It would appear that the BMI formula needs to be extended in order to improve its accuracy. Further research includes: 1. Larger sample group, 2. Representative age groups, 3. Investigate males, 4. Look at data for different ethnic groups, 5. Research into BAI formula as a possible substitute, 6. Develop an improvement on BMI. Although, there is some merit to BMI formula, it could be greatly improved with the use of other measurements including those used in this project.





Extreme Mouse Mobile

Objective To design build and run 5 Mouse mobiles – vehicles which use mousetraps as their only source of energy. Targets- • Go up a ramp • Raise a flag • Hit something and set it free • Deliver something • Catapult Details These mouse mobiles are original creations which include some commercially produced parts. They are powered by single spring driven standard wooden mousetraps. They are 5 in number each being used for the respective tasks. Basic structure Each mousetrap consists of a 2 parallel wooden planks which has 2 holes drilled on either sides for the rear and front axles. A rod is used as the axle and CD disks are used as wheels. The mousetrap is attached to the planks. Movement and Locomotion To move the mouse mobile a string is connected to the rear axle. The string runs through 2 pulleys which change the direction of the applied force and are attached to the hammer of the spring. When the vehicle is pulled backwards on the floor tension is created in the string (as the hammer is stretched) which gets stored in the form of spring energy. When the wheels are released on the floor the rear axle starts rotating hence propelling the mouse mobile forward. Completion of objectives 1) To go up a ramp For the required task a high amount of torque would be needed .That will be sufficiently provided by the spring energy. 2) Raise a flag For the required task a rod is placed on the wooden platform. The flag is placed at the bottom of the rod; it is connected to the hammer of the mousetrap using a string. The spring and the rod are placed in the opposite directions. When the hammer is released after being stretched it pulls the string and raises the flag. 3) Deliver something For the required task 2 mouse mobiles are used. A platform of any hard and light material is attached to the rear of a mouse mobile. After reaching the desired location, when the hammer of the primary spring is fully relaxed it hits the catch of another stationary mouse mobile. The hammer of the respective catch is connected to the platform using a string. Upon activation the hammer is released, the platform is pulled with extremely high speed and the materials on the platform, due to their moment of inertia fall down. 4) Hit something and set it free. For the required task 2 mouse mobiles are used. A small mousetrap is attached to the front of the mouse mobile which is in contact to the required object. The other mouse mobile on reaching the above vehicle hits its catch using its hammer. The hammer of the stationary mouse mobile is released and the object is hit and set free. 5) Catapult For the required task 2 mouse mobiles are used. A mousetrap is attached to the front of stationary mouse mobile which is attached to a strainer and the object to be catapulted is placed inside it .Another mouse mobile approaches is and hits the catch hence activating the hammer and the object is catapulted.


阿拉伯芥中,生物時鐘 (circadian clock) 會產生 24 小時之概日韻律 (circadian rhythm) 使植物適應環境中的溫度與光線變化。在阿拉伯芥中目前已經發現 LIGHT-REGULATED WD1 (LWD1) 和 LWD2 基因和調控生物時鐘有關,使其維持正常的一天 24 小時週期。當 LWD1 與LWD2 基因產生突變時,植物的生物時鐘週期會由一天24小時變為一天只有18小時。之前研究結果顯示 LWD1/2 會在維管束大量表現,由於目前對於維管束生物時鐘之運轉機制所知甚少,因此我們希望能進一步研究 LWD1/2 與維管束生物時鐘間的關係。 為了解 LWD1/2 在維管束中表現是否與其功能相關,我們將此兩種基因接上只會在維管束或葉肉細胞中表現的啟動子,轉殖入 lwd1 lwd2 雙突變株中進行互補試驗 (complementation test);藉由觀察生物時鐘週期是否從 18 小時恢復為 24 小時,以了解這兩個基因的作用位置及功能。由實驗結果來看,我們發現不論是單獨在維管束或是葉肉細胞中表現 LWD1 或 LWD2 基因,皆會影響到阿拉伯芥的生物時鐘,整棵植株表現出的綜合週期,介於野生型 24 小時與 lwd1 lwd2 雙突變株 18 小時之間。這個結果顯示,不同組織之間的生物時鐘可能不會互相影響;而 LWD1/2 雖於維管束中有較高的表現量,但仍需要在葉肉細胞表現才能具備完整功能。