


本實驗提出了一個新的細胞化驗平台:結合螢光素酶和螢光奈米鑽石(Luciferase-Fluorescent Nanodiamond;Luc-FND)用來高靈敏檢測極少數量的細胞,克服人體間葉幹細胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cell; MSC)的數量稀少以及來源取得困難的問題。本實驗開發的Luc-FND assay,不同於以往的Luciferase assay,Luc-FND assay利用了FND當奈米載體(約為100nm),將裹上的螢光素酶送入細胞後監測細胞內冷光強度,用以得知細胞胞吞作用的多寡,進一步推算出細胞的存活率。本實驗將此機制應用於被不同濃度的化療用藥阿黴素(Doxorubicin;Dox)處理過的間葉幹細胞。結果顯示Luc-FND assay能夠高靈敏的檢測Dox對於間葉幹細胞的毒性,僅用1 ×103個細胞就能測出低至0.3125M的Dox劑量。本研究結果顯示,Luc-FND複合物是一種高效能的生醫工具,可將生物發光蛋白均質傳遞到間葉幹細胞中,提供了一種檢測和驗證治療成果的新方法。


本研究以高溫鍛燒的褐藻酸鈉鹽與亞硫酸銨混合粉末作為電極修飾材料,並與多層奈米碳管(CNT)混合後,附著於碳紙極電板上。修飾材料中推測含有碳奈米纖維與碳量子點,其表面具親水性的含氧官能基,可提高CNT在水相中的分散性;而碳奈米纖維則推測可增加材料的機械強度,提升電極可撓度。研究藉由調整鍛燒溫度和氮材合成比例,探討不同變因下製造的電極修飾材料對電容效能的影響。 得知最佳鍛燒條件為:褐藻酸鈉鹽與亞硫酸銨1:1(重量比)、鍛燒溫度為160℃。利用此條件下製作出來的電極修飾材料,可以使實驗材料達到最高的比電容值324F/g。此製程大幅提升了奈米碳管的比電容值(對照組128F/g),期待未來能實際運用於電能儲存裝置上,或搭配電池應用於可撓式電子裝置。


臨床上,人工血管與心血管支架常因血栓導致其使用壽命減短,甚至造成病人生命危險,而血栓起因乃為血小板活化。氧化石墨烯為新穎二維材料,其於醫學方面的應用也極具潛力。本研究藉由微流道觀測系統,透過光學顯微鏡直接觀測氧化石墨烯表面與血小板間之交互作用,再進一步使用紫外光還原氧化石墨烯表面,並使用原子力顯微鏡(AFM)、X光光電子能譜儀(XPS)、凱爾文探測力顯微鏡(Kelvin Probe)等檢測氧化石墨烯表面性質。 經實驗證實,鍍有氧化石墨烯之表面在流動狀態下,可有效地減少血小板的活化與貼附,並推測因氧化石墨烯表面帶有負電荷,可排斥同帶負電荷之血小板,以達到減少血栓生成的目的,未來可進一步應用在人工心血管支架上,延長其使用壽命。此研究突顯了改善人工血管與支架表面性質與其臨床上應用的重要性,而材料表面修飾也為優化臨床應用提供一個可行方法。

Plexiglas: from synthetic glass to cationic exchanging resin

Plexiglas is a macromolecule (poly-methyl-methacrylate) obtained by polymerization of the Methyl Methacrylate. Cation exchanging resins have acidic groups such as COOH (carboxyl) and SO3H (sulfonic) which fix metallic cations dissolved in water releasing an equivalent of protons through the following reaction: 2 RCOOH + Me2+ (RCOO)2Me + 2 H+ Regeneration is made treating the exhausted resin with diluted hydrochloric acid (HCl) which moves the equilibrium to the left. The aim of our research is to re-use the discarded Plexiglas by transforming it into a cationic exchanging resin. Alkaline hydrolysis transforms the COOCH3 group into COO– group; the obtained group is then transformed into COOH group by means of a treatment with HCl. After the alkaline hydrolysis spectra of the solid show the characteristic band of the asymmetric stretching of the COO– (1610-1550) at 1567 (1st experiment) and at 1555 (2nd experiment). Instead after the acidic treatment the spectra of the solid show that this band has disappeared. On the contrary the characteristic band of the OH stretching of the COOH group (3300-2500) at 3228 (1st experiment) and at 3200 (2nd experiment) appears. The water hardness, due to Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, is studied to verify the capability of the obtained resin to capture these cations. For this purpose, some mineral water is percolated through the micro-columns. There are three experimental evidences to validate the hypothesis: EDTA molecule (Ethylene Di-amino Tetra-Acetic acid, disodium salt) to estimate hardness is not required The pH of the percolated water through the column decreases from 8 of the mineral water without any treatment, to 6.3 after the treatment as expected The spectrum recorded in the visible range of the percolated mineral water through the column plus EBT (Eriochrome Black T) indicator is the same as the spectrum obtained using de-ionized water plus the same amount of EBT In conclusion, the study has provided evidence that it is possible to convert Plexiglas into cationic exchanging resin.


本研究利用仿生機器人(Biomorphic robotics)來探討蜂鳥(hummingbird)在不同重量變化下的飛行機制。本實驗利用了使用多連桿結構組成的仿生蜂鳥機器人,並使用懸吊裝置來模擬不同重量的蜂鳥,再藉由慢動作高速攝影機來紀錄蜂鳥振翅飛行的過程。透過影像分析與紀錄重量變化來分析仿生蜂鳥拍翅時的動態行為後,我們可以得到與仿生蜂鳥重量相對應的上升力結果與不同蜂鳥重量下相對應的拍翅頻率數據。我們從這些關係分析作圖並推導出對應的公式,這些結果可以解釋為何大部分蜂鳥重量都介於10 - 20克以及拍翅頻率介於20-50Hz,目前尚未有文獻發現及探討這些相關現象的研究,此研究的結果可作為未來微型撲翼機(ornithopter) 的設計參考,有助於微型軍用探測機械與小型空中救援機械的發展。

自轉易導致presupernova階段 ? 探討恆星自轉於演化過程及最終狀態扮演之角色

自轉是塑造恆星演化的關鍵物理因素(A. Maeder et al. 2012),然而,在一些研究當中,模擬恆星演化仍會選擇忽略旋轉的影響(Pietrinferni et al. 2004),這開啟了我探討自轉在恆星演化扮演的角色之興趣,於是展開以下研究。MESA(Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics)為一專業天文物理界中普遍使用之電腦程式,能模擬各種恆星演化場景,本研究藉由MESA模擬不自轉至具自轉程度差異之恆星演化模型,探討其演化過程之變化及最終狀態之差異。研究結果分析發現自轉混合導致不同殼層位置之元素有更好的對流性,因而產生較好之化學同質性質 (Chemical Homogeneous),而自轉效應在驅使恆星進入presupernova階段亦有一定程度的重要性。



上皮細胞黏著分子(EpCAM)促進大腸癌細胞中對於艾瑞莎(Gefitinib)之抗藥性研究 EpCAM enhances Gefitinib-induced drug resistance in colon cancer cells

上皮生長因子受體 (EGFR) 已被確認在人類上皮惡性腫瘤扮演重要角色,因此臨床上開發出許多針對EGFR之大腸癌、肺癌等的小分子標靶藥物,但治療期間所產生的抗藥性仍是一大瓶頸。 過去上皮細胞黏著分子(EpCAM)只被認為是胞間連接分子,現今則在癌幹細胞 (cancer stem cells,CSCs)等領域被研究。然而從文獻與先前實驗室的試驗,可以看見EpCAM促進癌症抗藥性的可能。 本研究發現在大腸癌中,艾瑞莎 (Gefitinib) 會透過轉錄因子FOXO3a促進細胞凋亡,而EpEX會經由抑制FOXO3a所促進的凋亡路徑,導致癌細胞產生Gefitinib抗藥性,且此抗藥性,也與EpICD下游之誘導性多能幹細胞相關基因 ( iPS-related genes )的表現有關,但其分子機制尚不清楚。 本研究以大腸癌與Gefitinib做為癌症與EGFR小分子藥物的模型,找出EpCAM可能造成的抗藥路徑,未來可應用在各類癌症之聯合治療 (Combination therapy) ,以克服癌症治療所產生的EGFR小分子藥物抗藥性。


一個裝有水的玻璃杯,用喇叭撥出大聲的聲音,便能觀察到共振的現象發生,玻璃杯將會不停的震動,甚至導致破裂。本研究將會藉由傅立葉轉換(Fourier transform)來分析玻璃杯的振動的本徵頻率,並進一步探討頻譜的峰值。另外我們也研究了不同水位的高低以及液體密度對於共振頻率的影響,並以能量守恆的觀點進一步推導出玻璃杯的震動方程式。最後我們也近一步討論higher harmonic,並且發現non-linear dispersion relation的現象,有別於我們對於f∝n的觀念。

An Innovative Design of Enhanced-Performance Solar Panel Using Heat Pipe and Thermoelectric Generator

Solar energy is a main source of energy that is expected to play a vital role in fulfilling the future global demand of electricity. Design of advanced photovoltaic (PV) system with high electric conversion efficiency is the key for collecting solar energy. A major obstacle hindering useful PV utilization is the deterioration of solar cell efficiency with temperature. The present results of experimentation have shown that there occurs a reduction of approximately 33% in the solar panel efficiency as the operating temperature increases from 45 °C to 68 °C at 1000 W/m2. Therefore, an innovative design of enhanced-performance solar panel using micro flat heat pipe (HP) and thermoelectric generator (TEG) is proposed and experimentally investigated in the presented project. To operate HP and TEG at highest possible efficiency, the condensation section of HP is innovatively cooled by utilize the condensed water inside the evaporator of air conditioner (which is usually between 5-7 °C). Two different types of silicon panel are used in the study: monocrystalline solar panel and polycrystalline solar panel. The results showed that a reduction in average solar panel temperature up to 25% is obtained. In addition, produced power was increased by as much as 50% when solar panel was cooled by the heat pipe. Finally, the feasibility study and cost analysis of the proposed hybrid system are discussed in details and presented.