

Development of a compact, self-stabilizing handheld camera mount

My purpose of the Research was build a small, compact device for the GoPro, which minimizes shocks that are typically caused by running and makes the video stable. The device must fit into a backpack and must be designed for the GoPro. This scenario raised two central questions for me: Which laws of physics are used for the stabilization of the camera? How can those laws of physics constructively be transformed into a working device? I have built four prototypes. To know which prototype was the best, I compared them and gained data into diagrams. The result with the last prototype was very impressive and encouraging, whether your are walking, running or skiing, the videos were no longer shaky. My final prototype consisted of a hollow tube which extended vertically. My conclusions: First the handheld camera mount mustn't be too light, as the inertia of the device is too low. Second it mustn't be too heavy, because you normally have to hold it over a certain time interval. Inertia as well as lever principal were essential to produce a smooth video. The most difficult part to build was the fully gimbaled suspension because it requires as little friction as possible and it must be precise and solid.



CYP11A1導致非類固醇生成細胞的粒線體形變 CYP11A1 Changes Mitochondrial Morphology in Nonsteroidogenic Cells

一般認為粒線體形變與神經細胞的細胞凋亡有關,但其實粒線體形變也發生在類固醇生成細胞,如卵巢與腎上腺皮質的分化過程中,且伴隨著類固醇製造酵素CYP11A1的大量表現。 因此,我們提出以下的假說:第一,CYP11A1會使粒線體發生形變;第二,粒線體形變參與類固醇賀爾蒙的製造;第三,粒線體形變能導致細胞某種程度上的分化:由不適合製造類固醇轉變為適合,並降低其代謝率。 我們觀察CYP11A1內生與否的細胞株的粒線體外形及其內褶膜,發現內生CYP11A1的細胞具有球形粒線體與拱狀內褶膜。接著我以CYP11A1表現質體轉染COS-1細胞,觀察其粒線體並測量其ATP產率,證實了外送CYP11A1能使粒線體發生形變,同時改變細胞的代謝率。這個發現對粒線體形變的研究具有突破性的影響。


探討在低成本下,完成非特定人中文語音辨識的可行性,作品的特色如下: 1. 語音辨識系統:8K ROM、2.5K RAM、辨識率 80%、成本 50 元以下 2. 音節簡化:發音去掉聲音調後,再將同類聲音進行整併,整理出133 個音節→資料量是繁體13060 字數的 1 / 100 3. 資料庫化簡:使用整數的指數取代符點運算→資料量為傳統的語音特徵的 1 / 20 4. 語音辨識演算法:使用梅爾倒頻譜係數、隱藏馬可夫模型 5. 處理器:使用16位元的整數運算,可在低價的處理器上執行 6. 訓練用的語音:向中華民國計算語言學學會(MAT)購買純語音的資料庫


不同於歷屆科展使用如浮沉子(2)、硬幣(3)、試管(5)等”沉體”在”凹”水面上對表面張力做研究,我們使用乒乓球作為”浮體” 並且於”凸”水面上做實驗,過去研究cheerios effect(6)的實驗多使用簡化的模型,忽略了沉體兩側的作用力只考慮沉體與容器邊壁的作用力,因此,我們強調的是,討論浮體兩側液面上因接觸角的差異所產生的水平側向力,並使用電流天平直接量測水平側向力的大小,我們釋放浮體使用影格分析法研究浮體的運動,最後我們得知浮體於液面上運動的機制。


奈米鑽石之多官能基、介面電位負值(PH=7時)…等性質使本組考慮其吸附重金屬離子之可行性。本研究目的在於利用奈米鑽石吸附重金屬離子及探討重複利用性。 將硝酸鉛、鋅、鎳、銅、鈷與鐵離子及錯離子水溶液配製奈米鑽石混合懸浮液。本實驗利用共扼焦顯微鏡了解奈米鑽石之生物共生與吸附特性。於重金屬吸附上運用LM324系統、及ICP-MS測量溶液濃度, 且用SEM觀察表面。 研究結果顯示,奈米鑽石具優越吸附離子能力,吸附前後奈米鑽石表面在巨觀與表面微觀上有顯著改變;且再利用性極佳,可利用硝酸置換出金屬離子。故奈米鑽石應可作為具再利用性之吸附材料。


Nowadays, the increase in population and the rapid depletion of nonrenewable energy sources brings the need for energy. In this case, scientists are forced to develop technologies by using renewable energy sources. Sun is the unlimited and renewable energy source. Organic solar cells absorb the light from the sun by the active polymer layer and transform it into electrical power. Organic solar cells are advantageous than inorganic ones because of being low-cost, easy-to-use and proper for large scale applications. In this project, it is aimed to produce organic solar cells by using specific amounts of carbon nanotube (CNT) doping. According to this aim, it is detected by using the fluorescence spectroscopy that CNTs can be used in organic solar cells. Later, the homogenous distribution of doping SWCNT into donor material was displayed by AFM, and correct proportion of SWCNTs are chosen by those images. In order to increase the efficiency of organic solar cell SWCNT doped P3HT was used as donor molecule. The acceptor molecule was PCBM in here. Surface characterization of prepared samples was made by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), while electrical characterization of them is done with airless environment cabin (glove-box) system in nitrogen environment. As a result, devices prepared with addition of cyclohexanone in P3HT: SWCNT%:PCBM new load paths to carbon nanotubes were provided, as a result of the measurements short circuit current obtained was raised from the reference to 53%. The best yields were found as 2.24% in 0.2% SWCNT doped devices. This result shows efficiency is healed according to the reference rate as 64%. In this study, certain amounts of carbon nanotube doped organic solar cells were produced, which are highly efficient rather than traditional organic solar cells and low cost, easy-to-produce rather than inorganic solar cells, by using environmentally friendly materials.

Flexible Thermoelectric Module Application in Therapy Usage for Human Body

福島核災的發生,更凸顯能源的重要性;又因近年來廢熱總量不斷提升與全球能源需求量增加,本研究利用熱電晶片冷端與熱端的溫度差產生電的特性,將環境廢熱回收成為可用的電能。 本研究設計之可撓性熱電晶片成功改良傳統熱電晶片的兩點缺點;其一 : 傳統的硬式平板狀晶片無法配合不同環境空間而改變其外型,其二 : 硬式晶片的表面為陶瓷片,較易摔破導致晶片毀損,本研究之可撓性熱電晶片改良以往熱電晶片的陶瓷基板材料,改用具有可撓性的FCCL材料作為基板,因此可完整吸收表面彎曲物體的能源並將熱能轉換成電能。本研究之可撓式熱電晶片成功大幅降低熱電晶片之成本,有利於未來大量生產,成功應用人體體溫發電,同時也可利用Peltier效應,作為醫療用冷敷或熱敷之器材。



