


與傳統的鏡頭比較起來,廣角鏡頭可取得較大範圍的影像,所以廣泛地運用在很多地方,例如倒車攝影機、內視鏡、防盜警眼等,但是其影像會有很大的變形失真,容易造成人類眼睛的錯覺與誤判。本篇研究以倒車攝影機為例,使用了多項式函數來校正其影像的變形與失真,從程式實作的校正結果看來,我們的方法之效果還不錯,相信同樣的模式可用來校正其他使用廣角鏡頭的儀器設備之變形影像。 Compared with the traditional lens, wide-angle lens can make images of larger range, so they are widely used in a lot of places, such as move backward cine-cameras, laparoscopes, and burglarproof eyes. The drawback is that the images distort a lot and may cause the illusion to human eyes and lead to erroneous judgments. This reserch takes the backward cine-camera as example and utilizes multinomial function to correct the deformation and distortion of the image. The results show that the method we use are quite effective and the model can be applied to other equipment with wide-angle lens.


PURPOSE: The purpose of making an Inverter which gets charged with the help of sound energy, produced by speakers for instance, and regenerative shock absorbers which are used in cars so that we can easily charge the inverter with the help of sources which we use in daily life. PROCEDURE: The regenerative shock absorbers are capable of generating electricity when a car moves over bumps. It works by hydraulic fluid passing through a turbine. When the fluid passes through turbine, the turbine turns a small generator and more power is created. A piston is disposed for reciprocating motion within a cylinder as a vehicle’s suspension system deflects. Hydraulic fluid passes through a hydraulic motor to turn its shaft. The hydraulic motor shaft is connected to an electric generator to generate electricity. The second source of energy to charge the inverter is by the help of sound produced in day to day life. Some piezoelectric sensors attached to the board as soon there is a tap or any kind of vibration on the board these and convert them to electrical signals. This means that parasitic energy of busy roads, railroads, footpaths and runways near population centers can be converted into electrical energy that can run public lighting, or fed back into the grid. DATA: The data which have been collected with some experiments is that on an average piezoelectric can produce 330W of power. • When sound pressure is around 62 dB, the frequency is of 102 Hz. • Sound pressure is of 65 dB the frequency is of 500 Hz. Another case when the regenerative shock absorbers come in contact with the piston it produces an average power of 340W-350W. CONCLUSION: With the use age of piezoelectric sensors and regenerative shock absorbers we can produce electricity at a very low cost for inverters; these inverters can provide electrical supplies to the house. The most important reason to make such kind of innovation is one because it is money efficient, second this can come in handy for those who can’t afford to buy inverters at a very high cost and then when charging these inverter these people have to use their electrical supply!


現今乳酸菌飲料風行,但是乳酸菌是否真能通過胃酸的考驗,到達腸道進行複製,利益人體?我們首先以市售乳酸菌粉(加拿大Rosell 公司,含二種菌,暫時命名為"小毛"及"小白")為預測菌種,利用分光光度計測定乳酸菌於Thioglycollate 培養基中的生長能力(OD600)。小毛在pH 值 1、 3 、5、 7 時之生長力分別為0、 0.008 、0.682 、0.847 ,小白為 0、 0.015 、0.973、 0.636。若於培養基中添加不同濃度的螺旋藻熱分解物,如加入0.01%的添加物後,小毛在以上各種pH 值生長力分別為0.042、1.291, 、1.447, 、1.213 ,小白為 0.053、1.392、 1.531、 0.988,意外發現可大幅提升菌的生長力及抗酸力。再取台灣市售4 種廠牌優酪乳(以甲、乙、丙、丁代表之),分離乳酸菌,再於各種pH 值中培養。結果在pH 3 時,螺旋藻熱分解物僅對丙廠牌有效, 乙廠牌無效, 甲與丙則有無填加生長力都很差。在pH 1 時, 則對乙、丙、丁皆有效,故建議廠商慎選菌種,並於製程及成品中添加螺旋藻熱分解物。The yogurt is a popular drink. But whether the lactobacilli inside can resist the destruction of gastric acid and grow well in the intestinal tract is still questionable. We used pure lactobacilli powder (Rosell Company, Canada, containing two bacteria named in this report as "Little Hair" and "Small White") for pre-test. The growth ability in thioglycollate medium was determined by spectrophotometer (OD600). The results of bacterial growth at pH 1, 3, 5, and 7 for "Little Hair" were 0, 0.008, 0.682, and 0.847, respectively. Those for "Small White" were 0, 0.015, 0.973, and 0.636, respectively. After supplement with 0.01% of the boiled lysate of Spirulina algae (ProBio Biotech, Taiwan), growth abilities at pH 1, 3, 5, and 7 for "Little Hair" were 0.042, 1.292, 1.447, and 1.213, respectively. Those for "Small White" were 0.053, 1.392, 1.531, and 0.988, respectively. The algae extract amply promotes the growth and acid-resistance, especially at pH 3, of these bacteria. The lactobacilli isolated from four different products of yogurt in Taiwan, named as A, B, C, and D, were then tested as above. Results showed the supplement with the boiled lysate of Spirulina algae was very effective, at pH 3, for promoting growth of C, but not effective for B. Growth abilities of both A and D were very unsatisfactory with or without this supplement. At pH 1, algae lysate supplement significantly improved the growths of B, C, and D. Therefore, this supplement in culture and product for yogurt preparation was suggested.


The paper presents a new technique for the Internet monition and control system. The user not only can “watch” the current operation of remote home appliances from the client computer, but also directly control the behavior of remote home appliances through the Internet network. In the mean while, concerning the interface between users and appliances, the virtual reality is combined into the system so that users operate the system easily. First, virtual reality, CGI , HEML . I/O control code, 8255 I/O card and CCD are applied in the server computer to control and “watch” home appliances. Next, the client computer is connected to the sever computer through the Internet WWW(World Wide Web) network. Then, the user can control remote home appliances directly through the homepage. Finally, the experiment results are presented and discussed.本研究提出一種高效率且易維護的網路監控技術,從遠端確實“看”到監控系統現場動作,並下達控制指令。同時顧慮到使用者操作介面,結合虛擬實境,讓使用者可更輕鬆操作。首先,伺服端結合VR(虛擬實境)、CGI技術、基本的HTML、I/O控制指令、8255 I/O介面卡及CCD(網路攝影機),應用於家用電氣,接著用戶端透過WWW全球資訊網連上伺服端首頁,然後依首頁之畫面,來達到遠端監控與家庭自動化之目的。


去年暑假,我們從Newton雜誌得知,布洛貝爾博士(Dr. Gunter Blobel)由於發現了蛋白質如何在細胞之間運送,增進了人們對遺傳性疾病的了解,因而榮獲1999年的諾貝爾醫學獎。同為高分子鏈的DNA,在基因遺傳工程中常被用來在強電場的情況下穿破細胞膜,以進行基因的改造,其穿的物理機制又為何?在一場演講中,我們知道鍵振盪模型(bond-fluctuation model)可用來模擬高分子系統,因此我們想以之模擬DNA在強電場下穿透細胞膜的行為。


面對一個終身學習,多元化學習的社會,學習的方法不再侷限於閱讀或求教於師了,取而代之的是電腦科技的變革。上屆學長利用線上代理人融入遠距教學的作品令我印象深刻,但總覺得少了些趣味及互動性,於是本實驗嚐試將虛擬實境加入線上代理人及遠距教學,利用空間魔法師建構出來的環境,讓使可者能夠融入其中,悠遊在虛擬的世界,並配合鍵盤的滑鼠的控制移動,點選建構出來的虛擬物件,透過超連結連結至網路上的知識網頁,配合線上代理人的互動及帶領,結合了主動、趣味、互動與便利,開創未來的學習方法,一個講求效率、速度及克服空間無時無刻都能學習的環境。With the arriving of 21st century,things are widely different,including the ways of learning. Because of the revolution of multi-media,computer technology will change the traditional way of learning. I was impressed by the master piece 「Long-distance with Agent」 which was done by the schoolmates last semester. But I feel their work still have much room for improvement,so I combine to use the virtual environment with the advantages of their work. Learners can move and click the objects in the virtual reality space,and they can be linked to the knowledge website through the Internet. Learners can enjoy the interesting ,fast,interactive and efficient learning environment. This work is done by the Space Magician Ver3.0, which is used to design a 3D virtual reality environment. And the users can enjoy the net-surfing and through the hyperlinks to get the information.


A professor once told me that scientists have already known a lot about vortices, but less about how to tackle with them in here and there cases. As to my mind, this means knowing by halves. As a matter of fact, I gradually found that human may not know more than a dragonfly! A dragonfly flying in a figure of eight pattern does know about Vortices Recycling. The highlight of the experiment is the hovering ability upon a fixed point in the air. Who can stay longer will be the king of Vortices. Sometimes I am not so optimistic about mimicking a fly or a bat, but I am really very interesting in discovering which flying mechanism is more effective,『Fling Mechanism』 or 『In a figure of eight pattern』, if with the same weight and energy? How to implement their mechanism in our flying machine? It is always the best policy to do naturally with vortices. The conservation of vortices is found here and there. Vortex itself is energetic. To gain means to keep. The one who is able to keep vortices will be rewarded. As in life generation and the ability of hovering, the rule follows. Typhoons and tornados still threat us like the beasts. And what’s more, a jumbo-airplane was crashed as beaten by tip vortices of the former airplane. As the dragonflies, the beautiful acrobats of vortices , infuse in tip vortices. Not the strong contradistinction did we realize that it is time for vortices!研究渦旋已經四年。四年之中,涉獵了許多關於渦旋的實驗。當我越了解渦旋,就越佩服那些卓越的昆蟲朋友們,他們可說是調配利用渦旋的大師。從候鳥遷徙的V字型隊伍、海豚的渦旋氣球、到蜻蜓八字型的飛行機制,我很想知道:在一個固定的流場中,到底哪一種運動機制,能最有效率的提供上升的力量?而如何將昆蟲朋友們的高超技術,運用到人類飛行載具上?將是我有興趣的另一項課題。『關於渦旋』是一系列渦旋實驗,目的就是自基礎開始深入了解在地球這樣環境下渦旋的性質。(一)探討基礎的渦旋本質(二)產生相對運動下物體的的渦旋架構(三)物體取得升力和失去升力的要件(四)昆蟲飛行機制探密(五)未來展望與渦旋的運用經過長時間的觀察可以了解到:1、渦旋遵守動量守恆。是以渦旋出現時是成對的2、渦旋是具有能量的。在上升力取得方面,當攻角過大時,渦旋剝離,造成能量的損失;以至於飛行載具失速。而蜻蜓是保有渦旋並加以利用的高手,自然事半功倍。順勢而為,渦旋增強。


從美洲蜚蠊的消化道分離出的一株Bacillus屬細菌,暫且稱之為Bacillus cockroach,能產生抗生素,對革蘭氏陽性細菌有較強的抑制作用,對革蘭氏陰性細菌的抑制作用則較弱。此抗生素對Staphylococcus屬細菌的抑制尤其明顯,甚至能抑制37株也能抗褐黴素(fusidic acid)的多重抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)臨床分離株。以100 ml之Luria-Bertani(LB)培養基培養B. cockroach,生長在培養3.5小時後進入靜止期,於第23小時開始產生抗生素,培養第28小時所取得之離心過濾菌液於第28小時達到最高峰,然後逐漸下降,至第40小時完全消失。若在培養至第20小時添加20 ml LB,離心過濾菌液出現抑菌活性高峰的時間大致不變,但抑菌活性增強,活性消失的時間也延至培養48小時之後。將抑菌活性最強的離心過濾菌液稀釋50倍之後,仍然有明顯可見的抑菌作用;而有抑菌活性的離心過濾菌液以100 0C加熱10分鐘,活性不受影響,以滅菌釜加熱5分鐘則仍可保有70%以上的活性;而以蛋白質分解酶proteinase K處理1小時之後也仍然保有抑菌活性。因此B. cockroach產生的抗生素是否為胜肽類仍待確定。以離心過濾菌液處理S. aureus的實驗結果則顯示B. cockroach產生的抗生物質能殺死S. aureus,而非只是抑制其生長而已。


胰島素依賴型糖尿病(insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; IDDM)是一種胰島素無法正常分泌的自體免疫疾病;而NOD老鼠(non-obese diabetic mouse,NOD)的病徵與其非常相似。藉由觀察NOD老鼠發病前後外顯行為及疑導組織切片的差異,我們認為胰島素依賴型糖尿病的致病機轉是因為T細胞工及胰島組織中製造胰島素的β細胞,使胰島素分泌不足而引起糖尿病;而樹突狀細胞(dendritic cell,DC)是調控淋巴細胞反映的重要調節細胞,未來可望利用樹突狀細胞進行胰島素依賴型糖尿病的免疫調控治療。本實驗即是利用IL-4、GM-CSF使NOD老鼠的骨隨幹細胞分化樹突狀細胞,並藉由控制NOD老鼠的年紀與的數突狀細胞培養天數,希望取得較多的數突狀細胞,以利未來免疫治療之用。Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a spontaneously occurring autoimmune disease in which cellular immune components mediate destruction of the insulin-producing βcells of the pancreas. It begins with an asymptomatic stage during theβcells are gradually destroyed. These patients have to depend on injecting insulin to lower their blood glucose, facing the dander of being infected. So we want to research into the cause of IDDM by model animal- NOD mouse (non-obese diabetic mouse). We observe the differences of exterior behavior and sections of pancreas organization between NOD mice and normal ones. It has been shown that the immunophological mechanism of IDDM is T cells destroy βcells of genetically predisposed individuals and result in insufficiency of insulin-producing. Dendritic cells(DC), having great Ag-presenting ability, are related to IDDM. We cultivate bone marrow stem cells of 5-week-old,8-week-old, and 21-week-old NOD mice treated with IL-4,GM-CSF and make them differentiate into dendritic cells. The result shows that using 8-week-old NOD mice to cultivate will get the largest amount of dendritic cells. We also compare the percentage of differentiated DCs for 6 days’ culture with 9 days’,and we find that 9 days’is better. Dendritic cells are the effect Antigen-presenting cells which can be used for immunotherapy of IDDM , though , its complicated mechanism still needs further researching and developing. We hope in the future IDDM patients could get rid of the suffering of injecting insulin in their whole life.


本研究主要是以台北市中心的氣溫觀測站,以及市區外圍東邊的汐止,南邊的屈尺,以及西邊的山佳等三個氣溫觀測站,從1998 年至2004 年的七年期間的氣溫資料中,來探討台北地區的熱島效應現象。這個研究的結果發現,台北市區與周遭鄰近地區確實會因為熱島效應的影響而產生1~2℃的溫差。這個溫差在白天時不甚明顯,在中午過後,便由台北市中心逐漸向郊區遞減,形成類似同心圓狀的分布。溫差最大值發生在夜晚,使得台北地區晚間宛如一座夜晚增溫的城市,同時夏季的熱島效應又較冬季顯著,氣溫又逐年遞升,造成夏季台北市區的高溫屢創新高,將是未來都市發展的危機。This study is focused on the urban heat island effect of Taipei Basin, northern Taiwan. The hourly temperatures of Taipei meteorological station and three rural sites eastern Hsi-Chih, southern Cyu-Chih and western San-Chia, were compared from 1998 through 2004 to illustrate the temperature differences between city center and surrounding country areas. The results show that a difference of 1~2℃ exists between city center and surrounding country areas, indicating the extent of urban heat island effect in the Taipei Basin. The daily temperature contours show a clear high-temperature bull’s eye at the city center during the midnight, implying the high latent heat trapped by the dense and high rise buildings. This phenomenon is not sharp in the high noon due to the reduction of temperature difference between city center and surrounding country areas. The heat island effect is most prominent in the summer than that of the winter. Along with the increasing temperature-difference trend through years, the summer times often experience record-breaking heat waves and pose great risks for the city development in the future.