

Lighting Up The Brain

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease in which current diagnostic tools are invasive and lack the ability to diagnose early-onset dementia. Current antibody-based diagnostic tests for neurodegenerative diseases require invasive measures such as a lumbar puncture, and lack specificity to biomarkers that are found in both healthy individuals and patients with AD. In this project, a design for a carbon dot(CD)-bound bispecific antibody is developed for the minimally- invasive diagnosis of AD. The molecular probe can be easily synthesized with a specificity to amyloid- beta (Aβ) oligomers as it distribution and abundance in the brain suggest they are better predictors of disease progression and are present in the early-onset of the dementia. The bispecific antibody conjugated to the CD displays a low affinity to transferrin receptors (TfRs) which allows the probe to cross the blood-brain barrier via receptor mediated transcytosis leading to a minimally invasive diagnosis. A synthesis technique was developed to conjugate the bispecific antibody to the CD. As a proof of concept, this technique was used to couple bovine serum albumin (BSA) to CDs. The structural and optical properties of the CDs were observed. By synthesizing a novel carbon dot conjugated specific antibody that emits light at a specific wavelength in the near-infra red region, the molecular probe displays optical properties suitable for the minimally-invasive diagnosis using fNIR- spectroscopy.



Body Movement Generation for Expressive Violin Performance Applying Neural Networks




Using EEG Neuro-Feedback technology to control a prosthetic hand

Unaffordable healthcare and excessive plastic waste are both alarming issues that are plaguing modern society. Recent studies conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) report that about 15% of the world's population suffer from a form of disability, of which 50% of the demographic cannot afford adequate health care. Furthermore, 8 million metric tons of plastic annually enter our oceans (apart from the 150 metric tons that currently circulate our oceans!). In conjunction to the global plastic pollution crisis, unnecessary invasive surgery is currently being done on amputees. Many of these desperate patients are forced to pay exorbitant prices in order to live a normal life with bionic prosthetics. The solution… Project Limbs - an EEG, 3D printed prosthetic printed from recycled plastic. Signal processors will be implemented to build an affordable and easy-to-use ‘mind controlled prosthetic hand’, that requires no invasive surgery.

Synthesis of Mesoporous Carbons and Their Application for EDLC

The quick increasing energy consumption arouses the interest in the development of power storages. Electrochemical supercapacitor is one of clean and sustainable candidates of energy storage system, and porous carbons are the most potential candidate as electrode materials for electrochemical supercapacitor because of their large surface areas, high chemical and physical stability, good conductivity, as well as low cost. In this work, we synthesized the mesoporous carbons by using ZnO nanoparticles as sacrificing template via nano-casting synthetic process and natural porous carbon materials. The synthesized porous carbon has a mesoporous structure. Because the surface area and pore size of the synthesized mesoporous carbon are larger than that of the coconuts fiber-derived carbon, the CV plots show that the synthesized mesoporous carbon has a good rectangular shape and a much better performance than that of the coconuts fiber-derived carbon. We also develop an easy way to discriminate how well a supercapacitor works. We applied these porous carbon-based electrodes on both handmade as well as the commercial capacitors and measured their electrical performances. The handmade EDLC is less efficient than the commercial capacitor.


本文企圖將公認的剛性△區分為軟和硬△,軟硬△定義如下:「若給定△的每一內角都不存在比分角線能多切一點點的塞瓦線,則此△被稱為硬△,否則為軟△。」文中推出兩項主要結論,(一) 若等腰△的頂角角度在36度及771/7度之間則為硬△,否則為軟△。(二) 一般△(非等腰△)三內角角度若都在45度及75度之間則為硬△,否則為軟△。明顯看得出來,任何鈍角及直角△都是軟△,只有部分銳角△才有機會是硬△。文章最艱難的部分是在18種擺放方式中,將僅存的七種成功擺放方式的臨界點都找出來,藉著臨界點的位置條件將∠B最大及最小範圍和∠A角度的關係式導出,作為可否多切一點點的依據,∠B的最大值和最小值曲線兩者之間空隙表示在定值∠A下,∠B取角的容許範圍,其越大越容易舉例。在七個可成功塞入的臨界點擺放圖的尺規作圖中,有幾個非常困難,文中利用圓錐曲線幫忙定位,簡化作圖難度。


本研究旨在探討由0與1組成長度為n的二元字串中滿足000-子字串數和111-子字串數相同(稱為平衡)之排列方法數。我們分成3個部分來探討:一、首先我們利用程式計算二元3平衡n字串和二元3非平衡n字串的個數,並觀察在不同n值下,平衡與非平衡字串個數之規律性;二、接著我們發現非平衡字串個數在000-子字串和111-子字串之差值為一固定形式時,不同長度之字串符合個數會形成一階差數列,我們對此猜測提出證明並嘗試利用此性質推導出二元 3 平衡 n 字串個數之一般式;三、最後探討二元 3 平衡 n 字串個數之成長速度,推論當 n 值極大時,二元 3 平衡 n+1 字串的個數大約為二元 3 平衡 n 字串的個數的2倍。同時,我們也將3平衡推廣至r平衡,提出一些相關的結果。

Improving Particle Classification In Wimp Dark Matter Detection Using Neural Networks

In all experiments for detection of WIMP dark matter, it is essential to develop a classifier that can distinguish potential WIMP events from background radiation. Most often, clas- sifiers are developed manually, via physical modeling and empirical optimization. This is problematic for two reasons: it takes a great deal of time and effort away from developing the experiment, and the resulting classifiers often perform suboptimally (which means that a greater amount of expensive run time is required to obtain a confident experimental result). Machine learning has the potential to automate this and accelerate experimentation, and also to detect patterns that humans cannot. However, two major challenges, which are shared among several dark matter experiments, stand in the way: impure calibration data, which hinders training of models, and unpredictable physical dynamics within the detector itself. My objective was to develop a set of machine learning techniques that address these two problems, and thus more efficiently generate highly accurate classifiers. I was able to obtain raw data for two dark matter experiments which exhibit these challenges: the PICO-60 bubble chamber [2], and the DEAP-3600 liquid argon scintillator [1]. For each experiment, I developed and compared three general-purpose algorithms intended to resolve its inherent challenge (impurity and unpredictable dynamics, respectively). In PICO-60, background alpha and WIMP-like neutron calibration datasets are used for training; however, there is an impurity of 10% alphas in the neutron set. While a conventional classifier was developed (and is believed to be 100% accurate), machine learning in the form of a supervised neural network (NN) has also been previously explored, because of the benefits of automation. Unfortunately, it achieved a mean accuracy of only 80.2% – not usable as a practical replacement for conventional methods in future iterations of the experiment. In DEAP-3600, photons are absorbed by a wavelength shifting medium and re-emitted in an unpredictable direction, before being detected by one of 255 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) around the spherical detector. The randomness severely limits the accuracy of conventional classifiers; in a simulation, the best so far removes 99.6% of alpha background, while also (undesirably) removing 91.0% of WIMP events. Because of physical limitations, simulated data is used for calibration, with 30 real-world experimental events available for testing. I have written a research paper [11] about my work on PICO-60, which has been approved by the PICO collaboration and pre-published at https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.11308. It is currently undergoing peer review for publication in Computer Physics Communications. All PICO researchers are listed on my paper for their work on the original PICO-60 experi- ment. They did not contribute to this study; I completed and documented it independently.


本篇將探討在正n邊形中的內接正四邊形,即此正四邊形的四個頂點分別位於正n邊形的四個不同邊上。我們將正n邊形依邊長數分為n=4k、4k+1、4k+2、4k+3,透過電腦繪圖、尺規作圖法及公式驗證,得到以下結論:正n(n=4k)邊形有無限多個共中心內接正四邊形,而其餘正n邊形中,皆只有一個(本篇中圖形經過旋轉對稱後,大小、位置相同者為全等,則視為 "同一個")內接正四邊形,且在n=4k+2時,內接正四邊形必和正n邊形共中心;n=4k+1或4k+3時,內接正四邊形必不和正n邊形共中心,但內接正四邊形之中心必在正n邊形的一對稱軸上。最後我們提供一個能在所有的正n邊形畫出內接正四邊形的尺規作圖法。