


本研究在探討台灣的黯化現象與形成因素,黯化現象為太陽輻射量到達地表的減少現象。我們藉由比較西元1961~ 2008年間,台北、台中、台南、大武、蘭嶼、花蓮六個測站的各項氣象因子進行分析處理並探討其變化情形與成因。 \r 研究結果顯示,台灣地區的都市測站(台北、台中、台南)日照時數、日照率、全天空輻射量均呈現先下降後上升的趨勢,顯示1961至2000年間確實存在黯化現象,而在鄉村測站(大武、蘭嶼)則有微幅改變但較不顯著。並藉由可能影響黯化現象各氣象因子的比對,發現最高溫的增加幅度遠小於最低溫,可能表示黯化現象部分削弱了暖化現象。另外,溫度均較差也逐年縮小,亦可以當成黯化現象的一個顯著的指摽。在造成黯化現象成因中,污染物和雲量最為明顯。在有雲量的影響下,台灣地區汙染物濃度對黯化現象的影響程度,依序為硝酸鹽類>PM10>二氧化硫,此外少量污染物也會使雲量大幅增加,故兩者對黯化現象會產生交互影響。由雲量改變量對應日照時數改變量/雲量改變量的分析圖中,可看出都市地區年平均雲量改變量大於15%時,其雲量每減少10%,日照時數約減少3~22%;若年平均雲量改變量小於15%時,則對黯化現象不具統計意義。取每年十月中雲量在1以下的天數來分析各污染物對全天空輻射量影響,可發現雲量極低時,單位污染物濃度對黯化現象影響,SO2最大,NOx次之,PM10最小。

The garnets of the schlich of the winter coast (the White Sea)

During an expedition to the White Sea Winter Coast, samples of schlich with numerous garnets were collected. The coast itself is primarily a set of high steeps of sandstones and mudstones with no garnets. On the beach, however, there are numerous pebbles of metamorphic rocks, and many of them contain garnets. They were brought there by the Quaternary glacier and the present day glacier activity. Their source could be the existing or fully eroded metamorphic rocks of the Kola Penninsila and Northern Karelia.\r Goal of the research: To discover the possible origin of the garnets.\r Tasks: 1) To analyze the structure and the chemical composition of the garnets. 2) To study the works on the garnets of the Kola Penninsila and Northern Karelia in order to compare the information to the results of the analysis.\r Methods: 1) Granulometric analysis; 2) Magnetic and electromagnetic separation; 3) Microscope study of the garnets; 4) X-ray diffraction analysis; 5) X-ray fluorescence analysis. \r RESULTS\r 1. The sample garnets could be divided into two types: the bright red and the pale pink.\r 2. Both types are almandines with spessartine components. The pale-pink one contains Arizona ruby components, and the bright red contains andradite ones. \r 3. Only a few samples from Khangaz Varaki, Malye Keivy, and Tersky Coast are similar to the garnets that we collected. It is possible that the glacier brought them from the Kola Penninsula, but it is also possible that the rocks, where the glacier brought our garnets from, have been totally eroded.


Pleistocene mammals of a river basin of Adycha

The paper represents the results of study of remains of mammalians which inhabited the Adycha-River basin (Verkhoyansky Region) during the Pleistocene Epoch. All studied materials belong to the Museum of Paleontology and Ethnography of the Adychinskaya Secondary School. For a long time, People have been finding ancient animal bones on the Adycha-River banks, and since 1955, the teacher, Bozhedonov Nikolai Gerasimovich, has been organizing exploring local lore expeditions for school children purposed for mammoth fauna investigation and material collection for the school museum. In this research collected material was classified, measurements of the Pleistocene Period animal bones were made. On the basis of it we came to conclusion that during the Pleistocene Epoch, very rare species of animals inhabited the Adycha-River basin. To our opinion, the Adycha-River basin is a unique site for research activity. Comparative measurements of the Pleistocene Periods animal bones were made. Of flu work we know measurements of the Early and Middle Pleistocene Period elephant’s bones which inhabited the Adycha-River basin. Elephants inhabited with mammoth. To our opinion, they didn’t yield to size to mammoth. In that time the Adycha-River basin, was been inhabited by camelopard, bison and Soergelia.\r Museum has 2 skull’s fragments and ovibos fronts part of horny stream. Geological age which is Early Pleistocene or late Pleistocene. These bones concern to Praeovibos. Distance between horns is more 100 mm. If we compare with ovibos skull of the Late Pleistocene we see that distance between horns is longer for the 10 time. We couldn’t found such comparisons at scientist’s works. It results that the more distance between horns is longer the more ancient, and skull’s sizes are much less.\r 7-8 km lower of Betenkes, in disclosing “?????? ???????” and sand bank “??????”, was been founded 3 crag’s part of skull of Soergelia, metacarpal bone and 2 skull’s fragments with horns part. On the Adycha-River basin was bun founded above all quantity of soergelias remains.\r In the Pleistocene Period inhabited a lot of horses. Which remains he have now. Our horse’s height in crest is from 142 to 156 sm. And what about of horses of the Early Pleistocene, it is more than 230 sm.\r Molar teeth of the Early Pleistocene Epoch horse are more for the 2.5 times than of contemporaneous analog.





Microregion Belusske Vrata


觀察逐時雷達迴波圖之後,我們發現冬末春初時節,從傍晚到凌晨這段時間,在宜蘭外海是一條狀雨帶的「好發期」,這條狀雨帶並非由鋒面或其他已知的天氣系統引起,故我們想研究這條狀雨帶強度與其氣候環境間的關係。前人的研究中,並沒有研究宜蘭外海的條狀雨帶,不過,從其他研究類似的條狀雨帶的參考資料中,我們發現大部分的研究認定條狀雨帶的成因,都是由風場輻合所引起,因此,我們想研究是否還有其他促使條狀雨帶形成的原因。先定義出條狀雨帶常出現的範圍,挑出有出現條狀雨帶的時數,並利用軟體Extract Color擷取每ㄧ張圖片中條狀雨帶的像素,藉此將範圍中的回波訊號量化。整理向中央氣象局收集來的氣象資料(風向、風速、氣溫、海溫),與回波訊號的量化數據做對照。結果我們發現,以風的輻合輻散來看,當風的輻合量愈大時,此雨帶也愈明顯;以溫差來看,海溫與氣溫的溫差愈大,此雨帶愈明顯。