Design of a Reflexology System
Many people suffer from aches all over their bodies, whether be it through an injury, inherited features or certain forms of diseases. Going to see a therapist or a specialist can be time consuming and extremely costly. Which is why we’ve decided to develop an automatic system capable of relieving pain in certain areas of the body, all through using reflexology: a form of therapy used to access most of the body using certain parts in the legs, hands and ears. The problematic this project revolves around is that a high percentage of the world’s population don’t know what to do when they feel aches, as they are oblivious to easy and simple massage techniques. Thus, they will resort to taking therapist appointments which most have neither the time nor the money for. Our main focus in this project is developing a system that will help decrease the amount of pain people feel in certain areas, mainly the sinus, the back and also relieving some forms of stress. Our device will function by performing massage on pre-determined parts in the foot; the system will also be automatic meaning it will bring comfort to the user without them ever doing any effort, all at the push of a button or through a remote command from their mobile phones. Our system will also be much cheaper than going to a therapist and a lot faster and more comfortable. To conclude our system offers a modernized version of a therapy technique that has been improved upon and perfected over the years, relieving back pains, sinus pains, stress and many forms of body aches all through our easy to use reflexology system.
人體表面積在醫學的應用相當重要:燒燙傷的評估是以全身面積被灼傷的百分比 表示;營養狀況的評估,新陳代謝率也以單位表面積表示之;體液或藥物之需求量也 是以體表面積來決定劑量;然而人體是一不規則物體,應用一般幾何面積計算公式有 其困難處,如何快速的計算人體表面積,以作為醫療的指引,有其必要性。而青少年 正處於快速發育期,各部位的成長是否會影響表面積的計算,由於目前鮮少對青少年 之專文報告,尤其缺乏台灣地區之調查。為了探索這些問題,乃進行調查與研究。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學10 至15 歲青少年為對象,探討在此發育期間體格 之變化及可能之影響相關因子,並建立體表面積之快速計算公式。本研究隨機取樣以 1209 人形成樣本,其中男生623 人,女生586 人,利用尺秤,取得身體各部位的資料, 並以問卷調查運動、飲食與睡眠等問題,以探討影響此成長期發育之因子。結果發現: 台灣青少年體表面積快速計算公式為(身高x 體重 ÷37)0.5;其體表面積九分法計算方 式也有別於一般歐美成年人的計算法;及此年齡層的身高與體重受運動的頻率、運動 持久性、飲食習慣多寡的影響,而與運動種類及主食種類相關性不大,這項研究的發 現,將有助於醫護人員對青少年問題的處理。Body Surface Area (BSA) has been used in many clinical conditions to calculate the percentage of burned area, to evaluate the nutrition status - the unit of the metabolic rate, to determine the need of fluid supply or the medicine dosage requirement. So precise measurement of BSA is very important, however the human body is an irregular shape, a laborious task using the geometrical method. To establish a simple quick formula to guide the therapeutic treatment is a necessity. Also the rapid growth phase during the adolescent stage might change the BSA in some way. BSA has not been established for the teenagers in Taiwan. To investigate this issue, a total of 1209 healthy elementary and junior high school boys (623) and girls (586) aged 10 to 15 in Taiwan were recruited by random selection. By use of anthropometrical measurements and a health questionnaire to the subject simultaneously, the data was analyzed statistically. The results revealed that a quick adequate formula derived from the body height and weight for Taiwan teenagers was determined by the formula, BSA = [ Height (meter ) x Weight (Kg) ÷37 ] 0.5, the Taiwan teenage “rule of the nine” of BSA is different from that of the adult, and that the frequency and the duration of exercise, the diet habit, and the duration of sleep significantly influence both body growth and weight. These findings may provide significant references for the physicians to treat the clinical conditions of teenagers in Taiwan.
The main reason for the creation of the project was looking for the uncondutuinal support for the entire handicap people that reside in the whole world. \r In all the communities there are barriers that oppse the total development of these people, and what currently exists can not help achieve a full lige for example: it's hard to have a basic education, a productive employment, or in their case to have a simple normal life.\r at the present time there is a serious problem of inequality, this is presented beacuse there has not been a mechanism that has been albe to please 100% of its real demand. That's way what we seek with this prototype, to be able to help them to have and live a better quality of life, it has the function of warning them when an object is near or before them emitting a brief sound that dose not cease until the way is completely free of obstacles, it is also sought to prevent accidents lkie falls, trips, among other, and also to help create more accsess possibilities to help any people that suffer any kind of handicap.\r This is a prototype that is able to help blind people, by heping them become able to move from one place to an other more faster and more securely, these is trying to make them more sure and reliable on them self, also the project is very economical and it was created due to the high quantity of blind men and women that exist in the whole world
STATIN 類降血脂藥物對血管平滑肌細胞一氧化氮合成?的基因調控作用
動脈硬化是個致病率和致死率相當高的慢性發炎疾病。HMG-CoA 還原酵素抑制劑 纇藥物,簡稱statin, 是一類強效的降血脂藥物,而且在臨床上對於心血管疾病有廣泛的 治療效果。然而近年來的研究報導指出,statin 會有如此廣效治療效果,其原因不僅僅 是因為它的降血脂能力,而是statin 也具有抑制發炎作用的效果。雖然臨床上已經證實 statin 可以減緩動脈硬化的病程,但是statin 對於誘發型一氧化氮合成酵素(iNOS)表現的 調控機制還不明確。有文獻指出NOS 代謝產物nitric oxide (NO)可以改善血流,而可能 在動脈硬化上扮演保護角色。值得一提的是雖然適量 NO 有維持血管恆定的功能,過 量時則會造成血壓過低休克的現象,這就是細菌感染後因內毒素 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 作用引發敗血性休克的主要原因之一。在本實驗中,我們使用fluvastatin、lovastatin、 pravastatin 和 atorvastatin 這四種statins 來探討它們對於血管平滑肌細胞由LPS 及IL-1β 誘導iNOS 基因表現的影響。我們發現,statin 可以抑制LPS 所誘發的NO 和iNOS 表現, 但卻會促進IL-1β所誘發的反應。NF-κB 在iNOS 的基因調控上扮演重要的角色,而在 探討NF-κB 被LPS 和IL-1β活化的情形中,statin 同樣會促進IL-1β活化NF-κB,但抑制 LPS 活化NF-κB。我們也發現fluvastatin 對於IL-1β所引發NO 的產生、iNOS 的表現、 NF-κB 的活化,以及p65 向細胞核移動的促進作用,在ROCK 抑制劑Y-27632 的處理後 可以看到相同的現象。IKK kinase assay 顯示Y-27632 對於LPS 所促進的IKK 活性影響 很小,但是會促進IL-1β的活化作用。接著,在ROCK 的活性方面,LPS 會抑制原本已 表現的ROCK 活性, 而相反的,IL-1β會增加ROCK 的活性。總括來說,這些結果顯示 ROCK 在血管平滑肌細胞中扮演IKK/NF-κB 的負向訊息調控者角色,而這個機制在LPS 和IL-1β的訊息傳遞路徑中有不同的調控。即ROCK 以負向調控機制角色影響IL-1β的 訊息傳遞,卻不存在於LPS 的情況中。就是因為透過反轉這個負向調控的機制,statins 3 和ROCK 抑制劑對於LPS 及IL-1β引發血管平滑肌細胞的iNOS 表現,呈現相反的調控 結果。這些作用可能參與statin 預防血管再阻塞,抗發炎,抗動脈硬化的作用。此外Statin 抑制LPS 的iNOS 表現作用或許將來可運用於治療敗血性休克。利用基因微陣列分析也 偵測到一些受fluvastatin 正向或負向調控的基因,目前我們正朝鑑定基因的表現改變及 確認其功能,生理意義進行實驗中。 The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase inhibitors, statins, are potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis and have wide therapeutic use in cardiovascular diseases. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the beneficial effects of statins may extend beyond their action on serum cholesterol levels. Although statins have been shown to reduce progression of atherosclerosis, little is known about mechanism by which statins affect iNOS expression. Optimal level of NOS product, NO, possesses the anti-inflammation and anti-proliferation effects in atherosclerosis, while large amount of NO contributes to the septic shock in response to bacterial endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this study, we investigated the effects of fluvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin and atorvastatin on IL-1β- and LPS-induced NO production in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). We found statins can inhibit LPS-induced iNOS expression and NO production, while they can potentiate IL-1β-elicited responses. In studying the activity of NF-κB, which plays an important role for iNOS gene induction, we found that fluvastatin can increase IL-1β-induced p65 nuclear translocation and NF-κB activity, while inhibit those induced by LPS. The potentiation effects of fluvastatin on IL-1β-induced NO production, iNOS expression, NF-κB activation and p65 nuclear translocation were all mimicked by a ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632. IKK kinase assay showed that Y-27632 itself has minimal effect on LPS-induced IKK activation, while enhances the response of IL-1β. Studies on examining ROCK activity showed LPS can downregulate constitutive ROCK activity, while IL-1β oppositely increases ROCK activity. Taken together these data suggest ROCK is a crucial negative regulator of IKK/NF-κB signaling pathway in VSMC, and this negative control is existing in the action IL-1β, but is absent in the action of LPS. Through abrogating the function of this negative regulator, statins and ROCK inhibitor thus differentially regulate iNOS expression induced by LPS and IL-1β in VSMC. These results suggest that stimulation of iNOS expression in the presence of IL-1β might contribute to the beneficial effects of statins in atherosclerotic process in terms of vasodilation, anti-inflammation and inhibition of smooth muscle cell proliferation. In contrast, the diminishing effect on LPS-induced NO response possibly may provide new therapeutic strategy in sepsis. Al these results strengthen the pleiotropic actions of statins in anti-inflammation and anti-atherosclerosis. Preliminary microarray analysis further revealed several genes either upregulated or downregulated by fluvastatin. The identification of these genes and studying their functional roles in atherosclerosis are currently in progress.
超音波應用於臨床已行之有年,而以穿透式超音波打入腦部的想法也已提出,本實驗目的即為測試低強度間歇性超音波達到腦部受傷後治療的可能。本實驗採用星狀細胞培養模式來探討,首先以腫瘤壞死因子α(Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, TNF-α)模擬中風缺氧的狀態,並利用低強度間歇性超音波刺激星狀細胞,然後檢測其培養液中一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)的濃度變化,以及大腦衍生神經營養因子(Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor, BDNF)、神經膠質衍生神經營養因子(Glial-derived Neurotrophic Factor, GDNF)之mRNA 表現的情形。由實驗結果顯示,在TNF-α存在狀況下則能使NO 濃度上升,施打低強度間歇性超音波可促使NO 增加,並提升上述BDNF、GDNF 兩種蛋白質之mRNA 表現,BDNF 可幫助支持神經元生存,促使新神經元和突觸的發展及分化;GDNF 可有效提昇許多類型神經元生存率;而適當之NO 濃度可以調節神經傳遞物質釋放和腦血流,乃至於影響到記憶的產生。我們初步的結果也顯示在TNF-α存在下,超音波可以增加BDNF 及GDNF 蛋白之產生,因此本研究成果顯示低強度間歇性超音波可提供有利於神經元的環境。The ultrasound technology has been widely applied in the clinical practice for many years, such as monitoring of fetus, lithotripsy, rehabilitation after fracture, as well as the ultrasound stimulation of brain tissue, etc. The purpose of this study is to investigate the therapeutic effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the injured brain. In this study, we adopted the in vitro model of astrocyte cultures. The tumor necrosis factor- α (TNF-α) was used to simulate the condition of ischemic stroke. We used LIPUS to stimulate the cultured astrocytes, then we ssessed the concentration of nitric oride (NO) in the culture medium. We also assessed the expression of messenger RNA (mRNA) of both brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The results showed that NO increased after the addition of TNF- α. In addition, treatment of LIPUS increased the expression of NO, as well as the mRNA of both BDNF and GDNF. The BDNF is able to support the survival of neuron, as well as stimulate differentiation of neurons and synapses. GDNF can also increase the survival of various kinds of neurons. Furthermore, NO may regulate the secretion of neurotransmitters, increase the blood flow in the brain, as well as enhance the processing of memory. Our preliminary results also demonstrated that both BDNF and GDNF protein increased in response to LIPUS in the presence of TNF-α. Therefore, treatment with LIPUS implicated an environment favoring the protection of neurons.
臉部皮膚會長出小小骨頭喔!皮膚多發性粟粒型骨瘤的發現,X光顯像,治病機轉與雷射在治療上的應用。本篇研究是探討一種特殊又不易偵測的骨瘤,皮膚多發性粟粒型骨瘤(MMOC),利用各種X光顯像技術,應用在痤瘡病患,偵測其分佈、發生率和疾病之可能相關;並利用組織病理發現去推測致病機轉;且利用各種雷射光,在體內與體外進行治療性的探索,並獲致重要的結論如下:(1)MMOC非常常見,每個人都有可能發生,但臨床不易被偵測,跟性別無關,但與年齡增長成正相關;(2)病灶分佈包括額頭、眼皮、鼻子、臉頰及頸部,與痤瘡的病灶分佈十分類似,但與痤瘡的疾病活性與疤痕的嚴重度並無相關。(3)利用乳房攝影的斜切照影技術,是最簡易有效的偵測方式。(4)病理組織中有些皮膚腫瘤伴有MMOC存在,並非此腫瘤有其特異性。(5)MMOC是一個因為皮膚毛囊皮脂腺在不明顯的發炎下所造成的轉化型骨形成反應。(6)紅寶石雷射及銣-雅鉻雷射對色素性骨瘤是一有效的去除技術。鉺-亞鉻雷射及二氧化碳雷射磨皮技術,對嚴重痤瘡疤痕並有MMOC患者,亦為一良好治療方式。Multiple Miliary Osteoma Cutis(MMOC) is a kind of special condition and difficult to detect clinically. By using different kinds of X-ray techniques and compared the clinical data from the patients with acne of face, by observing the changes of skin tissue specimens for searching the possible mechanism of osteogenesis and by using scanning electron microscopic observation and energy dispersive Xray analysis for evaluating the biophysical effects on osteoma after Ruby, ND-YAG, Erbium:YAG or CO2 Laser irradiation, we concluded that: MMOC, a very common condition, may develop in everyone. MMOC can be easily demonstrated by the modified mammographic technique. The density of calcification in MMOC is not related to the sex of patients, the activity of acne, and the severity of atrophic scar but correlated with the age of the patients. MMOC, a non-specific condition, results from metaplastic ossification occurring within preexisting subclinical inflammatory processes of the pilosebaceous unit and may be found incidentally in different kinds of facial tumor. Ruby or ND-YAG laser may have some explosive effect on pigmented MMOC. CO2 or Erbium:YAG laser dermabrasion can be used to treat MMOC with acne scar.
特定基因的表現與不同氧自由基的產生,已知會影響細胞的生長和死亡。我\r 個人有興趣利用間質幹細胞體外培養擴充,以為筋骨組織再生的可能應用。因此\r 利用轉植(transfect)突變ras 基因(Glu61Leu)進入骨髓間質細胞株(HS-5 cells),來\r 控制ras 基因表現的高低,進而研究這些間質細胞隨著Ras 蛋白質表現的高低,\r 對氧自由基引導細胞生長與死亡之影響。結果發現ras 基因高度表現的間質細胞\r 生長減緩;相較於原生株平均減少62.4%。進一步研究其生長減少是否與細胞凋\r 亡有關,發現ras 基因高度表現的間質細胞凋亡確實比原生株高22.6%。探究其\r 凋亡原因,發現與caspase-3 有關但和粒腺體功能無關:因為caspase-3 有活化,\r 但是以粒腺體膜電位螢光追蹤劑JC-1 測得的膜電位卻沒有改變。追蹤ras 基因高\r 度表現的間質細胞其細胞內氧自由基的產量,發現Ras 高度表現株其細胞內氧自\r 由基明顯增加。當細胞外加入超氧根轉化酵素(SOD, 500 U/ml)去清除超氧根時,\r 對Ras 高度表現細胞的凋亡沒有影響;但是外加觸化酵素(catalase, 500u/ml)於培\r 養液中,卻可以抑制ras 基因高度表現的間質細胞內caspase-3 活化和細胞凋亡;\r 並且增加細胞生長循環促進分子Cyclin D1 的表現。從這些研究我們歸結出兩點\r 重要新發現: 1) ras 基因突變造成Ras 高度表現時,會促成細胞內特定氧自由基產\r 生,使得細胞生長減緩並進行細胞凋亡,只有特定抗氧化酵素(catalase)才能恢復\r 其異常; 2) Ras 蛋白高度表現而引導氧自由基產生的細胞凋亡與caspase-3 活化\r 有關,但與粒腺體功能無關。根據這些發現,未來我們或許可以朝調節特定氧化\r 還原反應或使用caspase-3 抑制劑去調控間質幹細胞的生長,以供筋骨組織再生\r 的應用。Certain gene’s expression as well as different species of oxygen radicals can\r affect cell growth and apoptosis. We are interested in amplifying mesenchymal\r progenitor cells for the application of musculoskeletal tissue regeneration. Thus, we\r transfected a mutant ras gene (61Glu/Leu) to change Ras protein expression in the\r mesenchymal progenitor cell line (HS-5 cells) and studied how ras expressing levels\r influenced intracellular oxygen radicals, and its relationship to cell growth and\r apoptosis. Results showed that Ras over-expressing HS-5 cells grew slower than those\r with wild type ras HS-5 cells and revealed a higher apoptosis rate. The higher\r apoptosis in Ras over-expressing cells was not related to mitochondrial dysfunction\r since mitochondrial membrane potential was normal as determined by flow\r cytometric analysis of JC-1 fluorescent staining assay. The higher apoptosis was\r related to higher caspase-3 activation. Further studies showed that Ras\r over-expressing HS-5 cells revealed a higher production of intracellular oxygen\r radicals in comparison to those with wild type ras HS-5 cells. Addition of catalase\r (500 u/ml) but not superoxide dismutase (SOD; 500 u/ml) specifically revived the cell\r growth associated with increase of cyclin D1 expression, but decrease of apoptosis\r associated with lower caspase-3 activation. Results from these studies demonstrated\r two important findings: 1) the ras gene over-expressing in a ras-mutant HS-5 cell line\r triggers a higher production of intracellular oxygen radicals resulting in higher cell\r apoptosis; and 2) the higher oxygen radicals related cell apoptosis is mediated by\r caspase-3 but not mitochondrial dysfunction. Based on these findings, we may\r propose to regulate mesenchymal progenitor cell growth for musculoskeletal tissue\r regeneration via modulation of redox reactions or caspase-3 inhibitors in the future.
Crying Babies
a. PURPOSE: Do babies between 0 – 3 months have certain sound reflexes that can be interpreted as a language? Can parents be helped to understand their newborn babies better? Are parents aware of infantile speech patterns and language acquisition in babies? b. PROCEDURES: 70 Babies of different cultures were tested to determine if the 5 crying-sounds can be an indication of the baby's need. Questionnaires and information were given out at hospitals and clinics. Doctors, paediatricians, sisters and parents were involved in my project. DVD's were made to show and explain the different sounds. c. DATA: I obtained my data from the questionnaires, interviews with parents, doctors, paediatricians and the staff working in the labour-wards. 70 Babies were tested (68 responded) and I listened to every cryingsound to make sure that there are only 5 different sounds. I made a DVD from all the sounds of the babies that I've tested. Data were also gathered from science. d. CONCLUSIONS: According to all the research and sources, I can positively say that a person can identify the reason why babies (0-3 months) are crying. Babies of any culture, have universal sounds that indicate their needs. The different sounds are: EH – upper gas, EAIRH – lower gas, HEH – discomfort, OWH –tired, NEH – hungry.
Purpose Although Body Mass Index (BMI) is accepted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the standard method of measuring a person’s obesity or lack thereof, it is restriction to the two measurements of height and weight. This makes its accuracy questionable. By using other easily obtainable body measurements, a better way of evaluating Body Mass Index is possible. The purpose of this project was to show that the BMI formula is only accurate to a certain degree and that its validity varies depending on certain factors used in my project. Procedure 50 Adolescent female aged 16-20 and 50 women aged 40-56 none of whom were noticeably obese or underweight volunteered. Using a simple questionnaire, several measurements were taken – age in months, caliper measurement of tricep and hip bone, shoe size, height in metres, hip waist and wrist measurements (cm), exercise per week, heart rate and body type. Results were tabulated and graphs drawn using EXCEL. BAI (Body Adiposity Index) measurements were calculated for all volunteers. Results The girls and women with pear and hourglass figures were classified by BMI as overweight or obese. The girls and women who exercised a lot were also unfairly classified by their BMI readings. Many of the graphs show that BMI is not accurate, however, others show that there is merit to the formula. Conclusions The results while interesting require a larger sample group to be conclusive. It would appear that the BMI formula needs to be extended in order to improve its accuracy. Further research includes: 1. Larger sample group, 2. Representative age groups, 3. Investigate males, 4. Look at data for different ethnic groups, 5. Research into BAI formula as a possible substitute, 6. Develop an improvement on BMI. Although, there is some merit to BMI formula, it could be greatly improved with the use of other measurements including those used in this project.