含羞草會因為受到各種不同外界刺激(光照、外力等等),而造成膨壓改變。外 觀上表現出葉片閉合或有葉柄下垂的現象。其中含羞草處在黑暗的環境下一段時 間後,會做出睡眠運動。當它重新暴露於光照之中,將會需要一段時間以恢復原 先葉片張開的樣子。這個實驗是研究不同類型的環境因子(主要是光照和溼度)在打 破睡眠運動之後,對其葉片復原時間所造成的影響。我們針對上述環境因子在不 同狀況時,進行我們的實驗上百次,進一步得到了多項的數據。也在實驗中,為 了精確了解整個恢復的程序,而將恢復程序程序做成書面說明。以下是我們所紀 錄與分析完數據後的結果,以及我們在實驗期間,進行一些不同的實驗嘗試,所 發現不同於表面所見的驚人事實。 The mimosa can accept plenty of stimulation (light, force, etc), which results in the change of turgor pressure, and on outward appearance, it shows the phenomenon that the leaves become closed or that the stalks get pendent. Among the stimulation, the mimosa will undergo nyctinasty when it is left in the dark for a period of time, in order to enable it to be exposed to the light once more, which requires certain time. This experiment is based on how different kinds of elements of the environment (primarily light and hydro level) effects the rehabilitation time after the nyctinasty is broken. A large number of data are gained after experimenting on it for hundreds of times. Steps of habilitation are also made into illustration in writing, so as to understand the whole steps accurately in the experiment. Below are our records and analysis based on the data, including a few special experimental tries during our working time, in which some surprising facts that were discovered are different from what are seen on the surface.
本次研究利用Web Sevrice軟體系統和Microsoft SQL Server的全文搜尋(Full-Text search)並藉由使用者選擇的圖片組合排列從系統資料庫中檢索比對,篩檢出正確或者最相似的餐點。Web Service 是建立於網際網路上之系統架構,且為一個具開放性、分散式的軟體元件,其基礎建立在HTTP、XML、SOAP、WSDL和UDDI等標準協定上,此研究即是透過Web Service系統與資料庫伺服器的連結進行。很多數位化資訊是以沒有結構化的文字資料,存成純文字檔及格式化的文件。這一類的文字資料儲存在檔案系統,而許多組織現在將這一類資料儲存到關聯式資料庫。這樣做就可以廣泛利用資料庫的好處-包括高效能存取、查詢能力、對使用者而言簡單的應用程式使用者介面,以及安全的遠端存取、查詢能力、對使用者而言簡單的應用程式使用者介面,以及安全的遠端存取。運用此功能即可在配對完成時搜尋最佳的結果並加以排名。「打破語言隔閡-以圖點餐之數位餐廳 」不只消除語言隔閡,更讓點餐手續方便許多,並讓錯誤的可能性降低。另外圖片資料庫的增減簡單快速、介面明瞭易懂。希望這些應用及創新能讓人們用餐方便及餐廳事業蓬勃發展。This research uses Web Service software system and Microsoft SQL Server. To choose the correct or the most similar meals by checking the combination and arrangement of the pictures chosen by users form the system data banks. Web-Service is a system structure establishes at the Internet. And its an open, dispersed software part. Its foundation is established at the standard agreement of HTTP,XML,SOAP,WSDL, and UDDI. The research proceeds by linking Web Service system and data-bank server lots of digital data are stored as words files and stylization documents without any structural words data. This kid of ward data are stored at file system, and many organized systems now store them at connected data banks. By doing this, people can make the most advantage of data banks- including efficient access, inquiry abilities, simple applies user’ interface, and safe remote access. People can find the best results and place them when this function finishes matching. It can not only eliminate language barriers but also make order procedure more convenient. It can also lower the mistake possibilities. In addition, we can increase or decrease pictures of data banks easily and fast. We can make the interface understood easily. We hope the applications and innovations can make it more convenient for people to order meals. And the business of restaurant can be developed successfully.
Molecular and Cellular Responses under Hypoxic Stress among Rice Cultivars with Different Flooding T
全球暖化造成水災頻繁,嚴重威脅植物生存。看似耐淹水的水稻,在完全淹水下亦有其生存危機。水稻FR13A 因耐水性極佳而常用於分子育種,IR64 產量高卻不耐水。是那些特質使稻種間有不同耐水機制?我們觀察其幼苗淹水24 小時後生長情形、通氣組織 (aerenchyma) 變化及應用即時反轉錄聚合?鏈反應 (real time RT-PCR),研究酒精醱酵的主要蛋白質:乙醇脫氫? (alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH1, 2) 及丙酮酸脫羧? (pyruvate decarboxylase, PDC2) 基因之表現量。兩種水稻的胚鞘及根都因淹水減緩生長,以FR13A 減緩最明顯。通氣組織在淹水期間都有增加,FR13A 中的形成近似於對照組,IR64 則明顯較差。FR13A 中ADH1 及ADH2 在淹水一小時後迅速增加60 至100 倍,IR64 僅增加10 至20 倍。PDC2 在IR64 中表現量的增加幅度較大,但最大值仍小於FR13A 之基礎表現量。由此可知,FR13A 在完全淹水時成長減緩而原有通氣組織則持續生長,且酒精醱酵中的基因有獨特誘導反應,因此耐水性較佳。藉由此研究揭開水稻細胞及分子生物學上的耐水反應策略,將可更精準地改良稻作使其對抗淹水逆境,解決未來因環境造成的糧食危機。Global warming increases the frequency of flooding, which drastically reduces the growth and survival of plants. Although rice (Oryza sativa) appears well-adapted to flooding of roots as it is often farmed in paddies, problems arise when the whole plant is submerged in water. I am interested in the structural and molecular responses that result in different submergence tolerances in rice cultivars. Indica rice FR13A is submergence-tolerant and frequently used in molecular breeding for this trait, while IR64 is a high-yield but submergence-intolerant cultivar. In this study, I monitored the growth rate, aerenchyma formation, and gene expressions of the carbohydrate metabolism in FR13A and IR64 seedlings subjected to submergence for 24 hours, by means of real time RT-PCR and microarray. FR13A had prominently inhibited coleoptile growth and sustained levels of aerenchyma formation whereas IR64 did not. The mRNA levels of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (ADH1) in FR13A was induced prominently, while ADH2 was induced in IR64 during early hours of submergence. The induction of pyruvate decarboxylase 2 in FR13A was stronger than IR64. The expression of sucrose synthase was similar in both strains. Expressions of the genes involved in anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism were also studied by analyses of microarray data. My findings demonstrate that elongation quiescence, persistent aerenchyma formation and shifts in anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism gene expressions are beneficial strategies of FR13A towards submergence. Through elucidating the molecular basis of coordinating submergence tolerance genes as this study provided, it will be possible to discover multiple traits associated; hence crop improvement for flooding tolerance could be achieved.
The human eyes can adjust automatically the color of object under different illuminants. But digital camera does not have such mechanism, must join the white balance to simulate the color constancy of human eyes. There are many existing white balance methods. They can be categorized into two types. The first type utilizes the widespread assumption on the dealing natural scenery, which has the advantage of simplicity. Another type explores knowledge of the semantic content, which has the advantage of accuracy. In this study we modify and enhance the widespread assumption methods that can adopt the advantage of the simplicity and accuracy. Our proposed method is structured in two main parts: a color cast detector and a color cast remover. The detector first analyzes the color distribution of the image with simple statistical tools to determine whether or not the image has color cast. The remover, a modified and enhanced version of the widespread assumption methods ( gray world and max RGB ), is then applied on the color cast image. From the experiment results, it demonstrates the efficacy and performance of the proposed method.人類的視覺能夠自動修正因光線變化而改變的物體顏色,但是數位取像設備的感光元件卻不具有這樣的功能,必須加入白平衡的功能,才可模擬人眼維持色彩恆常的特性。現有的白平衡演算法可分為兩大類型,第一類型為廣泛假設型,具有運算速度快、與取像設備無關的特性,但是平均誤差會較大;另一類型為預知特性型,其特徵為準確性較高,但是運算較速度較慢、建立色彩特性資訊時所需的成本較高,本篇研究針對廣泛假設型的演算法做些修正與增強,使其具有較小的平均誤差以獲得較佳色彩品質的影像。我們將影像的色偏校正分為色偏偵測與色偏移除等兩個階段來進行,由於僅有被偵測出有色偏的影像才需要進行色偏的移除,所以可以避開將無色偏或固有色偏的影像做錯誤的修正,由實驗的結果看來,我們的方法確實有效,除了具有運算速度快、與取像設備無關的優點外,其色偏校正能力也較現有的方法好,使得影像色彩更能與人眼所見相近。
均相沉澱法製備CZA 觸媒之探討
本研究以均相沉澱法合成多成分的銅鋅鋁觸媒系統,並嘗試克服傳統共沉澱法的不均勻性且提高比表面積,過程中我們利用改變尿素濃度、水添加量、反應溫度與時間等四種變因成功合成出具有高活性的銅鋅鋁觸媒。研究得知最佳的合成條件為尿素3M 並添加三倍體積的水,在95°C 下反應2 小時。與傳統觸媒相比,均相反應合成的銅鋅鋁觸媒除了有較小的粒徑外,其還原溫度也較低,顯示較佳的觸媒活性。而在250°C 甲醇重組的製氫反應條件下,均相反應合成的銅鋅鋁觸媒也有較高的甲醇轉化效率、氫氣產生率以及CO2 的選擇率,而添加鈰與鋯可更進一步使觸媒活性再提升。未來除可利用此合成方法合成均勻性佳的多成份材料,亦可應用此高效能觸媒進行甲醇重組反應以產生氫氣提供燃料電池使用。; Multi-composition Cu-Zn-Al catalyst system was synthesized by homogeneous precipitation method. This method was anticipated to improve the homogeneity of metal mixing and to increase the surface area of catalyst derived by conventional co-precipitation method. In the research, we successfully synthesized Cu-Zn-Al catalyst with high activity by adjusting four experimental parameters -- urea concentration, water amount, reaction temperature and reaction time. The better catalyst can be obtained under urea concentration of 3M diluted by 3 times water, and the kinetics conditions of 95°C and 2h. Compared with the co-precipitation method, homogeneous precipitation method derived Cu-Zn-Al catalyst performed higher methanol conversion, hydrogen production rate and CO2selectivity under methanol reforming reaction at 250°C. Modifying the support by addition of Ce and Zr might further improve the activity of the catalyst. In the future, not only can this method apply on synthesizing other multi-composition materials with high homogeneity, but also the high performance catalyst can be used to do methanol reforming reaction in order to supply hydrogen on fuel cell.
Steroid hormones are very important for physiological homeostasis, but some functions of steroids are still unclear during embryonic development. Embryonic cell movements are required forming embryonic body. Recently, there is already known Pregeneolone (P5) which could affect epiboly movement of zebrafish embryos is the first product of the steroidogenesis pathway, but effects of further downstream products on epiboly movement are unknown. In order to know this, we treat embryos with Pregnenolone (P5), 17α-Hydroxypregnenolone (17OH-P5), DHEA, Progesterone (P4), 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone (17OH-P4), 11-Deoxycortisol (D), or Testosterone (T). We found out that P5 can accelerate epiboly movement, 17OH-P5 and D have no significant effects on it, and DHEA, P4, 17OH-P4, and T can decelerate it. These results indicated that steroids play important roles on embryonic epiboly movement in zebrafish. 類固醇荷爾蒙對生理平衡很重要,但其對於胚胎發育的影響仍舊不明。胚胎個體的形成需要胚胎細胞進行不同的移動排列。目前研究已知類固醇荷爾蒙生合成機制的第一個產物pregnenolone (P5)對斑馬魚胚胎epiboly 移動有影響,但其它更下游的類固醇荷爾蒙對epiboly移動的影響仍然未知。為了了解類固醇其他下游產物對魚卵早期細胞移動的影響,將胚胎處理Pregnenolone (P5) 、17α-Hydroxypregnenolone (17OH-P5) 、DHEA 、Progesterone (P4) 、17α-Hydroxyprogesterone (17OH-P4)、11-Deoxycortisol (D)、Testosterone (T),發現17OH-P5、D對epiboly 的移動沒有影響,而DHEA、P4、17OH-P4、T 會使其變慢。這些結果說明了類固醇對胚胎細胞的移動扮演著重要角色。
多變色膽固醇型液晶面板為利用具雙穩態(Bistable)特性及因螺距不同而反射特定波長的膽固醇型液晶(CLC)。本研究創新作法為二:一、利用固化的方式使膽固醇型液晶螺距大小不同,使變色機制不同於一般電腦液晶面板,所製的液晶面板為以液晶的特性變色。二、將液晶螢幕中控制液晶的IPS 系統、側邊電極應用於液晶白板中。雙層液晶白板上層為混合E7(向列型液晶)+S811(旋光物質)的Bistable CLC,下層為混合RM82、CB15、BL006、I-369 的多變色(Multi-color)CLC 面板。The main purpose of the research plan lies in the application of the CLC. By using the Cholesteric -the bistable and the wavelength due to different pitch sizes- we can make liquid crystal whiteboard. First, by heating and curing, we are able to cause the pitch sizes of CLC to be different. Unlike the commonly used LCD in computers, the features of CLC itself are applied to the color changing mechanism we make. Second, we apply the IPS horizontal electric field and flank electrode to our LCD whiteboard. In making the Multi-color CLC Display, we mix RM82, CB15 and BL006.
我們在校園內設置兩樣區,從2007 年4 月至2007年6月,共調查9株姑婆芋,93朵佛焰花,以瞭解姑婆芋生活史、傳粉昆蟲生活史及兩者之間的互動關係。 姑婆芋在11 月至7 月花期時會不斷產生佛焰花苞,剛冒出的花苞經過1到3天後,雌蕊漸成熟,佛焰苞會漸漸展開,開始產熱及一些特殊氣味,吸引果蠅科未知種的蠅類傳粉。當胚株受粉後,佛焰苞頸部會閉合,迫使傳粉昆蟲會往上爬到雄蕊部位攜帶花粉,飛至另一株姑婆芋雌蕊上傳粉,因此姑婆芋與傳粉昆蟲之間具有互利共生的關係。佛焰花序主要產生氣味的部位是在附屬物及雄部,而佛焰苞則可以幫助吸引更多傳粉昆蟲。佛焰花序的附屬物及雄部相對溫度較高,可能具有產熱以吸引傳粉昆蟲的功能。 ;Our study started from April, 2007 to June, 2007. We observed a total of 9 Alocasia odora and 93 spathes to help understand the life cycle of these understory clonal herbs, its pollinators, and the relationship between them. Alocasia odora produces spathes continuously during inflorescence. In the female phase, the pistillate part of the inflorescence ripens and an opening appears at the spathe, heat and a special odor is produced to attract pollinators of Drosophilidae. When the ovule is pollinated, the male phase begins and the opening encloses, which forces the pollinators upwards to the staminate part to carry its pollens, and then fly to an other Alocasia odora, Heat and the special odor are produced by the appendix and the staminate part of the inflorescence, and the spathe can increase the number of pollinators attracted. The relationship of mutualism between these two species contribute to the study of coevolution.
我們先假設有一正方體及一截過正方體之平面,並設正立方體為一k*k*k 之立體。為計算平面截過之單位正立方體個數,我們必須先分別計算各層被切過之個數再將之相加,因此將各層面投影至同一平面,簡化為平面上之問題,並討論其性質/規律,計算平面截此正立方體之個數。如此,便可以一般化數學式計算平面截正立方體個數之問題。接著,用以上方法為基礎,討論各種平面切正立方體之類型,將被平面所截之單位立方體個數以電腦程式算出,觀察數字變化及其性質規則,並找出最大值發生之條件。 We initially supposed that there are a regular hexahedron consists of unitary n × n cubes and a plane which incises the regular hexahedron. To calculate the total number of the unitary cubes incised by the plane, we can first calculate them layer by layer and then sum them up. And further, we project each layer on the same plane, so the three-dimensional problem is simplified into two-dimension. By making use of the character which results from projection, we can easily calculate the number of the unitary cubes incised. Consequently, we are able to calculate them with a general equation. Afterward, we research each circumstance that the plane incises the regular hexahedron on the base of the mentioned methods. Calculate them with self-designed computer programs, and observe the regulation and change of the result. Furthermore, we can find out when it will achieve the maximum.
聲致發光效應(sonoluminesence)為最近二十年來相當新穎的研究領域,其基本原理是利用超聲波將水中的氣泡集中,並使之隨著超聲波快速且連續的膨脹壓縮,當氣泡被壓縮至最小時溫度急遽上升,並放出藍白色的光芒。正因為這是一個嶄新的領域,所以許多實驗是以嘗試錯誤的方法去進行,但也因此發現了一些特殊的現象:1. 氣泡在正常的頻率(30kHz)以外,經過一段不可發光的頻率後,還可在更高頻率(接近40kHz)的地方發光2. 氣泡發光效率曲線在不同性質溶液中的差異3. 針對高頻率發光及雙泡發光的部分,做了兩個相關的假設並進一步驗證,得到了相當特別的結論。至今已有許多關於此研究的成果發表,但對於同時兩顆氣泡存在並發光的雙泡發光現象(double-bubble sonoluminesence)卻還很少人研究。因此我們嘗試較系統化地分析雙泡發光,期望能夠對這個現象有進一步的認識,並對日後的多泡發光(muti-bubble sonoluninesence)研究奠定基礎。Sonoluminescence has been a very popular topic for the past twenty years. Single-bubble sonoluminescence occurs when an acoustically trapped and periodically driven gas bubble collapses so strongly that the energy focusing on collapse leads to light emission. Because it is a new topic, few related experiments on this issue have been carried out before. However, while doing the research and making adjustments at the same time we discovered some special phenomenon: 1. Besides the normal amplitude frequency (30kHz) added on the bubble, we found that after a period of frequency which can not emit, the bubble is able to remain and emit in higher amplitude frequency (about 40 kHz). 2. We also compared the emission efficiency when bubbles are in different liquids. 3. To explain part of the results in high frequency and double-bubble sonoluminescence, we made two assumptions and attempted to demonstrated them in the end of the report. Some research studies in this field have been released already; nevertheless, few people concentrate on “double-bubble sonoluminescence.” Therefore, we attempt to systematically analyze the emission of double-bubble, expecting to have more comprehension of this marvelous effect and also establish the fundamental background to “muti-bubble sonoluninescence.”