為觀察不同波長光對植物光合作用要素「葉綠素含量」的影響。實驗材料甘藹(蕹菜種、台農57號、台農64號)組織培養苗。正常光照三週,使其具備基本之根、莖、葉,再移入不同顏色雙層玻璃紙(藍光、綠光、紅光)所構成不同光質之光照環境。除觀察生長狀況外,亦利用分光光度計測定葉綠素a、葉綠素b及兩者總含量。結果顯示藍光和紅光為促進葉綠素合成之主要光譜。藍光組合成的量為對照組的 80.5%;紅光組合成的量為對照組的82.5%。更進一步利用氧氣電極測定光合作用速率。結果顯示以紅光組的光合作用最為旺盛。紅光組光合作用速率為對照組的68%。This is study dealt with how light of different wavelengths make a difference on the content of chlorophyll. The material was tissue-cultured sweet potato(Weng-tsay native variety, Ipomoea batatasL cv. Tainung 57 and Ipomoea batatas L cv. Tainung 64). For first three weeks, we exposed them under normal sunlight so that they would possess basic structure such as root, stem and leaves. Then we moved them into different illumination environments (blue, green and red light) made by double-layered glass plates. Besides inspecting their growth, we also measured the quantity of total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a, b with spectrophotometer, Hitachi U2000. The results indicated that blue and red light was the main spectrum to accelerate the content of chlorophyll. The plant grown in blue environment had content 80.5% chlorophyll of the control group; while 82.5% in red environment. Furthermore, we used oxygen electrode to inspect their rate of photosynthesis. The result showed that the red light treatment highest rate of photosynthesis among treatments, which was 68% of the control group.