
Design of a Reflexology System

Many people suffer from aches all over their bodies, whether be it through an injury, inherited features or certain forms of diseases. Going to see a therapist or a specialist can be time consuming and extremely costly. Which is why we’ve decided to develop an automatic system capable of relieving pain in certain areas of the body, all through using reflexology: a form of therapy used to access most of the body using certain parts in the legs, hands and ears. The problematic this project revolves around is that a high percentage of the world’s population don’t know what to do when they feel aches, as they are oblivious to easy and simple massage techniques. Thus, they will resort to taking therapist appointments which most have neither the time nor the money for. Our main focus in this project is developing a system that will help decrease the amount of pain people feel in certain areas, mainly the sinus, the back and also relieving some forms of stress. Our device will function by performing massage on pre-determined parts in the foot; the system will also be automatic meaning it will bring comfort to the user without them ever doing any effort, all at the push of a button or through a remote command from their mobile phones. Our system will also be much cheaper than going to a therapist and a lot faster and more comfortable. To conclude our system offers a modernized version of a therapy technique that has been improved upon and perfected over the years, relieving back pains, sinus pains, stress and many forms of body aches all through our easy to use reflexology system.

Auto-control water consumption System

By saving water you are saving lives including yours. All of us know that water is an invaluable and priceless gift. We can’t dispense it. The consumption of water differentiate from one country to another, we may use over quantities of water, in other countries people are thirsty living under the limits of poverty .It’s very important for agriculture, industry even human animals and plants can’t live without water. But people are careless, they consume a huge quantities of water in shower, washing car, gardening…. So that we thought to make this brilliant project F.W.S (frugal water system). This system is connected with you mobile phone by an application that shows you your water consuming and makes you control it. It record in every minute your consumption. This control system helps us to preserve water for the future generation. Besides, it tells you the price that you will pay and warns you if you pass the quantity of water that you should consume in a defined period. So you can also save your water bill. So we have to make this project works to let every person know that he is doing squandering water. With this system we can save planet resources of water. Finally, the water is as precious as our lives and with frugal water system, we will be able to monitor and control our water consumption. Also be alerted in the event of a leak or flooding. This project helps us to preserve water, reduce and avoid over-consumption. So we have to stand together against water squandering by making this project works.

"turn" -on (free food and renewable energy )

Nowadays Electric energy is the most useful in the world because we use it every day for lightening, work, entertainment ext … but electric energy also can be expensive and it will pollute the air plus we all know that the air pollution is getting worse. Our world consumes a huge amount of electric energy . Also we know that the homelessness is getting higher all around the globe and it reached a high percentage. The high price and the sudden cut of the electric energy and with it the air pollution makes a big problem. That’s why we created this project named TURN ON which is a friend of the environment and a friend of the humans. Our product will help us to produce and create strong, clean and renewable energy plus it will help the homeless to have free food and free transport tickets. After doing a lot of researches we found that our new method of producing energy gives a great electric energy and limit pollution. The kinetic energy is produced using rotations. That’s why we used the rotations of motorbikes, bicycles, cars wheels and turn that mechanical energy (wm) into electrical energy (we) that we can easily use in our daily life plus we can help homeless by giving them food widgets… in exchange with the electrical energy that they produced while using bicycles…After performing several tests and taking notes, we are able to conclude that our apparatus is indeed efficient as it is able to convert the rotation into electronic energy that we can store and use in emergencies to solve this big problem and in the same time to limit air pollution with using bicycles and reducing hunger regarding homeless. This machine should be easy to implement, cheap, does not depend on any other parameters such as the wind. Any rotation in any place can be a source of Electrical Energy. To facilitate the use of this new device, A START UP will be launched to rent electric bikes for “free”, distribute free food, snacks, tickets to homeless regarding to the energy production.

Carbone monoxide filtre

Carbon Monoxide is a very toxic and dangerous that threatens our life and can cause sudden illness and death. It is the most abundant, by mass, pollutant gas generated by the engine due to the lack of oxygen and thus presented in our lives. It is true that the oxidation catalyst absorbs carbon monoxide from the exhaust of cars during combustion. But that is not enough, the catalyst is only effective when the exhaust temperature is high (more than 400°C) which is not available in a short path. To protect ourselves from this toxic gas, we must find solutions and innovative ideas to fulfill this objective. And this is how our project was created. Our focus in this project is to create a filter that can absorb carbon monoxide using the minimum of energy possible. It will be more efficient unlike the traditional method that not only needs high range of temperature (higher than 400°C) but also takes a long period for the reaction to occur.

Optimization of honey production by monitoring the behavior of bees based on studying their sounds

This is a first approach in the development of beekeeping and the preserving of bees, a crucial and important species in the balance of ecology on our planet. This project consists in designing and building a small affordable device that will help beekeepers keep an eye on their hives and prevent theft whenever and wherever they are by providing them with instant and continuous data and information about their beehive status through a mobile application. This IOT approach will rely on many physical variables especially the sound frequency of the bee buzz, which appears to be a way for the bees to communicate with each other in special circumstances. That is why; we aimed to analyze the sound frequencies of the bee buzz to detect beehive behavioral changes. Many other factors are also important for the keeping of a healthy beehive such us temperature, humidity, weight and fly activity. And as for security measures we are going to add a GPS tracker to the system to keep track of the hives and alert the beekeeper if there is any kind of danger. The development of this real time beehive monitoring system will not only help the beekeeper keep track of his hive and collect useful data but also increase the honey production and avoid many colony losses and thus preserve the bees and ensure their well-being.