本實驗是針對聖女蕃茄、櫻桃、火龍果、加州李子、奇異果與恐龍蛋等六種水果以水煮、油浴、微波、微波加油等四種方式來處理,求出水果的抗氧化活性與處理時間的關係,並且利用Arnao研究的ABTS/H2O2/HRP分析系統,以不同濃度的維生素C與延遲時間畫圖作為標準曲線來測量本實驗總抗氧化力效果。\r 由本實驗結果可以了解不論熱處理方式為何,其對六種水果之抗氧化活性初期有增加趨勢,其中以加州李子,火龍果與奇異果尤其明顯,但隨著時間增長則抗氧化活降低。為得到較佳抗氧化效果,火龍果與櫻桃宜用微波處理而奇異果與聖女蕃茄則用油浴較佳,恐龍蛋用水煮方式較適宜,加州李子則適用任何熱處理方式。
\r This research has examined the antioxidant activities of six knids of fruits under\r four diffetent ways of cooking.The fruits being tested include tomato,cherry,Hyloceeus\r polyrhizus,plum,kiwi and peach and the ways of cooking include boiled in water,fried\r in oil,microwaved and microwaved in oil.The antioxidant activites of the cooked\r fruits were evaluated by the ABTS/H2O2/HRP method developed by Arnao and they were\r compared to the antioxidant activities of vitamin C.\r
\r The result showed that the antioxidant activities of six kinds of fruits under four\r different ways of cooking were initially increased with heating but they were slowly\r decreased with longer time of heating.Among those fruits tested,the antioxidant\r activities were significantly increased in plum,Hyloceeus polyrhizus,and Kiwi.To\r improve antixoidant activities of fruits by cooking,Hyloceeus polyrhizus and cherry\r is better be microwaved,kiwi and tomato is better be fried,and peach is better be\r boiled. \r
本實驗利用簡單的儀器(使用毛細管與注射針筒), 求出不同混合比例之有機溶液的各個成分之蒸氣壓、蒸發速率與蒸發量 , 進而可推算出蒸發熱速率,而利用此實驗得到的數值,並可應用在不同的領域,如日常生活中之散熱劑、工業上之機器散熱、及醫療上之人體退燒等,均可利用此實驗程序找出適當的比例,\r 並可進一步理論探討「拉午耳定律中正負偏差」以及「蒸氣中各成分的組成活性」。
\r In this experiment, simple instruments including capillary tubes and syringes are\r used to find vapor pressure, rate of evaporation, and evapotranspiration of all\r elements of organic solution under different mixed proportions. In this way, the\r rate of evaporation that can be compared ; therefore, becomes suitable for different\r areas that include heat dissipation for daily life, machine heat dissipation for\r industry, and fever reduction for medical applications. In other words, the experiment\r proposed here can be utilized to find the appropriate ratio. Meanwhile, we can use\r the results to perform the theoretical investigation of Positive-Negative Bias of\r Raoult's Law and Component Activity of Vapor.
Design of a Computer Interface for a Robotic Arm Actuated by VHB 4910
Recently, there have been several researches aimed at the feasibility of electroactive polymers (EAPs) replacing motors as robotic actuators – the driving forces behind mechanical devices. However, current EAP actuators are either hard to control or incapable of discrete accurate movements. The research aims to design a computer interface that makes it possible for the electroactive polymer, VHB 4910, to become an effective substitute for bulky motors in effecting precise and accurate control of a robotic arm.
The research mainly discuss the influence on the rate of zinc iodine with different solution as catalytic agent. We use water, acid water, ethanol methanol acid ethanol, and acid methanol and so on as different solution to participate in the process of an equation: Zn+I2 → ZnI2 to work out the variation of the product's amount. Besides, we also change the proportion of Zinc and Iodine to discuss the difference between the proportion of reactant and the product's amount. The result shows that the product of this equation is ZnI2 not Zn(I3)2. Ethanol and methanol have the same effect as water to accelerate the process of the equation. We find out that this reaction get higher product's amount in acid condition. Also, put the mass Zinc with the mass iodine can get higher product's amount, Furthermore, acid in specific range (0.01M—1.00M), the denser the acid is, the higher product's amount we get. But how the water as catalytic agent work in the reaction is the direction we can research deeply in the days to come.
鋅和碘作用生成碘化鋅的反應,是用水作為催化劑,然而一小滴水卻使這個反應劇烈進 行,我們嘗試了多種和水具有相同作用的催化劑,由於反應時間極短不易測量,我們考慮由 產率部分著手,讓原本只需一小滴的水〈催化劑〉改為此反應的溶劑,計算其產率的變化。
Double Pedal Curve
設Γ為一平面曲線而 P 為一定點 , 自P 向Γ所有的切線作對稱點,則所有對稱點所成的圖形Γ1 稱為曲線Γ對定點P 的double pedal curve , Γ1 對定點P 的double pedal curve Γ2 稱為曲線Γ對定點P 的2-th double pedal curve , Γ2 對定點P 的double pedal curve Γ3 稱為曲線 Γ對定點P 的3-th double pedal curve ,…… 。以下是本文主要的結果:結論A:當Γ為一圓形而P 為圓上一點時 , 計算其n−th double pedal curve 的方程式。結論B:當Γ為任意平滑的參數曲線而P 為任意一點時 , Γ的 double pedal curve 的切線性質。結論C:當Γ為任意平滑的參數曲線而P 為(0,0)時, 計算其n−th double pedal curve 的方程式。
Given a plane curve Γand a fixed point P ,the locus of the reflection of P about the tangent to the curveΓis called the double pedal curve of Γwith respect to P.We denote Γ1 as the double pedal curve of Γwith respect to P, Γ2 as the double pedal curve of Γ1 with respect to P , Γ3 as the double pedal curve of Γ2 with respect to P ,and so on , we call Γn the n-th double pedal curve of Γwith respect to P. If Γ is a circle, and P is a point on the circle, we got the parametric equation of the n−th double pedal curve of Γ with respect to P. And, for any parametric plane curve Γ; we got the method to draw the tangent of the double pedal curve of Γ.
Whe we think of chemistry experiments in schools from the view of environmental\r protection, microscopic chemistry experiment with reduced quantity and waste is\r the trend for experiments in the future. It is also the target that everybody shall\r aim for. After many failures and instructions from teachers, I finally successfully\r performed electrolysis of the most micro-volume of one-drop solution. It was also\r unbelievable to perform quantitative test within the electrolysis time of color\r disappear from the blue cupic sulfate solution.
\r To clearly see the one-drop solution electrolysis, instrument starts from magnifier\r to self-assembled micro project, then upgraded to the miro-visual screen. It not\r only can record,also plays/shows in the computer. Most importantly, it is the most\r environmental protection effective and also zero pollution microsopic chemistry\r experiment. It is obviously a target of future development trend.
\r 我們從環境保護的角度去思考常校的化學實驗時,減量減廢的微型化學實驗已是未來實驗的趨勢,也是大家應共同努力的目標。在多次失敗及老師的啟發下,我終於成功的做到電解最微量的一滴溶液。對於從藍色硫酸銅溶液顏色消失的電解時間裡,還可做定量的檢定感到不可思議!
\r 為了更清楚看到一滴溶液的電解情形,儀器的設計由放大鏡到自組顯微投影機,最後進階到顯微視訊的畫面,它不但可記錄下來,而且可在電腦中播放。最重要的是:最環保也最接近零污染的顯微化學實驗,已然是未來可發展下去的目標。
Automatic Sterilization System for Operating Rooms?
The ASSOR is a device that allow to perform the sterilization function in hospital areas, the most important sectors of the hospital where it is required to implement this type of systems are the operating rooms, intensive cares, baby care, pathology, etc. The principle of the present project is a system that enables or either disables a valve that allows the fluid of the product, antiseptic or sterilizing, inside the room to be sterilized. The main application of this system is, after the manual cleansing of the room, in a control board, the procedure is turned on. The ASSOR consists, in general, of an electro valve that controls the fluid of the antiseptic into the room, a fan system, the electronic control circuit for the application of the product and electronic circuit to have a synchronized control of the system, and finally the product application in the target room.
The main reason for the creation of the project was looking for the uncondutuinal support for the entire handicap people that reside in the whole world. \r In all the communities there are barriers that oppse the total development of these people, and what currently exists can not help achieve a full lige for example: it's hard to have a basic education, a productive employment, or in their case to have a simple normal life.\r at the present time there is a serious problem of inequality, this is presented beacuse there has not been a mechanism that has been albe to please 100% of its real demand. That's way what we seek with this prototype, to be able to help them to have and live a better quality of life, it has the function of warning them when an object is near or before them emitting a brief sound that dose not cease until the way is completely free of obstacles, it is also sought to prevent accidents lkie falls, trips, among other, and also to help create more accsess possibilities to help any people that suffer any kind of handicap.\r This is a prototype that is able to help blind people, by heping them become able to move from one place to an other more faster and more securely, these is trying to make them more sure and reliable on them self, also the project is very economical and it was created due to the high quantity of blind men and women that exist in the whole world